// check if scaling to dstInfo size from srcInfo size using sampleSize is possible
static bool scaling_supported(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, const SkImageInfo& srcInfo,
                              int* sampleX, int* sampleY) {
    SkScaledCodec::ComputeSampleSize(dstInfo, srcInfo, sampleX, sampleY);
    const int dstWidth = dstInfo.width();
    const int dstHeight = dstInfo.height();
    const int srcWidth = srcInfo.width();
    const int srcHeight = srcInfo.height();
     // only support down sampling, not up sampling
    if (dstWidth > srcWidth || dstHeight  > srcHeight) {
        return false;
    // check that srcWidth is scaled down by an integer value
    if (get_scaled_dimension(srcWidth, *sampleX) != dstWidth) {
        return false;
    // check that src height is scaled down by an integer value
    if (get_scaled_dimension(srcHeight, *sampleY) != dstHeight) {
        return false;
    // sampleX and sampleY should be equal unless the original sampleSize requested was larger
    // than srcWidth or srcHeight. If so, the result of this is dstWidth or dstHeight = 1.
    // This functionality allows for tall thin images to still be scaled down by scaling factors.
    if (*sampleX != *sampleY){
        if (1 != dstWidth && 1 != dstHeight) {
            return false;
    return true;
// calculates sampleSize in x and y direction
void SkScaledCodec::ComputeSampleSize(const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, const SkImageInfo& srcInfo,
                                      int* sampleXPtr, int* sampleYPtr) {
    int srcWidth = srcInfo.width();
    int dstWidth = dstInfo.width();
    int srcHeight = srcInfo.height();
    int dstHeight = dstInfo.height();

    int sampleX = srcWidth / dstWidth;
    int sampleY = srcHeight / dstHeight;

    // only support down sampling, not up sampling
    SkASSERT(dstWidth <= srcWidth);
    SkASSERT(dstHeight <= srcHeight);

    // sampleX and sampleY should be equal unless the original sampleSize requested was
    // larger than srcWidth or srcHeight.
    // If so, the result of this is dstWidth or dstHeight = 1. This functionality
    // allows for tall thin images to still be scaled down by scaling factors.

    if (sampleX != sampleY){
        if (1 != dstWidth && 1 != dstHeight) {

            // rounding during onGetScaledDimensions can cause different sampleSizes
            // Ex: srcWidth = 79, srcHeight = 20, sampleSize = 10
            // dstWidth = 7, dstHeight = 2, sampleX = 79/7 = 11, sampleY = 20/2 = 10
            // correct for this rounding by comparing width to sampleY and height to sampleX

            if (get_scaled_dimension(srcWidth, sampleY) == dstWidth) {
                sampleX = sampleY;
            } else if (get_scaled_dimension(srcHeight, sampleX) == dstHeight) {
                sampleY = sampleX;

    if (sampleXPtr) {
        *sampleXPtr = sampleX;
    if (sampleYPtr) {
        *sampleYPtr = sampleY;
 * Return a valid set of output dimensions for this decoder, given an input scale
SkISize SkScaledCodec::onGetScaledDimensions(float desiredScale) const {
    SkISize nativeDimensions = fScanlineDecoder->getScaledDimensions(desiredScale);
    // support scaling down by integer numbers. Ex: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ...
    SkISize scaledCodecDimensions;
    if (desiredScale > 0.5f) {
        // sampleSize = 1
        scaledCodecDimensions = fScanlineDecoder->getInfo().dimensions();
    // sampleSize determines the step size between samples
    // Ex: sampleSize = 2, sample every second pixel in x and y directions
    int sampleSize = int(1 / desiredScale);

    int scaledWidth = get_scaled_dimension(this->getInfo().width(), sampleSize);
    int scaledHeight = get_scaled_dimension(this->getInfo().height(), sampleSize);

    // Return the calculated output dimensions for the given scale
    scaledCodecDimensions = SkISize::Make(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);

    return best_scaled_dimensions(this->getInfo().dimensions(), nativeDimensions, 
                                  scaledCodecDimensions, desiredScale);
SkISize SkAndroidCodec::getSampledSubsetDimensions(int sampleSize, const SkIRect& subset) const {
    if (!is_valid_sample_size(sampleSize)) {
        return SkISize::Make(0, 0);

