int parse() { token=getlex(); do { if (token <= 0) return 1; if (istoken('#')) { if (istoken(T_DEFINE)) dodefine(); else if (istoken(T_INCLUDE)) doinclude(); else error1("define oder include erwartet"); } else{ typeName(); if (token=='(') dofunc(); else doglob(); } } while(1); }
int stmt() { int c; if(istoken('{')) {while(istoken('}')==0) stmt();} else if(istoken(T_IF)) doif(); else if(istoken(T_DO)) dodo(); else if(istoken(T_WHILE)) dowhile(); else if(istoken(T_GOTO)) {prs("\n jmp @@");name1();prs(symbol);expect(';');} else if(token==T_ASM) {prs("\n"); c=next(); while(c != '\n') { prc(c); c=next(); }; token=getlex(); } else if(istoken(T_ASMBLOCK)) {prs("\n"); expect('{'); c=next(); while(c!= '}') { prc(c); c=next(); }; token=getlex(); } else if(istoken(T_EMIT)) doemit(); else if(istoken(';')) { } else if(istoken(T_RETURN)){if (token!=';') expr(); prs("\n jmp @@retn"); nreturn++; expect(';'); } else if(thechar==':') {prs("\n@@"); /*Label*/ prs(symbol); prc(':'); expect(T_NAME); expect(':'); } else {expr(); expect(';'); } }
//if input is token, token = getlex(), return 1 int istoken(int t) { if (token == t) { token = getlex(); return 1; } return 0; }
int parse() { int objid; token = getlex(); while(1) { if (token < 0) return 1; type(); /* T_INT or CHAR */ objid = name(); /* T_NAME */ if (istoken('(')) { /* function */ funids[nfun] = objid; funoffs[nfun++] = curloc; narg = 0; if (!istoken(')')) { do { type(); argids[narg++] = name(); } while(istoken(',')); expect(')'); } expect('{'); /* body */ /* decls */ nlocal = 0; while(token == T_INT) { type(); do { localids[nlocal++] = name(); } while (istoken(',')); expect(';'); } if (DEFSTK < nlocal) emitop(C_ALLOC, nlocal); /* stmts */ while(!istoken('}')) stmt(); emit(C_RETURN); } else { globoffs[nglob] = curgloboffs; if (istoken('[')) { /* array */ expect(T_CONST); curgloboffs = curgloboffs + lexval; expect(']'); globscalar[nglob] = 0; } else { curgloboffs++; globscalar[nglob] = 1; } globids[nglob++] = objid; expect(';'); } } }
int constantexpr() { int mode; int id1;int ids; token=getlex(); mode=typeName(); id1=searchname(); gettypes(id1); ids=signi; if (isrelational() ==0) error1("Vergleich erwartet"); expect(T_CONST); prs("; constant expression"); prs("\ncmp "); printName(id1); prs(", "); prnum(lexval); cmpneg(ids); expect(')'); }
int doinclude() { int fdtemp; if (token==T_STRING) { fdtemp=fdin; prs("\n;Verarbeite Include-Datei: "); prscomment(symbol); fdin=open2(symbol); if (DOS_ERR !=0) {prs("Include-Datei fehlt: "); prscomment(symbol); error1("Stop"); } linenoinclude=lineno; lineno=1; parse(); lineno=linenoinclude; fdin=fdtemp; prs("\n;Zurueck in Hauptdatei: "); prs(namein); getfirstchar(); token=getlex(); } }
//if token is not keyword, erroe, else getlex() int name() { int r; if (token != T_NAME) error("name expected"); r = lexval; token = getlex(); return r; }
int gl() { pSt.l = getlex(); cur_l = pSt.l; pSt.needLex = 0; if (cur_l == NULL) { parserErrorNo = PE_LEXER_ERROR; return 1; } return 0; }
