QgsGrassOptions::QgsGrassOptions( QWidget *parent )
    : QgsOptionsDialogBase( "GrassOptions", parent )
    , QgsGrassOptionsBase()
    , mImportSettingsPath( "/GRASS/browser/import" )
    , mModulesSettingsPath( "/GRASS/modules/config" )
  setupUi( this );
  initOptionsBase( false );

  connect( this, SIGNAL( accepted() ), SLOT( saveOptions() ) );
  connect( buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ), SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( saveOptions() ) );

  QSettings settings;

  // General
  QString version = QString( GRASS_VERSION_STRING ).remove( "@(#)" ).trimmed();
  QString revision = QString( GIS_H_VERSION ).remove( "$" ).trimmed();
  mGrassVersionLabel->setText( tr( "GRASS version" ) + " : " + version + " " + revision );

  bool customGisbase = settings.value( "/GRASS/gidbase/custom", false ).toBool();
  QString customGisbaseDir = settings.value( "/GRASS/gidbase/customDir" ).toString();
  mGisbaseDefaultRadioButton->setText( tr( "Default" ) + " (" + QgsGrass::defaultGisbase() + ")" );
  mGisbaseDefaultRadioButton->setChecked( !customGisbase );
  mGisbaseCustomRadioButton->setChecked( customGisbase );
  mGisbaseLineEdit->setText( customGisbaseDir );
  connect( mGisbaseDefaultRadioButton, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( gisbaseChanged() ) );
  connect( mGisbaseLineEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), SLOT( gisbaseChanged() ) );
  connect( mGisbaseLineEdit, SIGNAL( textEdited( const QString & ) ), SLOT( gisbaseChanged() ) );
  connect( mGisbaseGroupBox, SIGNAL( collapsedStateChanged( bool ) ), SLOT( gisbaseChanged() ) );

  // Modules
  bool customModules = settings.value( mModulesSettingsPath + "/custom", false ).toBool();
  QString customModulesDir = settings.value( mModulesSettingsPath + "/customDir" ).toString();
  mModulesConfigDefaultRadioButton->setText( tr( "Default" ) + " (" + QgsGrass::modulesConfigDefaultDirPath() + ")" );
  mModulesConfigDefaultRadioButton->setChecked( !customModules );
  mModulesConfigCustomRadioButton->setChecked( customModules );
  mModulesConfigDirLineEdit->setText( customModulesDir );
  mModulesDebugCheckBox->setChecked( QgsGrass::modulesDebug() );

  // Browser
  QgsRasterProjector::Precision crsTransform = ( QgsRasterProjector::Precision ) settings.value( mImportSettingsPath + "/crsTransform", QgsRasterProjector::Approximate ).toInt();
  mCrsTransformationComboBox->addItem( QgsRasterProjector::precisionLabel( QgsRasterProjector::Approximate ), QgsRasterProjector::Approximate );
  mCrsTransformationComboBox->addItem( QgsRasterProjector::precisionLabel( QgsRasterProjector::Exact ), QgsRasterProjector::Exact );
  mCrsTransformationComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mCrsTransformationComboBox->findData( crsTransform ) );

  mImportExternalCheckBox->setChecked( settings.value( mImportSettingsPath + "/external", true ).toBool() );

  mTopoLayersCheckBox->setChecked( settings.value( "/GRASS/showTopoLayers", false ).toBool() );

  // Region
  QPen regionPen = QgsGrass::regionPen();
  mRegionColorButton->setContext( "gui" );
  mRegionColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select color" ) );
  mRegionColorButton->setColor( regionPen.color() );
  mRegionWidthSpinBox->setValue( regionPen.width() );

void QgsGrassOptions::on_mGisbaseBrowseButton_clicked()
  QString gisbase = mGisbaseLineEdit->text();
  // For Mac, GISBASE folder may be inside GRASS bundle. Use Qt file dialog
  // since Mac native dialog doesn't allow user to browse inside bundles.
  gisbase = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(
              0, QObject::tr( "Choose GRASS installation path (GISBASE)" ), gisbase,
              QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );
  if ( !gisbase.isEmpty() )gisbaseChanged();
    mGisbaseLineEdit->setText( gisbase );
 * Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsGrassPlugin::initGui()
  mToolBarPointer = 0;
  mTools = 0;
  mNewMapset = 0;

  mCanvas = qGisInterface->mapCanvas();

  // Create region rubber band
  mRegionBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Polygon );
  mRegionBand->setZValue( 20 );

