static void handleViewResized(void *self, WMNotification * notification) { WMSplitView *sPtr = (WMSplitView *) self; #if 0 printf("---- (handleViewResized - 1) ----\n"); dumpSubviews(sPtr); #endif updateConstraints(sPtr); checkSizes(sPtr); if (sPtr->constrainProc || sPtr->flags.subviewsWereManuallyMoved) { distributeOffsetFormEnd(sPtr, _GetSplitViewSize() - getTotalSize(sPtr)); checkPositions(sPtr); updateSubviewsGeom(sPtr); } else adjustSplitViewSubviews(sPtr); assert(checkSizes(sPtr) == 0); #if 0 printf("---- (handleViewResized - 2) ----\n"); dumpSubviews(sPtr); #endif }
//LCOV_EXCL_START : void NAType::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent) { #ifdef TRACING_ENABLED // NT_PORT ( bd 8/4/96 ) fprintf(ofd,"%s nominal size %d, total %d\n", indent,getNominalSize(),getTotalSize()); #endif }
int writePendingData() { const int numToDo = getTotalSize() / 4; int start1, size1, start2, size2; prepareToRead (numToDo, start1, size1, start2, size2); if (size1 <= 0) return 10; writer->writeFromAudioSampleBuffer (buffer, start1, size1); const ScopedLock sl (thumbnailLock); if (receiver != nullptr) receiver->addBlock (samplesWritten, buffer, start1, size1); samplesWritten += size1; if (size2 > 0) { writer->writeFromAudioSampleBuffer (buffer, start2, size2); if (receiver != nullptr) receiver->addBlock (samplesWritten, buffer, start2, size2); samplesWritten += size2; } finishedRead (size1 + size2); return 0; }
void Filter::OnHdnEndtrackList1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LPNMHEADER phdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHEADER>(pNMHDR); int tot = getTotalSize(); tot -= listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem); tot += phdr->pitem->cxy; int diff = phdr->pitem->cxy - listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem); if(phdr->iItem == 3){ phdr->pitem->cxy = listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem); }else if(diff > 0){ if(listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem+1)-diff<10){ phdr->pitem->cxy = listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem); }else{ listctrl->SetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem+1,listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem+1)-diff); } }else{ int resize = diff * -1; if(listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem)-resize<10){ phdr->pitem->cxy = listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem); }else{ listctrl->SetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem+1,listctrl->GetColumnWidth(phdr->iItem+1)+resize); } } savePropersize(phdr->iItem,phdr->pitem->cxy); fixSizing(); *pResult = 0; }
Size FlowLayout::getSizeWith(const Size&,size_func) const { if(_ctrls.size() == 0) return Size(); Size size = _sameSize ? getMaxSize() : getTotalSize(); if(_orientation == HORIZONTAL) return Size(size.width * _ctrls.size() + _gap * (_ctrls.size() - 1),size.height); return Size(size.width,size.height * _ctrls.size() + _gap * (_ctrls.size() - 1)); }
void CloneThread::run() { QStringList files; QStringList absoluteSourceFiles; QStringList absoluteDestinationFiles; quint64 totalSize; // Searching { emit OnProgressChanged(tr("Searching..."), 0, 0); if (!getFiles(files)) { return; } if (!getAbsolutePaths(files, absoluteSourceFiles, absoluteDestinationFiles)) { return; } printLists(files, absoluteSourceFiles, absoluteDestinationFiles); } // Calculating { emit OnProgressChanged(tr("Calculating..."), 0, 0); totalSize = getTotalSize(absoluteSourceFiles); if (mTerminated) { return; } qDebug() << "Total size: " << totalSize; } // Deleting { emit OnProgressChanged(tr("Deleting old folder..."), 0, 0); if (!deleteFolder(mDestinationPath)) { return; } } // Cloning { if (!cloneFiles(absoluteSourceFiles, absoluteDestinationFiles, totalSize)) { return; } } }
