文件: worm.c 项目: FredrIQ/fiqhack
/*  cutworm()
 *  Check for mon->wormno before calling this function!
 *  When hitting a worm (worm) at position x, y, with a weapon (weap),
 *  there is a chance that the worm will be cut in half, and a chance
 *  that both halves will survive.
cutworm(struct monst *worm, xchar x, xchar y, struct obj *weap)
    struct wseg *curr, *new_tail;
    struct monst *new_worm;
    int wnum = worm->wormno;
    int cut_chance, new_wnum;

    if (!wnum)
        return; /* bullet proofing */

    if (x == worm->mx && y == worm->my)
        return; /* hit on head */

    /* cutting goes best with a bladed weapon */
    cut_chance = rnd(20);       /* Normally 1-16 does not cut */
    /* Normally 17-20 does */

    if (weap && objects[weap->otyp].oc_dir & SLASH)
        cut_chance += 10;       /* With a slashing weapon 1- 6 does not cut */
    /* 7-20 does */

    if (cut_chance < 17)
        return; /* not good enough */

    /* Find the segment that was attacked. */
    curr = level->wtails[wnum];

    while ((curr->wx != x) || (curr->wy != y)) {
        curr = curr->nseg;
        if (!curr) {
            impossible("cutworm: no segment at (%d,%d)", (int)x, (int)y);

    /* If this is the tail segment, then the worm just loses it. */
    if (curr == level->wtails[wnum]) {

     *  Split the worm.  The tail for the new worm is the old worm's tail.
     *  The tail for the old worm is the segment that follows "curr",
     *  and "curr" becomes the dummy segment under the new head.
    new_tail = level->wtails[wnum];
    level->wtails[wnum] = curr->nseg;
    curr->nseg = NULL;  /* split the worm */

     *  At this point, the old worm is correct.  Any new worm will have
     *  it's head at "curr" and its tail at "new_tail".

    /* Sometimes the tail end dies. */
    if (rn2(3) || !(new_wnum = get_wormno(level)) || !worm->m_lev) {
        cutoff(worm, new_tail);

    remove_monster(level, x, y);        /* clone_mon puts new head here */
    if (!(new_worm = clone_mon(worm, x, y))) {
        cutoff(worm, new_tail);
    new_worm->wormno = new_wnum;        /* affix new worm number */

    /* Devalue the monster level of both halves of the worm. */
    worm->m_lev =
        ((unsigned)worm->m_lev <=
         3) ? (unsigned)worm->m_lev : max((unsigned)worm->m_lev - 2, 3);
    new_worm->m_lev = worm->m_lev;

    /* Calculate the mhp on the new_worm for the (lower) monster level. */
    new_worm->mhpmax = new_worm->mhp = dice((int)new_worm->m_lev, 8);

    /* Calculate the mhp on the old worm for the (lower) monster level. */
    if (worm->m_lev > 3) {
        worm->mhpmax = dice((int)worm->m_lev, 8);
        if (worm->mhpmax < worm->mhp)
            worm->mhp = worm->mhpmax;

    level->wtails[new_wnum] = new_tail; /* We've got all the info right now */
    level->wheads[new_wnum] = curr;     /* so we can do this faster than */
    level->wgrowtime[new_wnum] = 0L;    /* trying to call initworm().  */

    /* Place the new monster at all the segment locations. */

    if (flags.mon_moving)
        pline(msgc_monneutral, "%s is cut in half.", Monnam(worm));
        pline(msgc_combatgood, "You cut %s in half.", mon_nam(worm));
文件: dog.c 项目: wheals/nethack4
/* called from resurrect() in addition to losedogs() */
mon_arrive(struct monst *mtmp, boolean with_you)
    struct trap *t;
    struct obj *otmp;
    xchar xlocale, ylocale, xyloc, xyflags, wander;
    int num_segs;

    mtmp->dlevel = level;
    mtmp->nmon = level->monlist;
    level->monlist = mtmp;
    if (mtmp->isshk)
        set_residency(mtmp, FALSE);

    num_segs = mtmp->wormno;
    /* baby long worms have no tail so don't use is_longworm() */
    if ((mtmp->data == &mons[PM_LONG_WORM]) &&
        (mtmp->wormno = get_wormno(mtmp->dlevel)) != 0) {
        initworm(mtmp, num_segs);
        /* tail segs are not yet initialized or displayed */
    } else
        mtmp->wormno = 0;

