static dbref make_player(const char *name, const char *password, const char *host, const char *ip) { dbref player; char temp[SBUF_LEN]; char *flaglist, *flagname; char flagbuff[BUFFER_LEN]; player = new_object(); /* initialize everything */ set_name(player, name); Location(player) = PLAYER_START; Home(player) = PLAYER_START; Owner(player) = player; Parent(player) = NOTHING; Type(player) = TYPE_PLAYER; Flags(player) = new_flag_bitmask("FLAG"); strcpy(flagbuff, options.player_flags); flaglist = trim_space_sep(flagbuff, ' '); if (*flaglist != '\0') { while (flaglist) { flagname = split_token(&flaglist, ' '); twiddle_flag_internal("FLAG", player, flagname, 0); } } if (Suspect_Site(host, player) || Suspect_Site(ip, player)) set_flag_internal(player, "SUSPECT"); set_initial_warnings(player); /* Modtime tracks login failures */ ModTime(player) = (time_t) 0; (void) atr_add(player, pword_attr, password_hash(password, NULL), GOD, 0); giveto(player, START_BONUS); /* starting bonus */ (void) atr_add(player, "LAST", show_time(mudtime, 0), GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTSITE", host, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTIP", ip, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTFAILED", " ", GOD, 0); snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "%d", START_QUOTA); (void) atr_add(player, "RQUOTA", temp, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "MAILCURF", "0", GOD, AF_LOCKED | AF_NOPROG | AF_WIZARD); add_folder_name(player, 0, "inbox"); /* link him to PLAYER_START */ PUSH(player, Contents(PLAYER_START)); add_player(player); add_lock(GOD, player, Basic_Lock, parse_boolexp(player, "=me", Basic_Lock), LF_DEFAULT); add_lock(GOD, player, Enter_Lock, parse_boolexp(player, "=me", Basic_Lock), LF_DEFAULT); add_lock(GOD, player, Use_Lock, parse_boolexp(player, "=me", Basic_Lock), LF_DEFAULT); current_state.players++; local_data_create(player); return player; }
static void link_exit(dbref player, dbref exit, dbref dest, int key) { int cost, quot; /* Make sure we can link there */ if ((dest != HOME) && ((!controls(player, dest) && !Link_ok(dest)) || !could_doit(player, dest, A_LLINK, 1, 0))) { notify_quiet(player, "Permission denied."); return; } /* Exit must be unlinked or controlled by you */ if ((Location(exit) != NOTHING) && !controls(player, exit)) { notify_quiet(player, "Permission denied."); return; } /* If exit is unlinked and mudconf 'paranoid_exit_linking' is enabled * Do not allow the exit to be linked if you do not control it */ if ( (mudconf.paranoid_exit_linking == 1) && !controls(player,exit) ) { notify_quiet(player, "Permission denied."); return; } /* handle costs */ cost = mudconf.linkcost; quot = 0; if (Owner(exit) != Owner(player)) { cost += mudconf.opencost; quot += mudconf.exit_quota; } if (!canpayfees(player, player, cost, quot, TYPE_EXIT)) return; /* Pay the owner for his loss */ /* Ok, if paranoid_exit_linking is enabled the linker does NOT own exit */ if (!(mudconf.paranoid_exit_linking)) { if (Owner(exit) != Owner(player)) { giveto(Owner(exit), mudconf.opencost, NOTHING); add_quota(Owner(exit), quot, TYPE_EXIT); s_Owner(exit, Owner(player)); s_Flags(exit, (Flags(exit) & ~(INHERIT | WIZARD)) | HALT); } } /* link has been validated and paid for, do it and tell the player */ s_Location(exit, dest); if (!(Quiet(player) || (key & SIDEEFFECT)) ) notify_quiet(player, "Linked."); }