void HDRImage3c::rfftplanUpdate () { uint2 total = getTotalSize()-uint2(0,2); m_rfftplanR = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d (total.y, total.x, m_red, m_hdriRFFT->getRedBuffer(), FFTW_MEASURE); m_rfftplanG = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d (total.y, total.x, m_green, m_hdriRFFT->getGreenBuffer(), FFTW_MEASURE); m_rfftplanB = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d (total.y, total.x, m_blue, m_hdriRFFT->getBlueBuffer(), FFTW_MEASURE); }
seec::Maybe<MemoryArea> FunctionState::getContainingMemoryArea(stateptr_ty Address) const { auto const Alloca = getAllocaContaining(Address); if (Alloca) return MemoryArea(Alloca->getAddress(), Alloca->getTotalSize()); for (auto const &ParamByVal : ParamByVals) if (ParamByVal.getArea().contains(Address)) return ParamByVal.getArea(); return seec::Maybe<MemoryArea>(); }
bool DisassemblyMacro::disassemble(u32 address, DisassemblyLineInfo& dest, bool insertSymbols) { char buffer[64]; dest.type = DISTYPE_MACRO; = MIPSAnalyst::GetOpcodeInfo(DisassemblyManager::getCpu(),address); std::string addressSymbol; switch (type) { case MACRO_LI: = name; addressSymbol = symbolMap.GetLabelString(immediate); if (!addressSymbol.empty() && insertSymbols) { sprintf(buffer,"%s,%s",DisassemblyManager::getCpu()->GetRegName(0,rt),addressSymbol.c_str()); } else { sprintf(buffer,"%s,0x%08X",DisassemblyManager::getCpu()->GetRegName(0,rt),immediate); } dest.params = buffer; = true; = immediate; break; case MACRO_MEMORYIMM: = name; addressSymbol = symbolMap.GetLabelString(immediate); if (!addressSymbol.empty() && insertSymbols) { sprintf(buffer,"%s,%s",DisassemblyManager::getCpu()->GetRegName(0,rt),addressSymbol.c_str()); } else { sprintf(buffer,"%s,0x%08X",DisassemblyManager::getCpu()->GetRegName(0,rt),immediate); } dest.params = buffer; = true; = immediate; = dataSize; = true; = immediate; break; default: return false; } dest.totalSize = getTotalSize(); return true; }
void QEnhancedTableView::paint(QPainter &painter, QRect pageRec) {; painter.translate(pageRec.topLeft()); QSizeF size=getTotalSize(); double vhw=verticalHeader()->width()+8; double hhh=horizontalHeader()->height()+8; double scaleX=size.width()/double(pageRec.width()); double scaleY=size.height()/double(pageRec.height()); double scale=qMin(scaleX, scaleY); QList<int>pageCols, pageRows; pageCols<<0<<model()->columnCount(); pageRows<<0<<model()->rowCount(); paint(painter, scale, -1, hhh, vhw, pageCols, pageRows); painter.restore(); }
bool FlowLayout::rearrange() { if(!_p || _ctrls.size() == 0) return false; bool res = false; gsize_t pad = _p->getTheme().getPadding(); Size size = _p->getSize() - Size(pad * 2,pad * 2); Size all = _sameSize ? getMaxSize() : getTotalSize(); Pos pos(pad,pad); if(_orientation == VERTICAL) { swap(size.width,size.height); swap(all.width,all.height); } gsize_t totalWidth = all.width * _ctrls.size() + _gap * (_ctrls.size() - 1); pos.y = size.height / 2 - all.height / 2; switch(_align) { case FRONT: break; case CENTER: pos.x = (size.width / 2) - (totalWidth / 2); break; case BACK: pos.x = pad + size.width - totalWidth; break; } if(_orientation == VERTICAL) { swap(pos.x,pos.y); swap(all.width,all.height); } for(auto it = _ctrls.begin(); it != _ctrls.end(); ++it) { Size csize = _sameSize ? all : (*it)->getPreferredSize(); res |= configureControl(*it,pos,csize); if(_orientation == VERTICAL) pos.y += csize.height + _gap; else pos.x += csize.width + _gap; } return res; }