    // We require that the input subset is a subset that is supported by SkAndroidCodec.
    // We test this by calling getSupportedSubset() and verifying that no modifications
    // are made to the subset.
    SkIRect copySubset = subset;
    if (!this->getSupportedSubset(&copySubset) || copySubset != subset) {
        return SkISize::Make(0, 0);

    // If the subset is the entire image, for consistency, use getSampledDimensions().
    if (fInfo.dimensions() == subset.size()) {
        return this->getSampledDimensions(sampleSize);

    // This should perhaps call a virtual function, but currently both of our subclasses
    // want the same implementation.
    return SkISize::Make(get_scaled_dimension(subset.width(), sampleSize),
                get_scaled_dimension(subset.height(), sampleSize));
SkISize SkSampledCodec::onGetSampledDimensions(int sampleSize) const {
    const SkISize size = this->accountForNativeScaling(&sampleSize);
    return SkISize::Make(get_scaled_dimension(size.width(), sampleSize),
                         get_scaled_dimension(size.height(), sampleSize));
SkCodec::Result SkSampledCodec::sampledDecode(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels,
        size_t rowBytes, const AndroidOptions& options) {
    // We should only call this function when sampling.
    SkASSERT(options.fSampleSize > 1);

    // Create options struct for the codec.
    SkCodec::Options sampledOptions;
    sampledOptions.fZeroInitialized = options.fZeroInitialized;
    sampledOptions.fPremulBehavior = SkTransferFunctionBehavior::kIgnore;

    // FIXME: This was already called by onGetAndroidPixels. Can we reduce that?
    int sampleSize = options.fSampleSize;
    int nativeSampleSize;
    SkISize nativeSize = this->accountForNativeScaling(&sampleSize, &nativeSampleSize);

    // Check if there is a subset.
    SkIRect subset;
    int subsetY = 0;
    int subsetWidth = nativeSize.width();
    int subsetHeight = nativeSize.height();
    if (options.fSubset) {
        // We will need to know about subsetting in the y-dimension in order to use the
        // scanline decoder.
        // Update the subset to account for scaling done by this->codec().
        const SkIRect* subsetPtr = options.fSubset;

        // Do the divide ourselves, instead of calling get_scaled_dimension. If
        // X and Y are 0, they should remain 0, rather than being upgraded to 1
        // due to being smaller than the sampleSize.
        const int subsetX = subsetPtr->x() / nativeSampleSize;
        subsetY = subsetPtr->y() / nativeSampleSize;

        subsetWidth = get_scaled_dimension(subsetPtr->width(), nativeSampleSize);
        subsetHeight = get_scaled_dimension(subsetPtr->height(), nativeSampleSize);

        // The scanline decoder only needs to be aware of subsetting in the x-dimension.
        subset.setXYWH(subsetX, 0, subsetWidth, nativeSize.height());
        sampledOptions.fSubset = &subset;

    // Since we guarantee that output dimensions are always at least one (even if the sampleSize
    // is greater than a given dimension), the input sampleSize is not always the sampleSize that
    // we use in practice.
    const int sampleX = subsetWidth / info.width();
    const int sampleY = subsetHeight / info.height();

    const int samplingOffsetY = get_start_coord(sampleY);
    const int startY = samplingOffsetY + subsetY;
    const int dstHeight = info.height();

    const SkImageInfo nativeInfo = info.makeWH(nativeSize.width(), nativeSize.height());

        // Although startScanlineDecode expects the bottom and top to match the
        // SkImageInfo, startIncrementalDecode uses them to determine which rows to
        // decode.
        SkCodec::Options incrementalOptions = sampledOptions;
        SkIRect incrementalSubset;
        if (sampledOptions.fSubset) {
            incrementalSubset.fTop = subsetY;
            incrementalSubset.fBottom = subsetY + subsetHeight;
            incrementalSubset.fLeft = sampledOptions.fSubset->fLeft;
            incrementalSubset.fRight = sampledOptions.fSubset->fRight;
            incrementalOptions.fSubset = &incrementalSubset;
        const SkCodec::Result startResult = this->codec()->startIncrementalDecode(nativeInfo,
                pixels, rowBytes, &incrementalOptions);
        if (SkCodec::kSuccess == startResult) {
            SkSampler* sampler = this->codec()->getSampler(true);
            if (!sampler) {
                return SkCodec::kUnimplemented;

