文件: ft_move.c 项目: gozac/ZAC-42
int		move_up(t_env *e)
	e->py = e->py - e->speed * sin(get_rad(e->angle));
	e->px = e->px + e->speed * cos(get_rad(e->angle));
	if (is_wall(e, e->px, e->py) == 1)
		e->py = e->py + e->speed * sin(get_rad(e->angle));
		e->px = e->px - 1 * cos(get_rad(e->angle));
		if (is_wall(e, e->px, e->py) == 1)
			e->px = e->px + e->speed * cos(get_rad(e->angle));
	return (0);
LatLonHead Spherical::get() const {
  LatLonHead llh = get_rad();
  llh.Latitude = radiansToDegrees(llh.Latitude);
  llh.Longatude = radiansToDegrees(llh.Longatude);
  llh.Heading = radiansToDegrees(llh.Heading);
  return llh;
double Spherical::getBearing_rad(const Spherical &target) const {
  double dlon, dlat, a, d;
  double bear;

  LatLonHead llh = get_rad();
  LatLon tl = target.getLocation_rad();

  dlon = tl.Longatude - llh.Longatude;
  dlat = tl.Latitude - llh.Latitude;
  a = sqr(sin(dlat / 2)) + cos(llh.Latitude) * cos(tl.Latitude) * sqr(sin(dlon / 2));
  d = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a));

  bear = acos((sin(tl.Latitude) - sin(llh.Latitude) * cos(d)) / (sin(d) * cos(llh.Latitude)));
  // If target is to the west.
  if(sin(tl.Longatude - llh.Longatude) < 0) {
    bear = (2 * pi) - bear;

  bear -= llh.Heading;
  // if bearing is less than -180 degrees reverse the direction.
  if(bear < -pi) {
    // note: this condition may not be possible?  Should be tested for possible optimization.
    bear = (2 * pi) - bear;
  // If bearing is greater than 180 degrees reverse the direction.
  if(bear > pi) {
    bear = -((2 * pi) - bear);
  // If bearing is 360 degrees return it as zero.
  if(bear == 2 * pi) {
    bear = 0;

  return bear;