int lookup_path_to_contact(struct sip_msg* _m, char* contact_uri) { ucontact_t* contact; str s_contact_uri; str path_dst; get_act_time(); if (get_str_fparam(&s_contact_uri, _m, (fparam_t*) contact_uri) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get RURI\n"); return -1; } LM_DBG("Looking up contact [%.*s]\n", s_contact_uri.len, s_contact_uri.s); if (ul.get_ucontact(NULL, &s_contact_uri, 0, 0, 0, &contact) == 0) { //get_contact returns with lock if (!VALID_CONTACT(contact, act_time)) { LM_DBG("Contact is not valid...ignoring\n"); ul.release_ucontact(contact); } else { LM_DBG("CONTACT FOUND and path is [%.*s]\n", contact->path.len, contact->path.s); if (get_path_dst_uri(&contact->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); ul.release_ucontact(contact); return -1; } if (set_path_vector(_m, &contact->path) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n"); ul.release_ucontact(contact); return -1; } if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); ul.release_ucontact(contact); return -1; } ul.release_ucontact(contact); return 1; } } LM_DBG("no contact found for [%.*s]\n", s_contact_uri.len, s_contact_uri.s); return -1; }
/*! \brief * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI * \return: -1 : not found * -2 : found but method not allowed * -3 : error */ int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, char* _t, char* _f, char* _s) { unsigned int flags; urecord_t* r; str aor, uri; ucontact_t* ptr,*it; int res; int ret; str path_dst; str flags_s; char* ua = NULL; char* re_end = NULL; int re_len = 0; char tmp; regex_t ua_re; int regexp_flags = 0; regmatch_t ua_match; pv_value_t val; int_str istr; str sip_instance = {0,0},call_id = {0,0}; /* branch index */ int idx; /* temporary branch values*/ int tlen; char *turi; qvalue_t tq; flags = 0; if (_f && _f[0]!=0) { if (fixup_get_svalue( _m, (gparam_p)_f, &flags_s)!=0) { LM_ERR("invalid owner uri parameter"); return -1; } for( res=0 ; res< flags_s.len ; res++ ) { switch (flags_s.s[res]) { case 'm': flags |= REG_LOOKUP_METHODFILTER_FLAG; break; case 'b': flags |= REG_LOOKUP_NOBRANCH_FLAG; break; case 'r': flags |= REG_BRANCH_AOR_LOOKUP_FLAG; break; case 'u': if (flags_s.s[res+1] != '/') { LM_ERR("no regexp after 'u' flag"); break; } res++; if ((re_end = strrchr(flags_s.s+res+1, '/')) == NULL) { LM_ERR("no regexp after 'u' flag"); break; } res++; re_len = re_end-flags_s.s-res; if (re_len == 0) { LM_ERR("empty regexp"); break; } ua = flags_s.s+res; flags |= REG_LOOKUP_UAFILTER_FLAG; LM_DBG("found regexp /%.*s/", re_len, ua); res += re_len; break; case 'i': regexp_flags |= REG_ICASE; break; case 'e': regexp_flags |= REG_EXTENDED; break; default: LM_WARN("unsuported flag %c \n",flags_s.s[res]); } } } if (flags®_BRANCH_AOR_LOOKUP_FLAG) { /* extract all the branches for further usage */ nbranches = 0; while ( (turi=get_branch(nbranches, &tlen, &tq, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) ) { /* copy uri */ branch_uris[nbranches].s = urimem[nbranches]; if (tlen) { memcpy(branch_uris[nbranches].s, turi, tlen); branch_uris[nbranches].len = tlen; } else { *branch_uris[nbranches].s = '\0'; branch_uris[nbranches].len = 0; } nbranches++; } clear_branches(); idx=0; } if (_s) { if (pv_get_spec_value( _m, (pv_spec_p)_s, &val)!=0) { LM_ERR("failed to get PV value\n"); return -1; } if ( (val.flags&PV_VAL_STR)==0 ) { LM_ERR("PV vals is not string\n"); return -1; } uri =; } else { if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri; else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri; } if (extract_aor(&uri, &aor,&sip_instance,&call_id) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n"); return -3; } get_act_time(); ul.lock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); res = ul.get_urecord((udomain_t*)_t, &aor, &r); if (res > 0) { LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); ul.unlock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); return -1; } if (flags & REG_LOOKUP_UAFILTER_FLAG) { tmp = *(ua+re_len); *(ua+re_len) = '\0'; if (regcomp(&ua_re, ua, regexp_flags) != 0) { LM_ERR("bad regexp '%s'\n", ua); *(ua+re_len) = tmp; return -1; } *(ua+re_len) = tmp; } ptr = r->contacts; ret = -1; /* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */ search_valid_contact: while ( (ptr) && !