文件: logApi.c 项目: ChangYeoun/10.1
void logDebug(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 modId, tANI_U32 debugLevel, const char *pStr, va_list marker)
    VOS_TRACE_LEVEL  vosDebugLevel;
    VOS_MODULE_ID    vosModuleId;
    char             logBuffer[LOG_SIZE];

    vosDebugLevel = getVosDebugLevel(debugLevel);
    vosModuleId = getVosModuleId(modId);

    vsnprintf(logBuffer, LOG_SIZE - 1, pStr, marker);

    RtlStringCbVPrintfA( &logBuffer[ 0 ], LOG_SIZE - 1, pStr, marker );
    _vsnprintf(logBuffer, LOG_SIZE - 1, (char *)pStr, marker);

    VOS_TRACE(vosModuleId, vosDebugLevel, "%s", logBuffer);

    // The caller must check loglevel
    VOS_ASSERT( ( debugLevel <= pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[LOG_INDEX_FOR_MODULE( modId )] ) && ( LOGP != debugLevel ) );
} /*** end logDebug() ***/
void logDebug(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 modId, tANI_U32 debugLevel, const char *pStr, va_list marker)
    VOS_TRACE_LEVEL  vosDebugLevel;
    VOS_MODULE_ID    vosModuleId;
    char             logBuffer[LOG_SIZE];

    vosDebugLevel = getVosDebugLevel(debugLevel);
    vosModuleId = getVosModuleId(modId);

    vsnprintf(logBuffer, LOG_SIZE - 1, pStr, marker);
    VOS_TRACE(vosModuleId, vosDebugLevel, "%s", logBuffer);

    // The caller must check loglevel
    VOS_ASSERT( ( debugLevel <= pMac->utils.gLogDbgLevel[LOG_INDEX_FOR_MODULE( modId )] ) && ( LOGP != debugLevel ) );
} /*** end logDebug() ***/