文件: utils.c 项目: tf2/autoclassR
   16nov94 wmt: add log messages

   Checkpointing option, see file checkpoint.text
void checkpoint_clsf( clsf_DS clsf)
  fxlstr msg_string;
  clsf_DS *temp;
  time_t now;

  now = get_universal_time();
  sprintf( msg_string, " [checkpt clsf (j=%d, cycle=%d) at %s] ", clsf->n_classes,
          clsf->checkpoint->current_cycle, format_universal_time( now));
  clsf->checkpoint->accumulated_try_time += now - G_search_cycle_begin_time;
  if (eqstring( G_checkpoint_file, "") == TRUE) {
    fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: checkpoint_clsf called with G_checkpoint_file = "
            "\"\" does nothing\n");
  else {
    temp = (clsf_DS *) malloc( sizeof( clsf_DS));
    temp[0] = clsf;

    save_clsf_seq( temp, 1, G_checkpoint_file, G_save_compact_p, "chkpt");

    free( temp);
    to_screen_and_log_file( msg_string, G_log_file_fp, G_stream, TRUE);
    G_last_checkpoint_written = get_universal_time();
    G_search_cycle_begin_time = now;    /* start cycle time after writing file */
 //! Get the current day in universal date as a ymd_type
 static typename date_type::ymd_type universal_day_ymd() 
   ::std::tm* curr = get_universal_time();
   return ymd_type(curr->tm_year + 1900, 
                   curr->tm_mon + 1, 
 //! Get the current day in universal date as a ymd_type
 static typename date_type::ymd_type universal_day_ymd() 
   ::std::tm result;
   ::std::tm* curr = get_universal_time(result);
   return ymd_type(static_cast<unsigned short>(curr->tm_year + 1900),
                   static_cast<unsigned short>(curr->tm_mon + 1),
                   static_cast<unsigned short>(curr->tm_mday));
   10nov94 wmt: initialize n_used_list
   05jan95 wmt: upgrade calculations to ac-x code
   17may95 wmt: Convert from srand/rand to srand48/lrand48

   This resets the classification 'clsf to size n-classes and uses
   choose-random-prototype to randomly initializes any added classes, or all
   classes with 'random-start.  Classes are initialized by choosing one class
   as a prototype and adding 1% from two others for variance.  The function
   modifies the classification and returns the number of classes and the
   marginal probability.
int random_set_clsf( clsf_DS clsf, int n_classes, int delete_duplicates,
                    int  display_wts, unsigned int initial_cycles_p,
                    FILE *log_file_fp, FILE *stream)
  int n, i, n_data, index_0, *used_list, n_used_list = 0, num_atts = 0, n_others;
  int index_1, *used_cls_list, n_used_cls_list = 0, m;
  class_DS *classes, class;
  float proto_wt, wt_0, wt_1;

  n_classes =
    max(1, min((int) ceil((double) n_classes), clsf_DS_max_n_classes(clsf)));

  adjust_clsf_DS_classes(clsf, n_classes);

  n_data = clsf->database->n_data;
  for (i=0; i<clsf->database->n_atts; i++)
    if (eqstring( clsf->database->att_info[i]->type, "dummy") != TRUE)
  classes = clsf->classes;
  proto_wt = (float) n_data / n_classes;
  wt_0 = 0.95 * proto_wt;
  n_others = min( num_atts, (int) ceil( (double) (n_data / 2)));
  wt_1 = (0.05 * proto_wt) / n_others;
  used_list = (int *) malloc( n_classes * sizeof(int));
  used_cls_list = (int *) malloc( (n_others + 1) * sizeof(int));
  for (i=0; i<n_classes; i++)
    used_list[i] = 0;                                   /* primary cases for all classes */
  srand48( (long) (get_universal_time()));              /* re-init random number generator */
  for (n=0; n<n_classes; n++) {
    class = classes[n];
    index_0 = new_random( n_data, used_list, n_used_list);
    used_list[n_used_list] = index_0;
    for (i=0; i<n_others; i++)
      used_cls_list[i] = 0;                               /* secondary cases for each class */
    used_cls_list[0] = index_0;
/*  printf("\nclass-index %d index_0 %d\n", n, index_0); */
    n_used_cls_list = 1;
    class->wts = fill( class->wts, 0.0, class->num_wts, n_data);
    class->wts[index_0] = wt_0;
    for (m=0; m<n_others; m++) {
      index_1 = new_random( n_data, used_cls_list, n_used_cls_list);
/*  printf("index_1 %d  ", index_1); */
      used_cls_list[n_used_cls_list] = index_1;
      class->wts[index_1] = wt_1;
/*  printf("\n"); */
/*  for (i=0; i<class->num_wts; i++) */
/*    printf("%f  ", class->wts[i]); */
    class->w_j = max( proto_wt, clsf->min_class_wt);
  return(initialize_parameters(clsf, display_wts, delete_duplicates, initial_cycles_p,
                               log_file_fp, stream));