void nv20_emit_framebuffer(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; unsigned rt_format = NV20_3D_RT_FORMAT_TYPE_LINEAR; unsigned rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; PUSH_RESET(push, BUFCTX_FB); /* Render target */ if (fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); rt_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV20_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV20_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer)->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV20_3D(ZETA_OFFSET), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV20_3D(ZETA_OFFSET), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); if (context_chipset(ctx) >= 0x25) setup_hierz_buffer(ctx); } else { rt_format |= get_rt_format(MESA_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch; } BEGIN_NV04(push, NV20_3D(RT_FORMAT), 2); PUSH_DATA (push, rt_format); PUSH_DATA (push, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); /* Recompute the viewport/scissor state. */ context_dirty(ctx, VIEWPORT); context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); context_dirty(ctx, DEPTH); }
void nv20_emit_framebuffer(GLcontext *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = context_chan(ctx); struct nouveau_grobj *kelvin = context_eng3d(ctx); struct nouveau_bo_context *bctx = context_bctx(ctx, FRAMEBUFFER); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; unsigned rt_format = NV20TCL_RT_FORMAT_TYPE_LINEAR; unsigned rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; /* Render target */ if (fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); rt_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, kelvin, NV20TCL_COLOR_OFFSET, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->_DepthBuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped)->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, kelvin, NV20TCL_ZETA_OFFSET, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } else { rt_format |= get_rt_format(MESA_FORMAT_Z24_S8); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch; } BEGIN_RING(chan, kelvin, NV20TCL_RT_FORMAT, 2); OUT_RING(chan, rt_format); OUT_RING(chan, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); /* Recompute the viewport/scissor state. */ context_dirty(ctx, VIEWPORT); context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); }
static Bool check_render_target(PicturePtr pict) { int w = pict->pDrawable->width; int h = pict->pDrawable->height; if (w > 4096 || h > 4096) return FALSE; if (!get_rt_format(pict)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
static Bool setup_render_target(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict, PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf; struct nouveau_bo *bo = nouveau_pixmap_bo(pixmap); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RT_FORMAT), 3); PUSH_DATA (push, get_rt_format(pict)); PUSH_DATA (push, (exaGetPixmapPitch(pixmap) << 16 | exaGetPixmapPitch(pixmap))); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV10_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), bo, 0, NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR); return TRUE; }
void nv04_emit_framebuffer(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; uint32_t rt_format = NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_FORMAT_TYPE_PITCH; uint32_t rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; PUSH_RESET(push, BUFCTX_FB); /* Render target */ if (fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV04_SF3D(OFFSET_COLOR), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV04_SF3D(OFFSET_COLOR), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer)->surface; zeta_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV04_SF3D(OFFSET_ZETA), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV04_SF3D(OFFSET_ZETA), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } BEGIN_NV04(push, NV04_SF3D(FORMAT), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, rt_format); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV04_SF3D(PITCH), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); /* Recompute the scissor state. */ context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); context_dirty(ctx, CONTROL); }
void nv04_emit_framebuffer(GLcontext *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = context_chan(ctx); struct nouveau_hw_state *hw = &to_nouveau_context(ctx)->hw; struct nouveau_grobj *surf3d = hw->surf3d; struct nouveau_bo_context *bctx = context_bctx(ctx, FRAMEBUFFER); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; uint32_t rt_format = NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_FORMAT_TYPE_PITCH; uint32_t rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; /* Render target */ if (fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, surf3d, NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_OFFSET_COLOR, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->_DepthBuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_DepthBuffer->Wrapped)->surface; zeta_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, surf3d, NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_OFFSET_ZETA, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } BEGIN_RING(chan, surf3d, NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_FORMAT, 1); OUT_RING(chan, rt_format); BEGIN_RING(chan, surf3d, NV04_CONTEXT_SURFACES_3D_PITCH, 1); OUT_RING(chan, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); /* Recompute the scissor state. */ context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); }
static Bool setup_render_target(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict, PixmapPtr pixmap) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = pNv->chan; struct nouveau_bo *bo = nouveau_pixmap_bo(pixmap); BEGIN_NV04(chan, NV10_3D(RT_FORMAT), 2); OUT_RING (chan, get_rt_format(pict)); OUT_RING (chan, (exaGetPixmapPitch(pixmap) << 16 | exaGetPixmapPitch(pixmap))); BEGIN_NV04(chan, NV10_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), 1); if (OUT_RELOCl(chan, bo, 0, NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_WR)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
