文件: mi.c 项目: cran/rsgcc
coord_t mutual_information(mi_t* const m, const coord_t* const xs, const coord_t* const ys) {
  const coord_t* pxs;
  const coord_t* pys;
  make_grid(&m->grid, xs, ys, m->n, m->k);
  ordered_points(&m->grid, &pxs, &pys);

  sort_coords(pxs, m->sxs, m->xiis, m->n);
  sort_coords(pys, m->sys, m->yiis, m->n);

  int i;
  coord_t accum = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < m->n; i++) {
    int kis[m->k];
    search_knn(&m->grid, pxs[i], pys[i], kis);

    const dist_t mdx = find_range(pxs, i, kis, m->k);
    const int nx = region_count(m->sxs, m->n, m->xiis[i], mdx);

    const dist_t mdy = find_range(pys, i, kis, m->k);
    const int ny = region_count(m->sys, m->n, m->yiis[i], mdy);

    accum += get_psi(m, nx) + get_psi(m, ny);


  return get_psi(m, m->k) + get_psi(m, m->n) - (1.0/m->k) - (accum/m->n);
void RegistrationResult::show(std::ostream &out) const {
  algebra::VectorD<4> quaternion = R_.get_quaternion();
  out << "Name: " << get_name() << " Image index: " << get_image_index()
      << " Projection index: " << get_projection_index()
      << " (Phi,Theta,Psi) = ( " << get_phi() << " , " << get_theta() << " , "
      << get_psi() << " ) | Shift (x,y) " << get_shift()
      << " CCC = " << get_ccc() << " Quaternion " << quaternion;
//! Writes a result line to a file
void RegistrationResult::write(std::ostream &out) const {
  algebra::VectorD<4> quaternion = R_.get_quaternion();
  char c = '|';
  out << get_image_index() << c << get_projection_index() << c << get_phi() << c
      << get_theta() << c << get_psi() << c << quaternion[0] << c
      << quaternion[1] << c << quaternion[2] << c << quaternion[3] << c
      << get_shift()[0] << c << get_shift()[1] << c << get_ccc() << c
      << std::endl;
static void test_psi()
	size_t n = catdist1_ncat(&CATDIST1);
	double *eta = xmalloc(n * sizeof(*eta));
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		eta[i] = catdist1_eta(&CATDIST1, i);

	double psi = get_psi(eta, n);
	assert_real_approx(catdist1_psi(&CATDIST1), psi);

int *ghmm_dpmodel_viterbi_variable_tb(ghmm_dpmodel *mo, ghmm_dpseq * X, ghmm_dpseq * Y,
				 double *log_p, int *path_length,
				 int start_traceback_with) {
#define CUR_PROC "ghmm_dpmodel_viterbi"
  int u, v, j, i, off_x, off_y, current_state_index;
  double value, max_value, previous_prob;  
  plocal_store_t *pv;
  int *state_seq = NULL;
  int emission;
  double log_b_i, log_in_a_ij;
  double (*log_in_a)(plocal_store_t*, int, int, ghmm_dpseq*, ghmm_dpseq*, int, int);

  /* printf("---- viterbi -----\n"); */
  i_list * state_list;
  state_list = ighmm_list_init_list();
  log_in_a = &sget_log_in_a;
  /* int len_path  = mo->N*len; the length of the path is not known apriori */

/*   if (mo->model_type & kSilentStates &&  */
/*       mo->silent != NULL &&  */
/*       mo->topo_order == NULL) { */
/*     ghmm_dmodel_topo_order( mo );  */
/*   } */

  /* Allocate the matrices log_in_a, log_b,Vektor phi, phi_new, Matrix psi */
  pv = pviterbi_alloc(mo, X->length, Y->length);
  if (!pv)                        { GHMM_LOG_QUEUED(LCONVERTED); goto STOP; }

