文件: bitmeter.c 项目: EQ4/meters.lv2
static void
port_event (LV2UI_Handle handle,
            uint32_t     port_index,
            uint32_t     buffer_size,
            uint32_t     format,
            const void*  buffer)
	BITui* ui = (BITui*)handle;
	const EBULV2URIs* uris = &ui->uris;

	if (format != uris->atom_eventTransfer) {

	LV2_Atom* atom = (LV2_Atom*)buffer;
	if (atom->type != uris->atom_Blank && atom->type != uris->atom_Object) {
		fprintf (stderr, "UI: Unknown message type.\n");

	LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (LV2_Atom_Object*)atom;

	if (obj->body.otype == uris->mtr_control) {
		int k; float v;
		get_cc_key_value (&ui->uris, obj, &k, &v);
		if (k == CTL_SAMPLERATE) {
			if (v > 0) {
				ui->rate = v;
			queue_draw (ui->m0);

	else if (obj->body.otype == uris->bim_stats) {
		LV2_Atom *bcnt = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bmin = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bmax = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bnan = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *binf = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bden = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bpos = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bnul = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *bdat = NULL;

		if (9 == lv2_atom_object_get (obj,
					uris->ebu_integr_time, &bcnt,
					uris->bim_zero, &bnul,
					uris->bim_pos, &bpos,
					uris->bim_max, &bmax,
					uris->bim_min, &bmin,
					uris->bim_nan, &bnan,
					uris->bim_inf, &binf,
					uris->bim_den, &bden,
					uris->bim_data, &bdat,
				&& bcnt && bnul && bpos && bmin && bmax && bnan && binf && bden && bdat
				&& bcnt->type == uris->atom_Long
				&& bpos->type == uris->atom_Int
				&& bnul->type == uris->atom_Int
				&& bmin->type == uris->atom_Double
				&& bmax->type == uris->atom_Double
				&& bnan->type == uris->atom_Int
				&& binf->type == uris->atom_Int
				&& bden->type == uris->atom_Int
				&& bdat->type == uris->atom_Vector
					CB_INT(bnan, update_oops, 0);
					CB_INT(binf, update_oops, 1);
					CB_INT(bden, update_oops, 2);
					PARSE_A_INT(bpos, ui->f_pos);
					PARSE_A_INT(bnul, ui->f_zero);

					CB_DBL(bmin, update_minmax, 0);
					CB_DBL(bmax, update_minmax, 1);

					LV2_Atom_Vector* data = (LV2_Atom_Vector*)LV2_ATOM_BODY(bdat);
					if (data->atom.type == uris->atom_Int) {
						const size_t n_elem = (bdat->size - sizeof (LV2_Atom_Vector_Body)) / data->atom.size;
						assert (n_elem == BIM_LAST);
						const int32_t *d = (int32_t*) LV2_ATOM_BODY(&data->atom);
						memcpy (ui->flt, d, sizeof (int32_t) * n_elem);

					update_time (ui, (uint64_t)(((LV2_Atom_Long*)bcnt)->body));
					btn_start_sens (ui); // maybe set 2^31 limit.
					queue_draw (ui->m0);

	else if (obj->body.otype == uris->bim_information) {

		LV2_Atom *ii = NULL;
		LV2_Atom *av = NULL;
		lv2_atom_object_get (obj,
				uris->ebu_integrating, &ii,
				uris->bim_averaging, &av,

		ui->disable_signals = true;
		if (ii && ii->type == uris->atom_Bool) {
			bool ix = ((LV2_Atom_Bool*)ii)->body;
			robtk_cbtn_set_active (ui->btn_freeze, !ix);
		if (av && av->type == uris->atom_Bool) {
			bool ix = ((LV2_Atom_Bool*)av)->body;
			robtk_cbtn_set_active (ui->btn_avg, ix);
		ui->disable_signals = false;

	else  {
		fprintf (stderr, "UI: Unknown control message.\n");
文件: lv2.c 项目: aelse/setBfree
static void
run(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t n_samples)
  B3S* b3s = (B3S*)instance;
  float* audio[2];

  audio[0] = b3s->outL;
  audio[1] = b3s->outR;

  /* prepare outgoing MIDI */
  const uint32_t capacity = b3s->midiout->atom.size;

  static bool warning_printed = false;
  if (!warning_printed && capacity < 4096) {
    warning_printed = true;
    fprintf(stderr, "B3LV2: LV message buffer is only %d bytes. Expect problems.\n", capacity);
    fprintf(stderr, "B3LV2: if your LV2 host allows one to configure a buffersize use at least 4kBytes.\n");

  lv2_atom_forge_set_buffer(&b3s->forge, (uint8_t*)b3s->midiout, capacity);
  lv2_atom_forge_sequence_head(&b3s->forge, &b3s->frame, 0);

  uint32_t written = 0;

  if (b3s->queue_panic) {
	  b3s->queue_panic = 0;

