文件: blame.cpp 项目: AljGaber/imp
void assign_blame(const RestraintsTemp &rs,
                  const ParticlesTemp &ps, FloatKey attribute) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    if (ps[i]->has_attribute(attribute)) {
      ps[i]->set_value(attribute, 0);
    } else {
      ps[i]->add_attribute(attribute, 0, false);
  Restraints drs;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) {
    Pointer<Restraint> rd = rs[i]->create_decomposition();
    if (rd) {
  IMP_NEW(RestraintsScoringFunction, rsf, (drs));
  DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(IMP::internal::get_model(rs));
  // attempt to get around boost/gcc bug and the most vexing parse
  DependencyGraphVertexIndex dgi((IMP::get_vertex_index(dg)));
  ControlledBy controlled_by;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    ParticlesTemp cps = get_dependent_particles(ps[i], ps, dg, dgi);
    IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(cps.size() > 0, "No dependent particles for " << ps[i]);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cps.size(); ++j) {
      controlled_by[cps[j]] = ps[i];
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < drs.size(); ++i) {
    distribute_blame(drs[i], controlled_by, attribute, 1.0);
InteractionGraph get_interaction_graph(ScoringFunctionAdaptor rsi,
                                       const ParticlesTemp &ps) {
  if (ps.empty()) return InteractionGraph();
  InteractionGraph ret(ps.size());
  Restraints rs =
  // Model *m= ps[0]->get_model();
  boost::unordered_map<ModelObject *, int> map;
  InteractionGraphVertexName pm = boost::get(boost::vertex_name, ret);
  DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(ps[0]->get_model());
  DependencyGraphVertexIndex index = IMP::get_vertex_index(dg);
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE( "dependency graph is \n");
    IMP::internal::show_as_graphviz(dg, std::cout);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    ParticlesTemp t = get_dependent_particles(
        ps[i], ParticlesTemp(ps.begin(), ps.end()), dg, index);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < t.size(); ++j) {
      IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map.find(t[j]) == map.end(),
                      "Currently particles which depend on more "
                          << "than one particle "
                          << "from the input set are not supported."
                          << "  Particle \"" << t[j]->get_name()
                          << "\" depends on \"" << ps[i]->get_name()
                          << "\" and \""
                          << ps[map.find(t[j])->second]->get_name() << "\"");
      map[t[j]] = i;
      IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Particle \"" << ps[i]->get_name() << "\" controls ");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) {
        IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("\"" << t[i]->get_name() << "\" ");
    pm[i] = ps[i];
  IMP::Restraints all_rs = IMP::get_restraints(rs);
  for (Restraints::const_iterator it = all_rs.begin();
       it != all_rs.end(); ++it) {
    ModelObjectsTemp pl = (*it)->get_inputs();
    add_edges(ps, pl, map, *it, ret);
  /* Make sure that composite score states (eg the normalizer for
     rigid body rotations) don't induce interactions among unconnected
  ScoreStatesTemp ss = get_required_score_states(rs);
  for (ScoreStatesTemp::const_iterator it = ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) {
    ModelObjectsTemps interactions = (*it)->get_interactions();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interactions.size(); ++i) {
      add_edges(ps, interactions[i], map, *it, ret);
  IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(boost::num_vertices(ret) == ps.size(),
                     "Wrong number of vertices " << boost::num_vertices(ret)
                                                 << " vs " << ps.size());
  return ret;
void RestraintCache::add_restraints(const kernel::RestraintsAdaptor &rs) {
  if (rs.empty()) return;
  kernel::Model *m = rs[0]->get_model();
  DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(m);
  ParticleStatesTable *pst = cache_.get_generator().get_particle_states_table();
  DepMap dependencies;
  kernel::ParticlesTemp allps = pst->get_particles();
  DependencyGraphVertexIndex index = IMP::get_vertex_index(dg);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < allps.size(); ++i) {