  /* Precomputing the log(a_ij) and log(bj(ot)) */
  pviterbi_precompute(mo, pv);
  /* Initialize the lookback matrix (for positions [-offsetX,0], [-1, len_y]*/
  init_phi(pv, X, Y);
  /* u > max_offset_x , v starts -1 to allow states with offset_x == 0 
     which corresponds to a series of gap states before reading the first 
     character of x at position x=0, y=v */
  for (u = mo->max_offset_x + 1; u < X->length; u++) {
    for (v = -mo->max_offset_y; v < Y->length; v++) {
      for (j = 0; j < mo->N; j++) 
	  /** initialization of phi (lookback matrix), psi (traceback) **/
	  set_phi(pv, u, v, j, +1);
	  set_psi(pv, u, v, j, -1);
      for (i = 0; i < mo->N; i++) {
	/* Determine the maximum */
	/* max_phi = phi[i] + log_in_a[j][i] ... */
	if (!(mo->model_type & GHMM_kSilentStates) || !mo->silent[i] ) {
	  max_value = -DBL_MAX;
	  set_psi(pv, u, v, i, -1);
	  for (j = 0; j < mo->s[i].in_states; j++) {
	    /* look back in the phi matrix at the offsets */
	    previous_prob = get_phi(pv, u, v, mo->s[i].offset_x, mo->s[i].offset_y, mo->s[i].in_id[j]);
	    log_in_a_ij = (*log_in_a)(pv, i, j, X, Y, u, v);
	    if ( previous_prob != +1 && log_in_a_ij != +1) {
	      value = previous_prob + log_in_a_ij;
	      if (value > max_value) {
		max_value = value;
		set_psi(pv, u, v, i, mo->s[i].in_id[j]);
	      {;} /* fprintf(stderr, " %d --> %d = %f, \n", i,i,v->log_in_a[i][i]); */

	  emission = ghmm_dpmodel_pair(ghmm_dpseq_get_char(X, mo->s[i].alphabet, u), 
			      ghmm_dpseq_get_char(Y, mo->s[i].alphabet, v),
			      mo->s[i].offset_x, mo->s[i].offset_y);
#ifdef DEBUG
	  if (emission > ghmm_dpmodel_emission_table_size(mo, i)){
	    printf("State %i\n", i);
	    printf("charX: %i charY: %i alphabet size: %i emission table: %i emission index: %i\n", 
		   ghmm_dpseq_get_char(X, mo->s[i].alphabet, u),
		   ghmm_dpseq_get_char(Y, mo->s[i].alphabet, v),
		   ghmm_dpmodel_emission_table_size(mo, i), emission);
	  log_b_i = log_b(pv, i, ghmm_dpmodel_pair(ghmm_dpseq_get_char(X, mo->s[i].alphabet, u), 
				      ghmm_dpseq_get_char(Y, mo->s[i].alphabet, v),
				      mo->s[i].offset_x, mo->s[i].offset_y));

	  /* No maximum found (that is, state never reached)
	     or the output O[t] = 0.0: */
	  if (max_value == -DBL_MAX ||/* and then also: (v->psi[t][j] == -1) */
	      log_b_i == +1 ) {
	    set_phi(pv, u, v, i, +1);
	    set_phi(pv, u, v, i, max_value + log_b_i);
      } /* complete time step for emitting states */
	/* last_osc = osc; */ 
        /* save last transition class */

      /*if (mo->model_type & kSilentStates) { 
	p__viterbi_silent( mo, t, v );
	}*/ /* complete time step for silent states */
    for (j = 0; j < mo->N; j++) 
	printf("\npsi[%d],in:%d, phi=%f\n", t, v->psi[t][j], v->phi[j]);
    for (i = 0; i < mo->N; i++){
      printf("%d\t", former_matchcount[i]);

    for (i = 0; i < mo->N; i++){
      printf("%d\t", recent_matchcount[i]);
    } /* End for v in Y */
    /* Next character in X */
    push_back_phi(pv, Y->length);
  } /* End for u in X */