            if (sampler->setSampleX(sampleX) != info.width()) {
                return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;
            if (get_scaled_dimension(subsetHeight, sampleY) != info.height()) {
                return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;


            int rowsDecoded;
            const SkCodec::Result incResult = this->codec()->incrementalDecode(&rowsDecoded);
            if (incResult == SkCodec::kSuccess) {
                return SkCodec::kSuccess;
            SkASSERT(incResult == SkCodec::kIncompleteInput || incResult == SkCodec::kErrorInInput);

            SkASSERT(rowsDecoded <= info.height());
            this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes, options.fZeroInitialized,
                                               info.height(), rowsDecoded);
            return incResult;
        } else if (startResult != SkCodec::kUnimplemented) {
            return startResult;
        } // kUnimplemented means use the old method.

    // Start the scanline decode.
    SkCodec::Result result = this->codec()->startScanlineDecode(nativeInfo,
    if (SkCodec::kSuccess != result) {
        return result;

    SkSampler* sampler = this->codec()->getSampler(true);
    if (!sampler) {
        return SkCodec::kUnimplemented;

    if (sampler->setSampleX(sampleX) != info.width()) {
        return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;
    if (get_scaled_dimension(subsetHeight, sampleY) != info.height()) {
        return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;

    switch(this->codec()->getScanlineOrder()) {
        case SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder: {
            if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(startY)) {
                this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes, options.fZeroInitialized,
                        dstHeight, 0);
                return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
            void* pixelPtr = pixels;
            for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) {
                if (1 != this->codec()->getScanlines(pixelPtr, 1, rowBytes)) {
                    this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes,
                            options.fZeroInitialized, dstHeight, y + 1);
                    return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
                if (y < dstHeight - 1) {
                    if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(sampleY - 1)) {
                        this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes,
                                options.fZeroInitialized, dstHeight, y + 1);
                        return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
                pixelPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixelPtr, rowBytes);
            return SkCodec::kSuccess;
        case SkCodec::kBottomUp_SkScanlineOrder: {
            // Note that these modes do not support subsetting.
            SkASSERT(0 == subsetY && nativeSize.height() == subsetHeight);
            int y;
            for (y = 0; y < nativeSize.height(); y++) {
                int srcY = this->codec()->nextScanline();
                if (is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {
                    void* pixelPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels,
                            rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
                    if (1 != this->codec()->getScanlines(pixelPtr, 1, rowBytes)) {
                } else {
                    if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(1)) {

            if (nativeSize.height() == y) {
                return SkCodec::kSuccess;

            // We handle filling uninitialized memory here instead of using this->codec().
            // this->codec() does not know that we are sampling.
            const uint64_t fillValue = this->codec()->getFillValue(info);
            const SkImageInfo fillInfo = info.makeWH(info.width(), 1);
            for (; y < nativeSize.height(); y++) {
                int srcY = this->codec()->outputScanline(y);
                if (!is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {

                void* rowPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels, rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
                SkSampler::Fill(fillInfo, rowPtr, rowBytes, fillValue, options.fZeroInitialized);
            return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
            return SkCodec::kUnimplemented;
 * Three differences from the Android version:
 *     Returns a Skia bitmap instead of an Android bitmap.
 *     Android version attempts to reuse a recycled bitmap.
 *     Removed the options object and used parameters for color type and
 *     sample size.
SkBitmap* SkBitmapRegionCanvas::decodeRegion(int inputX, int inputY,
                                             int inputWidth, int inputHeight,
                                             int sampleSize,
                                             SkColorType dstColorType) {
    // Reject color types not supported by this method
    if (kIndex_8_SkColorType == dstColorType || kGray_8_SkColorType == dstColorType) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Color type not supported.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // The client may not necessarily request a region that is fully within
    // the image.  We may need to do some calculation to determine what part
    // of the image to decode.