(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time) && (ret=-2) && allowed_method(_m,ptr,flags))) ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr==0) { /* nothing found */ LM_DBG("nothing found !\n"); goto done; } ua_re_check( ret = -1; ptr = ptr->next; goto search_valid_contact ); if (sip_instance.len && sip_instance.s) { LM_DBG("ruri has gruu in lookup\n"); /* uri has GRUU */ if (ptr->instance.len-2 != sip_instance.len || memcmp(ptr->instance.s+1,sip_instance.s,sip_instance.len)) { LM_DBG("no match to sip instace - [%.*s] - [%.*s]\n",ptr->instance.len-2,ptr->instance.s+1, sip_instance.len,sip_instance.s); /* not the targeted instance, search some more */ ptr = ptr->next; goto search_valid_contact; } LM_DBG("matched sip instace\n"); } if (call_id.len && call_id.s) { /* decide whether GRUU is expired or not * * first - match call-id */ if (ptr->callid.len != call_id.len || memcmp(ptr->callid.s,call_id.s,call_id.len)) { LM_DBG("no match to call id - [%.*s] - [%.*s]\n",ptr->callid.len,ptr->callid.s, call_id.len,call_id.s); ptr = ptr->next; goto search_valid_contact; } /* matched call-id, check if there are newer contacts with * same sip instace bup newer last_modified */ it = ptr->next; while ( it ) { if (VALID_CONTACT(it,act_time)) { if (it->instance.len-2 == sip_instance.len && sip_instance.s && memcmp(it->instance.s+1,sip_instance.s,sip_instance.len) == 0) if (it->last_modified > ptr->last_modified) { /* same instance id, but newer modified -> expired GRUU, no match at all */ break; } } it=it->next; } if (it != NULL) { ret = -1; goto done; } } LM_DBG("found a complete match\n"); ret = 1; if (ptr) { LM_DBG("setting as ruri <%.*s>\n",ptr->c.len,ptr->c.s); if (set_ruri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) { LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } /* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac * has to handle NAT. - agranig */ if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) { if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } } else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) { if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } set_ruri_q( _m, ptr->q); setbflag( _m, 0, ptr->cflags); if (ptr->sock) _m->force_send_socket = ptr->sock; /* populate the 'attributes' avp */ if (attr_avp_name != -1) { istr.s = ptr->attr; if (add_avp_last(AVP_VAL_STR, attr_avp_name, istr) != 0) { LM_ERR("Failed to populate attr avp!\n"); } } ptr = ptr->next; } /* Append branches if enabled */ /* If we got to this point and the URI had a ;gr parameter and it was matched * to a contact. No point in branching */ if ( flags®_LOOKUP_NOBRANCH_FLAG || (sip_instance.len && sip_instance.s) ) goto done; LM_DBG("looking for branches\n"); do { for( ; ptr ; ptr = ptr->next ) { if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m,ptr,flags)) { path_dst.len = 0; if(ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len && get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } ua_re_check(continue); /* The same as for the first contact applies for branches * regarding path vs. received. */ LM_DBG("setting branch <%.*s>\n",ptr->c.len,ptr->c.s); if (append_branch(_m,&ptr->c,path_dst.len?&path_dst:&ptr->received, &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags, ptr->sock) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n"); /* Also give a chance to the next branches*/ continue; } /* populate the 'attributes' avp */ if (attr_avp_name != -1) { istr.s = ptr->attr; if (add_avp_last(AVP_VAL_STR, attr_avp_name, istr) != 0) { LM_ERR("Failed to populate attr avp!