void FAGeneral::initializeEvents(){
  Groups::iterator g_it,g_it_next;
  Group *g=0,*g_next;
  Event e;
  Action a;
  Events::iterator e_it;
  double lambda;
    Rprintf("Started initializing Events.\n");
  // generate the first list of events
    g = *g_it;
    // calculate initial events list from intersection of all adjacent
    lambda= getlambda(g, g_next);
      a = Action(g_it,'F');
      e = Event(lambda,a);
      e_it = events.insert(e);
      g->nextFusionUp = e_it;
    // check split only if group size > 1, size groupe < maxsizegroup  and not last group.
    if (((int)g->grps.size()>1)&&((int)g->grps.size() <= mxSplitSize)&&((int)myGroups.size() !=1)){
      MxFlowCheck(0, g_it,true);	// mxflow for split checking
文件: CC_Ev.cpp 项目: aceskpark/osfeo
double CC_Ev::H(const PlasticFlow& plastic_flow, const stresstensor& Stre, 
                const straintensor& Stra, const MaterialParameter& material_parameter)
// this is \bar{p_0}
    // Make sure f = Q = q*q - M*M*p*(po - p) = 0
    double p0 = getp0(material_parameter);
    double lambda = getlambda(material_parameter);
    double kappa = getkappa(material_parameter);
    double e0 = gete0(material_parameter);
    double e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *Stra.Iinvariant1();

    //// One way
    //straintensor PF = plastic_flow.PlasticFlowTensor(Stre, Stra, material_parameter);
    //double d_Ev = - PF.Iinvariant1(); // note "minus"

    // Another way
    double M = getM(material_parameter);
    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();
//    double d_Ev = -M*M*(p0-2.0*p); // Zhao's version
//    double d_Ev = (-1.0)*M*M*(p0 - 2.0*p); // Mahdi and Boris 27April2007
   double d_Ev = M*M*(2.0*p - p0);
    return (1.0 + e) * p0 * d_Ev / (lambda - kappa);
文件: CC_Ev.cpp 项目: aceskpark/osfeo
double CC_Ev::DH_Diso(const PlasticFlow& plastic_flow, const stresstensor& Stre, 
                          const straintensor& Stra, const MaterialParameter& material_parameter)
// this is d \bar{p_0} / d p_0

    double M = getM(material_parameter);
    double p0 = getp0(material_parameter);
    double lambda = getlambda(material_parameter);
    double kappa = getkappa(material_parameter);
    double e0 = gete0(material_parameter);
    double e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *Stra.Iinvariant1();
    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();

//    double scalar1 = (1.0+e)*p0*M*M*(p0-p)/(lambda-kappa); // Zhao's version
    double scalar1 = (-2.0)*(1.0+e)*p0*M*M*(p0-p)/(lambda-kappa); // Mahdi
    return scalar1;
文件: CC_Ev.cpp 项目: aceskpark/osfeo
const tensor& CC_Ev::DH_Ds(const PlasticFlow& plastic_flow, const stresstensor& Stre, 
                          const straintensor& Stra, const MaterialParameter& material_parameter)
// this is d \bar{p_0} / d sigma_ij

    tensor I2("I", 2, def_dim_2);

    double M = getM(material_parameter);
    double p0 = getp0(material_parameter);
    double lambda = getlambda(material_parameter);
    double kappa = getkappa(material_parameter);
    double e0 = gete0(material_parameter);
    double e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) *Stra.Iinvariant1();

    double scalar1 = (1.0+e)*p0*M*M*(-2.0/3.0)/(lambda-kappa);

    ScalarEvolution::SE_tensorR2 = I2 * scalar1;
    return ScalarEvolution::SE_tensorR2;
文件: EL_NLEp.cpp 项目: lcpt/xc
double XC::EvolutionLaw_NL_Ep::h_s( EPState *EPS, PotentialSurface *PS){

    // Getting de_eq / dLambda
    XC::stresstensor dQods = PS->dQods( EPS );

    //Evaluate the norm of the deviator of dQods
    //temp1 =  dQods("ij")*dQods("ij");
    double dQods_p = dQods.p_hydrostatic();
    double de_podL = dQods_p;

    //Evaluating dSodeeq

    double po = EPS->getScalarVar( 1 );
    double dSodep = (1.0+geteo())*po/( getlambda()-getkappa() );

    double h = dSodep * de_podL;

    return h;

