GF_EXPORT char *gf_rtp_streamer_format_sdp_header(char *app_name, char *ip_dest, char *session_name, char *iod64) { u64 size; char *sdp, *tmp_fn = NULL; FILE *tmp = gf_temp_file_new(&tmp_fn); if (!tmp) return NULL; /* write SDP header*/ fprintf(tmp, "v=0\n"); fprintf(tmp, "o=%s 3326096807 1117107880000 IN IP%d %s\n", app_name, gf_net_is_ipv6(ip_dest) ? 6 : 4, ip_dest); fprintf(tmp, "s=%s\n", (session_name ? session_name : "GPAC Scene Streaming Session")); fprintf(tmp, "c=IN IP%d %s\n", gf_net_is_ipv6(ip_dest) ? 6 : 4, ip_dest); fprintf(tmp, "t=0 0\n"); if (iod64) fprintf(tmp, "a=mpeg4-iod:\"data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,%s\"\n", iod64); gf_fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_END); size = gf_ftell(tmp); gf_fseek(tmp, 0, SEEK_SET); sdp = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (size_t)(size+1)); size = fread(sdp, 1, (size_t)size, tmp); sdp[size] = 0; gf_fclose(tmp); gf_delete_file(tmp_fn); gf_free(tmp_fn); return sdp; }
static void imagetexture_destroy(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy) { if (is_destroy) { GF_TextureHandler *txh = (GF_TextureHandler *) gf_node_get_private(node); /*cleanup cache if needed*/ if (gf_node_get_tag(node)==TAG_MPEG4_CacheTexture) { char section[64]; const char *opt, *file; Bool delete_file = 1; M_CacheTexture *ct = (M_CacheTexture*)node; sprintf(section, "@cache=%p", ct); file = gf_cfg_get_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "cacheFile"); opt = gf_cfg_get_key(txh->compositor->user->config, section, "expireAfterNTP"); if (opt) { u32 sec, frac, exp; sscanf(opt, "%u", &exp); gf_net_get_ntp(&sec, &frac); if (!exp || (exp>sec)) delete_file=0; } if (delete_file) { gf_delete_file((char*)file); gf_cfg_del_section(txh->compositor->user->config, section); } if (txh->data) gf_free(txh->data); txh->data = NULL; } gf_sc_texture_destroy(txh); gf_free(txh); } }
static GF_Err TTIn_CloseService(GF_InputService *plug) { TTIn *tti; if (!plug) return GF_BAD_PARAM; tti = (TTIn *)plug->priv; if (!tti) return GF_BAD_PARAM; if (tti->samp) gf_isom_sample_del(&tti->samp); tti->samp = NULL; if (tti->mp4) gf_isom_delete(tti->mp4); tti->mp4 = NULL; if (tti->szFile) { gf_delete_file(tti->szFile); gf_free(tti->szFile); tti->szFile = NULL; } if (tti->dnload) gf_term_download_del(tti->dnload); tti->dnload = NULL; if (tti->service) gf_term_on_disconnect(tti->service, NULL, GF_OK); tti->service = NULL; return GF_OK; }
void gf_cfg_remove(GF_Config *iniFile) { if (!iniFile) return; gf_delete_file(iniFile->fileName); gf_cfg_clear(iniFile); gf_free(iniFile); }
GF_Err gf_cache_write_to_cache( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry, const GF_DownloadSession * sess, const char * data, const u32 size) { u32 read; CHECK_ENTRY; if (!data || (!entry->writeFilePtr && !entry->mem_storage) || sess != entry->write_session) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("Incorrect parameter : data=%p, writeFilePtr=%p mem_storage=%p at "__FILE__"\n", data, entry->writeFilePtr, entry->mem_storage)); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } if (entry->memory_stored) { if (entry->written_in_cache + size > entry->mem_allocated) { u32 new_size = MAX(entry->mem_allocated*2, entry->written_in_cache + size); entry->mem_storage = gf_realloc(entry->mem_storage, (new_size+2)); entry->mem_allocated = new_size; sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->contentLength, entry->mem_storage); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Reallocating memory cache to %d bytes\n", new_size)); } memcpy(entry->mem_storage + entry->written_in_cache, data, size); entry->written_in_cache += size; memset(entry->mem_storage + entry->written_in_cache, 0, 2); sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->written_in_cache, entry->mem_storage); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Writing %d bytes to cache\n", size)); return GF_OK; } read = (u32) gf_fwrite(data, sizeof(char), size, entry->writeFilePtr); if (read > 0) entry->written_in_cache+= read; if (read != size) { /* Something bad happened */ GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Error while writting %d bytes of data to cache : has written only %d bytes.", size, read)); gf_cache_close_write_cache(entry, sess, 0); gf_delete_file(entry->cache_filename); return GF_IO_ERR; } if (fflush(entry->writeFilePtr)) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Error while flushing data bytes to cache file : %s.", entry->cache_filename)); gf_cache_close_write_cache(entry, sess, 0); gf_delete_file(entry->cache_filename); return GF_IO_ERR; } GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] Writing %d bytes to cache\n", size)); return GF_OK; }