void nv10_emit_framebuffer(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_channel *chan = context_chan(ctx); struct nouveau_grobj *celsius = context_eng3d(ctx); struct nouveau_bo_context *bctx = context_bctx(ctx, FRAMEBUFFER); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; unsigned rt_format = NV10_3D_RT_FORMAT_TYPE_LINEAR; unsigned rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; /* At least nv11 seems to get sad if we don't do this before * swapping RTs.*/ if (context_chipset(ctx) < 0x17) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { BEGIN_RING(chan, celsius, NV04_GRAPH_NOP, 1); OUT_RING(chan, 0); } } /* Render target */ if (fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, celsius, NV10_3D_COLOR_OFFSET, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer)->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = s->pitch; nouveau_bo_markl(bctx, celsius, NV10_3D_ZETA_OFFSET, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); if (context_chipset(ctx) >= 0x17) { setup_hierz_buffer(ctx); context_dirty(ctx, ZCLEAR); } } BEGIN_RING(chan, celsius, NV10_3D_RT_FORMAT, 2); OUT_RING(chan, rt_format); OUT_RING(chan, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); context_dirty(ctx, VIEWPORT); context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); }
static void setup_hierz_buffer(struct gl_context *ctx) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_framebuffer *nfb = to_nouveau_framebuffer(fb); unsigned pitch = align(fb->Width, 128), height = align(fb->Height, 2), size = pitch * height; if (!nfb->hierz.bo || nfb->hierz.bo->size != size) { union nouveau_bo_config config = { .nv04.surf_flags = NV04_BO_ZETA, .nv04.surf_pitch = 0 }; nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &nfb->hierz.bo); nouveau_bo_new(context_dev(ctx), NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM, 0, size, &config, &nfb->hierz.bo); } PUSH_SPACE(push, 11); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV17_3D(HIERZ_OFFSET), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV17_3D(HIERZ_OFFSET), BUFCTX_FB, nfb->hierz.bo, 0, NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV17_3D(HIERZ_WINDOW_X), 4); PUSH_DATAf(push, - 1792); PUSH_DATAf(push, - 2304 + fb->Height); PUSH_DATAf(push, fb->_DepthMaxF / 2); PUSH_DATAf(push, 0); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV17_3D(HIERZ_PITCH), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, pitch); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV17_3D(HIERZ_ENABLE), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, 1); } void nv10_emit_framebuffer(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; struct nouveau_surface *s; unsigned rt_format = NV10_3D_RT_FORMAT_TYPE_LINEAR; unsigned rt_pitch = 0, zeta_pitch = 0; unsigned bo_flags = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RDWR; if (fb->_Status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) return; PUSH_RESET(push, BUFCTX_FB); /* At least nv11 seems to get sad if we don't do this before * swapping RTs.*/ if (context_eng3d(ctx)->oclass < NV17_3D_CLASS) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { BEGIN_NV04(push, NV04_GRAPH(3D, NOP), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, 0); } } /* Render target */ if (fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0]) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[0])->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = rt_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV10_3D(COLOR_OFFSET), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); } /* depth/stencil */ if (fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer) { s = &to_nouveau_renderbuffer( fb->Attachment[BUFFER_DEPTH].Renderbuffer)->surface; rt_format |= get_rt_format(s->format); zeta_pitch = s->pitch; BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(ZETA_OFFSET), 1); PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV10_3D(ZETA_OFFSET), BUFCTX_FB, s->bo, 0, bo_flags); if (context_eng3d(ctx)->oclass >= NV17_3D_CLASS) { setup_hierz_buffer(ctx); context_dirty(ctx, ZCLEAR); } } BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RT_FORMAT), 2); PUSH_DATA (push, rt_format); PUSH_DATA (push, zeta_pitch << 16 | rt_pitch); context_dirty(ctx, VIEWPORT); context_dirty(ctx, SCISSOR); context_dirty(ctx, DEPTH); } void nv10_emit_render_mode(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { } void nv10_emit_scissor(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); int x, y, w, h; get_scissors(ctx->DrawBuffer, &x, &y, &w, &h); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RT_HORIZ), 2); PUSH_DATA (push, w << 16 | x); PUSH_DATA (push, h << 16 | y); } void nv10_emit_viewport(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct gl_viewport_attrib *vp = &ctx->ViewportArray[0]; struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; float a[4] = {}; get_viewport_translate(ctx, a); a[0] -= 2048; a[1] -= 2048; if (nv10_use_viewport_zclear(ctx)) a[2] = nv10_transform_depth(ctx, (vp->Far + vp->Near) / 2); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VIEWPORT_TRANSLATE_X), 4); PUSH_DATAp(push, a, 4); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VIEWPORT_CLIP_HORIZ(0)), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, (fb->Width - 1) << 16 | 0x08000800); BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VIEWPORT_CLIP_VERT(0)), 1); PUSH_DATA (push, (fb->Height - 1) << 16 | 0x08000800); context_dirty(ctx, PROJECTION); } void nv10_emit_zclear(struct gl_context *ctx, int emit) { struct nouveau_context *nctx = to_nouveau_context(ctx); struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = context_push(ctx); struct nouveau_framebuffer *nfb = to_nouveau_framebuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer); if (nfb->hierz.bo) { BEGIN_NV04(push, NV17_3D(ZCLEAR_ENABLE), 2); PUSH_DATAb(push, !nctx->hierz.clear_blocked); PUSH_DATA (push, nfb->hierz.clear_value | (nctx->hierz.clear_seq & 0xff)); } else { BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(DEPTH_RANGE_NEAR), 2); PUSH_DATAf(push, nv10_transform_depth(ctx, 0)); PUSH_DATAf(push, nv10_transform_depth(ctx, 1)); context_dirty(ctx, VIEWPORT); } }