int getlex() { char c; char *p; g1: c=next(); if (c == 0) return 0; if (c <= ' ') goto g1; if (c=='=') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_EQ; }} if (c=='!') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_NE; }} if (c=='<') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_LE; }} if (c=='>') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_GE; }} if (c=='<') {if(thechar=='<') {next(); return T_LESSLESS; }} if (c=='>') {if(thechar=='>') {next(); return T_GREATGREAT;}} if (c=='+') {if(thechar=='+') {next(); return T_PLUSPLUS; }} if (c=='-') {if(thechar=='-') {next(); return T_MINUSMINUS;}} if (c=='+') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_PLUSASS; }} if (c=='-') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_MINUSASS; }} if (c=='&') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_ANDASS; }} if (c=='|') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_ORASS; }} if (c=='*') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_MULASS; }} if (c=='/') {if(thechar=='=') {next(); return T_DIVASS; }} if (instr1("()[]{},;*:%-><=+!&|#", c)) return c ; if (c == '/') { if (thechar == '*') { g2: c=next(); if (c != '*') goto g2; if (thechar != '/') goto g2; c=next(); return getlex(); } else return '/'; } if (c == '"') {getstring(c); return T_STRING;} if (digit(c)) { getdigit(c); return T_CONST; } if (c==39) { lexval=next(); if (lexval==92) {lexval=next(); if (lexval=='n') lexval=10; if (lexval=='t') lexval= 9; if (lexval=='0') lexval= 0; } next(); return T_CONST; } if (letter(c)) { strcpy1(symboltemp, symbol); p=&symbol; *p=c; p++; while(letter(thechar)) {c=next(); *p=c; p++; } *p=0; if (eqstr(symbol,"signed" )) return T_SIGNED; if (eqstr(symbol,"unsigned")) return T_UNSIGNED; if (eqstr(symbol,"void" )) return T_VOID; if (eqstr(symbol,"int" )) return T_INT; if (eqstr(symbol,"char" )) return T_CHAR; if (eqstr(symbol,"asm" )) return T_ASM; if (eqstr(symbol,"__asm" )) return T_ASMBLOCK; if (eqstr(symbol,"__emit__")) return T_EMIT; if (eqstr(symbol,"return" )) return T_RETURN; if (eqstr(symbol,"if" )) return T_IF; if (eqstr(symbol,"else" )) return T_ELSE; if (eqstr(symbol,"while" )) return T_WHILE; if (eqstr(symbol,"do" )) return T_DO; if (eqstr(symbol,"goto" )) return T_GOTO; if (eqstr(symbol,"define" )) return T_DEFINE; if (eqstr(symbol,"include" )) return T_INCLUDE; if (convertdefine() ) {strcpy1(symbol, symboltemp); return T_CONST;} return T_NAME; } error1("Zeichen nicht erkannt"); }
LISP getlist () /* чтение списка ВЫР ('.' СПИС | ВЫР)... */ { LISP p = cons (getexpr (), NIL); switch (getlex ()) { case '.': setcdr (p, getexpr ()); break; case ')': ungetlex (); break; default: ungetlex (); setcdr (p, getlist ()); break; case 0: fatal ("unexpected eof"); } return (p); }
LISP getvector () /* чтение вектора ВЫР... */ { int len = 0; LISP vect[MAXVECT]; for (;;) { switch (getlex ()) { case ')': ungetlex (); return (vector (len, vect)); default: if (len >= MAXVECT) fatal ("too long vector constant"); ungetlex (); vect[len++] = getexpr (); continue; case 0: fatal ("unexpected eof"); } } }
//Skip comments, convert characters into their int codes, or if and int is found, return the code for integer etc int getlex() { int c; char *p; while( 0 <= (c = next()) && c <= ' ') /* consider all control chars as whitespace */ ; if (c == -1 || instr("()[]{},;", c)) { return c; } if (c == '/') { if (thechar == '*') { /* next(); dropping this is wrong */ while(next() != '*' || thechar != '/') ; next(); return getlex(); } else return T_DIV; } if (c == '*') return T_MUL; if (c == '%') return T_MOD; if (c == '-') return gobble(c,T_POSTDEC,T_SUB); if (c == '>') return gobble('=',T_GE,T_GT); if (c == '<') return gobble('=',T_LE,T_LT); if (c == '=') return gobble(c,T_EQ,T_ASSIGN); if (c == '+') return gobble(c,T_POSTINC,T_ADD); if (c == '!') return gobble('=',T_NE,T_NOT); if (c == '&') return