  Display the short usage information
static void usage_short()
    /* print a bit of info about the program */
    fprintf(stderr, "TwoLAME version %s (%s)\n", get_twolame_version(), get_twolame_url());
    fprintf(stderr, "MPEG Audio Layer II (MP2) encoder\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: twolame [options] <infile> [outfile]\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Try \"twolame --help\" for more information.\n");
  Display the extended usage information
static void
    fprintf(stdout, "TwoLAME version %s (%s)\n", get_twolame_version(), get_twolame_url());
    fprintf(stdout, "MPEG Audio Layer II (MP2) encoder\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Usage: \n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\ttwolame [options] <infile> [outfile]\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "Both input and output filenames can be set to - to use stdin/stdout.\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "  <infile>       input sound file (any format supported by libsndfile)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "  <outfile>      output bit stream of encoded audio\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "\nInput Options\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-r, --raw-input          input is raw 16-bit signed PCM audio\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-x, --byte-swap          force byte-swapping of input\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-s, --samplerate srate   sampling frequency of raw input (kHz)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-N, --channels nch       number of channels in raw input\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-g, --swap-channels      swap channels of input file\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --scale value        scale input (multiply PCM data)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --scale-l value      scale channel 0 (left) input\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --scale-r value      scale channel 1 (right) input\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "\nOutput Options\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-m, --mode mode          (s)tereo, (j)oint, (m)ono or (a)uto\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-a, --downmix            downmix from stereo to mono file for mono encoding\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-b, --bitrate br         total bitrate in kbps (default 192 for 44.1kHz)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-P, --psyc-mode psyc     psychoacoustic model -1 to 3 (default 3)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-v, --vbr                enable VBR mode\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-V, --vbr-level lev      enable VBR and set VBR level -50 to 50 (default 5)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-B, --max-bitrate rate   set the upper bitrate when in VBR mode\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-l, --ath lev            ATH level (default 0)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-q, --quick num          only calculate psy model every num frames\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-S, --single-frame       only encode a single frame of MPEG Audio\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\nMiscellaneous Options\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-c, --copyright          mark as copyright\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-o, --non-original       mark as non-original\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --original           mark as original (default)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-p, --protect			enable CRC error protection\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-d, --padding            force padding bit/frame on\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-R, --reserve-bits num   set number of reserved bits in each frame\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-e, --deemphasis emp     de-emphasis n/5/c (default: (n)one)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-E, --energy             turn on energy level extensions\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\nVerbosity Options\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t-t, --talkativity num    talkativity 0-10 (default is 2)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --quiet              same as --talkativity=0\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --brief              same as --talkativity=1\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\t    --verbose            same as --talkativity=4\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\nAllowable bitrates for 32, 44.1 and 48kHz sample input (MPEG-1)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "  32,  48,  56,  64,  80,  96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "\nAllowable bitrates for 16, 22.05 and 24kHz sample input (MPEG-2)\n");
    fprintf(stdout, "   8,  16,  24,  32,  40,  48,  56,  64,  80,  96, 112, 128, 144, 160\n");

    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
// Print the library version and 
//  encoder parameter settings to STDERR
void twolame_print_config(twolame_options *glopts)
	FILE* fd = stderr;

    // Are we being silent ?
    if (glopts->verbosity<=0) return; 

	// Are we being brief ?
	if (glopts->verbosity==1) {
		fprintf(fd, "LibTwoLame version %s (%s)\n", get_twolame_version(), get_twolame_url());
		fprintf (fd, "Encoding as %dHz, ", twolame_get_out_samplerate(glopts));
		fprintf (fd, "%d kbps, ", twolame_get_bitrate(glopts) );
		if (twolame_get_VBR(glopts)) 	fprintf (fd, "VBR, " );
		else							fprintf (fd, "CBR, " );
		fprintf (fd, "%s Layer II\n", twolame_get_version_name(glopts));
	} else {
		fprintf (fd, "---------------------------------------------------------\n");
   		fprintf (fd, "LibTwoLame %s (%s)\n", get_twolame_version(), get_twolame_url());
		fprintf (fd, "Input : %d Hz, %d channels\n",
		fprintf (fd, "Output: %d Hz, %s\n",
		fprintf (fd, "%d kbps ", twolame_get_bitrate(glopts) );
		if (twolame_get_VBR(glopts)) 	fprintf (fd, "VBR " );
		else							fprintf (fd, "CBR " );
		fprintf (fd, "%s Layer II ", twolame_get_version_name(glopts));
		fprintf (fd, "psycho model=%d \n", twolame_get_psymodel(glopts));
		fprintf (fd, "[De-emph:%s    Copyright:%s   Original:%s]\n",
		((twolame_get_emphasis(glopts)) ? "On " : "Off"),
		((twolame_get_copyright(glopts)) ? "Yes" : "No "),
		((twolame_get_original(glopts)) ? "Yes" : "No "));
		fprintf (fd, "[Padding:%s CRC:%s         DAB:%s     ]\n",
		((twolame_get_padding(glopts)) ? "Normal" : "Off   "),
		((twolame_get_error_protection(glopts)) ? "On " : "Off"),
		((twolame_get_DAB(glopts)) ? "On " : "Off")); 
		if (glopts->verbosity>=3) {
			if (twolame_get_VBR(glopts)) {
				fprintf (fd, " - VBR Enabled. Using MNR boost of %f\n", twolame_get_VBR_level(glopts));
				fprintf (fd, " - VBR bitrate index limits [%i -> %i]\n", glopts->lower_index, glopts->upper_index);

			fprintf(fd," - ATH adjustment %f\n", twolame_get_ATH_level(glopts));
			fprintf(fd," - Reserving %i Ancillary bits\n", twolame_get_num_ancillary_bits(glopts));
			if (twolame_get_scale(glopts)!=1.0f)
				fprintf(fd," - Scaling audio by %f\n", twolame_get_scale(glopts));
			if (twolame_get_scale_left(glopts)!=1.0f)
				fprintf(fd," - Scaling left channel by %f\n", twolame_get_scale_left(glopts));
			if (twolame_get_scale_right(glopts)!=1.0f)
				fprintf(fd," - Scaling right channel by %f\n", twolame_get_scale_right(glopts));

			//if (glopts->num_channels_in == 2 && glopts->num_channels_out == 1 ) {
			//	fprintf(fd, " - Downmixing from stereo to mono.\n");
			//} else if (glopts->num_channels_in == 1 && glopts->num_channels_out == 2 ) {
			//	fprintf(fd, " - Upmixing from mono to stereo.\n");
		fprintf (fd, "---------------------------------------------------------\n");