static Bool delete_dir(void *cbck, char *item_name, char *item_path, GF_FileEnumInfo *file_info) { Bool directory_clean_mode = *(Bool*)cbck; if(directory_clean_mode) { gf_cleanup_dir(item_path); gf_rmdir(item_path); } else { gf_delete_file(item_path); } return 0; }
static void CTXLoad_Reset(CTXLoadPriv *priv) { if (priv->ctx) gf_sm_del(priv->ctx); priv->ctx = NULL; gf_sg_reset(priv->scene->graph); if (priv->load_flags != 3) priv->load_flags = 0; while (gf_list_count(priv->files_to_delete)) { char *fileName = (char*)gf_list_get(priv->files_to_delete, 0); gf_list_rem(priv->files_to_delete, 0); gf_delete_file(fileName); gf_free(fileName); } }
Bool delete_cache_files(void *cbck, char *item_name, char *item_path) { const char * startPattern; int sz; assert( cbck ); assert( item_name ); assert( item_path); startPattern = (const char *) cbck; sz = (u32) strlen( startPattern ); if (!strncmp(startPattern, item_name, sz)) { if (GF_OK != gf_delete_file(item_path)) GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] : failed to cleanup file %s\n", item_path)); } return GF_FALSE; }
void gf_isom_fdm_del(GF_FileDataMap *ptr) { if (!ptr || (ptr->type != GF_ISOM_DATA_FILE)) return; if (ptr->bs) gf_bs_del(ptr->bs); if (ptr->stream) fclose(ptr->stream); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE if (ptr->temp_file) { gf_delete_file(ptr->temp_file); gf_free(ptr->temp_file); } #endif gf_free(ptr); }
void compositor_init_imagetexture(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node) { GF_TextureHandler *txh; GF_SAFEALLOC(txh, GF_TextureHandler); gf_sc_texture_setup(txh, compositor, node); txh->update_texture_fcnt = imagetexture_update; gf_node_set_private(node, txh); gf_node_set_callback_function(node, imagetexture_destroy); txh->flags = 0; if (gf_node_get_tag(txh->owner)!=TAG_MPEG4_CacheTexture) { if (((M_ImageTexture*)node)->repeatS) txh->flags |= GF_SR_TEXTURE_REPEAT_S; if (((M_ImageTexture*)node)->repeatT) txh->flags |= GF_SR_TEXTURE_REPEAT_T; } else { const char *url; u32 i, count; M_CacheTexture*ct = (M_CacheTexture*)node; if (!ct->image.buffer) return; if (ct->repeatS) txh->flags |= GF_SR_TEXTURE_REPEAT_S; if (ct->repeatT) txh->flags |= GF_SR_TEXTURE_REPEAT_T; /*locate existing cache*/ url = gf_scene_get_service_url( gf_node_get_graph(node) ); count = gf_cfg_get_section_count(compositor->user->config); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { const char *opt; const char *name = gf_cfg_get_section_name(compositor->user->config, i); if (strncmp(name, "@cache=", 7)) continue; opt = gf_cfg_get_key(compositor->user->config, name, "serviceURL"); if (!opt || stricmp(opt, url)) continue; opt = gf_cfg_get_key(compositor->user->config, name, "cacheName"); if (opt && ct->cacheURL.buffer && !stricmp(opt, ct->cacheURL.buffer)) { opt = gf_cfg_get_key(compositor->user->config, name, "cacheFile"); if (opt) gf_delete_file((char*)opt); gf_cfg_del_section(compositor->user->config, name); break; } } } }
void gf_dm_sess_del(GF_DownloadSession *sess) { const char *opt; /*self-destruction, let the download manager destroy us*/ if (sess->th && sess->in_callback) { sess->destroy = 1; return; } gf_dm_disconnect(sess); /*if threaded wait for thread exit*/ if (sess->th) { while (!(sess->flags & GF_DOWNLOAD_SESSION_THREAD_DEAD)) gf_sleep(1); gf_th_del(sess->th); gf_mx_del(sess->mx); } gf_list_del_item(sess->dm->sessions, sess); if (sess->cache_name) { opt = gf_cfg_get_key(sess->dm->cfg, "Downloader", "CleanCache"); if (opt && !stricmp(opt, "yes")) gf_delete_file(sess->cache_name); free(sess->cache_name); } if (sess->server_name) free(sess->server_name); if (sess->remote_path) free(sess->remote_path); if (sess->user) free(sess->user); if (sess->passwd) free(sess->passwd); if (sess->mime_type) free(sess->mime_type); if (sess->cache) fclose(sess->cache); if (sess->init_data) free(sess->init_data); free(sess); }