    // The left offset of the portion of the image we want, where zero
    // indicates the left edge of the image.
    int imageSubsetX;

    // The size of the output bitmap is determined by the size of the
    // requested region, not by the size of the intersection of the region
    // and the image dimensions.  If inputX is negative, we will need to
    // place decoded pixels into the output bitmap starting at a left offset.
    // If this is non-zero, imageSubsetX must be zero.
    int outX;

    // The width of the portion of the image that we will write to the output
    // bitmap.  If the region is not fully contained within the image, this
    // will not be the same as inputWidth.
    int imageSubsetWidth;
    set_subset_region(inputX, inputWidth, this->width(), &imageSubsetX, &outX, &imageSubsetWidth);

    // The top offset of the portion of the image we want, where zero
    // indicates the top edge of the image.
    int imageSubsetY;

    // The size of the output bitmap is determined by the size of the
    // requested region, not by the size of the intersection of the region
    // and the image dimensions.  If inputY is negative, we will need to
    // place decoded pixels into the output bitmap starting at a top offset.
    // If this is non-zero, imageSubsetY must be zero.
    int outY;

    // The height of the portion of the image that we will write to the output
    // bitmap.  If the region is not fully contained within the image, this
    // will not be the same as inputHeight.
    int imageSubsetHeight;
    set_subset_region(inputY, inputHeight, this->height(), &imageSubsetY, &outY,

    if (imageSubsetWidth <= 0 || imageSubsetHeight <= 0) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Region must intersect part of the image.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Create the image info for the decode
    SkAlphaType dstAlphaType = fDecoder->getInfo().alphaType();
    if (kUnpremul_SkAlphaType == dstAlphaType) {
        dstAlphaType = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
    SkImageInfo decodeInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(this->width(), this->height(),
            dstColorType, dstAlphaType);
    // Start the scanline decoder
    SkCodec::Result r = fDecoder->startScanlineDecode(decodeInfo);
    if (SkCodec::kSuccess != r) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Could not start scanline decoder.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Allocate a bitmap for the unscaled decode
    SkBitmap tmp;
    SkImageInfo tmpInfo = decodeInfo.makeWH(this->width(), imageSubsetHeight);
    if (!tmp.tryAllocPixels(tmpInfo)) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Could not allocate pixels.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Skip the unneeded rows
    if (!fDecoder->skipScanlines(imageSubsetY)) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Failed to skip scanlines.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Decode the necessary rows
    fDecoder->getScanlines(tmp.getAddr(0, 0), imageSubsetHeight, tmp.rowBytes());

    // Calculate the size of the output
    const int outWidth = get_scaled_dimension(inputWidth, sampleSize);
    const int outHeight = get_scaled_dimension(inputHeight, sampleSize);

    // Initialize the destination bitmap
    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> bitmap(new SkBitmap());
    SkImageInfo dstInfo = decodeInfo.makeWH(outWidth, outHeight);
    if (!bitmap->tryAllocPixels(dstInfo)) {
        SkDebugf("Error: Could not allocate pixels.\n");
        return nullptr;

    // Zero the bitmap if the region is not completely within the image.
    // TODO (msarett): Can we make this faster by implementing it to only
    //                 zero parts of the image that we won't overwrite with
    //                 pixels?
    // TODO (msarett): This could be skipped if memory is zero initialized.
    //                 This would matter if this code is moved to Android and
    //                 uses Android bitmaps.
    if (0 != outX || 0 != outY ||
            inputX + inputWidth > this->width() ||
            inputY + inputHeight > this->height()) {

