CPacketList::CPacketList(uint mutex_timeout, uint flags) :
      // first_construct(false),
   // ZeroMemory((char *) this, sizeof(CPacketList)) ;
   mutex_timeout_secs = mutex_timeout ;

   // wsprintfA(bfr, "EVENT%u", (uint) time(NULL)) ;
   if (!first_construct) {
      first_construct = true ;
      srand2(time(NULL)) ;
      // syslog("CPacketList: init rand2\n") ;

   // rpt_private_data = NULL ;
   // reporting_func = NULL ;
   //  make this default to TRUE
   eth_rx_queueing_enabled = (flags & EPL_QUEUEING_DISABLED) ? false : true ;
   if (flags & EPL_USE_RX_EVENT) {
      rx_event_active = true ;
      char bfr[40] ;
      // wsprintfA(bfr, "EVENT%u", (uint) time(NULL)) ;
      wsprintfA(bfr, "EVENT%u", (uint) rand2()) ;
      // syslog("CPacketList starting [%X] [%s]\n", flags, bfr) ;
      hdlRxEvent = CreateEventA(NULL, false, false, bfr) ;
      if (hdlRxEvent == NULL)
         syslog("CreateEvent: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
      // else
      //    syslog("hdlRxEvent handle created\n") ;
   hListAccessMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, false, NULL) ;
   if (hListAccessMutex == NULL) {
      report_func("CreateMutex [CPacketList]: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
   } else {
      //  note: this is not actually an error!
      if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
         report_func("CreateMutex [CPacketList]:  mutex already exists!!\n") ;
void draw_init_screen(HWND hwnd)
   // if (DialogBox (g_hinst, TEXT ("CreateBox"), hwnd, CreateDlgProc))
   int result = DialogBox (g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CREATEBOX), NULL, CreateDlgProc) ;
   if (result < 0) {
      syslog("Init: DialogBox: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
//  These listview-header tooltips do not depend on the HWND for each
//  header column, which is fortunate since I don't know any of those handles!
//  Instead, according to the one example that I've found so far:
//  http://bb4w.wikispaces.com/List+View+with+header+tooltips
//  They then used a polling mechanism to check for cursor being within
//  one of the relevant headers.  This seems like a pretty clutzy method
//  for solving this problem; I hope there's a better way somewhere...
bool CVListView::create_tooltips(uint max_width, uint popup_msec, uint stayup_msec)
   if (hwndLViewToolTips != NULL)
      return true ;
   hwndLViewToolTips = ListView_GetToolTips(hwndVListView) ;
   // hwndLViewToolTips = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, TTS_ALWAYSTIP,
   //       hwndVListView, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
   if (hwndLViewToolTips == NULL) {
      syslog("ToolTip CreateWindowEx: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
      return false;
   SendMessage(hwndLViewToolTips, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, max_width) ;
   SendMessage(hwndLViewToolTips, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_INITIAL, popup_msec) ;
   SendMessage(hwndLViewToolTips, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, stayup_msec) ;

   if (hwndLVHdrToolTips != NULL)
      return true ;
   hwndLVHdrToolTips = ListView_GetToolTips(hwndVListView) ;
   // hwndLVHdrToolTips = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, TTS_ALWAYSTIP,
   //       hwndVListView, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
   if (hwndLVHdrToolTips == NULL) {
      syslog("ToolTip CreateWindowEx: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
      return false;
   SendMessage(hwndLVHdrToolTips, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, max_width) ;
   SendMessage(hwndLVHdrToolTips, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_INITIAL, popup_msec) ;
   SendMessage(hwndLVHdrToolTips, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, stayup_msec) ;

//    TOOLINFO ti;
//    ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
//    ti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS;
//    ti.hwnd = hwndLVHeader ;
//    // ti.uId = (UINT) target;
//    // ti.lpszText = msg ;
//    bool bresult = SendMessage(hwndLVHdrToolTips, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) &ti);
//    if (!bresult) {
//       syslog("TTM_ADDTOOL: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
//    }
   return true;
void error_dlg(const wstring& title, const Error& e) {
  wostringstream st;
  st << title << L'\n';
  if (e.code != E_MESSAGE) {
    wstring sys_msg = get_system_message(e.code, get_lang_id());
    if (!sys_msg.empty())
      st << word_wrap(sys_msg, get_optimal_msg_width()) << L'\n';
  for (list<wstring>::const_iterator msg = e.messages.begin(); msg != e.messages.end(); msg++) {
    st << word_wrap(*msg, get_optimal_msg_width()) << L'\n';
  st << extract_file_name(widen(e.file)) << L':' << e.line;
  message(c_error_dialog_guid, st.str(), 0, FMSG_WARNING | FMSG_MB_OK);
static void read_config_file(void)
   int result ;

