std::string getHTTPHeaderTimestamp ()
    // CHECKME This is probably called often enough that optimizing it makes
    //         sense. There's no point in doing all this work if this function
    //         gets called multiple times a second.
    char buffer[96];
    time_t now;
    time (&now);
    struct tm now_gmt{};
#ifndef _MSC_VER
    gmtime_r(&now, &now_gmt);
    gmtime_s(&now_gmt, &now);
    strftime (buffer, sizeof (buffer),
        "Date: %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000\r\n",
    return std::string (buffer);
/* Format Timestamp from EventLog */
char * TimeToString(DWORD dw)

    time_t tt;
    struct tm stm;
    char result[32];
    static char * formatted_result = "YYYY-mm-DDTHH:MM:ssz";

    tt = (time_t) dw;
    /* Format timestamp string */
    if (gmtime_s(&stm, &tt) == 0) {
        strftime(result, sizeof(result), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", &stm);
    } else
        result[0] = '\0';

    strncpy_s(formatted_result, sizeof(result), result, _TRUNCATE);

    return formatted_result;
std::string CTimeStamp::ToShortGMTString() const
	char TimeString[128];

	//struct tm* Tm = gmtime(&m_TimeB.time);
    struct tm Tm;
    errno_t err = gmtime_s(&Tm, &m_TimeB.time);
    Assert(err == 0);
    if (err != 0)
        return std::string("!!Error!!");

    const char* Format = "%d.%m.%y [%H:%M:%S.";
	strftime(TimeString, sizeof TimeString, Format, &Tm);

	char MilliString[5];
	sprintf_s(MilliString, "%03u]", m_TimeB.millitm);

	return std::string(TimeString) + MilliString;
/* prettify date/time */
static char *prettify_date(u8 *data, size_t length)
	if (data != NULL && length == 4) {
		time_t time = (time_t) (data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]);
		struct tm tm;
		static char result[64];	/* large enough */

#ifdef _WIN32
		if (0 != gmtime_s(&tm, &time))
			return NULL;
		if (NULL == gmtime_r(&time, &tm))
			return NULL;
		strftime(result, sizeof(result), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
		return result;
	return NULL;
	void Log::log(const std::string& type, const std::string& message, const long& line, 
		const std::string& function, const std::string& file) 
		//Get the current time
		time_t t = time(0);
		tm *cT = new tm();
		gmtime_s(cT, &t);

		//Find the name of the file
		unsigned found = file.find_last_of("/\\");

		logFile << "[" << cT->tm_hour << ":" << cT->tm_min << ":" << cT->tm_sec << "]:"
			<< "[" << line << "]:"
			<< "[" << function << "]:"
			<< "[" << file.substr(found + 1) << "]:"
			<< type << " - "
			<< message << "\n";

		delete cT;
void HttpServletResponse::SetDateHeader(const std::string& name, long long date)
  // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123

  const char* months[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
  const char* days[7] = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
  std::time_t timeep = date / 1000;
  std::tm t;
  if (gmtime_s(&t, &timeep) != 0)
  if (gmtime_r(&timeep, &t) != nullptr)
    char dataStr[30];
    int n = snprintf(dataStr, 30, "%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", days[t.tm_wday], t.tm_mday, months[t.tm_mon], (1900 + t.tm_year), t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
    if (n < 0) return;
    this->SetHeader(name, dataStr);
     * Return UTC Unix time as string in ISO date/time format.
    std::string to_iso() const {
        if (m_timestamp == 0) {
            return std::string("");
        struct tm tm;
        time_t sse = seconds_since_epoch();
#ifndef _MSC_VER
        gmtime_r(&sse, &tm);
        gmtime_s(&tm, &sse);

