GF_Err gf_node_get_attribute_by_tag(GF_Node *node, u32 attribute_tag, Bool create_if_not_found, Bool set_default, GF_FieldInfo *field)
	SVG_Element *elt = (SVG_Element *)node;
	SVGAttribute *att = elt->attributes;
	SVGAttribute *last_att = NULL;

	while (att) {
		if ((u32) att->tag == attribute_tag) {
			field->fieldIndex = att->tag;
			field->fieldType = att->data_type;
			field->far_ptr  = att->data;
			return GF_OK;
		last_att = att;
		att = att->next;

	if (create_if_not_found) {
		/* field not found create one */
		att = gf_xml_create_attribute(node, attribute_tag);
		if (att) {
			if (!elt->attributes) elt->attributes = att;
			else last_att->next = att;
			field->far_ptr = att->data;
			field->fieldType = att->data_type;
			field->fieldIndex = att->tag;
			/* attribute name should not be called, if needed use gf_svg_get_attribute_name(att->tag);*/
			field->name = NULL; 
			if (set_default) attributes_set_default_value(node, att);
			return GF_OK;

/* Attributes from the timed elements are not easy to use during runtime, 
   the runtime info is a set of easy to use structures. 
   This function initializes them (intervals, status ...) 
   and registers the element with the scenegraph */
void gf_smil_timing_init_runtime_info(GF_Node *timed_elt)
	GF_SceneGraph *sg;
	SMIL_Timing_RTI *rti;
	SMILTimingAttributesPointers *timingp = NULL;
	u32 tag = gf_node_get_tag(timed_elt);
	SVGAllAttributes all_atts;
	SVGTimedAnimBaseElement *e = (SVGTimedAnimBaseElement *)timed_elt;

	gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element *)e, &all_atts);
	e->timingp = gf_malloc(sizeof(SMILTimingAttributesPointers));
	e->timingp->begin		= all_atts.begin;
	e->timingp->clipBegin	= all_atts.clipBegin;
	e->timingp->clipEnd		= all_atts.clipEnd;
	e->timingp->dur			= all_atts.dur;
	e->timingp->end			= all_atts.end;
	e->timingp->fill		= all_atts.smil_fill;
	e->timingp->max			= all_atts.max;
	e->timingp->min			= all_atts.min;
	e->timingp->repeatCount = all_atts.repeatCount;
	e->timingp->repeatDur	= all_atts.repeatDur;
	e->timingp->restart		= all_atts.restart;
	timingp = e->timingp;
	if (!timingp) return;

	if (tag == TAG_SVG_audio || tag == TAG_SVG_video) {
		/* if the dur attribute is not set, then it should be set to media 
		   as this is the default for media elements see 
		   "For simple media elements that specify continuous media (i.e. media with an inherent notion of time), 
		   the implicit duration is the intrinsic duration of the media itself - e.g. video and audio files 
		   have a defined duration."
		TODO: Check if this should work with the animation element */
		if (!e->timingp->dur) {
			SVGAttribute *att = gf_xml_create_attribute((GF_Node *)e, TAG_SVG_ATT_dur);
			e->timingp->dur = (SMIL_Duration *)att->data;
			e->timingp->dur->type = SMIL_DURATION_MEDIA;

	timingp->runtime = rti;
	rti->timed_elt = timed_elt;
	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SMIL, ("[SMIL Timing   ] Time %f - Timed element %s - Initialization\n", gf_node_get_scene_time((GF_Node *)rti->timed_elt), gf_node_get_log_name((GF_Node *)rti->timed_elt)));

	rti->timingp = timingp;
	rti->evaluate_status = SMIL_TIMING_EVAL_NONE;	
	rti->evaluate = gf_smil_timing_null_timed_function;
	rti->scene_time = -1;
	rti->force_reevaluation = 0;
	rti->media_duration = -1;

	GF_SAFEALLOC(rti->current_interval, SMIL_Interval);
	GF_SAFEALLOC(rti->next_interval, SMIL_Interval);
	gf_smil_timing_get_next_interval(rti, 0, rti->next_interval, rti->current_interval->begin);

	/* Now that the runtime info for this timed element is initialized, we can tell the scene graph that it can start
	   notifying the scene time to this element. Because of the 'animation' element, we can have many scene graphs
	   sharing the same scene time, we therefore add this timed element to the rootmost scene graph. */
	sg = timed_elt->sgprivate->scenegraph;
	while (sg->parent_scene) sg = sg->parent_scene;
	gf_smil_timing_add_to_sg(sg, rti);