std::string UniformBlock::dumpFloats() const { std::ostringstream os; const float* ptr = (const float*) mUniformData; int n = 16; int offset = 0; int totalsize = getTotalSize() / sizeof(float); while (offset < totalsize) { os << *ptr++ << " "; offset++; if (--n <= 0) { os << std::endl; n = 16; } } os << std::endl; return os.str(); }
boost::shared_ptr<HDRImage3f> HDRImage3c::computeRFFT () { if (! m_hdriRFFT.get()) m_hdriRFFT = boost::shared_ptr<HDRImage3f> (new HDRImage3f); uint2 size = (getSize()-uint2(0,1))*uint2(1,2); uint2 append = (getTotalSize()-uint2(0,1))*uint2(1,2)-size; if (size != m_hdriRFFT->getSize() || append != m_hdriRFFT->getAppendSize()) m_hdriRFFT->setSize (size, append); if (m_rfftplanNeedUpdate) { rfftplanUpdate (); m_rfftplanNeedUpdate = false; } m_hdriRFFT->setMult (getMult()/m_hdriRFFT->getTotalSize().getArea()); fftwf_execute (m_rfftplanR); fftwf_execute (m_rfftplanG); fftwf_execute (m_rfftplanB); return m_hdriRFFT; }
Int64 HHDFSStatsBase::getEstimatedRowCount() const { return ( getTotalSize() / getEstimatedRecordLength() ); }
MemoryStateRegion AllocaState::getMemoryRegion() const { auto &Thread = Parent->getParent(); auto &Process = Thread.getParent(); auto &Memory = Process.getMemory(); return Memory.getRegion(MemoryArea(Address, getTotalSize())); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int exit = 0; char input; while (!exit) { printf("Welcome to MemTest!\n\n"); printf("1. Allocate Memory\n"); printf("2. Free Memory\n"); printf("3. Exit\n\n"); input = getchar(); if (input == '1') { int size = 0; printf("Enter the size you would like to allocate: "); scanf("%d", &size); getchar(); if ((size + getTotalSize()) > MAXMEMORY) { printf("Not enough space for %d bytes!\n", size); } else { segment_t* segment; segment = mem_alloc(size); if (!segment) { printf("Memory could not be allocated!\n"); } else { printf("A segment of %d bytes has been allocated at %d\n", segment->size, segment); } } } if (input == '2') { segment_t* next; int count = 0; int indexInput; if (!getBase()) { printf("You must allocate before you can free!\n"); getchar(); } else { printf("Here is a list of segment pointers:\n\n"); next = getBase(); while (next) { count++; char* allocated; if (next->status == ALLOCATED) { allocated = "Allocated"; } else { allocated = "Free"; } printf("%d. %d | %d Bytes | %s\n", count, next, next->size, allocated); next = next->next; } printf("\nType the index for the pointer you wish to free: "); scanf("%d", &indexInput); getchar(); count = 1; next = getBase(); while (next) { if (count == indexInput) { mem_free(next); break; } else { count++; next = next->next; } } if (count == indexInput && next) { printf("Segment \"%d\" has been freed! %d bytes are freed!\n", next, next->size); } else { printf("That segment was not found!\n"); } } } if (input == '3') { if (getBase()) { segment_t* next = getBase(); while (next) { mem_free(next); next = next->next; } } exit = 1; } } return 0; }