\n"); } } } } /* 0 branches condition also filled; idx initially -1*/ if (!(flags®_BRANCH_AOR_LOOKUP_FLAG) || idx == nbranches) goto done; /* relsease old aor lock */ ul.unlock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); ul.release_urecord(r, 0); /* idx starts from -1 */ uri = branch_uris[idx]; if (extract_aor(&uri, &aor, NULL, &call_id) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record for branch uri\n"); return -3; } /* release old urecord */ /* get lock on new aor */ LM_DBG("getting contacts from aor [%.*s]" "in branch %d\n", aor.len, aor.s, idx); ul.lock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); res = ul.get_urecord((udomain_t*)_t, &aor, &r); if (res > 0) { LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); goto done; } idx++; ptr = r->contacts; } while (1);
static int ul_contact_event_to_msg(struct sip_msg *req) { static enum ul_attrs { UL_URI, UL_RECEIVED, UL_PATH, UL_QVAL, UL_SOCKET, UL_BFLAGS, UL_ATTR, UL_MAX } ul_attr; /* keep the names of the AVPs aligned with the contact-related events * from USRLOC module !!!! */ static str ul_names[UL_MAX]= {str_init("uri"),str_init("received"), str_init("path"),str_init("qval"), str_init("socket"),str_init("bflags"), str_init("attr") }; static int avp_ids[UL_MAX] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; int_str vals[UL_MAX]; int proto, port; str host; str path_dst; if (avp_ids[0]==-1) { /* init the avp IDs mapping us on the UL event */ for( ul_attr=0 ; ul_attr<UL_MAX ; ul_attr++ ){ if (parse_avp_spec( &ul_names[ul_attr], &avp_ids[ul_attr])<0) { LM_ERR("failed to init UL AVP %d/%s\n", ul_attr,ul_names[ul_attr].s); avp_ids[0] = -1; return -1; } } } /* fetch the AVP values one by one */ for( ul_attr=0 ; ul_attr<UL_MAX ; ul_attr++ ) { if (search_first_avp(0, avp_ids[ul_attr], &vals[ul_attr], NULL)==NULL){ LM_ERR("cannot find AVP(%d) for event attr %d/%s\n", avp_ids[ul_attr], ul_attr, ul_names[ul_attr].s); return -1; } } /* OK, we have the values, lets inject them into the SIP msg */ LM_DBG("injecting new branch: uri=<%.*s>, received=<%.*s>," "path=<%.*s>, qval=%d, socket=<%.*s>, bflags=%X, attr=<%.*s>\n", vals[UL_URI].s.len, vals[UL_URI].s.s, vals[UL_RECEIVED].s.len, vals[UL_RECEIVED].s.s, vals[UL_PATH].s.len, vals[UL_PATH].s.s, vals[UL_QVAL].n, vals[UL_SOCKET].s.len, vals[UL_SOCKET].s.s, vals[UL_BFLAGS].n, vals[UL_ATTR].s.len, vals[UL_ATTR].s.s); /* contact URI goes as RURI */ if (set_ruri( req, &vals[UL_URI].s)<0) { LM_ERR("failed to set new RURI\n"); return -1; } /* contact PATH goes as path */ if (vals[UL_PATH].s.len) { if (get_path_dst_uri(&vals[UL_PATH].s, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); return -1; } if (set_dst_uri( req, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); return -1; } if (set_path_vector( req, &vals[UL_PATH].s)<0) { LM_ERR("failed to set PATH\n"); return -1; } } else /* contact RECEIVED goes as DURI */ if (vals[UL_RECEIVED].s.len) { if (set_dst_uri( req, &vals[UL_RECEIVED].s)<0) { LM_ERR("failed to set DST URI\n"); return -1; } } /* contact Qval goes as RURI Qval */ set_ruri_q( req, vals[UL_QVAL].n); /* contact BFLAGS goes as RURI bflags */ setb0flags( req, vals[UL_BFLAGS].n); /* socket info */ if (vals[UL_SOCKET].s.len) { if ( parse_phostport( vals[UL_SOCKET].s.s, vals[UL_SOCKET].s.len, &host.s, &host.len, &port, &proto) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse socket from Event attr <%.*s>\n", vals[UL_SOCKET].s.len, vals[UL_SOCKET].s.s); } else { req->force_send_socket = grep_sock_info( &host, (unsigned short)port, (unsigned short)proto); } } return 0; }
