void gdEditor::__cb_reload() { if (!gdConfirmWin("Warning", "Reload sample: are you sure?")) return; /* no need for glue_loadChan, there's no gui to refresh */ ch->load(ch->wave->pathfile.c_str(), G_Conf.samplerate, G_Conf.rsmpQuality); glue_setBoost(this, ch, DEFAULT_BOOST, true); glue_setPitch(this, ch, gDEFAULT_PITCH, true); glue_setPanning(this, ch, 1.0f); pan->value(1.0f); // glue_setPanning doesn't do it pan->redraw(); // glue_setPanning doesn't do it waveTools->waveform->stretchToWindow(); waveTools->updateWaveform(); glue_setBeginEndChannel(this, ch, 0, ch->wave->size, true); redraw(); }
void gdEditor::__cb_reload() { if (!gdConfirmWin("Warning", "Reload sample: are you sure?")) return; /* no need for glue_loadChan, there's no gui to refresh */ mh_loadChan(G_Mixer.chan[chan]->pathfile.c_str(), chan); glue_setBoost(this, chan, DEFAULT_BOOST, true); glue_setPitch(this, chan, gDEFAULT_PITCH, true); glue_setPanning(this, chan, 1.0f); pan->value(1.0f); // glue_setPanning doesn't do it pan->redraw(); // glue_setPanning doesn't do it wt->wave->calcZoom(); wt->wave->alloc(); wt->wave->redraw(); glue_setBeginEndChannel(this, chan, 0, G_Mixer.chan[chan]->size, true); redraw(); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitchDouble() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, pitch->value()*2, true); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitchHalf() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, pitch->value()/2, true); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitchNum() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, atof(pitchNum->value()), true); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitch() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, pitch->value(), false); }
void gdEditor::__cb_resetPitch() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, 1.0f, true); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitchToSong() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, ch->end/(float)G_Mixer.totalFrames, true); }
void gdEditor::__cb_setPitchToBar() { glue_setPitch(this, ch, ch->end/(float)G_Mixer.framesPerBar, true); }