  // Create the action for tool (the icons are set later by calling setCurrentTheme)
  mOpenMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open Mapset" ), this );
  mOpenMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mOpenMapsetAction" );
  mNewMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "New Mapset" ), this );
  mNewMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mNewMapsetAction" );
  mCloseMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Close Mapset" ), this );
  mCloseMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mCloseMapsetAction" );

  mOpenToolsAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open GRASS Tools" ), this );
  mOpenToolsAction->setObjectName( "mAddPolygonActionmOpenToolsAction" );
  mOpenToolsAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Open GRASS tools" ) );

  mRegionAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Display Current Grass Region" ), this );
  mRegionAction->setObjectName( "mRegionAction" );
  mRegionAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas" ) );
  mRegionAction->setCheckable( true );

  mOptionsAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "GRASS Options" ), this );
  mOptionsAction->setObjectName( "mOptionsAction" );

  // Connect the actions
  connect( mOpenMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openMapset() ) );
  connect( mNewMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newMapset() ) );
  connect( mCloseMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( closeMapset() ) );
  connect( mOpenToolsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openTools() ) );
  connect( mRegionAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( switchRegion( bool ) ) );
  connect( mOptionsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), QgsGrass::instance(), SLOT( openOptions() ) );

  // Add actions to a GRASS plugin menu
  QString menu = tr( "&GRASS" );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOpenMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mNewMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mCloseMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOpenToolsAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mRegionAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOptionsAction );

  // Add the toolbar to the main window
  mToolBarPointer = qGisInterface->addToolBar( tr( "GRASS" ) );
  mToolBarPointer->setObjectName( "GRASS" );

  // Add to the toolbar
#if 0
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mNewMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mCloseMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenToolsAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mRegionAction );

  // Editing
  mAddPointAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCapturePoint.png" ), tr( "Add Point" ), this );
  mAddPointAction->setObjectName( "mAddPointAction" );
  mAddPointAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddLineAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCaptureLine.png" ), tr( "Add Line" ), this );
  mAddLineAction->setObjectName( "mAddLineAction" );
  mAddLineAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddBoundaryAction = new QAction( getThemeIcon( "mActionCaptureBoundary.png" ), tr( "Add Boundary" ), this );
  mAddBoundaryAction->setObjectName( "mAddBoundaryAction" );
  mAddBoundaryAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddCentroidAction = new QAction( getThemeIcon( "mActionCaptureCentroid.png" ), tr( "Add Centroid" ), this );
  mAddCentroidAction->setObjectName( "mAddCentroidAction" );
  mAddCentroidAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddAreaAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCapturePolygon.png" ), tr( "Add Area" ), this );
  mAddAreaAction->setObjectName( "mAddAreaAction" );
  mAddAreaAction->setCheckable( true );

  connect( mAddPointAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddBoundaryAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddCentroidAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddAreaAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );

  mAddFeatureAction = qGisInterface->actionAddFeature();

  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddPointAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddLineAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddBoundaryAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddCentroidAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddAreaAction );

  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddPointAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddLineAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddBoundaryAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddCentroidAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddAreaAction );


  mAddPoint = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePoint );
  mAddPoint->setAction( mAddPointAction );
  mAddLine = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CaptureLine );
  mAddLine->setAction( mAddLineAction );
  mAddBoundary = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CaptureLine );
  mAddBoundary->setAction( mAddBoundaryAction );
  mAddCentroid = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePoint );
  mAddCentroid->setAction( mAddCentroidAction );
  mAddArea = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePolygon );
  mAddArea->setAction( mAddAreaAction );

  // Connect project
  QWidget* qgis = qGisInterface->mainWindow();
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( projectRead() ), this, SLOT( projectRead() ) );
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( newProject() ), this, SLOT( newProject() ) );

  // Set icons to current theme
  setCurrentTheme( "" );
  // Connect theme change signal
  connect( qGisInterface, SIGNAL( currentThemeChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setCurrentTheme( QString ) ) );

  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( destinationCrsChanged() ), this, SLOT( setTransform() ) );

  // Connect display region
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( renderComplete( QPainter * ) ), this, SLOT( postRender( QPainter * ) ) );

  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( gisbaseChanged() ), SLOT( onGisbaseChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( mapsetChanged() ), SLOT( mapsetChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionPenChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( newLayer( QString, QString ) ), SLOT( onNewLayer( QString, QString ) ) );

  // Connect start/stop editing
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( onLayerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );

  connect( qGisInterface->layerTreeView(), SIGNAL( currentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ),
           SLOT( onCurrentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );

  // open tools when plugin is loaded so that main app restores tools dock widget state
  mTools = new QgsGrassTools( qGisInterface, qGisInterface->mainWindow() );
  qGisInterface->addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, mTools );