// NFY_DRAIN or NFY_NFYALL // static int CallBack_NotifySemaphoreDrainOrAll(PTASK_RECORD p) { if (p->fpTask == Task_SemaphoreTimeout) { // This represents a semaphore. // BQUE *point = (BQUE *)(p->arg_voidptr); if ( point->sem == Notify_Sem && ( point->attr == Notify_Attr || !Notify_Attr)) { Notify_Num_Done++; if (Notify_Key == NFY_DRAIN) { // Discard the command // giveto(point->executor, mudconf.waitcost); a_Queue(Owner(point->executor), -1); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_REGS; i++) { if (point->scr[i]) { RegRelease(point->scr[i]); point->scr[i] = NULL; } } MEMFREE(point->text); point->text = NULL; free_qentry(point); return IU_REMOVE_TASK; } else { // Allow the command to run. The priority may have been // PRIORITY_SUSPEND, so we need to change it. // if (isPlayer(point->enactor)) { p->iPriority = PRIORITY_PLAYER; } else { p->iPriority = PRIORITY_OBJECT; } p->ltaWhen.GetUTC(); p->fpTask = Task_RunQueueEntry; return IU_UPDATE_TASK; } } } return IU_NEXT_TASK; }
static int CallBack_HaltQueue(PTASK_RECORD p) { if ( p->fpTask == Task_RunQueueEntry #ifdef QUERY_SLAVE || p->fpTask == Task_SQLTimeout #endif // QUERY_SLAVE || p->fpTask == Task_SemaphoreTimeout) { // This is a @wait, timed Semaphore Task, or timed SQL Query. // BQUE *point = (BQUE *)(p->arg_voidptr); if (que_want(point, Halt_Player_Target, Halt_Object_Target)) { // Accounting for pennies and queue quota. // dbref dbOwner = point->executor; if (!isPlayer(dbOwner)) { dbOwner = Owner(dbOwner); } if (dbOwner != Halt_Player_Run) { if (Halt_Player_Run != NOTHING) { giveto(Halt_Player_Run, mudconf.waitcost * Halt_Entries_Run); a_Queue(Halt_Player_Run, -Halt_Entries_Run); } Halt_Player_Run = dbOwner; Halt_Entries_Run = 0; } Halt_Entries++; Halt_Entries_Run++; if (p->fpTask == Task_SemaphoreTimeout) { add_to(point->sem, -1, point->attr); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_REGS; i++) { if (point->scr[i]) { RegRelease(point->scr[i]); point->scr[i] = NULL; } } MEMFREE(point->text); point->text = NULL; free_qentry(point); return IU_REMOVE_TASK; } } return IU_NEXT_TASK; }
/** Processing related to players' last connections. * Here we check to see if a player gets a paycheck, tell them their * last connection site, and update all their LAST* attributes. * \param player dbref of player. * \param host hostname of player's current connection. * \param ip ip address of player's current connection. */ void check_last(dbref player, const char *host, const char *ip) { char *s; ATTR *a; ATTR *h; char last_time[MAX_COMMAND_LEN / 8]; char last_place[MAX_COMMAND_LEN]; /* compare to last connect see if player gets salary */ s = show_time(mudtime, 0); a = atr_get_noparent(player, "LAST"); if (a && (strncmp(atr_value(a), s, 10) != 0)) giveto(player, Paycheck(player)); /* tell the player where he last connected from */ if (!Guest(player)) { h = atr_get_noparent(player, "LASTSITE"); if (h && a) { strcpy(last_place, atr_value(h)); strcpy(last_time, atr_value(a)); notify_format(player, T("Last connect was from %s on %s."), last_place, last_time); } /* How about last failed connection */ h = atr_get_noparent(player, "LASTFAILED"); if (h && a) { strcpy(last_place, atr_value(h)); if (strlen(last_place) > 2) notify_format(player, T("Last FAILED connect was from %s."), last_place); } } /* if there is no Lastsite, then the player is newly created. * the extra variables are a kludge to work around some weird * behavior involving uncompress. */ /* set the new attributes */ (void) atr_add(player, "LAST", s, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTSITE", host, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTIP", ip, GOD, 0); (void) atr_add(player, "LASTFAILED", " ", GOD, 0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // halt_que: Remove all queued commands that match (executor, object). // // (NOTHING, NOTHING) matches all queue entries. // (NOTHING, <object>) matches only queue entries run from <object>. // (<executor>, NOTHING) matches only queue entries owned by <executor>. // (<executor>, <object>) matches only queue entries run from <objects> // and owned by <executor>. // int halt_que(dbref executor, dbref object) { Halt_Player_Target = executor; Halt_Object_Target = object; Halt_Entries = 0; Halt_Player_Run = NOTHING; Halt_Entries_Run = 0; // Process @wait, timed semaphores, and untimed semaphores. // scheduler.TraverseUnordered(CallBack_HaltQueue); if (Halt_Player_Run != NOTHING) { giveto(Halt_Player_Run, mudconf.waitcost * Halt_Entries_Run); a_Queue(Halt_Player_Run, -Halt_Entries_Run); Halt_Player_Run = NOTHING; } return Halt_Entries; }