    // Use a canvas to crop and scale to the destination bitmap
    SkCanvas canvas(*bitmap);
    // TODO (msarett): Maybe we can take advantage of the fact that SkRect uses floats?
    SkRect src = SkRect::MakeXYWH((SkScalar) imageSubsetX, (SkScalar) 0,
            (SkScalar) imageSubsetWidth, (SkScalar) imageSubsetHeight);
    SkRect dst = SkRect::MakeXYWH((SkScalar) (outX / sampleSize), (SkScalar) (outY / sampleSize),
            (SkScalar) get_scaled_dimension(imageSubsetWidth, sampleSize),
            (SkScalar) get_scaled_dimension(imageSubsetHeight, sampleSize));
    SkPaint paint;
    // Overwrite the dst with the src pixels
    // TODO (msarett): Test multiple filter qualities.  kNone is the default.
    canvas.drawBitmapRect(tmp, src, dst, &paint);

    return bitmap.detach();
 * Performs the bitmap decoding for RLE input format
 * RLE decoding is performed all at once, rather than a one row at a time
int SkBmpRLECodec::decodeRows(const SkImageInfo& info, void* dst, size_t dstRowBytes,
        const Options& opts) {
    // Set RLE flags
    static const uint8_t RLE_ESCAPE = 0;
    static const uint8_t RLE_EOL = 0;
    static const uint8_t RLE_EOF = 1;
    static const uint8_t RLE_DELTA = 2;

    const int width = this->getInfo().width();
    int height = info.height();

    // Account for sampling.
    SkImageInfo dstInfo = info.makeWH(get_scaled_dimension(width, fSampleX), height);

    // Set the background as transparent.  Then, if the RLE code skips pixels,
    // the skipped pixels will be transparent.
    // Because of the need for transparent pixels, kN32 is the only color
    // type that makes sense for the destination format.
    SkASSERT(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType == dstInfo.colorType() ||
            kBGRA_8888_SkColorType == dstInfo.colorType());
    if (dst) {
        SkSampler::Fill(dstInfo, dst, dstRowBytes, SK_ColorTRANSPARENT, opts.fZeroInitialized);

    // Adjust the height and the dst if the previous call to decodeRows() left us
    // with lines that need to be skipped.
    if (height > fLinesToSkip) {
        height -= fLinesToSkip;
        dst = SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, fLinesToSkip * dstRowBytes);
        fLinesToSkip = 0;
    } else {
        fLinesToSkip -= height;
        return height;

    // Destination parameters
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;

    while (true) {
        // If we have reached a row that is beyond the requested height, we have
        // succeeded.
        if (y >= height) {
            // It would be better to check for the EOF marker before indicating
            // success, but we may be performing a scanline decode, which
            // would require us to stop before decoding the full height.
            return height;

        // Every entry takes at least two bytes
        if ((int) fRLEBytes - fCurrRLEByte < 2) {
            SkCodecPrintf("Warning: might be incomplete RLE input.\n");
            if (this->checkForMoreData() < 2) {
                return y;

        // Read the next two bytes.  These bytes have different meanings
        // depending on their values.  In the first interpretation, the first
        // byte is an escape flag and the second byte indicates what special
        // task to perform.
        const uint8_t flag = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
        const uint8_t task = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];

        // Perform decoding
        if (RLE_ESCAPE == flag) {
            switch (task) {
                case RLE_EOL:
                    x = 0;
                case RLE_EOF:
                    return height;
                case RLE_DELTA: {
                    // Two bytes are needed to specify delta
                    if ((int) fRLEBytes - fCurrRLEByte < 2) {
                        SkCodecPrintf("Warning: might be incomplete RLE input.\n");
                        if (this->checkForMoreData() < 2) {
                            return y;
                    // Modify x and y
                    const uint8_t dx = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                    const uint8_t dy = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                    x += dx;
                    y += dy;
                    if (x > width) {
                        SkCodecPrintf("Warning: invalid RLE input.\n");
                        return y - dy;
                    } else if (y > height) {
                        fLinesToSkip = y - height;
                        return height;
                default: {
                    // If task does not match any of the above signals, it
                    // indicates that we have a sequence of non-RLE pixels.
                    // Furthermore, the value of task is equal to the number
                    // of pixels to interpret.
                    uint8_t numPixels = task;
                    const size_t rowBytes = compute_row_bytes(numPixels,
                    // Abort if setting numPixels moves us off the edge of the
                    // image.
                    if (x + numPixels > width) {
                        SkCodecPrintf("Warning: invalid RLE input.\n");
                        return y;
                    // Also abort if there are not enough bytes
                    // remaining in the stream to set numPixels.
                    if ((int) fRLEBytes - fCurrRLEByte < SkAlign2(rowBytes)) {
                        SkCodecPrintf("Warning: might be incomplete RLE input.\n");
                        if (this->checkForMoreData() < SkAlign2(rowBytes)) {
                            return y;
                    // Set numPixels number of pixels
                    while (numPixels > 0) {
                        switch(this->bitsPerPixel()) {
                            case 4: {
                                SkASSERT(fCurrRLEByte < fRLEBytes);
                                uint8_t val = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                                setPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo, x++,
                                        y, val >> 4);
                                if (numPixels != 0) {
                                    setPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo,
                                            x++, y, val & 0xF);
                            case 8:
                                SkASSERT(fCurrRLEByte < fRLEBytes);
                                setPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo, x++,
                                        y, fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++]);
                            case 24: {
                                SkASSERT(fCurrRLEByte + 2 < fRLEBytes);
                                uint8_t blue = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                                uint8_t green = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                                uint8_t red = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                                setRGBPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo,
                                            x++, y, red, green, blue);
                                return y;
                    // Skip a byte if necessary to maintain alignment
                    if (!SkIsAlign2(rowBytes)) {
        } else {
            // If the first byte read is not a flag, it indicates the number of
            // pixels to set in RLE mode.
            const uint8_t numPixels = flag;
            const int endX = SkTMin<int>(x + numPixels, width);

