文件: fbtext.c 项目: tj90241/n64chain
unsigned libn64_fbchar32(const struct libn64_fbtext_context *context,
    uint32_t fb_address, char c) {
  const uint8_t *font = get_font_data(c);
  unsigned i, j;

  fb_address += (context->x << 5);

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    uint8_t bitmask = font[i];

    // Flush line contents if valid; otherwise flag it dirty.
    // This prevents an otherwise redundant read from memory.
    __asm__ __volatile__(
      "cache 0xD, 0x0(%0)\n\t"
      "cache 0xD, 0x10(%0)\n\t"
      :: "r"(fb_address)

    for (fb_address += 8 << 2, j = 0; j < 8; j ++) {
      unsigned bit = (bitmask >> j) & 0x1;
      uint16_t color = context->colors[bit];

      __asm__ __volatile__(
        "sw %0, -4(%1)\n\t"
        :: "r"(color), "r"(fb_address)
        : "memory"

      fb_address -= 4;

    // Ensure the line gets written to memory.
    __asm__ __volatile__(
      "cache 0x19, 0x0(%0)\n\t"
      "cache 0x19, 0x10(%0)\n\t"
      :: "r"(fb_address)

    fb_address += context->fb_width;

  return 2;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
    Buffer_Set buffers;
    File_Data file;
    float *widths_data;
    float *wrap_ys;
    float font_height;
    float max_width;

    void *scratch;
    int scratch_size;
    Stats_Log log;
    int do_replay = 0;
    char *replay_filename = 0;
    if (argc < 2){
        printf("usage: buffer_test <filename> <message> [-h <.hst file>]\n");
    for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i){
        if (do_replay){
            replay_filename = argv[i];
            do_replay = 0;
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0){
            if (replay_filename != 0){
                printf("found -h twice, ignoring duplicates\n");
                do_replay = 1;
    do_replay = (replay_filename != 0);
    log.max = 1 << 20;
    log.size = 0;
    log.out = (char*)malloc(log.max);

    log.sec_max = 32;
    log.sec_top = 0;
    log.sections = (Log_Section*)malloc(sizeof(Log_Section)*log.sec_max);

    log.error = 0;

    scratch_size = 1 << 20;
    scratch = malloc(scratch_size);
    file = get_file(argv[1]);
    if (!file.data) exit(1);
    widths_data = get_font_data("LiberationSans-Regular.ttf", &font_height);
    max_width = 500.f;
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("which-test"));
        log_write_str(&log, argv[1], (int)strlen(argv[1]));
        log_write_int(&log, file.size);
        log_write_str(&log, argv[2], (int)strlen(argv[2]));
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("file-open"));
        Record_Statistics init_rec, starts_widths_rec, wraps_rec;
        initialization_test(&log, &buffers, file, reps, scratch, scratch_size, &init_rec);
        stream_check_test(&buffers, scratch, scratch_size);
        measure_starts_widths_test(&log, &buffers, reps, scratch, scratch_size,
                                   &starts_widths_rec, widths_data);

        wrap_ys = measure_wraps_test(&log, &buffers, reps, scratch, scratch_size,
                                     &wraps_rec, font_height, max_width);
        Time_Record expected_file_open;
        expected_file_open = init_rec.expected + starts_widths_rec.expected + wraps_rec.expected;
        printf("average file open:\n");
        log_time_record(&log, litstr("average"), expected_file_open);
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("cursor-seek"));
        Record_Statistics full_cursor;
        Time_Record full_cursor_average;

        log_begin_section(&log, litstr("to-pos"));
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
                int pos = (file.size*i) / 5;
                full_cursor_test(&log, &buffers, pos,
                                 wrap_ys, widths_data, font_height, max_width,
                                 5, scratch, scratch_size, &full_cursor);
                full_cursor_average = full_cursor_average + full_cursor.expected;
            full_cursor_average /= 5;
            printf("average cursor from position:\n");
            log_time_record(&log, litstr("average"), full_cursor_average);

        log_begin_section(&log, litstr("to-line-character"));
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
                int line = (buffers.buffer.line_count*i) / 5;
                full_cursor_line_test(&log, &buffers, line, 20,
                                      wrap_ys, widths_data, font_height, max_width,
                                      5, scratch, scratch_size, &full_cursor);
                full_cursor_average = full_cursor_average + full_cursor.expected;
            full_cursor_average /= 5;
            printf("average cursor from line & character:\n");
            log_time_record(&log, litstr("average"), full_cursor_average);

        log_begin_section(&log, litstr("to-unwrapped-x-y"));
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
                float y = font_height * (buffers.buffer.line_count*i) / 4.f;
                full_cursor_xy_test(&log, &buffers, y, 37.f, 0,
                                    wrap_ys, widths_data, font_height, max_width,
                                    5, scratch, scratch_size, &full_cursor);
                full_cursor_average = full_cursor_average + full_cursor.expected;
            full_cursor_average /= 5;
            printf("average cursor from line & character:\n");
            log_time_record(&log, litstr("average"), full_cursor_average);
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("word-seek"));
        Record_Statistics word_seek;

