int main()
   A a = get(0);

   std::cout << std::endl;

   // //uncomment one of the following
#define QUICK
//#undef QUICK

#ifdef QUICK
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
	 A a = get_fast(i);           // return value optimization ! (instead of using a temporary... the actual object a is used)
      // http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=25033&seqNum=4
      A a;  // programmers think it's fast to just construct this once (instead of on every loop)
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
	 a = get_fast(i);  // in actual fact this line is incredibly slow: constructor and destructor of a temporary, as well as copy-assignment!!
   return 0;
文件: scheduler.c 项目: UIKit0/racoon
void scheduler()
	unsigned int cpu_id = CPUID; 
	struct scheduler_info *si = &(cpu[ cpu_id ].sched);
	struct thread *tr;
	int idle;
	int flip = 0;
	uint64_t requested_time = TIMESLICE;

	// We will never go back.
	set_cpu_flags(  cpu_flags() & ~EFLAG_NESTED_TASK );

	// Now we're working.
	acquire_spinlock( &(si->lock_scheduler) );

	// Start timing the scheduler
	stats_time_start( &(cpu[ cpu_id ].st_schedulerTime) );

	assert( (cpu_flags() & EFLAG_INTERRUPT) == 0 );


	while (1==1)
		// Just show the world that we're still alive.
		((char*)0xB8000)[158 - cpu_id * 2] ++ ;		/// \todo remove one day

		// If the garbage collector has work to do, let it run.
		if ( gc_has_work( cpu_id ) == 0 )
			tr = smk_gc[ cpu_id ];
			exec_thread( cpu_id, tr, TIMESLICE, 0 );
			stats_time( cpu_id, &(cpu[ cpu_id ].st_systemTime) ); 

		// Find out when the next timed event is.
		requested_time = remove_timers( si, cpu[ cpu_id ].st_systemTime.usage );
		idle = 0;
		// Fast queue support
		if ( flip == 0 )
			tr = get_fast( si );
			if ( tr != NULL )
				exec_thread( cpu_id, tr, TIMESLICE, 0 );
				stats_time( cpu_id, &(cpu[ cpu_id ].st_systemTime) ); 
														// Maintain CPU time.

				if ( si->sched_count != 0 ) flip = 1;	// Ensure others run

		flip = 0;
		// Reset of fast queue
		// If there's nothing to do, do idle.
		if ( si->sched_count == 0 ) 
			if ( gc_has_work( cpu_id ) == 0 ) continue;	// Al-e-oop!
			tr = smk_idle[ cpu_id ];
			idle = 1;		// Safe to wake up when required.
			tr = si->sched_queue[ si->position ].tr;
			si->position = (si->position + 1) % si->sched_count;

			requested_time = TIMESLICE;
			idle = 0;		// Don't interrupt until timeslice is over

		// And run the selected thread.
		exec_thread( cpu_id, tr, requested_time, idle );
		stats_time( cpu_id, &(cpu[ cpu_id ].st_systemTime) ); 
														// Maintain CPU time.
		// If the previous thread requested a state change, honour it.
		remove_last( si );

