Entity & declare_element_edge(
  BulkData & mesh ,
  const stk_classic::mesh::EntityId global_edge_id ,
  Entity & elem ,
  const unsigned local_edge_id ,
  Part * part )
  verify_declare_element_edge(mesh, elem, local_edge_id);

  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology( elem ).getCellTopologyData();

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "] has no defined topology");

  const CellTopologyData * const edge_top = elem_top->edge[ local_edge_id ].topology;

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( edge_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], local_edge_id = " <<
      local_edge_id << ", edge has no defined topology" );

  PartVector empty_parts ;
  Entity & edge = mesh.declare_entity( edge_top->dimension , global_edge_id, empty_parts );
  return declare_element_edge( elem, edge, local_edge_id, part);
const CellTopologyData * get_subcell_nodes(const Entity & entity ,
                                           EntityRank subcell_rank ,
                                           unsigned subcell_identifier ,
                                           EntityVector & subcell_nodes)

  // get cell topology
  const CellTopologyData* celltopology = get_cell_topology(entity).getCellTopologyData();

  //error checking
    //no celltopology defined
    if (celltopology == NULL) {
      return NULL;

    // valid ranks fall within the dimension of the cell topology
    const bool bad_rank = subcell_rank >= celltopology->dimension;
    ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_rank, "subcell_rank is >= celltopology dimension\n");

    // subcell_identifier must be less than the subcell count
    const bool bad_id = subcell_identifier >= celltopology->subcell_count[subcell_rank];
    ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf( bad_id,   "subcell_id is >= subcell_count\n");

  // Get the cell topology of the subcell
  const CellTopologyData * subcell_topology =

  const int num_nodes_in_subcell = subcell_topology->node_count;

  // For the subcell, get it's local nodes ids
  const unsigned* subcell_node_local_ids =

  FEMMetaData & fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(entity);
  const EntityRank node_rank = fem_meta.node_rank();
  PairIterRelation node_relations = entity.relations(node_rank);


  for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_in_subcell; ++i ) {
    subcell_nodes.push_back( node_relations[subcell_node_local_ids[i]].entity() );

  return subcell_topology;
bool element_side_polarity( const Entity & elem ,
                            const Entity & side , int local_side_id )
  // 09/14/10:  TODO:  tscoffe:  Will this work in 1D?
  FEMMetaData &fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(elem);
  const bool is_side = side.entity_rank() != fem_meta.edge_rank();
  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology( elem ).getCellTopologyData();

  const unsigned side_count = ! elem_top ? 0 : (
                                is_side ? elem_top->side_count
                                        : elem_top->edge_count );

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
                   "For Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], element has no defined topology");

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( local_side_id < 0 || static_cast<int>(side_count) <= local_side_id,
    "For Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], " <<
    "side: " << print_entity_key(side) << ", " <<
    "local_side_id = " << local_side_id <<
    " ; unsupported local_side_id");

  const CellTopologyData * const side_top =
    is_side ? elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].topology
            : elem_top->edge[ local_side_id ].topology ;

  const unsigned * const side_map =
    is_side ? elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].node
            : elem_top->edge[ local_side_id ].node ;

  const PairIterRelation elem_nodes = elem.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );
  const PairIterRelation side_nodes = side.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

  const unsigned n = side_top->node_count;
  bool good = false ;
  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; !good && i < n ; ++i ) {
    good = true;
    for ( unsigned j = 0; good && j < n ; ++j ) {
      good = side_nodes[(j+i)%n].entity() == elem_nodes[ side_map[j] ].entity();
  return good ;
Entity & declare_element_edge(
  Entity & elem ,
  Entity & edge,
  const unsigned local_edge_id ,
  Part * part )
  BulkData & mesh = BulkData::get(edge);

  //  verify_declare_element_edge(mesh, elem, local_edge_id);

  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology( elem ).getCellTopologyData();

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "] has no defined topology" );

  const CellTopologyData * const edge_top = elem_top->edge[ local_edge_id ].topology;

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( edge_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], local_edge_id = " <<
      local_edge_id << ", edge has no defined topology" );

  const unsigned * const edge_node_map = elem_top->edge[ local_edge_id ].node ;

  PartVector add_parts ;

  if ( part ) { add_parts.push_back( part ); }

  mesh.change_entity_parts(edge, add_parts);

  mesh.declare_relation( elem , edge , local_edge_id );

  PairIterRelation rel = elem.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < edge_top->node_count ; ++i ) {
    Entity & node = * rel[ edge_node_map[i] ].entity();
    mesh.declare_relation( edge , node , i );

  return edge ;
int get_entity_subcell_id( const Entity & entity ,
                           const EntityRank subcell_rank,
                           const CellTopologyData * subcell_topology,
                           const std::vector<Entity*>& subcell_nodes )
  const int INVALID_SIDE = -1;

  unsigned num_nodes = subcell_topology->node_count;

  if (num_nodes != subcell_nodes.size()) {
    return INVALID_SIDE;

  // get topology of elem
  const CellTopologyData* entity_topology = get_cell_topology(entity).getCellTopologyData();
  if (entity_topology == NULL) {
    return INVALID_SIDE;

  // get nodal relations for entity
  FEMMetaData & fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(entity);
  const EntityRank node_rank = fem_meta.node_rank();
  PairIterRelation relations = entity.relations(node_rank);

  const int num_permutations = subcell_topology->permutation_count;

  // Iterate over the subcells of entity...
  for (unsigned local_subcell_ordinal = 0;
      local_subcell_ordinal < entity_topology->subcell_count[subcell_rank];
      ++local_subcell_ordinal) {

    // get topological data for this subcell
    const CellTopologyData* curr_subcell_topology =

    // If topologies are not the same, there is no way the subcells are the same
    if (subcell_topology == curr_subcell_topology) {

      const unsigned* const subcell_node_map = entity_topology->subcell[subcell_rank][local_subcell_ordinal].node;

      // Taking all positive permutations into account, check if this subcell
      // has the same nodes as the subcell_nodes argument. Note that this
      // implementation preserves the node-order so that we can take
      // entity-orientation into account.
      for (int p = 0; p < num_permutations; ++p) {

        if (curr_subcell_topology->permutation[p].polarity ==

          const unsigned * const perm_node =
            curr_subcell_topology->permutation[p].node ;

          bool all_match = true;
          for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < num_nodes; ++j ) {
            if (subcell_nodes[j] !=
                relations[subcell_node_map[perm_node[j]]].entity()) {
              all_match = false;

          // all nodes were the same, we have a match
          if ( all_match ) {
            return local_subcell_ordinal ;

  return INVALID_SIDE;
const CellTopologyData *
TopologicalMetaData::get_cell_topology( const Entity & entity ,
                                        const char * required_by )
  return get_cell_topology( entity.bucket(), required_by );