   //  search for existing file.
   //  1. look in current directory
   //  2. if not found, search location of executable
   //  3. if not found, generate default file in location of executable
   // printf("seek local ini=%s\n", local_ini_name) ;
   result = read_ini_file(local_ini_name) ;
   if (result == 0) {
      return ;

   //  If search for local file failed, try location of executable,
   //  if that isn't the local directory.

   //  If global INI filename isn't present, give up on search.
   //  This will usually mean that we are running under WinNT 4.0,
   //  and the executable is already in the current directory.
   //  Just write the file in the current directory.
   // printf("ininame=%s\n", ininame) ;
   // getchar() ;
   if (ininame[0] == 0) {
      strcpy(ini_path, local_ini_name) ;
   //  If global INI filename IS present, try to load it
   else {
      result = read_ini_file(ininame) ;
      if (result == 0) {
         return ;
      strcpy(ini_path, ininame) ;

   //  If we couldn't open any existing INI files,
   //  generate default file in appropriate location.
   result = write_default_ini_file(ini_path) ;
   if (result != 0) {
      // perror(ini_path) ;
      sprintf (tempstr, "path [%s]\n", ini_path);
      nputs (0xA, tempstr);
      sprintf (tempstr, "FindFirst: %s\n", get_system_message ());
      nputs (0xA, tempstr);
   //  try to read again, after writing defaults
   read_ini_file(ini_path) ;
void CVListView::set_header_text(uint idx, char *msg)
   HWND hwndHeader = ListView_GetHeader(hwndVListView);
   if (hwndHeader) {
      HDITEM item;
      item.mask = HDI_TEXT ;
#ifdef UNICODE            
      item.pszText = ascii2unicode(msg) ;
      item.cchTextMax = _tcslen(item.pszText) ;
      item.pszText = msg ;
      item.cchTextMax = strlen(msg) ;
      item.fmt = HDF_STRING | HDF_CENTER ;
      Header_SetItem(hwndHeader, idx, &item);  //lint !e522
   } else { //lint !e550  Symbol 'item' (line 753) not accessed
      syslog("ListView_GetHeader: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
//  This mutex is released by:
//    ReleaseMutex(this_port->hEthRxBfrAccessMutex) ;
int CPacketList::claim_list_mutex(void)
   //  let's time out after a few seconds and give up,
   //  just in case something is wrong...
   //  Later: we've found that when polling is running at a high rate
   //  (as Ron likes to run it), and a user tries to send a command
   //  via the command field, the user command may time out waiting for
   //  polling to release the mutex.  So I'm stretching out this timeout
   //  to see if I can make sure commands successfully get through
   //  even when polling is active.
   // uint wait_seconds = 3 ;
   uint wait_seconds = mutex_timeout_secs ;
   bool done = false ;
   while (!done) {
      wait_seconds-- ;
      DWORD mresult = WaitForSingleObject(hListAccessMutex, 1000) ;
      switch (mresult) {
      case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
         if (wait_seconds == 0) {
            report_func("CPacketList: cannot obtain mutex\n") ;
            return -(int)ERROR_BUSY;   //  used *only* for Mutex-acquisition failure!!
         wait_seconds-- ;

      case WAIT_FAILED:
         mresult = GetLastError() ;
         report_func("CPacketList: WaitForSingleObject: %s\n", get_system_message(mresult)) ;
         return -(int)mresult;

      case WAIT_ABANDONED:
         report_func("CPacketList: WaitForSingleObject: operation abandoned\n") ;
         return -ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION;

      default: //  success: mutex was acquired
         done = true ;
      }  //  end switch
   return 0;
//  this will be needed for normal Ethernet Rx waiting
int CPacketList::wait_for_packet(u8 *rbfr, uint tmo_secs)
   int result = 0 ;
   // DWORD dresult ;
   if (!rx_event_active) {
      return -(int) ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;

