main (int argc, char **argv)
//  int i = 0;
//  char buf[MAXBUFSIZE];
  int c = 0, option_index = 0;
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  struct option long_only_options[ARGS_MAX];
  int result = 0;
//  const char *p = NULL; 
  const st_property_t props[] =
        "ansi_color", "1",
        "use ANSI colors in output? (1=yes; 0=no)"
        "default_cmdline", "",
        "will be used when quh is started w/o args"
        "settings", "100",
        "internal settings like volume, etc."
#if 0
        PROPERTY_MODE_DIR ("quh"),
        "directory with additional config files"
      {NULL, NULL, NULL}

  memset (&quh, 0, sizeof (st_quh_t));

  // defaults
  quh.pid = 1;
  tmpnam3 (quh.tmp_file, 0);
  set_suffix (quh.tmp_file, ".wav");

  if(!(quh.o = cache_open (MAXBUFSIZE, CACHE_MEM|CACHE_LIFO)))
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Could not malloc %d bytes\n", MAXBUFSIZE);
      return -1;

  realpath2 (PROPERTY_HOME_RC ("quh"), quh.configfile);

  result = property_check (quh.configfile, QUH_CONFIG_VERSION, 1);
  if (result == 1) // update needed
    result = set_property_array (quh.configfile, props);
  if (result == -1) // property_check() or update failed
    return -1;

  signal (SIGINT, quh_signal_handler);
  signal (SIGTERM, quh_signal_handler);

  atexit (quh_exit);

  quh.ansi_color = get_property_int (quh.configfile, "ansi_color");
  quh.settings = get_property_int (quh.configfile, "settings");

  quh.argc = argc;
  quh.argv = argv;

#if 0
  // memorize cmdline
  if (quh.argc > 2)
      for (; quh.argv[i] && i < quh.argc; i++)
        sprintf (strchr (buf, 0), "%s ", quh.argv[i]);

      set_property (quh.configfile, "default_cmdline", buf,
                    "will be used when quh is started w/o args");
      p = get_property (quh.configfile, "default_cmdline", PROPERTY_MODE_TEXT);

      if (p)
          strncpy (buf, p, MAXBUFSIZE)[MAXBUFSIZE - 1] = 0;
          quh.argc = strarg (quh.argv, buf, " ", QUH_MAX_ARGS);

  // set default filter chain
  filters = 0;
  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_CACHE_PASS;
  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_CONSOLE_PASS;
#ifdef  USE_ID3
//  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_ID3_IN;
//  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_CDDB_IN;
#ifdef  USE_OSS
  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_OSS_OUT;
#elif   defined USE_SDL
  quh.filter_id[filters++] = QUH_SDL_OUT;

  // convert (st_getopt2_t **) to (st_getopt2_t *)
  memset (&options, 0, sizeof (st_getopt2_t) * QUH_MAX_ARGS);
  for (c = x = 0; option[x]; x++)
    for (y = 0; option[x][y].name || option[x][y].help; y++)
      if (c < QUH_MAX_ARGS)
          memcpy (&options[c], &option[x][y], sizeof (st_getopt2_t));

#if 0
  for (x = 0; quh_decode_usage[x]; x++)
    if (c < QUH_MAX_ARGS)
        memcpy (&options[c], quh_decode_usage[x], sizeof (st_getopt2_t));

  for (x = 0; quh_filter_usage[x]; x++)
    if (c < QUH_MAX_ARGS)
        memcpy (&options[c], quh_filter_usage[x], sizeof (st_getopt2_t));

  for (x = 0; option2[x]; x++)
    for (y = 0; option2[x][y].name || option2[x][y].help; y++)
      if (c < QUH_MAX_ARGS)
          memcpy (&options[c], &option2[x][y], sizeof (st_getopt2_t));

  getopt2_long_only (long_only_options, options, ARGS_MAX);