void move_object(dbref thing, dbref dest) { dbref src; /* * Remove from the source location */ src = Location(thing); if(src != NOTHING) s_Contents(src, remove_first(Contents(src), thing)); /* * Special check for HOME */ if(dest == HOME) dest = Home(thing); /* * Add to destination location */ if(dest != NOTHING) s_Contents(dest, insert_first(Contents(dest), thing)); else s_Next(thing, NOTHING); s_Location(thing, dest); /* * Look around and do the penny check */ look_in(thing, dest, (LK_SHOWEXIT | LK_OBEYTERSE)); if(isPlayer(thing) && (mudconf.payfind > 0) && (Pennies(thing) < mudconf.paylimit) && (!Controls(thing, dest)) && ((random() % mudconf.payfind) == 0)) { giveto(thing, 1); notify_printf(thing, "You found a %s!", mudconf.one_coin); } }
/** Link an exit, room, player, or thing. * \verbatim * This is the top-level function for @link, which is used to link an * exit to a destination, set a player or thing's home, or set a * drop-to on a room. * * Linking an exit usually seizes ownership of the exit and costs 1 penny. * 1 penny is also transferred to the former owner. * \endverbatim * \param player the enactor. * \param name the name of the object to link. * \param room_name the name of the link destination. * \param preserve if 1, preserve ownership and zone data on exit relink. */ void do_link(dbref player, const char *name, const char *room_name, int preserve) { /* Use this to link to a room that you own. * It usually seizes ownership of the exit and costs 1 penny, * plus a penny transferred to the exit owner if they aren't you. * You must own the linked-to room AND specify it by room number. */ dbref thing; dbref room; if (!room_name || !*room_name) { do_unlink(player, name); return; } if (!IsRoom(player) && GoodObject(Location(player)) && IsExit(Location(player))) { notify(player, T("You somehow wound up in a exit. No biscuit.")); return; } if ((thing = noisy_match_result(player, name, TYPE_EXIT, MAT_EVERYTHING)) != NOTHING) { switch (Typeof(thing)) { case TYPE_EXIT: if ((room = check_var_link(room_name)) == NOTHING) room = parse_linkable_room(player, room_name); if (room == NOTHING) return; if (GoodObject(room) && !can_link_to(player, room)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); break; } /* We may link an exit if it's unlinked and we pass the link-lock * or if we control it. */ if (!(controls(player, thing) || ((Location(thing) == NOTHING) && eval_lock(player, thing, Link_Lock)))) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); return; } if (preserve && !Wizard(player)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); return; } /* handle costs */ if (Owner(thing) == Owner(player)) { if (!payfor(player, LINK_COST)) { notify_format(player, T("It costs %d %s to link this exit."), LINK_COST, ((LINK_COST == 1) ? MONEY : MONIES)); return; } } else { if (!payfor(player, LINK_COST + EXIT_COST)) { int a = LINK_COST + EXIT_COST; notify_format(player, T("It costs %d %s to link this exit."), a, ((a == 1) ? MONEY : MONIES)); return; } else if (!preserve) { /* pay the owner for his loss */ giveto(Owner(thing), EXIT_COST); chown_object(player, thing, player, 0); } } /* link has been validated and paid for; do it */ if (!preserve) { Owner(thing) = Owner(player); Zone(thing) = Zone(player); } Location(thing) = room; /* notify the player */ notify_format(player, T("Linked exit #%d to %s"), thing, unparse_object(player, room)); break; case TYPE_PLAYER: case TYPE_THING: if ((room = noisy_match_result(player, room_name, NOTYPE, MAT_EVERYTHING)) == NOTHING) { notify(player, T("No match.")); return; } if (IsExit(room)) { notify(player, T("That is an exit.")); return; } if (thing == room) { notify(player, T("You may not link something to itself.")); return; } /* abode */ if (!controls(player, room) && !Abode(room)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); break; } if (!controls(player, thing)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); } else if (room == HOME) { notify(player, T("Can't set home to home.")); } else { /* do the link */ Home(thing) = room; /* home */ if (!Quiet(player) && !