  /* Termination */
  max_value = -DBL_MAX;
  ighmm_list_append(state_list, -1);
  /* if start_traceback_with is -1 (it is by default) search for the most 
     likely state at the end of both sequences */
  if (start_traceback_with == -1) {
    for (j = 0; j < mo->N; j++){
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("phi(len_x)(len_y)(%i)=%f\n", j, get_phi(pv, u, Y->length-1, 0, 0, j));
      if ( get_phi(pv, u, Y->length-1, 0, 0, j) != +1 && 
	   get_phi(pv, u, Y->length-1, 0, 0, j) > max_value) { 
	max_value = get_phi(pv, X->length-1, Y->length-1, 0, 0, j);
	state_list->last->val = j;
  /* this is the special traceback mode for the d & c algorithm that also 
     connects the traceback to the first state of the rest of the path */
  else {
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("D & C traceback from state %i!\n", start_traceback_with);
    printf("Last characters emitted X: %i, Y: %i\n", 
	   ghmm_dpseq_get_char(X, mo->s[start_traceback_with].alphabet, 
	   ghmm_dpseq_get_char(Y, mo->s[start_traceback_with].alphabet, 
    for (j = 0; j < mo->N; j++){
      printf("phi(len_x)(len_y)(%i)=%f\n", j, get_phi(pv, X->length-1, Y->length-1, 0, 0, j)); 
    max_value = get_phi(pv, X->length-1, Y->length-1, 0, 0, start_traceback_with);
    if (max_value != 1 && max_value > -DBL_MAX)
      state_list->last->val = start_traceback_with;
  if (max_value == -DBL_MAX) {
    /* Sequence can't be generated from the model! */
    *log_p = +1;
    /* Backtracing doesn't work, because state_seq[*] allocated with -1 */
    /* for (t = len - 2; t >= 0; t--)
       state_list->last->val = -1;    */
  else {
    /* Backtracing, should put DEL path nicely */
    *log_p = max_value;
    /* removed the handling of silent states here */
    /* start trace back at the end of both sequences */
    u = X->length - 1;
    v = Y->length - 1;
    current_state_index = state_list->first->val;
    off_x = mo->s[current_state_index].offset_x;
    off_y = mo->s[current_state_index].offset_y;
    while (u - off_x >= -1 && v - off_y >= -1 && current_state_index != -1) { 
      /* while (u > 0 && v > 0) { */
      /* look up the preceding state and save it in the first position of the
	 state list */
      /* printf("Current state %i at (%i,%i) -> preceding state %i\n", 
	 current_state_index, u, v, get_psi(pv, u, v, current_state_index)); */
      /* update the current state */
      current_state_index = get_psi(pv, u, v, current_state_index);
      if (current_state_index != -1)
	ighmm_list_insert(state_list, current_state_index);
      /* move in the alignment matrix */
      u -= off_x;
      v -= off_y; 
      /* get the next offsets */
      off_x = mo->s[current_state_index].offset_x;
      off_y = mo->s[current_state_index].offset_y;
  /* Free the memory space */
  pviterbi_free(&pv, mo->N, X->length, Y->length, mo->max_offset_x , 
  /* printf("After traceback: last state = %i\n", state_list->last->val); */
  state_seq = ighmm_list_to_array(state_list);
  *path_length = state_list->length;
  /* PRINT PATH */
/*   fprintf(stderr, "Viterbi path: " ); */
/*   int t; */
/*   for(t=0; t < *path_length; t++) */
/*     if (state_seq[t] >= 0) fprintf(stderr, " %d ",  state_seq[t]); */
/*   fprintf(stderr, "\n Freeing ... \n");  */
  return (state_seq);
STOP:     /* Label STOP from ARRAY_[CM]ALLOC */
  /* Free the memory space */
  pviterbi_free(&pv, mo->N, X->length, Y->length, mo->max_offset_x, 
  return NULL;
#undef CUR_PROC
} /* viterbi */