gobble(c,T_ANDAND,T_AND); if (c == '|') return gobble(c,T_OROR,T_OR); if (c == '\'') { getstring(c); lexval = symbol[0]; return T_CONST; } if (c == '"') { getstring(c); return T_STRING; } if (digit(c)) { lexval = c - '0'; while(digit(thechar)) { lexval = lexval * 10 + next() - '0'; } return T_CONST; } if (letter(c)) { p = symbol; *p++ = c; while(letter(thechar)) *p++ = next(); *p = 0; if ( (lexval = lookup(symbol)) < RES) { if (lexval == I_CHAR) return T_INT; return lexval + RESBASE; } return T_NAME; } error("Bad input"); }
void swf_AddButtonLinks(SWF*swf, char stop_each_frame, char events) { int num_frames = 0; int has_buttons = 0; TAG*tag=swf->firstTag; unsigned int checksum = 0; while(tag) { if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME) num_frames++; if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON || tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON2) has_buttons = 1; crc32_add_bytes(checksum, tag->data, tag->len); tag = tag->next; } int t = time(0); checksum = crc32_add_bytes(checksum, &t, sizeof(t)); unsigned char h[16]; unsigned char file_signature[33]; sprintf((char*)file_signature, "%x", checksum); char scenename1[80], scenename2[80]; sprintf(scenename1, "rfx.MainTimeline_%s", file_signature); sprintf(scenename2, "rfx::MainTimeline_%s", file_signature); abc_file_t*file = abc_file_new(); abc_method_body_t*c = 0; abc_class_t*cls = abc_class_new2(file, scenename2, "flash.display::MovieClip"); TAG*abctag = swf_InsertTagBefore(swf, swf->firstTag, ST_DOABC); tag = swf_InsertTag(abctag, ST_SYMBOLCLASS); swf_SetU16(tag, 1); swf_SetU16(tag, 0); swf_SetString(tag, scenename1); c = abc_class_getstaticconstructor(cls, 0)->body; c->old.max_stack = 1; c->old.local_count = 1; c->old.init_scope_depth = 9; c->old.max_scope_depth = 10; __ getlocal_0(c); __ pushscope(c); __ returnvoid(c); c = abc_class_getconstructor(cls, 0)->body; c->old.max_stack = 3; c->old.local_count = 1; c->old.init_scope_depth = 10; c->old.max_scope_depth = 11; debugfile(c, ""); __ getlocal_0(c); __ pushscope(c); __ getlocal_0(c); __ constructsuper(c,0); if(stop_each_frame || has_buttons) { int frame = 0; tag = swf->firstTag; abc_method_body_t*f = 0; //frame script while(tag && tag->id!=ST_END) { char framename[80]; char needs_framescript=0; char buttonname[80]; char functionname[80]; sprintf(framename, "[packageinternal]rfx::frame%d_%s", frame, file_signature); if(!f && (tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON || tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON2 || stop_each_frame)) { /* make the contructor add a frame script */ __ findpropstrict(c,"[package]::addFrameScript"); __ pushuint(c,frame); __ getlex(c,framename); __ callpropvoid(c,"[package]::addFrameScript",2); f = abc_class_method(cls, 0, multiname_fromstring(framename))->body; f->old.max_stack = 3; f->old.local_count = 1; f->old.init_scope_depth = 10; f->old.max_scope_depth = 11; __ debugfile(f, ""); __ debugline(f, 1); __ getlocal_0(f); __ pushscope(f); if(stop_each_frame) { __ findpropstrict(f, "[package]::stop"); __ callpropvoid(f, "[package]::stop", 0); } } if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON || tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON2) { U16 id = swf_GetDefineID(tag); sprintf(buttonname, "::button%d", swf_GetDefineID(tag)); __ getlex(f,buttonname); __ getlex(f,""); __ getproperty(f, "::CLICK"); sprintf(functionname, "::clickbutton%d_%s", swf_GetDefineID(tag), file_signature); __ getlex(f,functionname); __ callpropvoid(f, "::addEventListener" ,2); needs_framescript = 1; abc_method_body_t*h = abc_class_method(cls, 0, multiname_fromstring(functionname))->body; list_append(h->method->parameters, multiname_fromstring("")); h->old.max_stack = 6; h->old.local_count = 2; h->old.init_scope_depth = 10; h->old.max_scope_depth = 11; __ getlocal_0(h); __ pushscope(h); ActionTAG*oldaction = swf_ButtonGetAction(tag); if(oldaction && oldaction->op == ACTION__GOTOFRAME) { int framenr = GET16(oldaction->data); if(!events) { __ findpropstrict(h,"[package]::gotoAndStop"); __ pushuint(h,framenr+1); __ callpropvoid(h,"[package]::gotoAndStop", 1); } else { char framename[80]; sprintf(framename, "frame%d_%s", framenr, file_signature); __ getlocal_0(h); //this __ findpropstrict(h, "[package]"); __ pushstring(h, "link"); __ pushtrue(h); __ pushtrue(h); __ pushstring(h, framename); __ constructprop(h,"[package]", 4); __ callpropvoid(h,"[package]::dispatchEvent", 1); } } else if(oldaction && oldaction->op == ACTION__GETURL) { if(!events) { __ findpropstrict(h,""); __ findpropstrict(h,""); // TODO: target _blank __ pushstring(h,(char*)oldaction->data); //url __ constructprop(h,"", 1); __ callpropvoid(h,"", 1); } else { __ getlocal_0(h); //this __ findpropstrict(h, "[package]"); __ pushstring(h, "link"); __ pushtrue(h); __ pushtrue(h); __ pushstring(h,(char*)oldaction->data); //url __ constructprop(h,"[package]", 4); __ callpropvoid(h,"[package]::dispatchEvent", 1); } } else if(oldaction) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Couldn't translate button code of button %d to flash 9 abc action\n", id); } __ returnvoid(h); swf_ActionFree(oldaction); } if(tag->id == ST_SHOWFRAME) { if(f) { __ returnvoid(f); f = 0; } frame++; } tag = tag->next; } if(f) { __ returnvoid(f); } } __ returnvoid(c); tag = swf->firstTag; while(tag) { if(tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON || tag->id == ST_DEFINEBUTTON2) { char buttonname[80]; sprintf(buttonname, "::button%d", swf_GetDefineID(tag)); multiname_t*s = multiname_fromstring(buttonname); //abc_class_slot(cls, multiname_fromstring(buttonname), s); abc_class_slot(cls, multiname_fromstring(buttonname), multiname_fromstring("flash.display::SimpleButton")); } tag = tag->next; } abc_script_t*s = abc_initscript(file); c = s->method->body; c->old.max_stack = 2; c->old.local_count = 1; c->old.init_scope_depth = 1; c->old.max_scope_depth = 9; __ getlocal_0(c); __ pushscope(c); __ getscopeobject(c, 0); __ getlex(c,"::Object"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,""); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::DisplayObject"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::InteractiveObject"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::Sprite"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::MovieClip"); __ pushscope(c); __ getlex(c,"flash.display::MovieClip"); __ newclass(c,cls); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ popscope(c); __ initproperty(c,scenename2); __ returnvoid(c); //abc_method_body_addClassTrait(c, "rfx:MainTimeline", 1, cls); multiname_t*classname = multiname_fromstring(scenename2); abc_initscript_addClassTrait(s, classname, cls); multiname_destroy(classname); swf_WriteABC(abctag, file); }
int name1() {if (token!=T_NAME) error1("Name erwartet"); token=getlex(); }