(Quiet(thing) && (Owner(thing) == player))) notify(player, T("Home set.")); } break; case TYPE_ROOM: if ((room = parse_linkable_room(player, room_name)) == NOTHING) return; if ((room != HOME) && (!IsRoom(room))) { notify(player, T("That is not a room!")); return; } if (!controls(player, thing)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); } else { /* do the link, in location */ Location(thing) = room; /* dropto */ notify(player, T("Dropto set.")); } break; default: notify(player, T("Internal error: weird object type.")); do_log(LT_ERR, NOTHING, NOTHING, "Weird object! Type of #%d is %d", thing, Typeof(thing)); break; } } }
static void give_money (dbref giver, dbref recipient, int key, int amount) { dbref aowner; int cost, pcost, rcost, aflags, dpamount; char *str; /* do amount consistency check */ if (amount < 0 && ((!Builder(giver) && !HasPriv(giver,recipient,POWER_STEAL,POWER3,NOTHING)) || DePriv(giver,recipient,DP_STEAL,POWER6,NOTHING))) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You look through your pockets. Nope, no negative %s.", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } if (!amount) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You must specify a positive number of %s.", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } dpamount = 0; if (amount < 0) dpamount = DePriv(giver,NOTHING,DP_NOSTEAL,POWER7,POWER_LEVEL_NA); else dpamount = DePriv(giver,NOTHING,DP_NOGOLD,POWER7,POWER_LEVEL_NA); if (dpamount) { if (DPShift(giver)) dpamount--; dpamount = mudconf.money_limit[dpamount]; } else dpamount = -1; if (!Admin(Owner(giver))) { if ((Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_PLAYER) && (Pennies(recipient) + amount > mudconf.paylimit)) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("That player doesn't need that many %s!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } if ((Typeof(recipient) != TYPE_PLAYER) && (!could_doit(giver, recipient, A_LUSE,1))) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("%s won't take your money.", Name(recipient))); return; } } str = atr_get(Owner(giver), A_PAYLIM, &aowner, &aflags); pcost = atoi(str); free_lbuf(str); if (!Immortal(Owner(giver)) && pcost) { if ((Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_PLAYER) && (amount > 0) && (Pennies(recipient) + amount > pcost)) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("That player doesn't need that many %s!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } else if (Pennies(recipient) + amount < (-pcost)) { notify(giver,"That player doesn't need that much debt!"); return; } } str = atr_get(Owner(recipient), A_RECEIVELIM, &aowner, &aflags); rcost = atoi(str); free_lbuf(str); if (!Immortal(Owner(giver)) && rcost) { if ((Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_PLAYER) && (amount > 0) && (Pennies(recipient) + amount > rcost)) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("That player doesn't need that many %s!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } else if (Pennies(recipient) + amount < (-rcost)) { notify(giver,"That player doesn't need that much debt!"); return; } } if (!Immortal(Owner(giver))) { if (dpamount >= 0) { if (amount > 0) { if ((Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_PLAYER) && (Pennies(recipient) + amount > dpamount)) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("That player doesn't need that many %s!