/*! \brief * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI * \return: -1 : not found * -2 : found but method not allowed * -3 : error */ int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { impurecord_t* r; str aor, uri; ucontact_t* ptr; int res; int ret; str path_dst; flag_t old_bflags; int i = 0; if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri; else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri; if (extract_aor(&uri, &aor) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n"); return -3; } get_act_time(); ul.lock_udomain(_d, &aor); res = ul.get_impurecord(_d, &aor, &r); if (res > 0) { LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor); return -1; } ret = -1; while (i < MAX_CONTACTS_PER_IMPU && (ptr = r->newcontacts[i])) { if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) { LM_DBG("Found a valid contact [%.*s]\n", ptr->c.len, ptr->c.s); i++; break; } i++; } /* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */ if (ptr == 0) { /* nothing found */ goto done; } ret = 1; if (ptr) { if (rewrite_uri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) { LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } /* reset next hop address */ reset_dst_uri(_m); /* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac * has to handle NAT. - agranig */ if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) { if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } } else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) { if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } set_ruri_q(ptr->q); old_bflags = 0; getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags); setbflagsval(0, old_bflags | ptr->cflags); if (ptr->sock) set_force_socket(_m, ptr->sock); ptr = ptr->next; } /* Append branches if enabled */ if (!cfg_get(registrar, registrar_cfg, append_branches)) goto done; //the last i was the first valid contact we found - let's go through the rest of valid contacts and append the branches. while (i < MAX_CONTACTS_PER_IMPU && (ptr = r->newcontacts[i])) { if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) { path_dst.len = 0; if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len && get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } /* The same as for the first contact applies for branches * regarding path vs. received. */ if (km_append_branch(_m, &ptr->c, path_dst.len ? &path_dst : &ptr->received, &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags, ptr->sock) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n"); /* Also give a chance to the next branches*/ continue; } } i++; } done: ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor); return ret; }
/*! \brief * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI * \return: -1 : not found * -2 : found but method not allowed * -3 : error */ int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d, str* _uri) { urecord_t* r; str aor, uri; sip_uri_t puri; ucontact_t* ptr = 0; int res; int ret; str path_dst; flag_t old_bflags; int i; str inst = {0}; unsigned int ahash = 0; sr_xavp_t *xavp=NULL; sr_xavp_t *list=NULL; str xname = {"ruid", 4}; sr_xval_t xval; ret = -1; if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri; else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri; if (extract_aor((_uri)?_uri:&uri, &aor, &puri) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n"); return -3; } /* check if gruu */ if(!=NULL) { if(puri.gr_val.len>0) { /* pub-gruu */ inst = puri.gr_val; LM_DBG("looking up pub gruu [%.*s]\n", inst.len, inst.s); } else { /* temp-gruu */ ahash = 0; inst = puri.user; for(i=inst.len-1; i>=0; i--) { if(inst.s[i]==REG_GRUU_SEP) break; ahash <<= 4; if(inst.s[i] >='0' && inst.s[i] <='9') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'0'; else if (inst.s[i] >='a' && inst.s[i] <='f') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'a'+10; else if (inst.s[i] >='A' && inst.s[i] <='F') ahash+=inst.s[i] -'A'+10; else { LM_ERR("failed to extract temp gruu - invalid hash\n"); return -3; } } if(i<0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract temp gruu - invalid format\n"); return -3; } inst.len = i; LM_DBG("looking up temp gruu [%u / %.