void MarchingCubesGenerator::sortVerts(McFan fan_out, McFan fan_in, int numberOfVerts, McFan fanNorm, bool flipped, int onPoint)
	bool temp = false;
	bool markedVerts[6];
	for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
		markedVerts[i] = false;
	McVertex tempVert;
	for(int i=0; i<numberOfVerts; i++)
			memcpy(fan_out[0], fan_in[0], sizeof(McVertex));
			markedVerts[0] = true;
			temp = false;
			for(int j=0; j<numberOfVerts; j++)
				if((markedVerts[j] == false) && (temp == false))
					for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
						if(((fan_out[i-1][k]==1) && (fan_in[j][k] == 1)) || ((fan_out[i-1][k]==0) && (fan_in[j][k] == 0)) )
							temp = true;
							markedVerts[j] = true;

					if(temp == true)
						memcpy(tempVert, fan_in[j], sizeof(McVertex));
						memcpy(fan_out[i], fan_in[j], sizeof(McVertex));
	getFaceNormals(fan_out, fanNorm, numberOfVerts, flipped, onPoint);
	getVertNormals(fan_out, fanNorm, numberOfVerts, flipped);
ObjectDB *getObjectDB( LWItemID id, GlobalFunc *global )
   LWObjectInfo *objinfo;
   LWMeshInfo *mesh;
   LWPntID ptid;
   ObjectDB *odb;
   const char *name;
   int npts, npols, nverts, i, j, k, ok = 0;

   /* get the object info global */

   if ( !objinfo ) return NULL;

   /* get the mesh info for the object */

   mesh = objinfo->meshInfo( id, 1 );
   if ( !mesh ) return NULL;

   /* alloc the object database */

   odb = calloc( 1, sizeof( ObjectDB ));
   if ( !odb ) goto Finish;

   odb->id = id;
   name = objinfo->filename( id );
   odb->filename = malloc( strlen( name ) + 1 );
   if ( !odb->filename ) goto Finish;
   strcpy( odb->filename, name );

   /* alloc and init the points array */

   npts = mesh->numPoints( mesh );
   odb->pt = calloc( npts, sizeof( DBPoint ));
   if ( !odb->pt ) goto Finish;

   if ( mesh->scanPoints( mesh, pntScan, odb ))
      goto Finish;

   /* alloc and init the polygons array */

   npols = mesh->numPolygons( mesh );
   odb->pol = calloc( npols, sizeof( DBPolygon ));
   if ( !odb->pol ) goto Finish;

   if ( mesh->scanPolys( mesh, polScan, odb ))
      goto Finish;

   /* get the vertices of each polygon */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ ) {
      nverts = mesh->polSize( mesh, odb->pol[ i ].id );
      odb->pol[ i ].v = calloc( nverts, sizeof( DBPolVert ));
      if ( !odb->pol[ i ].v ) goto Finish;
      odb->pol[ i ].nverts = nverts;
      for ( j = 0; j < nverts; j++ ) {
         ptid = mesh->polVertex( mesh, odb->pol[ i ].id, j );
         odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index = findVert( odb, ptid );

   /* count the number of polygons per point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ )
      for ( j = 0; j < odb->pol[ i ].nverts; j++ )
         ++odb->pt[ odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index ].npols;

   /* alloc per-point polygon arrays */

   for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) {
      if ( odb->pt[ i ].npols == 0 ) continue;
      odb->pt[ i ].pol = calloc( odb->pt[ i ].npols, sizeof( int ));
      if ( !odb->pt[ i ].pol ) goto Finish;
      odb->pt[ i ].npols = 0;

   /* fill in polygon array for each point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ ) {
      for ( j = 0; j < odb->pol[ i ].nverts; j++ ) {
         k = odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index;
         odb->pt[ k ].pol[ odb->pt[ k ].npols ] = i;
         ++odb->pt[ k ].npols;

   /* get the position of each point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) {
      mesh->pntBasePos( mesh, odb->pt[ i ].id, odb->pt[ i ].pos[ 0 ] );
      mesh->pntOtherPos( mesh, odb->pt[ i ].id, odb->pt[ i ].pos[ 1 ] );

   /* init the point search array */

   /* Ordinarily, you won't need this because you can look up points
      by their IDs.  Uncomment this if you do need to search by point
      position instead.  The second argument is 0 for base position
      and 1 for final position.

      if ( !initPointSearch( odb, 0 ))
         goto Finish;

   /* calculate the normal of each polygon */

   getPolyNormals( odb, 0 );
   getPolyNormals( odb, 1 );

