//for shared memory only, takes a box ID for a halo cell and returns the local cell that it corresponds to.
int getLocalHaloTuple(LinkCell *boxes, int iBox) {
    int x,y,z;
    getTuple(boxes, iBox, &x, &y, &z);

    haloToLocalCell(&x, &y, &z, boxes->gridSize);

    return getBoxFromTuple(boxes, x, y, z);
 * Linked List element accessor.
 * Passes the pos referenced object pointer back through obj.
int LinkedList__at(LinkedList * ll,unsigned int pos,void ** obj) {
  #ifdef DEBUG
  if(pos >= LinkedList__size(ll)) return ERROR_INDEX;
  (*obj) = getTuple(ll,pos)->obj;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  printf("LinkedList::LinkedList__at\tpassed: %u\n",(*obj));
  return 0;
/// \details
/// Populates the nbrBoxes array with the 27 boxes that are adjacent to
/// iBox.  The count is 27 instead of 26 because iBox is included in the
/// list (as neighbor 13).  Caller is responsible to alloc and free
/// nbrBoxes.
/// \return The number of nbr boxes (always 27 in this implementation).
int getNeighborBoxes(LinkCell* boxes, int iBox, int* nbrBoxes)
   int ix, iy, iz;
   getTuple(boxes, iBox, &ix, &iy, &iz);
   int count = 0;
   for (int i=ix-1; i<=ix+1; i++)
      for (int j=iy-1; j<=iy+1; j++)
         for (int k=iz-1; k<=iz+1; k++)
            nbrBoxes[count++] = getBoxFromTuple(boxes,i,j,k);
   return count;
CLSTList lz77Compress (
    char* string, unsigned sliding_size, unsigned buffer_size
) {
    CLSTList compress = clstNew();
    int i, str_lenght = strlen(string);
    char sliding[sliding_size + 1];
    char buffer[buffer_size + 1];

    sliding[0] = '\0';
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    for (i = 0; i < str_lenght; i ++) {
        setSliding(sliding, string, i, sliding_size);
        setBuffer(buffer, string, i, buffer_size);
        clstAppend(compress, getTuple(sliding, buffer, &i));

    return compress;
/// In CoMD 1.1, atoms are stored in link cells.  Link cells are widely
/// used in classical MD to avoid an O(N^2) search for atoms that
/// interact.  Link cells are formed by subdividing the local spatial
/// domain with a Cartesian grid where the grid spacing in each
/// direction is at least as big as he potential's cutoff distance.
/// Because atoms don't interact beyond the potential cutoff, for an
/// atom iAtom in any given link cell, we can be certain that all atoms
/// that interact with iAtom are contained in the same link cell, or one
/// of the 26 neighboring link cells.
/// CoMD chooses the link cell size (boxSize) on each axis to be the
/// shortest possible distance, longer than cutoff, such that the local
/// domain size divided by boxSize is an integer.  I.e., the link cells
/// are commensurate with with the local domain size.  While this does
/// not result in the smallest possible link cells, it does allow us to
/// keep a strict separation between the link cells that are entirely
/// inside the local domain and those that represent halo regions.
/// The number of local link cells in each direction is stored in
/// gridSize.  Local link cells have 3D grid coordinates (ix, iy, iz)
/// where ix, iy, and iz can range from 0 to gridSize[iAxis]-1,
/// whiere iAxis is 0 for x, 1 for y and 2 for the z direction.  The
/// number of local link cells is thus nLocalBoxes =
/// gridSize[0]*gridSize[1]*gridSize[2].
/// The local link cells are surrounded by one complete shell of halo
/// link cells.  The halo cells provide temporary storage for halo or
/// "ghost" atoms that belong to other tasks, but whose coordinates are
/// needed locally to complete the force calculation.  Halo link cells
/// have at least one coordinate with a value of either -1 or
/// gridSize[iAxis].
/// Because CoMD stores data in ordinary 1D C arrays, a mapping is
/// needed from the 3D grid coords to a 1D array index.  For the local
/// cells we use the conventional mapping ix + iy*nx + iz*nx*ny.  This
/// keeps all of the local cells in a contiguous region of memory
/// starting from the beginning of any relevant array and makes it easy
/// to iterate the local cells in a single loop.  Halo cells are mapped
/// differently.  After the local cells, the two planes of link cells
/// that are face neighbors with local cells across the -x or +x axis
/// are next.  These are followed by face neighbors across the -y and +y
/// axis (including cells that are y-face neighbors with an x-plane of
/// halo cells), followed by all remaining cells in the -z and +z planes
/// of halo cells.  The total number of link cells (on each rank) is
/// nTotalBoxes.
/// Data storage arrays that are used in association with link cells
/// should be allocated to store nTotalBoxes*MAXATOMS items.  Data for
/// the first atom in linkCell iBox is stored at index iBox*MAXATOMS.
/// Data for subsequent atoms in the same link cell are stored
/// sequentially, and the number of atoms in link cell iBox is
/// nAtoms[iBox].
/// \see getBoxFromTuple is the 3D->1D mapping for link cell indices.
/// \see getTuple is the 1D->3D mapping
/// \param [in] cutoff The cutoff distance of the potential.
LinkCell* initLinkCells(const Domain* domain, real_t cutoff)
   LinkCell* ll = comdMalloc(sizeof(LinkCell));

   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      ll->localMin[i] = domain->localMin[i];
      ll->localMax[i] = domain->localMax[i];
      ll->gridSize[i] = domain->localExtent[i] / cutoff; // local number of boxes
      ll->boxSize[i] = domain->localExtent[i] / ((real_t) ll->gridSize[i]);
      ll->invBoxSize[i] = 1.0/ll->boxSize[i];

   ll->nInnerBoxes = (ll->gridSize[0]-2) * (ll->gridSize[1]-2) * (ll->gridSize[2]-2);

   ll->nLocalBoxes = ll->gridSize[0] * ll->gridSize[1] * ll->gridSize[2];
   ll->nHaloBoxes = 2 * ((ll->gridSize[0] + 2) *
                         (ll->gridSize[1] + ll->gridSize[2] + 2) +
                         (ll->gridSize[1] * ll->gridSize[2]));

   printf ("Number of boxes: %d, %d, %d\n", ll->nInnerBoxes, ll->nLocalBoxes - ll->nInnerBoxes, ll->nHaloBoxes);

   ll->nTotalBoxes = ll->nLocalBoxes + ll->nHaloBoxes;
   ll->nAtoms = comdMalloc(ll->nTotalBoxes*sizeof(int));
   for (int iBox=0; iBox<ll->nTotalBoxes; ++iBox)
      ll->nAtoms[iBox] = 0;

   assert ( (ll->gridSize[0] >= 2) && (ll->gridSize[1] >= 2) && (ll->gridSize[2] >= 2) );
   // debug test for box allocation
   for (int iBox = 0; iBox < ll->nTotalBoxes; iBox++)
      int ix, iy, iz;
      getTuple(ll, iBox, &ix, &iy, &iz);
      //printf("Box %d is located at [%d, %d, %d]\n", iBox, ix, iy, iz);
   return ll;