  /* Process incoming events from GUI and handle MIDI events */
  if (b3s->midiin) {
    LV2_Atom_Event* ev = lv2_atom_sequence_begin(&(b3s->midiin)->body);
    while(!lv2_atom_sequence_is_end(&(b3s->midiin)->body, (b3s->midiin)->atom.size, ev)) {
      if (ev->body.type == b3s->uris.midi_MidiEvent) {
	/* process midi messages from player */
	if (written + BUFFER_SIZE_SAMPLES < ev->time.frames
	    && ev->time.frames < n_samples) {
	  /* first syntheize sound up until the message timestamp */
	  written = synthSound(b3s, written, ev->time.frames, audio);
	/* send midi message to synth, CC's will trigger hook -> update GUI */
	parse_raw_midi_data(b3s->inst, (uint8_t*)(ev+1), ev->body.size);
      } else if (ev->body.type == b3s->uris.atom_Blank || ev->body.type == b3s->uris.atom_Object) {
	/* process messages from GUI */
	const LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (LV2_Atom_Object*)&ev->body;
	if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_uiinit) {
	  b3s->update_gui_now = 1;
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_uimccquery) {
	  midi_loopCCAssignment(b3s->inst->midicfg, 7, mcc_cb, b3s);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_uimccset) {
	  const LV2_Atom* cmd = NULL;
	  const LV2_Atom* flags = NULL;
	  lv2_atom_object_get(obj, b3s->uris.sb3_cckey, &flags, b3s->uris.sb3_ccval, &cmd, 0);
	  if (cmd && flags) {
	    midi_uiassign_cc(b3s->inst->midicfg, (const char*)LV2_ATOM_BODY(cmd), ((LV2_Atom_Int*)flags)->body);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_midipgm) {
	  const LV2_Atom* key = NULL;
	  lv2_atom_object_get(obj, b3s->uris.sb3_cckey, &key, 0);
	  if (key) {
	    installProgram(b3s->inst, ((LV2_Atom_Int*)key)->body);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_midisavepgm) {
	  const LV2_Atom* pgm = NULL;
	  const LV2_Atom* name = NULL;
	  lv2_atom_object_get(obj, b3s->uris.sb3_cckey, &pgm, b3s->uris.sb3_ccval, &name, 0);
	  if (pgm && name) {
	    saveProgramm(b3s->inst, (int) ((LV2_Atom_Int*)pgm)->body, (char*) LV2_ATOM_BODY(name), 0);
	    b3s->update_pgm_now = 1;
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_loadpgm) {
	  iowork(b3s, obj, CMD_LOADPGM);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_loadcfg) {
	  iowork(b3s, obj, CMD_LOADCFG);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_savepgm) {
	  iowork(b3s, obj, CMD_SAVEPGM);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_savecfg) {
	  iowork(b3s, obj, CMD_SAVECFG);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_cfgstr) {
	  if (!b3s->inst_offline) {
	    advanced_config_set(b3s, obj);
	} else if (obj->body.otype == b3s->uris.sb3_control) {
	  b3s->suspend_ui_msg = 1;
	  const LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (LV2_Atom_Object*)&ev->body;
	  char *k; int v;
	  if (!get_cc_key_value(&b3s->uris, obj, &k, &v)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "B3LV2: callMIDIControlFunction(..,\"%s\", %d);\n", k, v);
	    callMIDIControlFunction(b3s->inst->midicfg, k, v);
	  b3s->suspend_ui_msg = 0;
      ev = lv2_atom_sequence_next(ev);

  /* synthesize [remaining] sound */
  synthSound(b3s, written, n_samples, audio);

  /* send active keys to GUI - IFF changed */
  bool keychanged = false;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_KEYS/32; ++i) {
    if (b3s->active_keys[i] != b3s->inst->synth->_activeKeys[i]) {
      keychanged = true;
    b3s->active_keys[i] = b3s->inst->synth->_activeKeys[i];
  if (keychanged) {
    LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame frame;
    lv2_atom_forge_frame_time(&b3s->forge, 0);
    x_forge_object(&b3s->forge, &frame, 1, b3s->uris.sb3_activekeys);
    lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&b3s->forge, b3s->uris.sb3_keyarrary, 0);
    lv2_atom_forge_vector(&b3s->forge, sizeof(unsigned int), b3s->uris.atom_Int, MAX_KEYS/32, b3s->active_keys);
    lv2_atom_forge_pop(&b3s->forge, &frame);