*s]\n", ahash, inst.len, inst.s); } } get_act_time(); if( || puri.gr_val.len>0) { /* aor or pub-gruu lookup */ ul.lock_udomain(_d, &aor); res = ul.get_urecord(_d, &aor, &r); if (res > 0) { LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor); return -1; } ptr = r->contacts; ret = -1; /* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */ while (ptr) { if(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time)) { if(allowed_method(_m,ptr)) { /* match on instance, if pub-gruu */ if(inst.len>0) { if(reg_cmp_instances(&inst, &ptr->instance)==0) { /* pub-gruu - found by instance */ LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by pub gruu [%.*s]\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s), inst.len, inst.s); break; } } else { /* no-gruu - found by address */ LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by address\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); break; } } else { LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] cannot handle the SIP method\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); ret = -2; } } ptr = ptr->next; } if (ptr==0) { /* nothing found */ LM_DBG("'%.*s' has no valid contact in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); goto done; } } else { /* temp-gruu lookup */ res = ul.get_urecord_by_ruid(_d, ahash, &inst, &r, &ptr); if(res<0) { LM_DBG("temp gruu '%.*s' not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); return -1; } aor = *ptr->aor; /* test if un-expired and suported contact */ if( (ptr) && !(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time) && (ret=-2) && allowed_method(_m,ptr))) goto done; LM_DBG("contact for [%.*s] found by temp gruu [%.*s / %u]\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s), inst.len, inst.s, ahash); } ret = 1; if (ptr) { if (rewrite_uri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) { LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } /* reset next hop address */ reset_dst_uri(_m); /* add xavp with details of the record (ruid, ...) */ if(reg_xavp_rcd.s!=NULL) { list = xavp_get(®_xavp_rcd, NULL); xavp = list; memset(&xval, 0, sizeof(sr_xval_t)); xval.type = SR_XTYPE_STR; xval.v.s = ptr->ruid; xavp_add_value(&xname, &xval, &xavp); if(list==NULL) { /* no reg_xavp_rcd xavp in root list - add it */ xval.type = SR_XTYPE_XAVP; xval.v.xavp = xavp; xavp_add_value(®_xavp_rcd, &xval, NULL); } } /* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac * has to handle NAT. - agranig */ if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) { if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } } else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) { if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } if (ptr->instance.len) { if (set_instance(_m, &(ptr->instance)) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } _m->reg_id = ptr->reg_id; if (ptr->ruid.len) { if (set_ruid(_m, &(ptr->ruid)) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } if (ptr->user_agent.len) { if (set_ua(_m, &(ptr->user_agent)) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } set_ruri_q(ptr->q); old_bflags = 0; getbflagsval(0, &old_bflags); setbflagsval(0, old_bflags|ptr->cflags); if (ptr->sock) set_force_socket(_m, ptr->sock); if(ptr->xavp!=NULL) { xavp = xavp_clone_level_nodata(ptr->xavp); if(xavp_add(xavp, NULL)<0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } ptr = ptr->next; } /* if was gruu, no more branches */ if(inst.len>0) goto done; /* Append branches if enabled */ if (!cfg_get(registrar, registrar_cfg, append_branches)) goto done; for( ; ptr ; ptr = ptr->next ) { if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m, ptr)) { path_dst.len = 0; if(ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len && get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } /* The same as for the first contact applies for branches * regarding path vs. received. */ LM_DBG("instance is %.