/*======== double get_illumination() ==========
  Inputs:  double *l
	double *n
	int cp
	double *constants

	Returns: illumination (0 - 255)

	Sum of ambient, diffuse, and specular components of illumination

color get_illumination(vector light, vector normal, double *cp, color ca, struct constants *cons){
	color c;
	double ambient, diffuse, specular;
	int val;

	ambient = get_ambient(ca.red, cons -> r[Ka]);
	diffuse = get_diffuse(light, normal, cp[0], cons -> r[Kd]);
	specular = get_specular(light, normal, cp[0], cons -> r[Ks]);

	val = ambient + diffuse + specular;
	c.red = val <= 255 ? val : 255;

	ambient = get_ambient(ca.green, cons -> g[Ka]);
	diffuse = get_diffuse(light, normal, cp[1], cons -> g[Kd]);
	specular = get_specular(light, normal, cp[1], cons -> g[Ks]);

	val = ambient + diffuse + specular;
	c.green = val <= 255 ? val : 255;

	ambient = get_ambient(ca.blue, cons -> b[Ka]);
	diffuse = get_diffuse(light, normal, cp[2], cons -> b[Kd]);
	specular = get_specular(light, normal, cp[2], cons -> b[Ks]);

	val = ambient + diffuse + specular;
	c.blue = val <= 255 ? val : 255;

	if (cons -> red || cons -> green || cons -> blue){
		c.red *= cons -> red;
		c.green *= cons -> green;
		c.blue *= cons -> blue;


	return c;
vector3f get_ray_trace(ray &r, kdtree &kdtree, int depth) 
	if (depth >= max_depth)
		return vector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	vector3f origin_cp = r.origin;
	primitive *pri = get_intersecting_primitive(kdtree, r);
	if (pri == NULL) 
		return background;

		double *amb = pri->get_material().amb;
		double *dif = pri->get_material().dif;
		double *spc = pri->get_material().spc;

		// ambient calculation
		vector3f ambient = get_ambient(amb);

		// specular calculation (no transparency)
		vector3f specular = get_specular(spc, pri, r, kdtree, depth);

		// diffuse calculation
		double spc_alpha = 1;
		vector3f diffuse = get_diffuse(dif, pri, r, kdtree, depth, spc_alpha);

		return rgb_trim(ambient + specular * spc_alpha + diffuse);
文件: ray_color.c 项目: NSSX/SSSSSSSS
static int		get_spot(t_ray *ray, t_ray *light, t_spot *spot)
	int		color;

	color = get_diffuse(ray, light, spot);
	color = color_add(color, get_specular(ray, light, spot));
	return (color);