static GF_Config *create_default_config(char *file_path) { FILE *f; GF_Config *cfg; #if !defined(GPAC_IPHONE) && !defined(GPAC_ANDROID) char *cache_dir; #endif char szPath[GF_MAX_PATH]; char gui_path[GF_MAX_PATH]; if (! get_default_install_path(file_path, GF_PATH_CFG)) { gf_delete_file(szPath); return NULL; } /*Create the config file*/ sprintf(szPath, "%s%c%s", file_path, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, CFG_FILE_NAME); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_CORE, ("Trying to create config file: %s\n", szPath )); f = fopen(szPath, "wt"); if (!f) return NULL; fclose(f); #ifndef GPAC_IPHONE if (! get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_MODULES)) { gf_delete_file(szPath); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CORE, ("[Core] default modules not found\n")); return NULL; } #else get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_APP); #endif cfg = gf_cfg_new(file_path, CFG_FILE_NAME); if (!cfg) return NULL; gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "ModulesDirectory", szPath); #if defined(GPAC_IPHONE) gf_ios_refresh_cache_directory(cfg, file_path); #elif defined(GPAC_ANDROID) if (get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_APP)) { strcat(szPath, "/cache"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "CacheDirectory", szPath); } #else /*get default temporary directoy */ cache_dir = gf_get_default_cache_directory(); if (cache_dir) { gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "CacheDirectory", cache_dir); gf_free(cache_dir); } #endif #if defined(GPAC_IPHONE) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "DeviceType", "iOS"); #elif defined(GPAC_ANDROID) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "DeviceType", "Android"); #else gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "DeviceType", "Desktop"); #endif gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "Raster2D", "GPAC 2D Raster"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "ForceConfig", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "NumBuffers", "2"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "TotalDuration", "120"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "DisableNotification", "no"); /*Setup font engine to FreeType by default, and locate TrueType font directory on the system*/ gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "FontReader", "FreeType Font Reader"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "RescanFonts", "yes"); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) /*FIXME - is this true on all WinCE systems??*/ strcpy(szPath, "\\Windows"); #elif defined(WIN32) GetWindowsDirectory((char*)szPath, MAX_PATH); if (szPath[strlen((char*)szPath)-1] != '\\') strcat((char*)szPath, "\\"); strcat((char *)szPath, "Fonts"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) #ifdef GPAC_IPHONE strcpy(szPath, "/System/Library/Fonts/Cache,/System/Library/Fonts/AppFonts,/System/Library/Fonts/Core,/System/Library/Fonts/Extra"); #else strcpy(szPath, "/Library/Fonts"); #endif #elif defined(GPAC_ANDROID) strcpy(szPath, "/system/fonts/"); #else strcpy(szPath, "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"); #endif gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "FontDirectory", szPath); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Downloader", "CleanCache", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "AntiAlias", "All"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "FrameRate", "30.0"); /*use power-of-2 emulation in OpenGL if no rectangular texture extension*/ gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "EmulatePOW2", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "ScalableZoom", "yes"); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "GAPI Video Output"); #elif defined(WIN32) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "DirectX Video Output"); #elif defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__APPLE__) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "SDL Video Output"); #elif defined(GPAC_ANDROID) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "Android Video Output"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "DriverName", "Android