#if 0
  // if no options or filenames were specified we use a default cmdline
  if (argc < 2) // || !optind)
      p = get_property (quh.configfile, "default_cmdline", PROPERTY_MODE_TEXT);
      if (p)
          strncpy (quh.cmdline, p, ARGS_MAX)[ARGS_MAX - 1] = 0;
          quh.argc = strarg (quh.argv, quh.cmdline, " ", QUH_MAX_ARGS);
  else // store cmdline
      strcpy (quh.cmdline, argv[0]);
      for (x = 1; x < argc; x++)
        sprintf (strchr (quh.cmdline, 0), " \"%s\"", quh.argv[x]);
      set_property (quh.configfile, "default_cmdline", quh.cmdline, NULL);

  for (x = 0; x < quh.argc; x++)
    printf ("quh.argv[%d] == %s\n", x, quh.argv[x]);
  fflush (stdout);

  while ((c = getopt_long_only (quh.argc, quh.argv, "", long_only_options, &option_index)) != -1)
    quh_opts (c);

//  if (quh.verbose)
  if (!quh.quiet)
    fputs ("Quh " QUH_VERSION_S " 'Having ears makes sense again' 2005-2006 by NoisyB\n"
           "This may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU Public License\n\n", stdout);

  if (quh.argc < 2) // || !optind)
      getopt2_usage (options);
      return -1;

#warning files?
#if 0
  if (!getfile (quh.argc, quh.argv, quh_set_fname,
                (GETFILE_FILES_ONLY | (quh.flags & QUH_RECURSIVE ? GETFILE_RECURSIVE : 0)))) // recursively?
      if (!quh.quiet)
        getopt2_usage (options);
      return -1;

  if (!quh.filter_id[0])
      fputs ("ERROR: you haven't specified any filters\n", stderr);
      fflush (stderr);
      return -1;

  if (!quh.files)
      fputs ("ERROR: you haven't specified any files to play\n", stderr);
      fflush (stderr);
      return -1;

  if (!(quh.filter_chain = filter_malloc_chain (quh_filter)))
      fputs ("ERROR: filter_malloc_chain() failed\n", stderr);
      fflush (stderr);
      return -1;

  if (filter_init (quh.filter_chain, NULL, NULL) == -1)
      fputs ("ERROR: filter_init() failed\n", stderr);
      fflush (stderr);
      return -1;

  quh_play ();

  return 0;
ucon64_usage (int argc, char *argv[])
  int x = 0, y = 0, c = 0, single = 0;
  const char *name_exe = basename2 (argv[0]);
  char *name_discmage;
  (void) argc;                                  // warning remover

#ifdef  USE_ZLIB
  printf ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ROM|IMAGE|SRAM|FILE|DIR|ARCHIVE]...\n\n", name_exe);
  printf ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ROM|IMAGE|SRAM|FILE|DIR]...\n\n", name_exe);

  // single usage
  for (x = 0; arg[x].val; x++)
    if (arg[x].console) // IS console
      for (y = 0; option[y]; y++)
        for (c = 0; option[y][c].name || option[y][c].help; c++)
          if (option[y][c].object)
            if (((st_ucon64_obj_t *) option[y][c].object)->console == arg[x].console)
                getopt2_usage (option[y]);
                single = 1;

  if (!single)
    getopt2_usage (options);

  fputc ('\n', stdout);

  printf ("DATabase: %d known ROMs (DAT files: %s)\n\n",
          ucon64_dat_total_entries (), ucon64.datdir);

  name_discmage =
#ifdef  DLOPEN
#if     defined __MSDOS__
#elif   defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _WIN32
#elif   defined __APPLE__                       // Mac OS X actually
#elif   defined __unix__ || defined __BEOS__

  if (!ucon64.discmage_enabled)
      printf (ucon64_msg[NO_LIB], name_discmage);
      fputc ('\n', stdout);

  puts ("NOTE: You only need to specify PORT if uCON64 doesn't detect the (right)\n"
        "      parallel port. If that is the case give a hardware address. For example:\n"
        "        ucon64 " OPTION_LONG_S "xswc \"rom.swc\" " OPTION_LONG_S "port=0x378\n"
        "      In order to connect a copier to a PC's parallel port you need a standard\n"
        "      bidirectional parallel cable\n");

  printf ("TIP: %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help " OPTION_LONG_S "snes (would show only SNES related help)\n", name_exe);