        std::string s(timestamp_length, '\0');
        /* This const_cast is ok, because we know we have enough space
           in the string for the format we are using (well at least until
           the year will have 5 digits). And by setting the size
           afterwards from the result of strftime we make sure thats set
           right, too. */
        s.resize(strftime(const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()), timestamp_length, timestamp_format(), &tm));
        return s;
	RoutingKey CreateRoutingKey (const IdentHash& ident)
		uint8_t buf[41]; // ident + yyyymmdd
		memcpy (buf, (const uint8_t *)ident, 32);
		time_t t = time (nullptr);
		struct tm tm;
		// WARNING!!! check if it is correct
#ifdef _WIN32
		gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
		// тут возвращается какое-то значение sprintf'ом. может стоит его проверять?
		// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ce3zzk1k.aspx
		sprintf_s((char *)(buf + 32), 9, "%4i%2i%2i", tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday);
		gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
		// тут возвращается какое-то значение sprintf'ом. может стоит его проверять?
		sprintf((char *)(buf + 32), "%4i%2i%2i", tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday);
		RoutingKey key;
		CryptoPP::SHA256().CalculateDigest(key.hash, buf, 40);
		return key;
const char *http_mkrfc1123(char *buf, size_t size, time_t t)
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
	struct tm gmt_buf, *gmt = &gmt_buf;

	if (gmtime_s(gmt, &t) != 0)
		gmt = NULL;
# else
	struct tm *gmt = gmtime(&t);
# endif
	struct tm gmt_buf, *gmt = gmtime_r(&t, &gmt_buf);

	buf[0] = 0;

	if (gmt != NULL)
		strftime(buf, size - 1, RFC1123_STRFTIME, gmt);
	return (buf);
void easily_pcsp(Ini ini, const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, const bool gm_mode) {
	if (gm_mode) return;
	try {
		const time_t minute = static_cast<time_t>(ini.getnum("EPCSP", "time", 0)) * 60;
		if (minute != 0) {
			tm end;
			gmtime_s(&end, &minute);
			tm current;
			using clock = std::chrono::system_clock;
			for (time_t now = clock::to_time_t(clock::now());
				current.tm_hour == end.tm_hour && current.tm_min == end.tm_min;
				now = clock::to_time_t(clock::now()), localtime_s(&current, &now)) {
				if (end_flag) return;
			pcsp_end = true;
	catch (std::exception) {}
LONG WINAPI exceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo)

  HMODULE hDll = LoadLibraryW(L"DBGHELP.DLL");
  if (!hDll)
    return result;

  MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP *pDump = reinterpret_cast<MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP*>(GetProcAddress(hDll, "MiniDumpWriteDump"));
  if (!pDump)
    return result;

  MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION exInfo = { GetCurrentThreadId(), pExceptionInfo, FALSE };

  const time_t now = time(0);
  struct tm timeinfo;
  gmtime_s(&timeinfo, &now);

  wcsftime(fileName + lstrlenW(fileName), 16, L"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", &timeinfo);
  lstrcatW(fileName, L".dmp");

    return result;

  pDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, MiniDumpNormal, &exInfo, NULL, NULL);

  for (int i = lstrlenW(fileName) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if ('\\' == fileName[i] || '/' == fileName[i]) {
      fileName[i] = 0;

  lstrcatW(fileName, L"\\crashreport.exe");
  ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", fileName, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

static void nn_global_submit_level (int i, struct nn_sock *s,
    char *name, int value)
    /* Length of buffer is:
       len(hostname) + len(appname) + len(socket_name) + len(timebuf)
       + len(str(value)) + len(static characters)
       63 + 63 + 63 + 20 + 20 + 60 = 289 */
    char buf[512];
    char timebuf[20];
    time_t numtime;
    struct tm strtime;
    int len;

    if(self.print_statistics) {
        fprintf(stderr, "nanomsg: socket.%s: %s: %d\n",
            s->socket_name, name, value);