Audio Output"); #else gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "X11 Video Output"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "DriverName", "SDL Audio Output"); #endif #ifdef GPAC_IPHONE gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "DisableGLUScale", "yes"); #endif gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "SwitchResolution", "no"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "HardwareMemory", "Auto"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "AutoReconfigUDP", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "UDPTimeout", "10000"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "BufferLength", "3000"); /*locate GUI*/ if ( get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_GUI) ) { char *sep = strrchr(szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); if (!sep) sep = strrchr(szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); sprintf(gui_path, "", szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); f = gf_fopen(gui_path, "rt"); if (f) { gf_fclose(f); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "StartupFile", gui_path); } /*shaders are at the same location*/ assert(sep); sep[0] = 0; sprintf(gui_path, "%s%cshaders%cvertex.glsl", szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "VertexShader", gui_path); sprintf(gui_path, "%s%cshaders%cfragment.glsl", szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "FragmentShader", gui_path); } /*store and reload*/ gf_cfg_del(cfg); return gf_cfg_new(file_path, CFG_FILE_NAME); }
static Bool get_default_install_path(char *file_path, u32 path_type) { char app_path[GF_MAX_PATH]; char *sep; u32 size = GF_MAX_PATH; /*on OSX, Linux & co, user home is where we store the cfg file*/ if (path_type==GF_PATH_CFG) { char *user_home = getenv("HOME"); #ifdef GPAC_IPHONE char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *res; #endif if (!user_home) return 0; #ifdef GPAC_IPHONE res = realpath(user_home, buf); if (res) { strcpy(file_path, buf); strcat(file_path, "/Documents"); } else #endif strcpy(file_path, user_home); if (file_path[strlen(file_path)-1] == '/') file_path[strlen(file_path)-1] = 0; //cleanup of old install in .gpacrc if (check_file_exists(".gpacrc", file_path, file_path)) { strcpy(app_path, file_path); strcat(app_path, "/.gpacrc"); gf_delete_file(app_path); } strcat(file_path, "/.gpac"); if (!gf_dir_exists(file_path)) { gf_mkdir(file_path); } return 1; } if (path_type==GF_PATH_APP) { #if (defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__APPLE__) ) if (_NSGetExecutablePath(app_path, &size) ==0) { realpath(app_path, file_path); char *sep = strrchr(file_path, '/'); if (sep) sep[0] = 0; return 1; } #elif defined(GPAC_CONFIG_LINUX) size = readlink("/proc/self/exe", file_path, GF_MAX_PATH); if (size>0) { char *sep = strrchr(file_path, '/'); if (sep) sep[0] = 0; return 1; } #endif return 0; } /*locate the app*/ if (!get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_APP)) return 0; /*installed or symlink on system, user user home directory*/ if (!strnicmp(app_path, "/usr/", 5) || !strnicmp(app_path, "/opt/", 5)) { if (path_type==GF_PATH_GUI) { /*look in possible install dirs ...*/ if (check_file_exists("", "/usr/share/gpac/gui", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists("", "/usr/local/share/gpac/gui", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists("", "/opt/share/gpac/gui", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists("", "/opt/local/share/gpac/gui", file_path)) return 1; } else if (path_type==GF_PATH_MODULES) { /*look in possible install dirs ...*/ if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/usr/lib/gpac", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/usr/local/lib/gpac", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/opt/lib/gpac", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/opt/local/lib/gpac", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gpac", file_path)) return 1; if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gpac", file_path)) return 1; } } if (path_type==GF_PATH_GUI) { if (get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_CFG)) { /*GUI not found, look in ~/.gpac/gui/ */ strcat(app_path, "/.gpac/gui"); if (check_file_exists("", app_path, file_path)) return 