   // report_func("wait for eth RX packet [%u]\n", ) ;
   // DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(this_port->hdlRxEvent, tmo_secs * 1000) ;
   int done = 0 ;
   while (!done) {
      // if (user_abort_signalled(this_port))
      //    return -(int) ERROR_CANCELLED ;

      // if (dbg_flags & DBG_RX_DEBUG)
      //    syslog("Wait Rx Event\n") ;
      // DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(hdlRxEvent, 1000) ;
      DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(hdlRxEvent, tmo_secs * 1000) ;
      // if (dbg_flags & DBG_RX_DEBUG)
      //    syslog("Got Rx Event, rc=%u\n", (unsigned) rc) ;
      switch (rc) {
      case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
         //  this function has an interesting quirk...
         //  Even though we've received an RxEvent, indicating that the event 
         //  had been signalled, and therefore there should be data on the queue,
         //  get_packet_data() sometimes returns -ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE,
         //  indicating there is NO data on the queue.
         //  Further, it appears to happen after some timeout period...
         //  How could this happen?
         // syslog("read comm resp: data ready, hdl=%u\n", (uint) hdlRxEvent) ;
         result = get_packet_data(rbfr) ;  //  pop list into rx_bfr
         // if (result < 0) {
         //    DWORD dresult = GetLastError() ;
         //    syslog("w4so: GLE=%u, R=%d, tsec=%u\n", (uint) dresult, result, tmo_secs) ;
         // }
         done = 1 ;

      case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
         //  if packet timed out or errored out,
         //  take a pass at processing the partial packet,
         //  just in case we got everything except ETX
            result = -ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT;
            done = 1 ;
//          if (tmo_secs == 0) {
//             result = -ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT;
//             done = 1 ;
//             break;
//          }
//          //  if timeout seconds have *not* counted down to 0, keep waiting
//          if (--tmo_secs == 0) {
//             result = -ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT;
//             done = 1 ;
//             break;
//          }
//          break;

      // case WAIT_ABANDONED: //  ummm... I don't know...
         if (rc == WAIT_ABANDONED)
            syslog("read comm resp: what does WAIT_ABANDONED mean??\n") ;
            syslog("read comm resp: WaitForSingleObject [%u]: %d, [%u] %s\n", 
               (uint) hdlRxEvent, rc, (uint) GetLastError(), get_system_message()) ;
         result = -ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
         done = 1 ;
   }  //  while !done

   return result;
//lint -esym(1784, WinMain)
int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
   //  note that szAppName is not a very unique name; if either:
   //  1. someone else created a mutex with this name, or
   //  2. Elsewhere in this, or some other program, we created
   //     another mutex using szAppName,
   //  then this would not have the results intended!!
   if (!WeAreAlone (szAppName)) {
      //  The old technique:
      //  We are already running, display message and quit
      //  The new technique:
      //  We are already running, switch to first instance
      HWND hOther = NULL;
      EnumWindows(searcher, (LPARAM) &hOther);

      if ( hOther != NULL ) { /* pop up */
         SetForegroundWindow( hOther );

         if ( IsIconic( hOther ) )  { /* restore */
            ShowWindow( hOther, SW_RESTORE );
         } /* restore */
      } /* pop up */
      return 0;

   g_hinst = hInstance;

   //Plant seed for random number generator with system time
   time_t ti ;
   time(&ti) ;
   srand2((unsigned) ti);
   // sprintf(tempstr, "ti=%u, rand=%u", ti, rand()) ;
   // OutputDebugString(tempstr) ;

   //  set up initial data structs
   // read_config_data() ;
   init_castle_contents() ;
   init_player() ;

   // hdlTopLevel = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, _getpid()) ;
   HWND hwnd = CreateDialog(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAIN_DIALOG), NULL, (DLGPROC) TermProc) ;
   if (hwnd == NULL) {
      syslog("CreateDialog: %s\n", get_system_message()) ;
      return 0;
   HACCEL hAccel = LoadAccelerators(g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_ACCELERATOR1));  
   // [2920] hInstance=4194304, 4194304, 4194304
   // syslog("hInstance=%u, %u, %u\n", 
   //    hInstance, 
   //    GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE),
   //    GetModuleHandle(NULL)
   //    );

   MSG Msg;
   while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL,0,0)) {
      if(!TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, hAccel, &Msg)  &&  !IsDialogMessage(hwnd, &Msg)) {
      // if(!IsDialogMessage(hwnd, &Msg)) {

   return (int) Msg.wParam ;
}  //lint !e715