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } else if (amount > dpamount) { notify(giver, "Permission denied."); return; } } else { if ((Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_PLAYER) && (Pennies(recipient) + amount < (-dpamount))) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("That player doesn't need that many %s!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } else if (amount < (-dpamount)) { notify(giver, "Permission denied."); return; } } } } /* try to do the give */ if (!payfor_give(giver, amount)) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You don't have that many %s to give!", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } /* Find out cost if an object */ if (Typeof(recipient) == TYPE_THING) { str = atr_pget(recipient, A_COST, &aowner, &aflags); cost = atoi(str); free_lbuf(str); /* Can't afford it? */ if (amount < cost) { notify(giver, "Feeling poor today?"); giveto(giver, amount, NOTHING); return; } /* Negative cost */ if (cost < 0) { return; } } else { cost = amount; } if (!(key & GIVE_QUIET)) { if (amount == 1) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You give a %s to %s.", mudconf.one_coin, Name(recipient))); notify_with_cause(recipient, giver, unsafe_tprintf("%s gives you a %s.", Name(giver), mudconf.one_coin)); } else { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You give %d %s to %s.", amount, mudconf.many_coins, Name(recipient))); notify_with_cause(recipient, giver, unsafe_tprintf("%s gives you %d %s.", Name(giver), amount, mudconf.many_coins)); } } else { if (amount == 1) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You give a %s to %s. (quiet)", mudconf.one_coin, Name(recipient))); } else { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You give %d %s to %s. (quiet)", amount, mudconf.many_coins, Name(recipient))); } } /* Report change given */ if((amount - cost) == 1) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You get 1 %s in change.", mudconf.one_coin)); giveto(giver, 1, NOTHING); } else if (amount != cost) { notify(giver, unsafe_tprintf("You get %d %s in change.", (amount - cost), mudconf.many_coins)); giveto(giver, (amount - cost), NOTHING); } if (pcost && (Pennies(Owner(recipient)) + cost > pcost)) { pcost = pcost - Pennies(Owner(recipient)); if (pcost < 0) pcost = 0; } else pcost = cost; if (!giveto(recipient, pcost, giver)) giveto(giver, cost, NOTHING); /* Transfer the money and run PAY attributes */ /* Rooms should not kick off the PAY attribute */ if ( !isRoom(giver) ) did_it(giver, recipient, A_PAY, NULL, A_OPAY, NULL, A_APAY, (char **)NULL, 0); return; }
void do_kill (dbref player, dbref cause, int key, char *what, char *costchar) { dbref victim; char *buf1, *buf2; int cost; init_match(player, what, TYPE_PLAYER); match_neighbor(); match_me(); match_here(); if (Wizard(player)) { match_player(); match_absolute(); } victim = match_result(); switch (victim) { case NOTHING: notify(player, "I don't see that player here."); break; case AMBIGUOUS: notify(player, "I don't know who you mean!"); break; default: if ((Typeof(victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) && (Typeof(victim) != TYPE_THING)) { notify(player, "Sorry, you can only kill players and things."); break; } if ((Haven(Location(victim)) && !Wizard(player)) || (controls(victim, Location(victim)) && !controls(player, Location(victim))) || Immortal(victim)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } if (key == KILL_SLAY) { if (Builder(player) && Builder(victim)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } } /* go for it */ cost = atoi(costchar); if (key == KILL_KILL) { if (HasPriv(victim,player,POWER_NOKILL,POWER4,NOTHING)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } if (cost < mudconf.killmin) cost = mudconf.killmin; if (cost > mudconf.killmax) cost = mudconf.killmax; /* see if it works */ if (!payfor(player, cost)) { notify(player, unsafe_tprintf("You don't have enough %s.", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } } else { cost = 0; } if (!