   /* get the vmaps */

   if ( !getObjectVMaps( odb, mesh, global ))
      goto Finish;

   /* get the surfaces */

   if ( !getObjectSurfs( odb, mesh, global ))
      goto Finish;

   /* calculate vertex normals */

   getVertNormals( odb, 0 );
   getVertNormals( odb, 1 );

   /* done */

   ok = 1;

   if ( mesh->destroy )
      mesh->destroy( mesh );

   if ( !ok ) {
      freeObjectDB( odb );
      return NULL;

   return odb;
文件: objectdb.cpp 项目: 2asoft/xray
ObjectDB *getObjectDB( LWItemID id, GlobalFunc *global )
   LWObjectInfo *objinfo;
   LWMeshInfo *mesh;
   LWPntID ptid;
   ObjectDB *odb;
   const char *name;
   int npts, npols, nverts, i, j, k, ok = 0;

   /* get the object info global */

   objinfo = (st_LWObjectInfo*)global( LWOBJECTINFO_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT );
   if ( !objinfo ) return NULL;

   /* get the mesh info for the object */

   mesh = objinfo->meshInfo( id, 1 );
   if ( !mesh ) return NULL;

   /* alloc the object database */

   odb = (st_ObjectDB*)calloc( 1, sizeof( ObjectDB ));
   if ( !odb ) goto Finish;

   odb->id = id;
   name = objinfo->filename( id );
   odb->filename = (char*)malloc( xr_strlen( name ) + 1 );
   if ( !odb->filename ) goto Finish;
   strcpy( odb->filename, name );

   /* alloc and init the points array */

   npts = mesh->numPoints( mesh );
   odb->pt = (st_DBPoint*)calloc( npts, sizeof( DBPoint ));
   if ( !odb->pt ) goto Finish;

   if ( mesh->scanPoints( mesh, (int (__cdecl *)(void *,struct st_GCoreVertex *))pntScan, odb ))
      goto Finish;

   /* alloc and init the polygons array */

   npols = mesh->numPolygons( mesh );
   odb->pol = (st_DBPolygon*)calloc( npols, sizeof( DBPolygon ));
   if ( !odb->pol ) goto Finish;

   if ( mesh->scanPolys( mesh, (int (__cdecl *)(void *,struct st_GCorePolygon *))polScan, odb ))
      goto Finish;

   /* get the vertices of each polygon */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ ) {
      nverts = mesh->polSize( mesh, odb->pol[ i ].id );
      odb->pol[ i ].v = (st_DBPolVert*)calloc( nverts, sizeof( DBPolVert ));
      if ( !odb->pol[ i ].v ) goto Finish;
      odb->pol[ i ].nverts = nverts;
      for ( j = 0; j < nverts; j++ ) {
         ptid = mesh->polVertex( mesh, odb->pol[ i ].id, j );
         odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index = findVert( odb, ptid );

   /* count the number of polygons per point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ )
      for ( j = 0; j < odb->pol[ i ].nverts; j++ )
         ++odb->pt[ odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index ].npols;

   /* alloc per-point polygon arrays */

   for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) {
      if ( odb->pt[ i ].npols == 0 ) continue;
      odb->pt[ i ].pol = (int*)calloc( odb->pt[ i ].npols, sizeof( int ));
      if ( !odb->pt[ i ].pol ) goto Finish;
      odb->pt[ i ].npols = 0;

   /* fill in polygon array for each point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npols; i++ ) {
      for ( j = 0; j < odb->pol[ i ].nverts; j++ ) {
         k = odb->pol[ i ].v[ j ].index;
         odb->pt[ k ].pol[ odb->pt[ k ].npols ] = i;
         ++odb->pt[ k ].npols;

   /* get the base position of each point */

   for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ )
      mesh->pntBasePos( mesh, odb->pt[ i ].id, odb->pt[ i ].pos[ 0 ] );

   /* init the point search array */
   /* do this here if you need to search by base pos, or later if you
      need to search by final pos */

   // if ( !initPointSearch( odb, 0 ))
   //    goto Finish;

   /* calculate the base normal of each polygon */

   getPolyNormals( odb, 0 );

   /* get the vmaps */

   if ( !getObjectVMaps( odb, mesh, global ))
      goto Finish;

   /* get the surfaces */

   if ( !getObjectSurfs( odb, mesh, global ))
      goto Finish;

   /* calculate initial vertex normals */

   getVertNormals( odb, 0 );

   /* done */

   ok = 1;

   if ( mesh->destroy )
      mesh->destroy( mesh );

   if ( !ok ) {
      freeObjectDB( odb );
      return NULL;

   return odb;