command() { float tval; int i,echeck; int pmin,pmax,pstep; char tbuf[20]; while (echeck = getstring(": ")) { if (echeck == EOF) { fileinput(STD); } else if (startsame(in,"cycle")) { cycle(); } else if (startsame(in,"coarticulation")) { ttyprint("coarticulation %s: change? ",(coartflag ? "ON":"OFF")); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if(in[0] == 'n') continue; coartflag = 1 - coartflag; } else if (startsame(in,"rc")) { printf("reset and cycle\n"); zarrays(); cycle(); } else if (startsame(in,"wordacts")) { printwords(printmin,printmax,3,stdout); if (outfile) printwords(printmin,printmax,3,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"wtacts")) { printwt(printmin,printmax,3,stdout); if (outfile) printwt(printmin,printmax,3,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"owtacts")) { getstring("word: "); strcpy(tbuf,in); printonewt(tbuf,printmin,printmax,3,stdout); if (outfile) printonewt(tbuf,printmin,printmax,3,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"phonacts")) { printphonemes(printmin,printmax,3,stdout); if (outfile) printphonemes(printmin,printmax,3,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"featacts")) { printf("feature activations - give min,max,step: "); scanf("%d %d %d",&pmin,&pmax,&pstep); printfeatures(pmin,pmax,pstep,stdout); if (outfile) printfeatures(pmin,pmax,pstep,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"expression")) { setex(); } else if (startsame(in,"fileinput")) { fileinput(NONSTD); } else if (startsame(in,"inspecs")) { ttyprint("File name (- = stdin): "); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); inspecs(in); } else if (startsame(in,"infeatures")) { ttyprint("File name: "); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); infeats(in); } /* NOT PRESENTLY OPERATIVE -- JLM 10-5-82 else if (startsame(in,"wsubset")) { wordsubset(); } */ else if (startsame(in,"test")) { getstring("test string: "); test(in); } else if (startsame(in,"topdown")) { topdown(); } else if (startsame(in,"output")) { setout(); } else if (startsame(in,"ofile")) { getstring("give filename (or - for none): "); setoutfile(in); } else if (in[0] == '!') { system(&in[1]); } else if (in[0] == '?') { help(); } else if (startsame(in,"help")) { help(); } else if (startsame(in,"lexicon")) { getlex(); } else if (startsame(in,"parameters")) { getpars(); } else if (startsame(in,"quit")) { quit(); } else if (startsame(in,"decay")) { ttyprint ("decay values:\n"); getfloat(decay,NLEVS,"F","P","W"); } else if (startsame(in,"alpha")) { ttyprint ("alpha values:\n"); getfloat(alpha,NPARAMS, "IF","FF","FP","PP","PW","WW","WP","PF","PFC"); } else if (startsame(in,"gamma")) { ttyprint ("gamma values:\n"); getfloat(ga,NLEVS,"F","P","W"); } else if (startsame(in,"grace")) { ttyprint ("grace %s: change? ",(grace ? "ON" : "OFF")); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if (in[0] == 'n') continue; grace = 1 - grace; } else if (startsame(in,"rest")) { tval = rest[W]; ttyprint ("rest values:\n"); getfloat(rest,NLEVS,"F","P","W"); if (tval != rest[W]) { initialize(); } } else if (startsame(in,"fweight")) { ttyprint ("fweight values:\n"); getfloat(fweight,NCONTINS, "POW","PIT","VOI","ABT","DIF","ACU","CON","LWS", "MDS", "HIS","FT1","FT2","FT3","FT4","FT5","FT6"); } else if (startsame(in,"pthresh")) { ttyprint ("pthresh values:\n"); getfloat(pthresh,NLEVS,"F","P","W"); } else if (startsame(in,"nreps")) { ttyprint ("%d nreps: change? ",nreps); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if (in[0] == 'n') continue; sscanf(in,"%d",&nreps); } else if (startsame(in,"pfreq")) { ttyprint ("%d pfreq: change? ",printfreq); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if (in[0] == 'n') continue; sscanf(in,"%d",&printfreq); } else if (startsame(in,"summarypr")) { ttyprint("give min, max, and step: "); fscanf(infp,"%d %d %d",&pmin,&pmax,&pstep); summarypr(pmin,pmax,pstep,stdout); if (outfile) summarypr(pmin,pmax,pstep,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"spointers")) { qsort(wordptr,nwptrs,sizeof(struct word *),ecomp); } else if (startsame(in,"sinspec")) { sinspec(); } else if (startsame(in,"sfeatures")) { ttyprint("file name: "); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); sfeatures(in); } else if (startsame(in,"dinspec")) { dinspec(); } else if (startsame(in,"acoustinput")) { ttyprint("give min, max, and step: "); fscanf(infp,"%d %d %d",&pmin,&pmax,&pstep); acoustinput(pmin,pmax,pstep,stdout); if (outfile) acoustinput(pmin,pmax,pstep,outfile); } else if (startsame(in,"sumopt")) { ttyprint ("summaryprint %s: change? ",(sumflag ? "ON" : "OFF")); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if (in[0] == 'n') continue; sumflag = 1 - sumflag; } else if (startsame(in,"echooutput")) { ttyprint ("echooutput %s: change? ",(echoflag ? "ON" : "OFF")); fscanf(infp,"%s",in); if (in[0] == 'n') continue; echoflag = 1 - echoflag; } else if (startsame(in,"min")) { ttyprint ("min = "); getval(&min); } else if (startsame(in,"max")) { ttyprint ("max = "); getval(&max); } else if (startsame(in,"windowcent")) { ttyprint ("windowcent = "); getval(&windowcent); } else if (startsame(in,"wbase")) { ttyprint ("wbase = "); getval(&wbase); } else if (startsame(in,"wchange")) { ttyprint ("wchange = "); getval(&wchange); } else if (startsame(in,"wgain")) { ttyprint ("wgain = "); getval(&wgain); } else if (startsame(in,"wramp")) { ttyprint ("wramp = "); getval(&wramp); } else if (startsame(in,"imax")) { ttyprint ("imax = "); getval(&imax); } else if (startsame(in,"freqscale")) { ttyprint ("freqscale = "); tval = fscale; getval(&fscale); if (tval != fscale) { initialize(); } } else if (startsame(in,"abort")) { abort(); /* to get a core dump for sdb */ } else { printf("Unrecognized request: For help type ?.\n"); if (infp != stdin) fileinput(STD); } wait(0); } }
LISP getexpr () /* чтение выражения АТОМ | ЧИСЛО | '(' СПИСОК ')' */ { LISP p; switch (getlex ()) { default: fatal ("syntax error"); case ')': ungetlex (); case 0: return (NIL); case '(': if (getlex () == ')') return (NIL); ungetlex (); p = getlist (); if (getlex () != ')') fatal ("right parence expected"); break; case '\'': p = cons (symbol ("quote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL)); break; case '`': p = cons (symbol ("quasiquote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL)); break; case ',': if (getlex () == '@') p = cons (symbol ("unquote-splicing"), cons (getexpr (), NIL)); else { ungetlex (); p = cons (symbol ("unquote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL)); } break; case TSYMBOL: p = symbol (lexsym); if (trace > 2) fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", lexsym); break; case TBOOL: p = lexval ? T : NIL; if (trace > 2) fprintf (stderr, "#%c\n", lexval ? 't' : 'f'); break; case TCHAR: p = character (lexval); if (trace > 2) fprintf (stderr, "#\\\\%03o\n", (unsigned) lexval); break; case TINTEGER: p = number (lexval); if (trace > 2) fprintf (stderr, "%ld\n", lexval); break; case TREAL: p = real (lexrealval); if (trace > 2) fprintf (stderr, "%#g\n", lexrealval); break; case TSTRING: p = string (lexlen, lexsym); if (trace > 2) { putstring (p, stderr); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } break; case TVECTOR: p = getvector (); if (getlex () != ')') fatal ("right parence expected"); break; } return (p); }