1; } /*GUI not found, look in gpac distribution if any */ if (get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_APP)) { char *sep = strstr(app_path, "/bin/gcc"); if (!sep) sep = strstr(app_path, "/bin/osx"); if (sep) { sep[0] = 0; strcat(app_path, "/gui"); if (check_file_exists("", app_path, file_path)) return 1; } } /*GUI not found, look in .app for OSX case*/ } if (path_type==GF_PATH_MODULES) { /*look in gpac compilation tree (modules are output in the same folder as apps) */ if (get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_APP)) { if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, app_path, file_path)) return 1; /*on OSX check modules subdirectory */ strcat(app_path, "/modules"); if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, app_path, file_path)) return 1; } /*modules not found, look in ~/.gpac/modules/ */ if (get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_CFG)) { strcpy(app_path, file_path); strcat(app_path, "/.gpac/modules"); if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, app_path, file_path)) return 1; } /*modules not found, failure*/ return 0; } /*OSX way vs iPhone*/ sep = strstr(app_path, ".app/"); if (sep) sep[4] = 0; /*we are looking for .app install path, or GUI */ if (path_type==GF_PATH_GUI) { #ifndef GPAC_IPHONE strcat(app_path, "/Contents/MacOS/gui"); if (check_file_exists("", app_path, file_path)) return 1; #else /*iOS: for now, everything is set flat within the package*/ /*iOS app is distributed with embedded GUI*/ get_default_install_path(app_path, GF_PATH_APP); strcat(app_path, "/gui"); if (check_file_exists("", app_path, file_path)) return 1; #endif } else { // (path_type==GF_PATH_MODULES) strcat(app_path, "/Contents/MacOS/modules"); if (check_file_exists(TEST_MODULE, app_path, file_path)) return 1; } /*not found ...*/ return 0; }
static Bool get_default_install_path(char *file_path, u32 path_type) { FILE *f; char *sep; char szPath[GF_MAX_PATH]; #ifdef _WIN32_WCE TCHAR w_szPath[GF_MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, w_szPath, GF_MAX_PATH); CE_WideToChar((u16 *) w_szPath, file_path); #else GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, file_path, GF_MAX_PATH); #endif /*remove exe name*/ if (strstr(file_path, ".exe")) { sep = strrchr(file_path, '\\'); if (sep) sep[0] = 0; } strcpy(szPath, file_path); strlwr(szPath); /*if this is run from a browser, we do not get our app path - fortunately on Windows, we always use 'GPAC' in the installation path*/ if (!strstr(file_path, "gpac") && !strstr(file_path, "GPAC") ) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwSize = GF_MAX_PATH; /*locate the key in current user, then in local machine*/ #ifdef _WIN32_WCE DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; u16 w_path[1024]; RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\GPAC"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); #ifdef _DEBUG if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("DebugDir"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) w_path, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("InstallDir"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) w_path, &dwSize); CE_WideToChar(w_path, (char *)file_path); RegCloseKey(hKey); #else if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\GPAC", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\GPAC", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); dwSize = GF_MAX_PATH; #ifdef _DEBUG if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "DebugDir", NULL, NULL,(unsigned char*) file_path, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", NULL, NULL,(unsigned char*) file_path, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); #endif } if (path_type==GF_PATH_APP) return GF_TRUE; if (path_type==GF_PATH_GUI) { char *sep; strcat(file_path, "\\gui"); if (check_file_exists("", file_path, file_path)) return GF_TRUE; sep = strstr(file_path, "\\bin\\"); if (sep) { sep[0] = 0; strcat(file_path, "\\gui"); if (check_file_exists("", file_path, file_path)) return GF_TRUE; } return GF_FALSE; } /*modules are stored in the GPAC directory (should be changed to GPAC/modules)*/ if (path_type==GF_PATH_MODULES) return GF_TRUE; /*we are looking for the config file path - make sure