#if     defined __MSDOS__ || defined _WIN32
  printf ("     %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help|more (to see everything in more)\n", name_exe);
  printf ("     %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help|less (to see everything in less)\n", name_exe); // less is more ;-)

  puts ("     Give the force recognition switch a try if something went wrong\n"
        "Please report any problems/ideas/fixes to [email protected] or\n"
        "[email protected] or visit http://ucon64.sf.net\n");
static int
quh_opts (int c)
  int i = 0;
//  uint32_t flags = 0;
  int value = 0;
  static char buf[MAXBUFSIZE];
//  const st_getopt2_t *p = NULL;

  switch (c)
      case QUH_START:
        if (optarg)
          quh.start_optarg = optarg;

      case QUH_LEN:
        if (optarg)
          quh.len_optarg = optarg;

      case QUH_INTRO:
        quh.start_optarg = "60000";
        quh.len_optarg = "10000";

      case QUH_RR:
      quh.start_optarg = "min=0:max=eof";
      if (optarg)
        quh.len_optarg = optarg;
        quh.len_optarg = "min=500:max=1500";
      quh.random = 1;
      quh.loop = 1;

      case QUH_BPM:
        if (optarg)
            value = strtol (optarg, NULL, 10);

            // turn BPM into ms
            sprintf (buf, "%ld", (unsigned long) 60000 / value);
            quh.len_optarg = buf;

      case QUH_V:
        quh.verbose = 1;

      case QUH_Q:
        quh.quiet = 1;

      case QUH_R:
        quh.flags |= QUH_RECURSIVE;

      case QUH_HELP:
        getopt2_usage (options);
        exit (0);

      case QUH_VER:
        fputs ("quh version: " QUH_VERSION_S "\n", stdout);
      case QUH_S:
        printf ("filter: %s\n", filter_get_all_id_s_in_array (quh_filter));
        exit (0);

      case QUH_RANDOM:
        quh.random = 1;

      case QUH_LOOP:
        quh.loop = optarg ? strtol (optarg, NULL, 10) + 1 : 1;

      case QUH_SHUFFLE:
        quh.shuffle = 1;

      // filter
      case QUH_NEW:
        quh.filter_id[0] = 0;
        filters = 0;

      case QUH_STDOUT:
      case QUH_STDERR:
        quh.verbose = 0;
        quh.quiet = 1;
#ifdef  USE_GTK
      case QUH_GTK:
      case QUH_CACHE:
//      case QUH_PIPE:
#ifdef  USE_ST
      case QUH_ST:
#ifdef  USE_SDL
      case QUH_SDL:
#ifdef  USE_OSS
      case QUH_OSS:
      case QUH_RAW:
#ifdef  USE_CDDB
      case QUH_CDDB:
#ifdef  USE_ID3
      case QUH_ID3:
      case QUH_WAV:
      case QUH_JOY:
#ifdef  USE_PCSPKR
      case QUH_SPEAKER:
#ifdef  USE_ALSA
      case QUH_ALSA:
#ifdef  USE_ESD
      case QUH_ESD:
      case QUH_CONSOLE:
#ifdef  USE_CDDA
      case QUH_CDDA:
#ifdef  USE_LIBAO
      case QUH_AO:
      case QUH_VOL:
      case QUH_LYRICS:
      case QUH_ECHO:
        for (i = 0; quh_option[i].option; i++)
          if (quh_option[i].option == c)
              if (quh_option[i].f)
                  quh.filter_id[filters] = quh_option[i].f->id;

                  if (optarg)
                    if (*optarg)
                      quh.filter_option[filters] = optarg;

                  quh.filter_id[++filters] = 0;


        printf ("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", quh.argv[0]);
        exit (-1);

  return 0;