    if (self.statistics_socket >= 0) {
        /*  TODO(tailhook) add HAVE_GMTIME_R ifdef  */
        gmtime_s (&strtime, &numtime);
        gmtime_r (&numtime, &strtime);
        strftime (timebuf, 20, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &strtime);
        if(*s->socket_name) {
            len = sprintf (buf, "ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%s:%s: %sZ 10 %d",
                self.hostname, self.appname, s->socket_name, name,
                timebuf, value);
        } else {
            len = sprintf (buf, "ESTP:%s:%s:socket.%d:%s: %sZ 10 %d",
                self.hostname, self.appname, i, name,
                timebuf, value);
        nn_assert (len < (int)sizeof(buf));
        (void) nn_send (self.statistics_socket, buf, len, NN_DONTWAIT);
std::wstring GetBuildTimeFromAddress(void* codeAddress)
	// Get the base of the address reservation. This lets this
	// function be passed any function or global variable address
	// in a DLL or EXE.
	if (VirtualQuery(codeAddress, &memoryInfo, sizeof(memoryInfo)) != sizeof(memoryInfo))
		return L"";
	void* ModuleHandle = memoryInfo.AllocationBase;

	// Walk the PE data structures to find the link time stamp.
	if (IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE != DosHeader->e_magic)
		return L"";
	IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *NTHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)((char *)DosHeader
		+ DosHeader->e_lfanew);
	if (IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE != NTHeader->Signature)
		return L"";

	tm linkTime = {};
	gmtime_s(&linkTime, (time_t*)&NTHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp);
	// Print out the module information. The %.24s is necessary to trim
	// the new line character off of the date string returned by asctime().
	// _wasctime_s requires a 26-character buffer.
	wchar_t ascTimeBuf[26];
	_wasctime_s(ascTimeBuf, &linkTime);
	wchar_t	buffer[100];
	swprintf_s(buffer, L"%.24s GMT (%08lx)", ascTimeBuf, NTHeader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp);
	// Return buffer+4 because we don't need the day of the week.
	return buffer + 4;
 * Wraps `gmtime` functionality for multiple platforms. This
 * converts a time value to a time structure in UTC.
 * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
static int
get_gmtime(NPY_TIME_T *ts, struct tm *tms)
    char *func_name = "<unknown>";
#if defined(_WIN32)
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
    if (gmtime_s(tms, ts) != 0) {
        func_name = "gmtime_s";
        goto fail;
 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(NPY_MINGW_USE_CUSTOM_MSVCR)
    if (_gmtime64_s(tms, ts) != 0) {
        func_name = "_gmtime64_s";
        goto fail;
    struct tm *tms_tmp;
    tms_tmp = gmtime(ts);
    if (tms_tmp == NULL) {
        func_name = "gmtime";
        goto fail;
    memcpy(tms, tms_tmp, sizeof(struct tm));
    if (gmtime_r(ts, tms) == NULL) {
        func_name = "gmtime_r";
        goto fail;

    return 0;

    PyErr_Format(PyExc_OSError, "Failed to use '%s' to convert "
                                "to a UTC time", func_name);
    return -1;
void LSAPIInit::getCompileTime(LPWSTR pwzValue, size_t cchValue)
    IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* dosheader;
    IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* ntheader;
    time_t lsexetime;
    time_t lsapitime;
    time_t compiletime;

    // Get the litestep.exe build time.
    dosheader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)GetModuleHandle(NULL);
    ASSERT(dosheader->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE);
    ntheader = MakePtr(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*, dosheader, dosheader->e_lfanew);
    lsexetime = (time_t)(ntheader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp);

    // Get the lsapi.dll build time (TODO: don't hardcode "lsapi.dll")
    dosheader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)GetModuleHandle(_T("lsapi.dll"));
    ASSERT(dosheader->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE);
    ntheader = MakePtr(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*, dosheader, dosheader->e_lfanew);
    lsapitime = (time_t)(ntheader->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp);

    compiletime = std::max(lsexetime, lsapitime);
    tm timeStruct;

    if (gmtime_s(&timeStruct, &compiletime) == 0)
        wcsftime(pwzValue, cchValue,
                 L"\"Compiled on %b %d %Y at %H:%M:%S UTC\"", &timeStruct);
        StringCchPrintfW(pwzValue, cchValue,
                         L"\"Compiled at an unknown time\"");
文件: Utility.cpp 项目: cpzhang/zen
int Utility::GetSystemTimeUTC(CString& sTime)