            if (24 == this->bitsPerPixel()) {
                // In RLE24, the second byte read is part of the pixel color.
                // There are two more required bytes to finish encoding the
                // color.
                if ((int) fRLEBytes - fCurrRLEByte < 2) {
                    SkCodecPrintf("Warning: might be incomplete RLE input.\n");
                    if (this->checkForMoreData() < 2) {
                        return y;

                // Fill the pixels up to endX with the specified color
                uint8_t blue = task;
                uint8_t green = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                uint8_t red = fStreamBuffer.get()[fCurrRLEByte++];
                while (x < endX) {
                    setRGBPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo, x++, y, red, green, blue);
            } else {
                // In RLE8 or RLE4, the second byte read gives the index in the
                // color table to look up the pixel color.
                // RLE8 has one color index that gets repeated
                // RLE4 has two color indexes in the upper and lower 4 bits of
                // the bytes, which are alternated
                uint8_t indices[2] = { task, task };
                if (4 == this->bitsPerPixel()) {
                    indices[0] >>= 4;
                    indices[1] &= 0xf;

                // Set the indicated number of pixels
                for (int which = 0; x < endX; x++) {
                    setPixel(dst, dstRowBytes, dstInfo, x, y, indices[which]);
                    which = !which;
SkCodec::Result SkSampledCodec::sampledDecode(const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels,
        size_t rowBytes, const AndroidOptions& options) {
    // We should only call this function when sampling.
    SkASSERT(options.fSampleSize > 1);

    // Create options struct for the codec.
    SkCodec::Options sampledOptions;
    sampledOptions.fZeroInitialized = options.fZeroInitialized;

    // FIXME: This was already called by onGetAndroidPixels. Can we reduce that?
    int sampleSize = options.fSampleSize;
    int nativeSampleSize;
    SkISize nativeSize = this->accountForNativeScaling(&sampleSize, &nativeSampleSize);

    // Check if there is a subset.
    SkIRect subset;
    int subsetY = 0;
    int subsetWidth = nativeSize.width();
    int subsetHeight = nativeSize.height();
    if (options.fSubset) {
        // We will need to know about subsetting in the y-dimension in order to use the
        // scanline decoder.
        // Update the subset to account for scaling done by this->codec().
        SkIRect* subsetPtr = options.fSubset;

        // Do the divide ourselves, instead of calling get_scaled_dimension. If
        // X and Y are 0, they should remain 0, rather than being upgraded to 1
        // due to being smaller than the sampleSize.
        const int subsetX = subsetPtr->x() / nativeSampleSize;
        subsetY = subsetPtr->y() / nativeSampleSize;

        subsetWidth = get_scaled_dimension(subsetPtr->width(), nativeSampleSize);
        subsetHeight = get_scaled_dimension(subsetPtr->height(), nativeSampleSize);

