bool ControllerFilestream::pre_fct( std::vector< GenericCamera *> & cams) { bfs::path sandbox( get_sandbox() ); if( bfs::is_directory(sandbox) ) { std::vector<bfs::path> ls_path; copy(bfs::directory_iterator(sandbox), bfs::directory_iterator(), back_inserter(ls_path)); for(std::vector< bfs::path >::const_iterator it = ls_path.begin(); it != ls_path.end(); ++it) { if( bfs::is_regular_file(*it) && bfs::extension(*it) == ".conf" ) { CameraFilestream * cam = new CameraFilestream(); cam->read_config_file( (*it).string().c_str() ); if(cam->is_active()) { cam->init_camera(); } cams.push_back(cam); _cams.push_back(cam); } } } return true; }
// return NULL if error (such as path limit reached) NsRule *find_or_create_rule(void) { struct task_struct *real_parent; // look for an exiting active namespace entry in the list NsRule *ptr = find_rule(current->nsproxy); if (ptr) return ptr; // find the sandbox task real_parent = get_sandbox(); // reuse an inactive entry ptr =; while (ptr) { if (ptr->active == 0) break; ptr = ptr->next; } if (ptr) { // found an inactive entry int i; // clean unix path for (i = 0; i < MAX_UNIX_PATH; i++) { ptr->unix_path_len[i] = 0; if (ptr->unix_path[i]) { char *tmp = ptr->unix_path[i]; ptr->unix_path[i] = NULL; kfree(tmp); } } // set the rule ptr->nsproxy = current->nsproxy; ptr->sandbox_pid = real_parent->pid; ptr->active = 1; printk(KERN_INFO "firejail[%u]: setup sandbox.\n", ptr->sandbox_pid); return ptr; } // allocate a new rule ptr = kmalloc(sizeof(NsRule), GFP_KERNEL); memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(NsRule)); ptr->nsproxy = current->nsproxy; ptr->sandbox_pid = real_parent->pid; // insert the new rule in the rule list ptr->next =; = ptr; ptr->active = 1; printk(KERN_INFO "firejail[%u]: setup sandbox.\n", ptr->sandbox_pid); return ptr; }
bool XMLRPCServer::pre_fct() { std::string filename = get_sandbox() + std::string("/xmlrpc-server.conf") ; try { read_config_file ( filename.c_str() ); } catch( ... ) { /* unexisting config file, assume default value */ } m_server.bindAndListen(m_server_port); m_server_th = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&XMLRPCServer::WorkThread, this)); whiteboard_write<XMLRPCServer *> ( "plugin_xmlrpc-server", this ); return true; }