  /* check for new instances */

  if (b3s->update_gui_now) {
    b3s->update_gui_now = 0;
    b3s->update_pgm_now = 1;
    b3s->suspend_ui_msg = 1;
    rc_loop_state(b3s->inst->state, rc_cb, b3s);
    b3s->suspend_ui_msg = 0;
    forge_kvconfigmessage(&b3s->forge, &b3s->uris, b3s->uris.sb3_cfgkv, "lv2.info", b3s->lv2nfo);
    forge_kvcontrolmessage(&b3s->forge, &b3s->uris, "special.init", (int32_t) b3s->thirtysec);
  } else if (b3s->update_pgm_now) {
    b3s->update_pgm_now = 0;
    loopProgammes(b3s->inst->progs, 1, pgm_cb, b3s);
文件: bitmeter.c 项目: EQ4/meters.lv2
static void
bim_run(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t n_samples)
	LV2meter* self = (LV2meter*)instance;

	const uint32_t capacity = self->notify->atom.size;
	assert(capacity > 920);
	lv2_atom_forge_set_buffer(&self->forge, (uint8_t*)self->notify, capacity);
	lv2_atom_forge_sequence_head(&self->forge, &self->frame, 0);

	if (self->send_state_to_ui && self->ui_active) {
		self->send_state_to_ui = false;
		forge_kvcontrolmessage(&self->forge, &self->uris, self->uris.mtr_control, CTL_SAMPLERATE, self->rate);

	/* Process incoming events from GUI */
	if (self->control) {
		LV2_Atom_Event* ev = lv2_atom_sequence_begin(&(self->control)->body);
		while(!lv2_atom_sequence_is_end(&(self->control)->body, (self->control)->atom.size, ev)) {
			if (ev->body.type == self->uris.atom_Blank || ev->body.type == self->uris.atom_Object) {
				const LV2_Atom_Object* obj = (LV2_Atom_Object*)&ev->body;
				if (obj->body.otype == self->uris.mtr_meters_on) {
					self->ui_active = true;
					self->send_state_to_ui = true;
				else if (obj->body.otype == self->uris.mtr_meters_off) {
					self->ui_active = false;
				else if (obj->body.otype == self->uris.mtr_meters_cfg) {
					int k; float v;
					get_cc_key_value(&self->uris, obj, &k, &v);
					switch (k) {
						case CTL_START:
							self->ebu_integrating = true;
						case CTL_PAUSE:
							self->ebu_integrating = false;
						case CTL_RESET:
							self->send_state_to_ui = true;
						case CTL_AVERAGE:
							self->bim_average = true;
						case CTL_WINDOWED:
							self->bim_average = false;
			ev = lv2_atom_sequence_next(ev);
#if 0
	static uint32_t max_post = 0;
	if (self->notify->atom.size > max_post) {
		max_post = self->notify->atom.size;
		printf("new post parse: %d\n", max_post);

	/* process */

	if (self->ebu_integrating && self->integration_time < 2147483647) {
		/* currently 'self->histS' is int32,
		 * the max peak that can be recorded is 2^31,
		 * for now we simply limit data-acquisition to at
		 * most 2^31 points.
		if (self->integration_time > 2147483647 - n_samples) {
			self->integration_time = 2147483647;
		} else {
			for (uint32_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s) {
				float_stats(self, self->input[0] + s);
			self->integration_time += n_samples;

	const int fps_limit = n_samples * ceil(self->rate / (5.f * n_samples)); // ~ 5fps
	self->radar_resync += n_samples;

	if (self->radar_resync >= fps_limit || self->send_state_to_ui) {
		self->radar_resync = self->radar_resync % fps_limit;

		if (self->ui_active && (self->ebu_integrating || self->send_state_to_ui)) {
			LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame frame;
			lv2_atom_forge_frame_time(&self->forge, 0);
			x_forge_object(&self->forge, &frame, 1, self->uris.bim_stats);

			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.ebu_integr_time, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_long(&self->forge, self->integration_time);

			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_zero, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_int(&self->forge, self->bim_zero);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_pos, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_int(&self->forge, self->bim_pos);

			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_max, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_double(&self->forge, self->bim_max);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_min, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_double(&self->forge, self->bim_min);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_nan, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_int(&self->forge, self->bim_nan);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_inf, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_int(&self->forge, self->bim_inf);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_den, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_int(&self->forge, self->bim_den);

			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_data, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_vector(&self->forge, sizeof(int32_t), self->uris.atom_Int, BIM_LAST, self->histS);
			lv2_atom_forge_pop(&self->forge, &frame);

		if (self->ui_active) {
			LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame frame;
			lv2_atom_forge_frame_time(&self->forge, 0);
			x_forge_object(&self->forge, &frame, 1, self->uris.bim_information);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.ebu_integrating, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_bool(&self->forge, self->ebu_integrating);
			lv2_atom_forge_property_head(&self->forge, self->uris.bim_averaging, 0);
			lv2_atom_forge_bool(&self->forge, self->bim_average);
			lv2_atom_forge_pop(&self->forge, &frame);

		if (!self->bim_average) {
			bim_clear (self);

	/* foward audio-data */
	if (self->input[0] != self->output[0]) {
		memcpy(self->output[0], self->input[0], sizeof(float) * n_samples);

#if 0
	//printf("forged %d bytes\n", self->notify->atom.size);
	static uint32_t max_cap = 0;
	if (self->notify->atom.size > max_cap) {
		max_cap = self->notify->atom.size;
		printf("new max: %d (of %d avail)\n", max_cap, capacity);