*s\n", ptr->instance.len, ptr->instance.s); if (append_branch(_m, &ptr->c, path_dst.len?&path_dst:&ptr->received, &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags, ptr->sock, ptr->instance.len?&(ptr->instance):0, ptr->instance.len?ptr->reg_id:0, &ptr->ruid, &ptr->user_agent) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n"); /* Also give a chance to the next branches*/ continue; } if(ptr->xavp!=NULL) { xavp = xavp_clone_level_nodata(ptr->xavp); if(xavp_insert(xavp, nr_branches, NULL)<0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } } } done: ul.release_urecord(r); ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &aor); return ret; }
/*! \brief * Lookup contact in the database and rewrite Request-URI * \return: -1 : not found * -2 : found but method not allowed * -3 : error */ int lookup(struct sip_msg* _m, char* _t, char* _f, char* _s) { unsigned int flags; urecord_t* r; str aor, uri; ucontact_t* ptr,*it; int res; int ret; str path_dst; str flags_s; pv_value_t val; int_str istr; str sip_instance = {0,0},call_id = {0,0}; flags = 0; if (_f && _f[0]!=0) { if (fixup_get_svalue( _m, (gparam_p)_f, &flags_s)!=0) { LM_ERR("invalid owner uri parameter"); return -1; } for( res=0 ; res< flags_s.len ; res++ ) { switch (flags_s.s[res]) { case 'm': flags |= REG_LOOKUP_METHODFILTER_FLAG; break; case 'b': flags |= REG_LOOKUP_NOBRANCH_FLAG; break; default: LM_WARN("unsuported flag %c \n",flags_s.s[res]); } } } if (_s) { if (pv_get_spec_value( _m, (pv_spec_p)_s, &val)!=0) { LM_ERR("failed to get PV value\n"); return -1; } if ( (val.flags&PV_VAL_STR)==0 ) { LM_ERR("PV vals is not string\n"); return -1; } uri =; } else { if (_m->new_uri.s) uri = _m->new_uri; else uri = _m->first_line.u.request.uri; } if (extract_aor(&uri, &aor,&sip_instance,&call_id) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to extract address of record\n"); return -3; } get_act_time(); ul.lock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); res = ul.get_urecord((udomain_t*)_t, &aor, &r); if (res > 0) { LM_DBG("'%.*s' Not found in usrloc\n", aor.len, ZSW(aor.s)); ul.unlock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); return -1; } ptr = r->contacts; ret = -1; /* look first for an un-expired and suported contact */ search_valid_contact: while ( (ptr) && !(VALID_CONTACT(ptr,act_time) && (ret=-2) && allowed_method(_m,ptr,flags))) ptr = ptr->next; if (ptr==0) { /* nothing found */ LM_DBG("nothing found !\n"); goto done; } if (sip_instance.len && sip_instance.s) { LM_DBG("ruri has gruu in lookup\n"); /* uri has GRUU */ if (ptr->instance.len-2 != sip_instance.len || memcmp(ptr->instance.s+1,sip_instance.s,sip_instance.len)) { LM_DBG("no match to sip instace - [%.*s] - [%.*s]\n",ptr->instance.len-2,ptr->instance.s+1, sip_instance.len,sip_instance.s); /* not the targeted instance, search some more */ ptr = ptr->next; goto search_valid_contact; } LM_DBG("matched sip instace\n"); } if (call_id.len && call_id.s) { /* decide whether GRUU is expired or not * * first - match call-id */ if (ptr->callid.len != call_id.len || memcmp(ptr->callid.s,call_id.s,call_id.len)) { LM_DBG("no match to call id - [%.*s] - [%.*s]\n",ptr->callid.len,ptr->callid.s, call_id.len,call_id.s); ptr = ptr->next; goto search_valid_contact; } /* matched call-id, check if there are newer contacts with * same sip instace bup newer last_modified */ it = ptr->next; while ( it ) { if (VALID_CONTACT(it,act_time)) { if (it->instance.len-2 == sip_instance.len && memcmp(it->instance.s+1,sip_instance.s,sip_instance.len) == 0) if (it->last_modified > ptr->last_modified) { /* same instance id, but newer modified -> expired GRUU, no match at all */ break; } } it=it->next; } if (it != NULL) { ret = -1; goto done; } } LM_DBG("found a complete match\n"); ret = 1; if (ptr) { LM_DBG("setting as ruri <%.