    /* some monsters might need to do something special upon arrival _after_
       the current level has been fully set up; see dochug() */
    mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_ARRIVE;

    xyloc = mtmp->xyloc;
    xyflags = mtmp->xyflags;
    xlocale = mtmp->xlocale;
    ylocale = mtmp->ylocale;

    for (otmp = mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
        set_obj_level(mtmp->dlevel, otmp);

    if (mtmp == u.usteed)
        return; /* don't place steed on the map */
    if (with_you) {
        /* When a monster accompanies you, sometimes it will arrive at your
           intended destination and you'll end up next to that spot.  This code
           doesn't control the final outcome; goto_level(do.c) decides who ends
           up at your target spot when there is a monster there too. */
        if (!MON_AT(level, u.ux, u.uy) &&
            !rn2(mtmp->mtame ? 10 : mtmp->mpeaceful ? 5 : 2))
            rloc_to(mtmp, u.ux, u.uy);
     * The monster arrived on this level independently of the player.
     * Its coordinate fields were overloaded for use as flags that
     * specify its final destination.

    if (mtmp->mlstmv < moves - 1L) {
        /* heal monster for time spent in limbo */
        long nmv = moves - 1L - mtmp->mlstmv;

        mon_catchup_elapsed_time(mtmp, nmv);
        mtmp->mlstmv = moves - 1L;

        /* let monster move a bit on new level (see placement code below) */
        wander = (xchar) min(nmv, 8);
    } else
        wander = 0;

    switch (xyloc) {
    case MIGR_APPROX_XY:       /* {x,y}locale set above */
    case MIGR_EXACT_XY:
        wander = 0;
        xlocale = u.ux, ylocale = u.uy;
    case MIGR_STAIRS_UP:
        xlocale = level->upstair.sx, ylocale = level->upstair.sy;
        xlocale = level->dnstair.sx, ylocale = level->dnstair.sy;
    case MIGR_LADDER_UP:
        xlocale = level->upladder.sx, ylocale = level->upladder.sy;
        xlocale = level->dnladder.sx, ylocale = level->dnladder.sy;
    case MIGR_SSTAIRS:
        xlocale = level->sstairs.sx, ylocale = level->sstairs.sy;
    case MIGR_PORTAL:
        if (In_endgame(&u.uz)) {
            /* there is no arrival portal for endgame levels */
            /* BUG[?]: for simplicity, this code relies on the fact that we
               know that the current endgame levels always build upwards and
               never have any exclusion subregion inside their TELEPORT_REGION
               settings. */
            xlocale =
                rn1(level->updest.hx - level->updest.lx + 1, level->updest.lx);
            ylocale =
                rn1(level->updest.hy - level->updest.ly + 1, level->updest.ly);
        /* find the arrival portal */
        for (t = level->lev_traps; t; t = t->ntrap)
            if (t->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL)
        if (t) {
            xlocale = t->tx, ylocale = t->ty;
        } else {
            impossible("mon_arrive: no corresponding portal?");
     /*FALLTHRU*/ default:
    case MIGR_RANDOM:
        xlocale = COLNO;
        ylocale = ROWNO;

    if ((xlocale != COLNO) && wander) {
        /* monster moved a bit; pick a nearby location */
        /* mnearto() deals w/stone, et al */
        char *r = in_rooms(level, xlocale, ylocale, 0);

        if (r && *r) {
            coord c;

            /* somexy() handles irregular level->rooms */
            if (somexy(level, &level->rooms[*r - ROOMOFFSET], &c, rng_main))
                xlocale = c.x, ylocale = c.y;
            else {
                xlocale = COLNO;
                ylocale = ROWNO;
        } else {        /* not in a room */
            int i, j;

            i = max(0, xlocale - wander);
            j = min(COLNO - 1, xlocale + wander);
            xlocale = rn1(j - i, i);
            i = max(0, ylocale - wander);
            j = min(ROWNO - 1, ylocale + wander);
            ylocale = rn1(j - i, i);
    /* moved a bit */
    mtmp->mx = COLNO;       /* (already is 0) */
    mtmp->my = xyflags;
    if (xlocale != COLNO)
        mnearto(mtmp, xlocale, ylocale, FALSE);
    else {
        if (!rloc(mtmp, TRUE)) {
            /* Failed to place migrating monster, probably because the level is
               full.  Dump the monster's cargo and leave the monster dead. */
            struct obj *obj;

            while ((obj = mtmp->minvent) != 0) {
                if (obj->owornmask & W_MASK(os_wep))
                    setmnotwielded(mtmp, obj);
                obj->owornmask = 0L;
                if (xlocale != COLNO && ylocale != ROWNO)
                    place_object(obj, level, xlocale, ylocale);
                else {
                    get_obj_location(obj, &xlocale, &ylocale, 0);
            mkcorpstat(CORPSE, NULL, mtmp->data, level, xlocale, ylocale,
                       FALSE, rng_main);

    mtmp->mux = COLNO;
    mtmp->muy = ROWNO;