// used for adding/deleting previous and next joining events
void FAGeneral::insert_new_merge_event(Group *newg,
				       Group *neighbor_group,Groups::iterator g_it_down,
				       Group *g_down){
  // print_events();
  if(g_down->nextFusionUp != NullEvent){
    events.erase(g_down->nextFusionUp); // erase the event that will not happen
  Group *g_up = *g_it_down;
  Events::iterator new_event;
  Action a = Action(g_it_down,'F');
  Event e=Event(getlambda(neighbor_group,newg),a);
  if(newg->lambda - e.first <= epsilon){
    // 2 things : new lambda >= old lambda and add a treshold to prevent round up errors
    new_event = events.insert(e);
  g_up->nextFusionUp = new_event; // contains the lambda for which the group is fusing the one on top of him
const straintensor& SANISAND_alpha_Eij::Hij(const PlasticFlow& plastic_flow, const stresstensor& Stre, 
                                            const straintensor& Stra, const MaterialParameter& material_parameter)
//    const double rt23 = sqrt(2.0/3.0);    

//    stresstensor a_a_in;
//    double a_in = 0.0;

    double e0 = gete0(material_parameter);
    double e_r = gete_r(material_parameter);
    double lambda = getlambda(material_parameter);
    double xi = getxi(material_parameter);
    double Pat = getPat(material_parameter);
    double alpha_cc = getalpha_cc(material_parameter);
    double c = getc(material_parameter);
    double nb = getnb(material_parameter);
    double h0 = geth0(material_parameter);
    double ch = getch(material_parameter);
    double G0 = getG0(material_parameter);        
    double m = getm(material_parameter);
    stresstensor alpha = getalpha(material_parameter);

    stresstensor n;
    stresstensor s_bar;
    double norm_s = 0.0;
    double r_ef = 0.0;
    double cos3theta = 0.0;
    double g = 0.0;
    double ec = e_r;
    double e = e0;
    double psi = 0.0;
    double alpha_b_c = 0.0;
    stresstensor alpha_b_tensor;
    stresstensor b_ref;
    stresstensor temp_tensor;
    double lower = 0.0;
    double h = G0*h0;

    double p = Stre.p_hydrostatic();
    stresstensor s = Stre.deviator();

    s_bar = s - (alpha *p);
    norm_s = sqrt( (s_bar("ij")*s_bar("ij")).trace() );
    if (p > 0.0 && norm_s > 0.0)
      n = s_bar * (1.0/norm_s);
      r_ef = rt32 * norm_s / p;
      cos3theta = -3.0 * sqrt(6.0) * n.Jinvariant3();

    if (p <= 0.0)
      cos3theta = 1.0;

    if (cos3theta > 1.0) 
      cos3theta = 1.0;

    if (cos3theta < -1.0) 
      cos3theta = -1.0;
    g = getg(c, cos3theta);

    if ( p >= 0.0 )
      ec = getec(e_r, lambda, xi, Pat, p);

    e = e0 + (1.0 + e0) * Stra.Iinvariant1();
    psi = e - ec;    
    alpha_b_c = alpha_cc * exp(-nb*psi);
    alpha_b_tensor = n * (rt23 * g * alpha_b_c);
    b_ref = n * rt23 * alpha_b_c * (1.0+c);
//    b_ref = n * rt23 * alpha_cc * (1.0+c);

    // Method 1
    temp_tensor = b_ref - (alpha_b_tensor - alpha);

    //// Method 2, better to use this when "p" is small 
    //temp_tensor = b_ref - (alpha_b_tensor - s*(1.0/p));

    lower = rt32*(temp_tensor("ij")*n("ij")).trace();
    if ( lower>0 ) 
      h = G0 * h0 * (1-ch*e) * sqrt(Pat/p) / (lower*lower);
//      h = G0 * h0 * (1-ch*e) * sqrt(Pat/p);
//      h = h0;

    // Method 1
    temp_tensor = alpha_b_tensor - alpha; 
    // Method 2
    //temp_tensor = alpha_b_tensor+n*m - s*(1.0/p); 

    TensorEvolution::TensorEvolutionHij = temp_tensor * (h*r_ef);
    return TensorEvolution::TensorEvolutionHij;