it is writable*/ assert(path_type == GF_PATH_CFG); strcpy(szPath, file_path); strcat(szPath, "\\gpaccfgtest.txt"); //do not use gf_fopen here, we don't want to through any error if failure f = fopen(szPath, "wb"); if (f != NULL) { fclose(f); gf_delete_file(szPath); return GF_TRUE; } #ifdef _WIN32_WCE return 0; #else /*no write access, get user home directory*/ SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, file_path); if (file_path[strlen(file_path)-1] != '\\') strcat(file_path, "\\"); strcat(file_path, "GPAC"); /*create GPAC dir*/ _mkdir(file_path); strcpy(szPath, file_path); strcat(szPath, "\\gpaccfgtest.txt"); f = fopen(szPath, "wb"); /*COMPLETE FAILURE*/ if (!f) return GF_FALSE; fclose(f); gf_delete_file(szPath); return GF_TRUE; #endif }
GF_Err gf_cache_delete_entry ( const DownloadedCacheEntry entry ) { if ( !entry ) return GF_OK; GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, entry=%p\n", __LINE__, entry)); if (entry->writeFilePtr) { /** Cache should have been close before, abornormal situation */ GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, entry=%p, cache has not been closed properly\n", __LINE__, entry)); fclose(entry->writeFilePtr); } #ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_MX if (entry->write_mutex) { gf_mx_del(entry->write_mutex); } #endif if (entry->file_exists && entry->deletableFilesOnDelete) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] url %s cleanup, deleting %s...\n", entry->url, entry->cache_filename)); if (GF_OK != gf_delete_file(entry->cache_filename)) GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, failed to delete file %s\n", __LINE__, entry->cache_filename)); } #ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_MX entry->write_mutex = NULL; #endif entry->write_session = NULL; entry->writeFilePtr = NULL; if (entry->serverETag) gf_free(entry->serverETag); entry->serverETag = NULL; if (entry->diskETag) gf_free(entry->diskETag); entry->diskETag = NULL; if (entry->serverLastModified) gf_free(entry->serverLastModified); entry->serverLastModified = NULL; if (entry->diskLastModified) gf_free(entry->diskLastModified); entry->diskLastModified = NULL; if ( entry->hash ) { gf_free ( entry->hash ); entry->hash = NULL; } if ( entry->url ) { gf_free ( entry->url ); entry->url = NULL; } if ( entry->mimeType ) { gf_free ( entry->mimeType ); entry->mimeType = NULL; } if (entry->mem_storage) { gf_free(entry->mem_storage); } if ( entry->cache_filename ) { gf_free ( entry->cache_filename ); entry->cache_filename = NULL; } if ( entry->properties ) { char * propfile; if (entry->deletableFilesOnDelete) propfile = gf_cfg_get_filename(entry->properties); else propfile = NULL; gf_cfg_del ( entry->properties ); entry->properties = NULL; if (propfile) { if (GF_OK != gf_delete_file( propfile )) GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_delete_entry:%d, failed to delete file %s\n", __LINE__, propfile)); gf_free ( propfile ); } } entry->dm = NULL; if (entry->sessions) { assert( gf_list_count(entry->sessions) == 0); gf_list_del(entry->sessions); entry->sessions = NULL; } gf_free (entry); return GF_OK; }
BOOL HandleCommand(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_FILE_OPEN: open_file(hwnd); break; case IDM_FILE_LOG_RTI: log_rti = !log_rti; setup_logs(); break; case IDM_FILE_PAUSE: pause_file(); break; case IDM_VIEW_ABOUT: view_about(hwnd); break; case IDM_VIEW_FS: set_full_screen(); break; case IDM_VIEW_STATUS: show_status = !show_status; gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "General", "ShowStatusBar", show_status ? "yes" : "no"); do_layout(1); break; case IDM_VIEW_CPU: view_cpu = !view_cpu; break; case IDM_VIEW_FORCEGL: force_2d_gl = !force_2d_gl; gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Compositor", "ForceOpenGL", force_2d_gl ? "yes" : "no"); gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_USE_OPENGL, force_2d_gl); break; case IDM_NAV_RESET: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION_TYPE, 0); break; case IDM_NAV_NONE: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION, GF_NAVIGATE_NONE); break; case IDM_NAV_SLIDE: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION, GF_NAVIGATE_SLIDE); break; case IDM_NAV_WALK: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION, GF_NAVIGATE_WALK); break; case