            char word[] = "not-going-to-find-this";
            int word_len = sizeof(word) - 1;
            word_seek_test(&log, &buffers, reps, 0, word, word_len, scratch, scratch_size, &word_seek);


            char word[] = "return";
            int word_len = sizeof(word) - 1;
            word_seek_test(&log, &buffers, reps, 1, word, word_len, scratch, scratch_size, &word_seek);
            printf("average normal word seek:\n");
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("one-hundred-single-edits"));
        Record_Statistics edits;
        insert_bottom_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, 100, scratch, scratch_size, &edits);
        insert_top_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, 100, scratch, scratch_size, &edits);
        delete_bottom_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, 100, scratch, scratch_size, &edits);
        delete_top_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, 100, scratch, scratch_size, &edits);
    File_Data replay_file = {};
    Replay replay;
    if (do_replay){
        replay_file = get_file(replay_filename);
        prepare_replay(replay_file, &replay);

    if (replay_file.data){
        log_begin_section(&log, litstr("natural-edits"));
            Record_Statistics edits;
            natural_edits_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, &replay,
                               scratch, scratch_size, &edits);
        printf("skipped natural-edits test\n\n");
    log_begin_section(&log, litstr("batch-edit"));
        Buffer_Edit *batch;
        char *str_base;
        int batch_size, str_size;

        batch_size = 1000;
        str_size = 10000;
        batch = (Buffer_Edit*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer_Edit)*batch_size);
        str_base = (char*)malloc(str_size);

        int character_stride;
        character_stride = buffer_size(&buffers.buffer);
        if (character_stride < batch_size * 10){
            batch_size = character_stride / 10;
            character_stride = 10;
            character_stride = (character_stride / batch_size);

        int p, curs;
        curs = 0;
        p = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i){
            Buffer_Edit edit;
            edit.start = p;
            edit.end = p+8;
            p += character_stride;
            edit.str_start = curs;
            if (i & 1){
                edit.len = 9;
                memcpy_4tech(str_base + curs, "123456789", 9);
                curs += 9;
                edit.len = 7;
                memcpy_4tech(str_base + curs, "abcdefg", 7);
                curs += 7;
            batch[i] = edit;
        Record_Statistics batch_stats;
        batch_edit_test(&log, &buffers, reps, widths_data, batch, str_base, batch_size,
                        scratch, scratch_size, &batch_stats);
* changed this to take a filename so we can pass config files on the command line
* default is config.xml
sConfigData::sConfigData(const char *a_filename)
	: fonts()
	DirPath dp = DirPath() << a_filename;	// `J` moved to root directory
	DirPath dpold = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Data" << a_filename;
	string filename = dp.c_str();
	string filenameold = dpold.c_str();
	l.ss() << "Loading configuration variables from '" << filename << "'"; l.ssend();
	*	make sure we have something playable,
	*	even if the file doesn't load
	*	open the file - moan most eloqently in its absence
	TiXmlDocument doc(filename);
	TiXmlDocument docold(filenameold);
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "Can't load " << filename << " from root directory." << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc() << endl << "Attempting to load old file " << filenameold << "." << endl; l.ssend();
		doc = docold;
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "can't load " << filename << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc(); l.ssend();
		*		a bit of narrative for the players: makes it easier to tell
		*		if the config isn't being found
		l.ss() << "*** Game will run with default pricing factors.\n*** This may seem a little easy. To fix this\n*** get a config.xml file from pinkpetal.org\n*** or make one with W***e Master Editor"; l.ssend();
	*	get the docuement root
	TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doc.RootElement();
	*	loop over the elements attached to the root
	for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
		string tag = el->ValueStr();		//	now, depending on the tag name...
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Folders")		{ get_folders_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Resolution")		{ get_resolution_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Initial")		{ get_initial_values(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Income")			{ get_income_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Expenses")		{ get_expense_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gambling")		{ get_gambling_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Prostitution")	{ get_pros_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Catacombs")		{ get_catacombs_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "SlaveMarket")	{ get_slave_market_data(el);continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Pregnancy")		{ get_preg_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Tax")			{ get_tax_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gangs")			{ get_gang_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Items")			{ get_item_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Fonts")			{ get_font_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Debug")			{ get_debug_flags(el);		continue; }

		l.ss() << "Warning: config.xml: tag: '" << tag << "' unexpected"; l.ssend();
	// check interface for colors
	DirPath dpi = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "InterfaceColors.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doci(dpi.c_str());
	if (doci.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpi.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doci.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Color")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int r, g, b;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "R", r); xu.get_att(el, "G", g); xu.get_att(el, "B", b);
				/* */if (name == "ItemRarity0") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[0], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity1") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[1], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity2") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[2], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity3") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[3], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity4") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[4], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity5") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[5], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity6") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[6], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity7") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[7], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity8") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[8], r, g, b);

	fonts.detailfontsize = 9;	// default to 9 then check if it is set in girl_details_screen.xml
	DirPath dpt = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "girl_details_screen.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doct(dp.c_str());
	if (doct.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpt.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doct.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Text")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int f = 9;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "FontSize", f, true);
				if (name == "GirlDescription" && f > 0)
					fonts.detailfontsize = f; break;