*s>\n",ptr->c.len,ptr->c.s); if (set_ruri(_m, &ptr->c) < 0) { LM_ERR("unable to rewrite Request-URI\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } /* If a Path is present, use first path-uri in favour of * received-uri because in that case the last hop towards the uac * has to handle NAT. - agranig */ if (ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len) { if (get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_path_vector(_m, &ptr->path) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set path vector\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } if (set_dst_uri(_m, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to set dst_uri of Path\n"); ret = -3; goto done; } } else if (ptr->received.s && ptr->received.len) { if (set_dst_uri(_m, &ptr->received) < 0) { ret = -3; goto done; } } set_ruri_q(ptr->q); setbflag( 0, ptr->cflags); if (ptr->sock) _m->force_send_socket = ptr->sock; /* populate the 'attributes' avp */ if (attr_avp_name != -1) { istr.s = ptr->attr; if (add_avp_last(AVP_VAL_STR, attr_avp_name, istr) != 0) { LM_ERR("Failed to populate attr avp!\n"); } } ptr = ptr->next; } /* Append branches if enabled */ /* If we got to this point and the URI had a ;gr parameter and it was matched * to a contact. No point in branching */ if ( flags®_LOOKUP_NOBRANCH_FLAG || (sip_instance.len && sip_instance.s) ) goto done; LM_DBG("looking for branches\n"); for( ; ptr ; ptr = ptr->next ) { if (VALID_CONTACT(ptr, act_time) && allowed_method(_m,ptr,flags)) { path_dst.len = 0; if(ptr->path.s && ptr->path.len && get_path_dst_uri(&ptr->path, &path_dst) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } /* The same as for the first contact applies for branches * regarding path vs. received. */ LM_DBG("setting branch <%.*s>\n",ptr->c.len,ptr->c.s); if (append_branch(_m,&ptr->c,path_dst.len?&path_dst:&ptr->received, &ptr->path, ptr->q, ptr->cflags, ptr->sock) == -1) { LM_ERR("failed to append a branch\n"); /* Also give a chance to the next branches*/ continue; } /* populate the 'attributes' avp */ if (attr_avp_name != -1) { istr.s = ptr->attr; if (add_avp_last(AVP_VAL_STR, attr_avp_name, istr) != 0) { LM_ERR("Failed to populate attr avp!\n"); } } } } done: ul.release_urecord(r); ul.unlock_udomain((udomain_t*)_t, &aor); return ret; }
static int get_all_db_ucontacts(void *buf, int len, unsigned int flags, unsigned int part_idx, unsigned int part_max) { static char query_buf[512]; static str query_str; static struct sip_uri puri; struct socket_info *sock; struct proxy_l next_hop; db_res_t *res = NULL; db_row_t *row; db_val_t *val; dlist_t *dom; str uri, host, flag_list; int i, no_rows = 10; int now_len; char now_s[25]; char *p, *p1; int port, proto, p_len, p1_len; unsigned int dbflags; int needed; int shortage = 0; shortage = 0; /* Reserve space for terminating 0000 */ len -= sizeof p_len; /* get the current time in DB format */ now_len = 25; if (db_time2str(time(NULL), now_s, &now_len) != 0) { LM_ERR("failed to print now time\n"); return -1; } LM_DBG("buf: %p. flags: %d\n", buf, flags); /* for each table */ for (dom = root; dom; dom = dom->next) { if (db_check_table_version(&ul_dbf, ul_dbh, dom->d->name, UL_TABLE_VERSION)) goto error; /* read the destinations */ if (ul_dbf.use_table(ul_dbh, dom->d->name) < 0) { LM_ERR("cannot select table \"%.*s\"\n", dom->d->name->len, dom->d->name->s); goto error; } i = snprintf(query_buf, sizeof query_buf, "select %.*s, %.*s, %.*s," #ifdef ORACLE_USRLOC " %.*s, %.*s from %s where %.*s > %.*s and mod(id, %u) = %u", #else " %.*s, %.*s from %s where %.*s > %.*s and id %% %u = %u", #endif received_col.len, received_col.s, contact_col.len, contact_col.s, sock_col.len, sock_col.s, cflags_col.len, cflags_col.s, path_col.len, path_col.s, dom->d->name->s, expires_col.len, expires_col.s, now_len, now_s, part_max, part_idx); LM_DBG("query: %.