(((random() % mudconf.killguarantee) < cost) || (key == KILL_SLAY)) || Wizard(victim)) { /* Failure: notify player and victim only */ notify(player, "Your murder attempt failed."); buf1 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.failed"); sprintf(buf1, "%s tried to kill you!", Name(player)); notify_with_cause(victim, player, buf1); if (Suspect(player)) { strcpy(buf1, Name(player)); if (player == Owner(player)) { raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s tried to kill %s(#%d).", buf1, Name(victim), victim); } else { buf2 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.SUSP.failed"); strcpy(buf2, Name(Owner(player))); raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s <via %s(#%d)> tried to kill %s(#%d).", buf2, buf1, player, Name(victim), victim); free_lbuf(buf2); } } free_lbuf(buf1); break; } /* Success! You killed him */ buf1 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.succ.1"); buf2 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.succ.2"); if (Suspect(player)) { strcpy(buf1, Name(player)); if (player == Owner(player)) { raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s killed %s(#%d).", buf1, Name(victim), victim); } else { strcpy(buf2, Name(Owner(player))); raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s <via %s(#%d)> killed %s(#%d).", buf2, buf1, player, Name(victim), victim); } } sprintf(buf1, "You killed %s!", Name(victim)); sprintf(buf2, "killed %s!", Name(victim)); if (Typeof(victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) if (halt_que(NOTHING, victim) > 0) if (!Quiet(victim)) notify(Owner(victim), "Halted."); did_it(player, victim, A_KILL, buf1, A_OKILL, buf2, A_AKILL, (char **)NULL, 0); /* notify victim */ sprintf(buf1, "%s killed you!", Name(player)); notify_with_cause(victim, player, buf1); /* Pay off the bonus */ if (key == KILL_KILL) { cost /= 2; /* victim gets half */ if (Pennies(Owner(victim)) < mudconf.paylimit) { sprintf(buf1, "Your insurance policy pays %d %s.", cost, mudconf.many_coins); notify(victim, buf1); giveto(Owner(victim), cost, NOTHING); } else { notify(victim, "Your insurance policy has been revoked."); } } free_lbuf(buf1); free_lbuf(buf2); /* send him home */ move_via_generic(victim, HOME, NOTHING, 0); divest_object(victim); break; } }
/** Change an object's owner. * \verbatim * This implements @chown. * \endverbatim * \param player the enactor. * \param name name of object to change owner of. * \param newobj name of new owner for object. * \param preserve if 1, preserve privileges and don't halt the object. * \param pe_info the pe_info for lock checks */ void do_chown(dbref player, const char *name, const char *newobj, int preserve, NEW_PE_INFO *pe_info) { dbref thing; dbref newowner = NOTHING; long match_flags = MAT_POSSESSION | MAT_HERE | MAT_EXIT | MAT_ABSOLUTE; /* check for '@chown <object>/<atr>=<player>' */ if (strchr(name, '/')) { do_atrchown(player, name, newobj); return; } if (Wizard(player)) match_flags |= MAT_PLAYER; if ((thing = noisy_match_result(player, name, TYPE_THING, match_flags)) == NOTHING) return; if (!*newobj || !strcasecmp(newobj, "me")) { newowner = player; } else { if ((newowner = lookup_player(newobj)) == NOTHING) { notify(player, T("I couldn't find that player.")); return; } } if (IsPlayer(thing) && !God(player)) { notify(player, T("Players always own themselves.")); return; } /* Permissions checking */ if (!chown_ok(player, thing, newowner, pe_info)) { notify(player, T("Permission denied.")); return; } if (IsThing(thing) && !Hasprivs(player) && !(GoodObject(Location(thing)) && (Location(thing) == player))) { notify(player, T("You must carry the object to @chown it.")); return; } if (preserve && !Wizard(player)) { notify(player, T("You cannot @CHOWN/PRESERVE. Use normal @CHOWN.")); return; } /* chowns to the zone master don't count towards fees */ if (!ZMaster(newowner)) { /* Debit the owner-to-be */ if (!can_pay_fees(newowner, Pennies(thing))) { /* not enough money or quota */ if (newowner != player) notify(player, T ("That player doesn't have enough money or quota to receive that object.")); return; } /* Credit the current owner */ giveto(Owner(thing), Pennies(thing)); change_quota(Owner(thing), QUOTA_COST); } chown_object(player, thing, newowner, preserve); notify(player, T("Owner changed.")); }