/* returns true if lvalue, else false */ int expr(int needval, int prec) { int na; int islval; int jdst; int op; int any; int opprec; islval = 0; /* parse one expr */ if (istoken(T_CONST)) { emitop(C_PUSHC, lexval); } else if (istoken(T_STRING)) { /* If the syntax is ok the string must still be in the symbol buffer. Stuff it into global space. */ emitop(C_PUSHS, strsize); any = 0; while(any < strsize) emit(symbol[any++]); } else if (istoken(T_NAME)) { islval = pushval(); } else if (istoken('(')) { islval = expr(0, P_NONE); expect(')'); } else if (istoken(T_NOT)) { expr(1, P_PRE); emit(C_NOT); } else if (istoken(T_SUB)) { expr(1, P_PRE); emit(C_NEG); } else if (istoken(T_MUL)) { expr(1, P_PRE); islval = 1; } else if (istoken(T_AND)) { if (expr(0, P_PRE) == 0) error("lvalue required"); } else error("syntax error in expr"); /* one expression parsed, try for hi prec ops */ any = 1; while(any) { op = token % OPMOD; if (istoken('(')) { /* function call */ pderef(islval); na = 0; if (!istoken(')')) { do { expr(1, P_NONE); na++; } while(istoken(',')); expect(')'); } emitop(C_CALL, na*2); islval = 0; } else if (istoken('[')) { /* array ref */ pderef(islval); expr(1, P_NONE); emit(C_ADD); expect(']'); islval = 1; } else if (istoken(T_POSTINC) || istoken(T_POSTDEC)) { if (!islval) error("no lval for ++"); emit(op); islval = 0; } else any = 0; } opprec = token / OPMOD; while (prec < opprec) { if ( (op = token % OPMOD) != C_ASSIGN) { pderef(islval); } else { if (!islval) error("no lval for ="); } if (istoken(T_ANDAND) || istoken(T_OROR)) { emit(C_DUP); if (op == C_OROR) emit(C_NOT); jdst = emitj(C_JFALSE, 0); emit(C_POP); expr(1, opprec); emitat(jdst, curloc); } else { /* emit binop code */ token = getlex(); expr(1, opprec); emit(op); } islval = 0; opprec = token / OPMOD; } if (needval) { pderef(islval); islval = 0; } return islval; }
int doemit() {prs("\n db "); L1: token=getlex(); prnum(lexval); token=getlex(); if (token== ',') {prc(','); goto L1;} expect(')'); }
command() { double tval; int i,echeck; int pmin,pmax,pstep; while (echeck = getstring(": ")) { if (echeck == EOF) { fileinput(EOF); } else if (in[0] == '\0') { errprint(""); } else if (startsame(in,"cycle")) { cycle(); } else if (startsame(in,"clear")) { clear(); } else if (startsame(in,"coarticulation")) { getint(&coartflag); } else if (startsame(in,"rc")) { zarrays(); cycle(); } else if (startsame(in,"wordacts")) { scr_words(printmin,printmax,3,0,"MAX"); } else if (startsame(in,"wtacts")) { scr_words(printmin,printmax,3,0,"ALL"); } else if (startsame(in,"owtacts")) { getstring("word: "); scr_words(printmin,printmax,3,0,in); } else if (startsame(in,"phonacts")) { scr_phonemes(printmin,printmax,3,0); } else if (startsame(in,"featacts")) { scr_features(); } else if (startsame(in,"sfeatacts")) { getstring("fname: "); sfeatacts(in); } else if (startsame(in,"memo")) { getstring("string: "); strcpy(memo,in); } else if (startsame(in,"expr")) { setex(); } else if (startsame(in,"fcopt")) { getint(&fcflag); } else if (startsame(in,"fpcyc")) { getint(&fpcyc); } else