static void _add_extra_costs(spell_info* spells, int max) { int i; /* Some spells give extra abilities depending on player level ... Ideally, these spells should scale the costs as well! */ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { spell_info* current = &spells[i]; current->cost += get_spell_cost_extra(current->fn); current->fail = MAX(current->fail, get_spell_fail_min(current->fn)); current->cost = calculate_cost(current->cost); } }
static void _add_extra_costs_powers(spell_info* spells, int max) { int i; /* Some spells give extra abilities depending on player level ... Ideally, these spells should scale the costs as well! */ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { spell_info* current = &spells[i]; current->cost += get_spell_cost_extra(current->fn); current->fail = MAX(current->fail, get_spell_fail_min(current->fn)); /*Oops: Powers should not benefit from DEC_MANA or CASTER_NO_SPELL_COST!!! current->cost = calculate_cost(current->cost);*/ } }
static void _character_dump(doc_ptr doc) { int i; spell_info spells[MAX_SPELLS]; int ct = _get_spells_imp(spells, MAX_SPELLS, 0, _MAX_TALENTS - 1); for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) { spell_info* current = &spells[i]; current->cost += get_spell_cost_extra(current->fn); current->fail = MAX(current->fail, get_spell_fail_min(current->fn)); } if (ct > 0) { int i; variant name, info; var_init(&name); var_init(&info); doc_printf(doc, "<topic:WildTalent>================================= <color:keypress>W</color>ild Talents ================================\n\n"); doc_printf(doc, "<color:G>%-23.23s Lv Stat Cost Fail Info</color>\n", ""); for (i = 0; i < ct; ++i) { spell_info *spell = &spells[i]; (spell->fn)(SPELL_NAME, &name); (spell->fn)(SPELL_INFO, &info); doc_printf(doc, "%-23.23s %2d %4.4s %4d %3d%% %s\n", var_get_string(&name), spell->level, stat_abbrev_true[_which_stat(i)], spell->cost, spell->fail, var_get_string(&info)); } var_clear(&name); var_clear(&info); doc_newline(doc); } }