IDM_NAV_FLY: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION, GF_NAVIGATE_FLY); break; case IDM_NAV_EXAMINE: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_NAVIGATION, GF_NAVIGATE_EXAMINE); break; case IDM_NAV_HEADLIGHT: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_HEADLIGHT, !gf_term_get_option(term, GF_OPT_HEADLIGHT) ); break; case IDM_NAV_COL_NONE: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_COLLISION, GF_COLLISION_NONE); break; case IDM_NAV_COL_REG: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_COLLISION, GF_COLLISION_NORMAL); break; case IDM_NAV_COL_DISP: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_COLLISION, GF_COLLISION_DISPLACEMENT); break; case IDM_NAV_GRAVITY: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_GRAVITY, !gf_term_get_option(term, GF_OPT_GRAVITY)); break; case IDM_VIEW_AR_NONE: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_ASPECT_RATIO, GF_ASPECT_RATIO_KEEP); break; case IDM_VIEW_AR_FILL: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_ASPECT_RATIO, GF_ASPECT_RATIO_FILL_SCREEN); break; case IDM_VIEW_AR_4_3: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_ASPECT_RATIO, GF_ASPECT_RATIO_4_3); break; case IDM_VIEW_AR_16_9: gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_ASPECT_RATIO, GF_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9); break; case IDM_VIEW_LOW_RATE: use_low_fps = !use_low_fps; gf_term_set_simulation_frame_rate(term, use_low_fps ? 15.0 : 30.0); break; case ID_VIDEO_DIRECTDRAW: { u32 drend = (gf_term_get_option(term, GF_OPT_DRAW_MODE)==GF_DRAW_MODE_IMMEDIATE) ? GF_DRAW_MODE_DEFER : GF_DRAW_MODE_IMMEDIATE; gf_term_set_option(term, GF_OPT_DRAW_MODE, drend); gf_cfg_set_key(user.config, "Compositor", "DrawMode", drend ? "immediate" : "defer"); } break; case ID_FILE_CUT_PASTE: do_copy_paste(); break; case IDM_OPEN_FILE1: case IDM_OPEN_FILE2: case IDM_OPEN_FILE3: case IDM_OPEN_FILE4: case IDM_OPEN_FILE5: case IDM_OPEN_FILE6: case IDM_OPEN_FILE7: case IDM_OPEN_FILE8: case IDM_OPEN_FILE9: case IDM_OPEN_FILE10: load_recent_file(LOWORD(wParam) - IDM_OPEN_FILE1); break; case IDS_CAP_DISABLE_PLAYLIST: playlist_navigation_on = !playlist_navigation_on; break; case IDM_VIEW_SVG_LOAD: set_svg_progressive(); break; case ID_VIDEO_DIRECTFB: set_gx_mode(0); break; case ID_VIDEO_GAPI: set_gx_mode(1); break; case ID_VIDEO_GDI: set_gx_mode(2); break; case ID_LOGLEVEL_NONE: log_level = GF_LOG_QUIET; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_LOGLEVEL_ERROR: log_level = GF_LOG_ERROR; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_LOGLEVEL_WARNING: log_level = GF_LOG_WARNING; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_LOGLEVEL_INFO: log_level = GF_LOG_INFO; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG: log_level = GF_LOG_DEBUG; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_TOOLS_CORE: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_CORE); break; case ID_TOOLS_CODING: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_CODING); break; case ID_TOOLS_CONTAINER: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_CONTAINER); break; case ID_TOOLS_NETWORK: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_NETWORK); break; case ID_TOOLS_RTP: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_RTP); break; case ID_TOOLS_SCRIPT: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_SCRIPT); break; case ID_TOOLS_CODEC: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_CODEC); break; case ID_TOOLS_PARSER: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_PARSER); break; case ID_TOOLS_MEDIA: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_MEDIA); break; case ID_TOOLS_SCENE: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_SCENE); break; case ID_TOOLS_INTERACT: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_INTERACT); break; case ID_TOOLS_COMPOSE: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_COMPOSE); break; case ID_TOOLS_MMIO: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_MMIO); break; case ID_TOOLS_RTI: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_RTI); break; case ID_TOOLS_ALL: rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_TOOLS_NONE: log_level = GF_LOG_QUIET; rewrite_log_tools(GF_LOG_ALL); break; case ID_LOGS_RESET: if (log_file) { fclose(log_file); log_file = NULL; } { const char *filename = gf_cfg_get_key(user.config, "General", "LogFile"); if (filename) gf_delete_file(filename); } setup_logs(); break; case IDM_ITEM_QUIT: DestroyWindow(hwnd); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static GF_Config *create_default_config(char *file_path) { FILE *f; GF_Config *cfg; char *cache_dir; char szPath[GF_MAX_PATH]; char gui_path[GF_MAX_PATH]; if (! get_default_install_path(file_path, GF_PATH_CFG)) { gf_delete_file(szPath); return NULL; } /*Create the config file*/ sprintf(szPath, "%s%c%s", file_path, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR, CFG_FILE_NAME); f = gf_f64_open(szPath, "wt"); if (!f) return NULL; fclose(f); if (! get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_MODULES)) { gf_delete_file(szPath); fprintf(stdout, "default modules not found\n"); return NULL; } cfg = gf_cfg_new(file_path, CFG_FILE_NAME); if (!cfg) return NULL; gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "ModulesDirectory", szPath); /*get default temporary directoy */ cache_dir = gf_get_default_cache_directory(); if (cache_dir) { gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "CacheDirectory", cache_dir); gf_free(cache_dir); } gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "Raster2D", "GPAC 2D Raster"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "ForceConfig", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "NumBuffers", "2"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "TotalDuration", "120"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "DisableNotification", "no"); /*Setup font engine to FreeType by default, and locate TrueType font directory on the system*/ gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "FontReader", "ft_font"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "RescanFonts", "yes"); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) /*FIXME - is this true on all WinCE systems??*/ strcpy(szPath, "\\Windows"); #elif defined(WIN32) GetWindowsDirectory((char*)szPath, MAX_PATH); if (szPath[strlen((char*)szPath)-1] != '\\') strcat((char*)szPath, "\\"); strcat((char *)szPath, "Fonts"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) #ifdef GPAC_IPHONE strcpy(szPath, "/System/Library/Fonts/Cache"); #else strcpy(szPath, "/Library/Fonts"); #endif #else strcpy(szPath, "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"); #endif gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "FontEngine", "FontDirectory", szPath); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Downloader", "CleanCache", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "AntiAlias", "All"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "FrameRate", "30"); /*use power-of-2 emulation in OpenGL if no rectangular texture extension*/ gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "EmulatePOW2", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Compositor", "ScalableZoom", "yes"); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "GAPI Video Output"); #elif defined(WIN32) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "DirectX Video Output"); #elif defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__APPLE__) gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "SDL Video Output"); #else gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "DriverName", "X11 Video Output"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Audio", "DriverName", "SDL Audio Output"); #endif gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "SwitchResolution", "no"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Video", "HardwareMemory", "Auto"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "AutoReconfigUDP", "yes"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "UDPTimeout", "10000"); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "Network", "BufferLength", "3000"); /*locate GUI*/ if ( get_default_install_path(szPath, GF_PATH_GUI) ) { sprintf(gui_path, "", szPath, GF_PATH_SEPARATOR); f = fopen(gui_path, "rt"); if (f) { fclose(f); gf_cfg_set_key(cfg, "General", "StartupFile", gui_path); } } /*store and reload*/ gf_cfg_del(cfg); return gf_cfg_new(file_path, CFG_FILE_NAME); }