status_t TiffWriter::write(Output* out, StripSource** sources, size_t sourcesCount, Endianness end) { status_t ret = OK; EndianOutput endOut(out, end); if (mIfd == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Tiff header is empty.", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } uint32_t totalSize = getTotalSize(); KeyedVector<uint32_t, uint32_t> offsetVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < mNamedIfds.size(); ++i) { if (mNamedIfds[i]->uninitializedOffsets()) { uint32_t stripSize = mNamedIfds[i]->getStripSize(); if (mNamedIfds[i]->setStripOffset(totalSize) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Could not set strip offsets.", __FUNCTION__); return BAD_VALUE; } totalSize += stripSize; WORD_ALIGN(totalSize); offsetVector.add(mNamedIfds.keyAt(i), totalSize); } } size_t offVecSize = offsetVector.size(); if (offVecSize != sourcesCount) { ALOGE("%s: Mismatch between number of IFDs with uninitialized strips (%zu) and" " sources (%zu).", __FUNCTION__, offVecSize, sourcesCount); return BAD_VALUE; } BAIL_ON_FAIL(writeFileHeader(endOut), ret); uint32_t offset = FILE_HEADER_SIZE; sp<TiffIfd> ifd = mIfd; while(ifd != NULL) { BAIL_ON_FAIL(ifd->writeData(offset, &endOut), ret); offset += ifd->getSize(); ifd = ifd->getNextIfd(); } if (LOG_NDEBUG == 0) { log(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < offVecSize; ++i) { uint32_t ifdKey = offsetVector.keyAt(i); uint32_t sizeToWrite = mNamedIfds[ifdKey]->getStripSize(); bool found = false; for (size_t j = 0; j < sourcesCount; ++j) { if (sources[j]->getIfd() == ifdKey) { if ((ret = sources[i]->writeToStream(endOut, sizeToWrite)) != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Could not write to stream, received %d.", __FUNCTION__, ret); return ret; } ZERO_TILL_WORD(&endOut, sizeToWrite, ret); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ALOGE("%s: No stream for byte strips for IFD %u", __FUNCTION__, ifdKey); return BAD_VALUE; } assert(offsetVector[i] == endOut.getCurrentOffset()); } return ret; }
static void dragDivider(WMSplitView * sPtr, int clickX, int clickY) { int divider, pos, ofs, done, dragging; int i, count; XEvent ev; WMScreen *scr; int minCoord, maxCoord, coord; if (sPtr->constrainProc) { updateConstraints(sPtr); checkSizes(sPtr); distributeOffsetFormEnd(sPtr, _GetSplitViewSize() - getTotalSize(sPtr)); checkPositions(sPtr); updateSubviewsGeom(sPtr); } scr = sPtr->view->screen; divider = ofs = pos = done = 0; coord = (sPtr->flags.vertical) ? clickX : clickY; count = _GetSubviewsCount(); if (count < 2) return; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { pos += _GetSizeAt(i) + DIVIDER_THICKNESS; if (coord < pos) { ofs = coord - pos + DIVIDER_THICKNESS; done = 1; break; } divider++; } if (!done) return; getMinMaxDividerCoord(sPtr, divider, &minCoord, &maxCoord); done = 0; dragging = 0; while (!done) { WMMaskEvent(scr->display, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask, &ev); coord = (sPtr->flags.vertical) ? ev.xmotion.x : ev.xmotion.y; switch (ev.type) { case ButtonRelease: done = 1; if (dragging) drawDragingRectangle(sPtr, pos); break; case MotionNotify: if (dragging) drawDragingRectangle(sPtr, pos); if (coord - ofs < minCoord) pos = minCoord; else if (coord - ofs > maxCoord) pos = maxCoord; else pos = coord - ofs; drawDragingRectangle(sPtr, pos); dragging = 1; break; default: WMHandleEvent(&ev); break; } } if (dragging) { W_SplitViewSubview *p1, *p2; int totSize; p1 = _GetPSubviewStructAt(divider); p2 = _GetPSubviewStructAt(divider + 1); totSize = p1->size + DIVIDER_THICKNESS + p2->size; p1->size = pos - p1->pos; p2->size = totSize - p1->size - DIVIDER_THICKNESS; p2->pos = p1->pos + p1->size + DIVIDER_THICKNESS; resizeView(sPtr, p1->view, p1->size); moveView(sPtr, p2->view, p2->pos); resizeView(sPtr, p2->view, p2->size); sPtr->flags.subviewsWereManuallyMoved = 1; } }