    kernel::ParticlesTemp depp =
        get_dependent_particles(allps[i], allps, dg, index);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < depp.size(); ++j) {
    IMP_LOG_TERSE("Particle " << Showable(allps[i]) << " controls "
                              << dependencies[allps[i]] << std::endl);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) {
    base::Pointer<kernel::Restraint> r = rs[i]->create_decomposition();
      IMP_LOG_TERSE("Before:" << std::endl);
      IMP_LOG_WRITE(TERSE, show_restraint_hierarchy(rs[i]));
    if (r) {
      IMP_LOG_TERSE("after:" << std::endl);
      IMP_LOG_WRITE(TERSE, show_restraint_hierarchy(r));
      add_restraint_internal(r, next_index_, nullptr,
                             std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), Subset(),
    IMP_LOG_WRITE(TERSE, show_restraint_information(IMP_STREAM));
SubsetGraph get_restraint_graph(ScoringFunctionAdaptor in,
                                const ParticleStatesTable *pst) {
  RestraintsTemp rs =
  // ScoreStatesTemp ss= get_required_score_states(rs);
  SubsetGraph ret(rs.size());  // + ss.size());
  IMP_LOG_TERSE("Creating restraint graph on " << rs.size() << " restraints."
                                               << std::endl);
  boost::unordered_map<Particle *, int> map;
  SubsetGraphVertexName pm = boost::get(boost::vertex_name, ret);
  DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(rs[0]->get_model());
  DependencyGraphVertexIndex index = IMP::get_vertex_index(dg);
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE( "dependency graph is \n");
    IMP::internal::show_as_graphviz(dg, std::cout);
  Subset ps = pst->get_subset();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) {
    ParticlesTemp t = get_dependent_particles(
        ps[i], ParticlesTemp(ps.begin(), ps.end()), dg, index);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < t.size(); ++j) {
      IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map.find(t[j]) == map.end(),
                      "Currently particles which depend on more "
                          << "than one particle "
                          << "from the input set are not supported."
                          << "  Particle \"" << t[j]->get_name()
                          << "\" depends on \"" << ps[i]->get_name()
                          << "\" and \""
                          << ps[map.find(t[j])->second]->get_name() << "\"");
      map[t[j]] = i;
      IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Particle \"" << ps[i]->get_name() << "\" controls ");
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) {
        IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("\"" << t[i]->get_name() << "\" ");
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) {
    ParticlesTemp pl = IMP::get_input_particles(rs[i]->get_inputs());
    std::sort(pl.begin(), pl.end());
    pl.erase(std::unique(pl.begin(), pl.end()), pl.end());
    Subset os(pl);
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pl.size(); ++j) {
      pl[j] = ps[map[pl[j]]];
    std::sort(pl.begin(), pl.end());
    pl.erase(std::unique(pl.begin(), pl.end()), pl.end());
    Subset s(pl);
    IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Subset for restraint " << rs[i]->get_name() << " is " << s
                                            << " from " << os << std::endl);
    pm[i] = s;
  /*ScoreStatesTemp ss= get_required_score_states(rs);
    for (ScoreStatesTemp::const_iterator it= ss.begin();
    it != ss.end(); ++it) {
    ParticlesTemp pl= (*it)->get_input_particles();
    add_edges(ps, pl, map, *it, ret);
    ParticlesTemp opl= (*it)->get_output_particles();
    add_edges(ps, opl, map, *it, ret);
    IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(boost::num_vertices(ret) == ps.size(),
    "Wrong number of vertices "
    << boost::num_vertices(ret)
    << " vs " << ps.size());*/
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boost::num_vertices(ret); ++i) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
      if (get_intersection(pm[i], pm[j]).size() > 0) {
        boost::add_edge(i, j, ret);
        IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Connecting " << rs[i]->get_name() << " with "
                                      << rs[j]->get_name() << std::endl);
  return ret;