        // The scanline decoder only needs to be aware of subsetting in the x-dimension.
        subset.setXYWH(subsetX, 0, subsetWidth, nativeSize.height());
        sampledOptions.fSubset = &subset;

    // Start the scanline decode.
    SkCodec::Result result = this->codec()->startScanlineDecode(
            info.makeWH(nativeSize.width(), nativeSize.height()), &sampledOptions,
            options.fColorPtr, options.fColorCount);
    if (SkCodec::kSuccess != result) {
        return result;

    SkSampler* sampler = this->codec()->getSampler(true);
    if (!sampler) {
        return SkCodec::kUnimplemented;

    // Since we guarantee that output dimensions are always at least one (even if the sampleSize
    // is greater than a given dimension), the input sampleSize is not always the sampleSize that
    // we use in practice.
    const int sampleX = subsetWidth / info.width();
    const int sampleY = subsetHeight / info.height();
    if (sampler->setSampleX(sampleX) != info.width()) {
        return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;
    if (get_scaled_dimension(subsetHeight, sampleY) != info.height()) {
        return SkCodec::kInvalidScale;

    const int samplingOffsetY = get_start_coord(sampleY);
    const int startY = samplingOffsetY + subsetY;
    int dstHeight = info.height();
    switch(this->codec()->getScanlineOrder()) {
        case SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder: {
            if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(startY)) {
                this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes, options.fZeroInitialized,
                        dstHeight, 0);
                return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
            void* pixelPtr = pixels;
            for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) {
                if (1 != this->codec()->getScanlines(pixelPtr, 1, rowBytes)) {
                    this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes,
                            options.fZeroInitialized, dstHeight, y + 1);
                    return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
                if (y < dstHeight - 1) {
                    if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(sampleY - 1)) {
                        this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes,
                                options.fZeroInitialized, dstHeight, y + 1);
                        return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
                pixelPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixelPtr, rowBytes);
            return SkCodec::kSuccess;
        case SkCodec::kOutOfOrder_SkScanlineOrder:
        case SkCodec::kBottomUp_SkScanlineOrder: {
            // Note that these modes do not support subsetting.
            SkASSERT(0 == subsetY && nativeSize.height() == subsetHeight);
            int y;
            for (y = 0; y < nativeSize.height(); y++) {
                int srcY = this->codec()->nextScanline();
                if (is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {
                    void* pixelPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels,
                            rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
                    if (1 != this->codec()->getScanlines(pixelPtr, 1, rowBytes)) {
                } else {
                    if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(1)) {

            if (nativeSize.height() == y) {
                return SkCodec::kSuccess;

            // We handle filling uninitialized memory here instead of using this->codec().
            // this->codec() does not know that we are sampling.
            const uint32_t fillValue = this->codec()->getFillValue(info.colorType());
            const SkImageInfo fillInfo = info.makeWH(info.width(), 1);
            for (; y < nativeSize.height(); y++) {
                int srcY = this->codec()->outputScanline(y);
                if (!is_coord_necessary(srcY, sampleY, dstHeight)) {

                void* rowPtr = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels, rowBytes * get_dst_coord(srcY, sampleY));
                SkSampler::Fill(fillInfo, rowPtr, rowBytes, fillValue, options.fZeroInitialized);
            return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
        case SkCodec::kNone_SkScanlineOrder: {
            const int linesNeeded = subsetHeight - samplingOffsetY;
            SkAutoTMalloc<uint8_t> storage(linesNeeded * rowBytes);
            uint8_t* storagePtr = storage.get();

            if (!this->codec()->skipScanlines(startY)) {
                this->codec()->fillIncompleteImage(info, pixels, rowBytes, options.fZeroInitialized,
                        dstHeight, 0);
                return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
            int scanlines = this->codec()->getScanlines(storagePtr, linesNeeded, rowBytes);

            for (int y = 0; y < dstHeight; y++) {
                memcpy(pixels, storagePtr, info.minRowBytes());
                storagePtr += sampleY * rowBytes;
                pixels = SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels, rowBytes);

            if (scanlines < dstHeight) {
                // this->codec() has already handled filling uninitialized memory.
                return SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
            return SkCodec::kSuccess;
            return SkCodec::kUnimplemented;