int get_header_int(PyObject* header, const char* keyword, int* val, int def,
                   HeaderGetFlags flags) {
    long tmp;
    int ret = get_header_long(header, keyword, &tmp, def, flags);
    if (ret == GET_HEADER_SUCCESS) {
        if (tmp >= INT_MIN && tmp <= INT_MAX) {
            *val = (int) tmp;
        } else {
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_OverflowError, "Cannot convert %ld to C 'int'", tmp);
            ret = GET_HEADER_FAILED;
    return ret;
void configure_compression(fitsfile* fileptr, PyObject* header) {
    /* Configure the compression-related elements in the fitsfile struct
       using values in the FITS header. */

    FITSfile* Fptr;

    int tfields;
    tcolumn* columns;

    char keyword[9];
    char* zname;
    int znaxis;
    char* tmp;
    float version;

    unsigned int idx;

    Fptr = fileptr->Fptr;
    tfields = Fptr->tfield;
    columns = Fptr->tableptr;

    // Get the ZBITPIX header value; if this is missing we're in trouble
    if (0 != get_header_int(header, "ZBITPIX", &(Fptr->zbitpix), 0)) {

    // By default assume there is no ZBLANK column and check for ZBLANK or
    // BLANK in the header
    Fptr->cn_zblank = Fptr->cn_zzero = Fptr->cn_zscale = -1;
    Fptr->cn_uncompressed = 0;
    Fptr->cn_gzip_data = 0;

    // Check for a ZBLANK, ZZERO, ZSCALE, and
    // UNCOMPRESSED_DATA/GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA columns in the compressed data
    // table
    for (idx = 0; idx < tfields; idx++) {
        if (0 == strncmp(columns[idx].ttype, "UNCOMPRESSED_DATA", 18)) {
            Fptr->cn_uncompressed = idx + 1;
        } else if (0 == strncmp(columns[idx].ttype,
                                "GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA", 21)) {
            Fptr->cn_gzip_data = idx + 1;
        } else if (0 == strncmp(columns[idx].ttype, "ZSCALE", 7)) {
            Fptr->cn_zscale = idx + 1;
        } else if (0 == strncmp(columns[idx].ttype, "ZZERO", 6)) {
            Fptr->cn_zzero = idx + 1;
        } else if (0 == strncmp(columns[idx].ttype, "ZBLANK", 7)) {
            Fptr->cn_zblank = idx + 1;

    Fptr->zblank = 0;
    if (Fptr->cn_zblank < 1) {
        // No ZBLANK column--check the ZBLANK and BLANK heard keywords
        if(0 != get_header_int(header, "ZBLANK", &(Fptr->zblank), 0)) {
            // ZBLANK keyword not found
            get_header_int(header, "BLANK", &(Fptr->zblank), 0);

    Fptr->zscale = 1.0;
    if (Fptr->cn_zscale < 1) {
        if (0 != get_header_double(header, "ZSCALE", &(Fptr->zscale), 1.0)) {
            Fptr->cn_zscale = 0;
    Fptr->cn_bscale = Fptr->zscale;

    Fptr->zzero = 0.0;
    if (Fptr->cn_zzero < 1) {
        if (0 != get_header_double(header, "ZZERO", &(Fptr->zzero), 0.0)) {
            Fptr->cn_zzero = 0;
    Fptr->cn_bzero = Fptr->zzero;

    get_header_string(header, "ZCMPTYPE", &tmp, DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE);
    strncpy(Fptr->zcmptype, tmp, 11);
    Fptr->zcmptype[strlen(tmp)] = '\0';

    Fptr->compress_type = compress_type_from_string(Fptr->zcmptype);
    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {

    get_header_int(header, "ZNAXIS", &znaxis, 0);
    Fptr->zndim = znaxis;

    if (znaxis > MAX_COMPRESS_DIM) {
        // The CFITSIO compression code currently only supports up to 6
        // dimensions by default.
        znaxis = MAX_COMPRESS_DIM;

    Fptr->maxtilelen = 1;
    for (idx = 1; idx <= znaxis; idx++) {
        snprintf(keyword, 9, "ZNAXIS%u", idx);
        get_header_long(header, keyword, Fptr->znaxis + idx - 1, 0);
        snprintf(keyword, 9, "ZTILE%u", idx);
        get_header_long(header, keyword, Fptr->tilesize + idx - 1, 0);
        Fptr->maxtilelen *= Fptr->tilesize[idx - 1];

    // Set some more default compression options
    Fptr->rice_blocksize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
    Fptr->rice_bytepix = DEFAULT_BYTE_PIX;
    Fptr->quantize_level = DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_LEVEL;
    Fptr->hcomp_smooth = DEFAULT_HCOMP_SMOOTH;
    Fptr->hcomp_scale = DEFAULT_HCOMP_SCALE;

    // Now process the ZVALn keywords
    idx = 1;
    while (1) {
        snprintf(keyword, 9, "ZNAME%u", idx);
        // Assumes there are no gaps in the ZNAMEn keywords; this same
        // assumption was made in the Python code.  This could be done slightly
        // more flexibly by using a wildcard slice of the header
        if (0 != get_header_string(header, keyword, &zname, "")) {
        snprintf(keyword, 9, "ZVAL%u", idx);
        if (Fptr->compress_type == RICE_1) {
            if (0 == strcmp(zname, "BLOCKSIZE")) {
                get_header_int(header, keyword, &(Fptr->rice_blocksize),
            } else if (0 == strcmp(zname, "BYTEPIX")) {
                get_header_int(header, keyword, &(Fptr->rice_bytepix),
        } else if (Fptr->compress_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
            if (0 == strcmp(zname, "SMOOTH")) {
                get_header_int(header, keyword, &(Fptr->hcomp_smooth),
            } else if (0 == strcmp(zname, "SCALE")) {
                get_header_float(header, keyword, &(Fptr->hcomp_scale),
        } else if (Fptr->zbitpix < 0 && 0 == strcmp(zname, "NOISEBIT")) {
             get_header_float(header, keyword, &(Fptr->quantize_level),
             if (Fptr->quantize_level == 0.0) {
                 /* NOISEBIT == 0 is equivalent to no quantize */
                 Fptr->quantize_level = NO_QUANTIZE;


    /* The ZQUANTIZ keyword determines the quantization algorithm; NO_QUANTIZE
       implies lossless compression */
    if (0 == get_header_string(header, "ZQUANTIZ", &tmp, "")) {
        /* Ugh; the fact that cfitsio defines its version as a float makes
           preprocessor comparison impossible */
        if ((version >= CFITSIO_LOSSLESS_COMP_SUPPORTED_VERS) &&
                (0 == strcmp(tmp, "NONE"))) {
            Fptr->quantize_level = NO_QUANTIZE;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(tmp, "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1")) {
            // Added in CFITSIO 3.35, this also changed the name of the
            // quantize_dither struct member to quantize_method
            Fptr->quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(tmp, "SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2")) {
            Fptr->quantize_method = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2;
        } else {
            Fptr->quantize_method = NO_DITHER;
    } else {
        Fptr->quantize_method = NO_DITHER;

    if (Fptr->quantize_method != NO_DITHER) {
        if (0 != get_header_int(header, "ZDITHER0", &(Fptr->dither_seed), 0)) {
            // ZDITHER0 keyword not found
            Fptr->dither_seed = 0;
            Fptr->request_dither_seed = 0;
            Fptr->quantize_dither = SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1;
        } else {