*s\n", (int)(sizeof query_buf), query_buf); if (i >= sizeof query_buf) { LM_ERR("DB query too long\n"); goto error; } query_str.s = query_buf; query_str.len = i; if (DB_CAPABILITY(ul_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) { if (ul_dbf.raw_query(ul_dbh, &query_str, 0) < 0) { LM_ERR("raw_query failed\n"); goto error; } no_rows = estimate_available_rows(20+128+20+128+64, 5); if (no_rows == 0) no_rows = 10; LM_DBG("fetching %d rows\n", no_rows); if (ul_dbf.fetch_result(ul_dbh, &res, no_rows) < 0) { LM_ERR("Error fetching rows\n"); goto error; } } else if (ul_dbf.raw_query(ul_dbh, &query_str, &res) < 0) { LM_ERR("raw_query failed\n"); goto error; } do { for (i = 0; i < RES_ROW_N(res); i++) { row = RES_ROWS(res) + i; val = ROW_VALUES(row) + 3; /* cflags */ flag_list.s = (char *)VAL_STRING(val); flag_list.len = strlen(flag_list.s); LM_DBG("contact cflags: '%.*s'\n", flag_list.len, flag_list.s); /* contact is not flagged at all */ if (flags && (val->nul || !flag_list.s)) continue; dbflags = flag_list_to_bitmask(&flag_list, FLAG_TYPE_BRANCH, FLAG_DELIM); LM_DBG("masks: param: %d --- %d :db\n", flags, dbflags); /* check if contact flags match the given bitmask */ if ((dbflags & flags) != flags) continue; /* received */ p = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row)); if (VAL_NULL(ROW_VALUES(row)) || !p || !p[0]) { /* contact */ p = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 1); if (VAL_NULL(ROW_VALUES(row) + 1) || !p || *p == '\0') { LM_ERR("empty contact -> skipping\n"); continue; } } p_len = strlen(p); /* path */ p1 = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 4); if (VAL_NULL(ROW_VALUES(row) + 4) || !p1 || *p1 == '\0') { p1 = NULL; p1_len = 0; } else p1_len = strlen(p1); needed = (int)(p_len + sizeof p_len + p1_len + sizeof p1_len + sizeof sock + sizeof dbflags + sizeof next_hop); LM_DBG("len: %d, needed: %d\n", len, needed); if (len < needed) { shortage += needed; continue; } /* determine and parse the URI of this contact's next hop */ if (p1_len > 0) { /* send to first URI in path */ host.s = p1; host.len = p1_len; if (get_path_dst_uri(&host, &uri) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to get dst_uri for Path\n"); continue; } if (parse_uri(uri.s, uri.len, &puri) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse path URI of next hop: '%*.s'\n", p1_len, p1); return -1; } } else { if (parse_uri(p, p_len, &puri) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse contact of next hop: '%*.s'\n", p_len, p); return -1; } } /* write received/contact */ memcpy(buf, &p_len, sizeof p_len); buf += sizeof p_len; memcpy(buf, p, p_len); buf += p_len; /* write path */ memcpy(buf, &p1_len, sizeof p1_len); buf += sizeof p1_len; memcpy(buf, p1, p1_len); buf += p1_len; /* sock */ p = (char*)VAL_STRING(ROW_VALUES(row) + 2); if (VAL_NULL(ROW_VALUES(row)+2) || !p || *p == '\0') { sock = NULL; } else { if (parse_phostport(p, strlen(p), &host.s, &host.len, &port, &proto) != 0) { LM_ERR("bad socket <%s>...ignoring\n", p); sock = NULL; } else { sock = grep_sock_info(&host, (unsigned short)port, proto); if (!sock) LM_DBG("non-local socket <%s>...ignoring\n", p); } } /* write sock and flags */ memcpy(buf, &sock, sizeof sock); buf += sizeof sock; memcpy(buf, &dbflags, sizeof dbflags); buf += sizeof dbflags; memset(&next_hop, 0, sizeof next_hop); next_hop.port = puri.port_no; next_hop.proto = puri.proto; =; /* write the next hop */ memcpy(buf, &next_hop, sizeof next_hop); buf += sizeof next_hop; len -= needed; } if (DB_CAPABILITY(ul_dbf, DB_CAP_FETCH)) { if (ul_dbf.fetch_result(ul_dbh, &res, no_rows) < 0) { LM_ERR("fetching rows (1)\n"); goto error; } } else break; } while (RES_ROW_N(res) > 0); ul_dbf.free_result(ul_dbh, res); } /* len < 0 is possible, if size of the buffer < sizeof c->c.len */ if (len >= 0) memset(buf, 0, sizeof p_len); /* Shouldn't happen */ if (shortage > 0 && len > shortage) abort(); shortage -= len; return shortage > 0 ? shortage : 0; error: if (res) ul_dbf.free_result(ul_dbh, res); return -1; }