void sys_FileExists(PA_PluginParameters params){ char *file = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFindFile; BOOL ret = FALSE; // assume file doesn't exist // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> BOOL file = getTextParameter(params, 1); if (NULL != file){ hFindFile = FindFirstFile(file, &FindFileData); // if a valid handle we should test whether it's not a directory if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFindFile){ ret = (0 == (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); // set exists FindClose(hFindFile); // close handle } freeTextParameter(file); } PA_ReturnLong(params, ret); }
// ------------------------------------------------ // // FUNCTION: sys_GetDocumentList( PA_PluginParameters params ) // // PURPOSE: Return a list of files in a directory. // // DATE: MJG 6/4/04 (3.6) // // UPDATES: MJG 7/5/05 (3.6.2) Updated to set the 4D variable, Error, // when an error occurs. // // AMS 9/16/14 #40405 (6.4) Updated to return the oldest entries first // and take in a starting index for specifying // where the list of returned files begins. // // // ------------------------------------------------ void sys_GetDocumentList(PA_PluginParameters params) { LONG lReturnValue = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG lFileCount = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG lArraySize = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG lEndIndex = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG lCount = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG const LONG lFileLimit = 1000; char fullPath[MAXBUF]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fFindData; DWORD ret = 0; DWORD lastError = 0; HANDLE NextFind = 0; BOOL bGetAllFiles = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA fileList[1000]; // parameter variables char *patPathName = NULL; char *patFilePattern = NULL; LONG palMaxFilesToReturn = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG palFileSort = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG LONG palStartIndex = 0; // WJF 6/30/16 Win-21 LONG_PTR -> LONG PA_Variable paReturnFileList; // Get the function parameters. patPathName = getTextParameter(params, 1); patFilePattern = getTextParameter(params, 2); paReturnFileList = PA_GetVariableParameter(params, 3); palMaxFilesToReturn = PA_GetLongParameter(params, 4); palFileSort = PA_GetLongParameter(params, 5); // AMS2 9/30/14 #40405 Moved the sort parameter to be before start index palStartIndex = PA_GetLongParameter(params, 6); // AMS2 9/16/14 #40405 // Clear out the return array. PA_ResizeArray(&paReturnFileList, 0); // AMS2 9/19/14 #40405 Passing in the start index is optional, if a value is passed in then it is assumed that the user put in a number relative to a starting index of 1 instead of 0 for c/c++ arrays if ((palStartIndex != 0) || (palStartIndex > 0)) // WJF 6/24/16 Win-21 NULL -> 0 { palStartIndex--; } else{ palStartIndex = 0; } // WJF 4/7/15 #41624 If they haven't chosen a valid sort option, set to default if ((palFileSort != 1) && (palFileSort != 2)) { palFileSort = 0; } if (patPathName != NULL && patFilePattern != NULL) { // Check if the path is valid. ret = GetFileAttributes(patPathName); if ((ret & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0 && ret != INVALID_DIRECTORY) { // Build the full path name. if (patFilePattern[0] == '\0') { snprintf(fullPath, MAXBUF, "%s%s*.*", patPathName, patPathName[strlen(patPathName) - 1] == PATHCHAR ? "" : PATHSTR); } else { snprintf(fullPath, MAXBUF, "%s%s%s", patPathName, patPathName[strlen(patPathName) - 1] == PATHCHAR ? "" : PATHSTR, patFilePattern); } // Get the first file. NextFind = FindFirstFile(fullPath, &fFindData); if (NextFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // AMS2 9/18/14 #40405 Loop through the files in the directory and build a list to sort. Currently the max files that can be stored from a directory is 1000. lastError = ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES; bGetAllFiles = (palMaxFilesToReturn <= 0); while ((NextFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (lFileCount < lFileLimit)) { if ((fFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { // AMS2 9/19/14 #40405 When a file match is found, insert it into the file list array. fileList[lFileCount] = fFindData; lFileCount++; // Count the number of files that match the pattern. } if (!FindNextFile(NextFind, &fFindData)) { lastError = GetLastError(); break; } } // end while // AMS2 9/18/14 #40405 Sort the array using compareFileTimeCreation which takes in two win32 find data variables and compares their creation dates. if (palFileSort == 1) { qsort(fileList, lFileCount, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))compareFileTimeCreation); } else if (palFileSort == 2) // WJF 4/7/15 #41624 Sorty by alphabetical order { qsort(fileList, lFileCount, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))compareAlphabetical); } // AMS2 9/18/14 #40405 Get all of the files if 0 is passed for the max files parameter. if (palMaxFilesToReturn == 0) { palMaxFilesToReturn = lFileCount; } // AMS2 9/18/14 #40405 If the start index or end index is out of range, then set them to the file count. if (palStartIndex > lFileCount) { palStartIndex = lFileCount; } lEndIndex = palMaxFilesToReturn + palStartIndex; if (lEndIndex > lFileCount) { lEndIndex = lFileCount; } // AMS2 9/22/14 #40405 As long as the end index is within the file limit, insert the requested file names into the return array // starting at the specified start index and end at the start index + the max number of files to return. if (lEndIndex <= lFileLimit) { for (int i = palStartIndex; i < lEndIndex; i++) { lCount++; if (lCount > lArraySize) { // Increase the size of the array. lArraySize = lCount + ARRAY_LOAD_VALUE; PA_ResizeArray(&paReturnFileList, lArraySize); } PA_SetTextInArray(paReturnFileList, lCount, fileList[i].cFileName, strlen(fileList[i].cFileName)); } } } else { lastError = GetLastError(); } FindClose(NextFind); } else { lastError = GetLastError(); } } if (lastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES || lastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { setError(0); PA_ResizeArray(&paReturnFileList, lCount); // AMS2 9/22/14 #40405 When the file selection has finished with no more files in the dir or a file has not been found, resize the return array to the number of files inserted into the array. lReturnValue = 1; } else { setError(lastError); PA_ResizeArray(&paReturnFileList, 0); } PA_SetVariableParameter(params, 3, paReturnFileList, 0); freeTextParameter(patPathName); freeTextParameter(patFilePattern); PA_ReturnLong(params, lReturnValue); }