if (startsame(in,"finput")) { fileinput(NONSTD); } else if (startsame(in,"inoise")) { getval(&inoise); } else if (startsame(in,"inspecs")) { getstring("File name (- = stdin): "); inspecs(in); } else if (startsame(in,"infeatures")) { getstring("File name: "); infeats(in); } /* NOT PRESENTLY OPERATIVE -- JLM 10-5-82 else if (startsame(in,"wsubset")) { wordsubset(); } */ else if (startsame(in,"test")) { getstring("test string: "); strcpy(memo,in); test(in); } else if (startsame(in,"topdown")) { topdown(); } else if (startsame(in,"output")) { setout(); } else if (startsame(in,"ofile")) { getstring("give filename (or - for none): "); setoutfile(in); } else if (in[0] == '?') { help(); } else if (startsame(in,"help")) { help(); } else if (startsame(in,"lexicon")) { getlex(); } else if (startsame(in,"params")) { getpars(); } else if (startsame(in,"quit")) { quit(); } else if (startsame(in,"decay")) { getdouble(decay,NLEVS,levlabs); } else if (startsame(in,"alpha")) { getdouble(alpha,NPARAMS,conlabs); } else if (startsame(in,"gamma")) { getdouble(ga,NLEVS,levlabs); } else if (startsame(in,"grace")) { getint(&grace); } else if (startsame(in,"rest")) { tval = rest[W]; getdouble(rest,NLEVS,levlabs); if (tval != rest[W]) { initialize(); } } else if (startsame(in,"fweight")) { getdouble(fweight,NCONTINS,contname); } else if (startsame(in,"pthresh")) { getdouble(pthresh,NLEVS,levlabs); } else if (startsame(in,"ngraph")) { newgraph(pmin,ng_max,pstep); } else if (startsame(in,"ngmax")) { getint(&ng_max); } else if (startsame(in,"ngwscale")) { getval(&ng_wscale); } else if (startsame(in,"ngsscale")) { getval(&ng_sscale); } else if (startsame(in,"ngpscale")) { getval(&ng_pscale); } else if (startsame(in,"nreps")) { getint(&nreps); } else if (startsame(in,"pfreq")) { getint(&printfreq); } else if (startsame(in,"rarate")) { getval(&rarate); } else if (startsame(in,"sumpr")) { scr_sum(pmin,pmax,pstep); } else if (startsame(in,"sinspec")) { sinspec(); } else if (startsame(in,"sfeatures")) { getstring("Filename: "); sfeatures(in); } else if (startsame(in,"dinspec")) { dinspec(); } else if (startsame(in,"sumopt")) { getint(&sumflag); } else if (startsame(in,"pmin")) { getint(&pmin); } else if (startsame(in,"pmax")) { getint(&pmax); } else if (startsame(in,"pstep")) { getint(&pstep); } else if (startsame(in,"min")) { getval(&min); } else if (startsame(in,"max")) { getval(&max); } else if (startsame(in,"windowcent")) { getval(&windowcent); } else if (startsame(in,"wbase")) { getval(&wbase); } else if (startsame(in,"wgraph")) { wgraph(pmin,ng_max,pstep); } else if (startsame(in,"wchange")) { getval(&wchange); } else if (startsame(in,"wgain")) { getval(&wgain); } else if (startsame(in,"wramp")) { getval(&wramp); } else if (startsame(in,"imax")) { getval(&imax); } else if (startsame(in,"sscale")) { getval(&sscale); } else if (startsame(in,"nsscale")) { getval(&nsscale); } else if (startsame(in,"freqscale")) { tval = fscale; getval(&fscale); if (tval != fscale) { initialize(); } } else if (startsame(in,"abort")) { abort(); /* to get a core dump for sdb */ } else { errprint("Unrecognized request: For help type ?."); if (infp != stdin) fileinput(STD); } wait(0); } }
int isrelational() { if (token==T_EQ) goto w; if (token==T_NE) goto w; if (token==T_LE) goto w; if (token==T_GE) goto w; if (token=='<' ) goto w; if (token=='>' ) goto w; return 0; w: iscmp=token; token=getlex(); return 1;}