// This Task assumes that pEntry is already unlinked from any lists it may // have been related to. // static void Task_RunQueueEntry(void *pEntry, int iUnused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(iUnused); BQUE *point = (BQUE *)pEntry; dbref executor = point->executor; if ( Good_obj(executor) && !Going(executor)) { giveto(executor, mudconf.waitcost); mudstate.curr_enactor = point->enactor; mudstate.curr_executor = executor; a_Queue(Owner(executor), -1); point->executor = NOTHING; if (!Halted(executor)) { // Load scratch args. // for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_REGS; i++) { if (mudstate.global_regs[i]) { RegRelease(mudstate.global_regs[i]); mudstate.global_regs[i] = NULL; } mudstate.global_regs[i] = point->scr[i]; point->scr[i] = NULL; } char *command = point->comm; mux_assert(!mudstate.inpipe); mux_assert(mudstate.pipe_nest_lev == 0); mux_assert(mudstate.poutobj == NOTHING); mux_assert(!mudstate.pout); break_called = false; while ( command && !break_called) { mux_assert(!mudstate.poutnew); mux_assert(!mudstate.poutbufc); char *cp = parse_to(&command, ';', 0); if ( cp && *cp) { // Will command be piped? // if ( command && *command == '|' && mudstate.pipe_nest_lev < mudconf.ntfy_nest_lim) { command++; mudstate.pipe_nest_lev++; mudstate.inpipe = true; mudstate.poutnew = alloc_lbuf("process_command.pipe"); mudstate.poutbufc = mudstate.poutnew; mudstate.poutobj = executor; } else { mudstate.inpipe = false; mudstate.poutobj = NOTHING; } CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaBegin; ltaBegin.GetUTC(); MuxAlarm.Set(mudconf.max_cmdsecs); CLinearTimeDelta ltdUsageBegin = GetProcessorUsage(); char *log_cmdbuf = process_command(executor, point->caller, point->enactor, point->eval, false, cp, point->env, point->nargs); CLinearTimeAbsolute ltaEnd; ltaEnd.GetUTC(); if (MuxAlarm.bAlarmed) { notify(executor, "GAME: Expensive activity abbreviated."); s_Flags(point->enactor, FLAG_WORD1, Flags(point->enactor) | HALT); s_Flags(point->executor, FLAG_WORD1, Flags(point->executor) | HALT); halt_que(point->enactor, NOTHING); halt_que(executor, NOTHING); } MuxAlarm.Clear(); CLinearTimeDelta ltdUsageEnd = GetProcessorUsage(); CLinearTimeDelta ltd = ltdUsageEnd - ltdUsageBegin; db[executor].cpu_time_used += ltd; ltd = ltaEnd - ltaBegin; if (ltd > mudconf.rpt_cmdsecs) { STARTLOG(LOG_PROBLEMS, "CMD", "CPU"); log_name_and_loc(executor); char *logbuf = alloc_lbuf("do_top.LOG.cpu"); mux_sprintf(logbuf, LBUF_SIZE, " queued command taking %s secs (enactor #%d): ", ltd.ReturnSecondsString(4), point->enactor); log_text(logbuf); free_lbuf(logbuf); log_text(log_cmdbuf); ENDLOG; } } // Transition %| value. // if (mudstate.pout) { free_lbuf(mudstate.pout); mudstate.pout = NULL; } if (mudstate.poutnew) { *mudstate.poutbufc = '\0'; mudstate.pout = mudstate.poutnew; mudstate.poutnew = NULL; mudstate.poutbufc = NULL; } } // Clean up %| value. // if (mudstate.pout) { free_lbuf(mudstate.pout); mudstate.pout = NULL; } mudstate.pipe_nest_lev = 0; mudstate.inpipe = false; mudstate.poutobj = NOTHING; } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_REGS; i++) { if (point->scr[i]) { RegRelease(point->scr[i]); point->scr[i] = NULL; } if (mudstate.global_regs[i]) { RegRelease(mudstate.global_regs[i]); mudstate.global_regs[i] = NULL; } } MEMFREE(point->text); point->text = NULL; free_qentry(point); }