    // Get system time in UTC format

    time_t cur_time;
    char szDateTime[64];

#if _MSC_VER<1400
    struct tm* timeinfo = gmtime(&cur_time);
    strftime(szDateTime, 64,  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", timeinfo);
    struct tm timeinfo;
    gmtime_s(&timeinfo, &cur_time);
    strftime(szDateTime, 64,  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", &timeinfo);

    sTime = szDateTime;

    return 0;
文件: time.c 项目: Potpourri/ponyc
void os_gmtime(date_t* date, int64_t sec, int64_t nsec)
  int64_t overflow_sec = nsec / 1000000000;
  nsec -= (overflow_sec * 1000000000);

  if(nsec < 0)
    nsec += 1000000000;

  time_t t = sec + overflow_sec;

  struct tm tm;

  gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
  gmtime_r(&t, &tm);

  tm_to_date(&tm, nsec, date);
文件: time.c 项目: Perelandric/ponyc
PONY_API void ponyint_gmtime(date_t* date, int64_t sec, int64_t nsec)
  time_t overflow_sec = (time_t)(nsec / 1000000000);
  nsec -= (overflow_sec * 1000000000);

  if(nsec < 0)
    nsec += 1000000000;

  time_t t = (time_t)sec + overflow_sec;

  struct tm tm;

  gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
  gmtime_r(&t, &tm);

  tm_to_date(&tm, (int)nsec, date);
LEMON_SYS_API void LemonUTCDateTime(
	__lemon_inout LemonDateTime * datetime,
	__lemon_in	LemonTime now,
	__lemon_inout LemonErrorInfo * errorCode){


		tm current;

		errno_t error = gmtime_s(&current,&now.Seconds);

		if(0 != error){

		datetime->Year = current.tm_year + 1900;

		datetime->Month = current.tm_mon;

		datetime->DayOfWeek = current.tm_wday;

		datetime->DayOfYear = current.tm_yday;

		datetime->DayOfMonth = current.tm_mday;

		datetime->Hour = current.tm_hour;

		datetime->Minute = current.tm_min;

		datetime->Second = current.tm_sec;

		datetime->Microseconds = now.Microseconds;

		datetime->UTC = lemon_true;

    // Export a date to RFC 1123 format
    int Time::toDate(char * buffer, const bool iso8601) const
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_POSIX)
        if (!buffer) return 30;
        const char * monthName[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
        const char * dayName[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr", "Fri", "Sat" };

        struct tm ekT = {0};
        time_t t = (time_t)preciseTime();
#ifdef _WIN32
        gmtime_s(&ekT, &t);
        gmtime_r(&t, &ekT);
        if (iso8601)
            return sprintf(buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", ekT.tm_year + 1900, ekT.tm_mon + 1, ekT.tm_mday, ekT.tm_hour, ekT.tm_min, ekT.tm_sec);
        return sprintf(buffer, "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %s", dayName[ekT.tm_wday], ekT.tm_mday, monthName[ekT.tm_mon], ekT.tm_year + 1900, ekT.tm_hour, ekT.tm_min, ekT.tm_sec, "GMT") + 1;
        if (iso8601)
            return sprintf(buffer, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z");
        strcpy(buffer, "Sun, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
        return strlen(buffer);
struct tm* gmtime_r(const time_t* clock, struct tm* res)
    gmtime_s(res, clock);
    return res;
tm* gmtime_r(const time_t *clock, tm *result)
    return gmtime_s(result, clock) == 0 ? result : 0;
GetReport(string &out, bool pub)
	double ptime;
	double ptimeavg;
	int handle_c;
	int thread_c;
	PerformanceCounter->GetValue(ptime, ptimeavg, handle_c, thread_c);

	long tzoffset;

	// start time
	time_t starttime = PerformanceCounter->GetStartTime();
	wchar_t starttime_str[32];
	if (starttime != 0) {
		time_t t = starttime - tzoffset;
		struct tm tm;
		gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
		wcsftime(starttime_str, 32, L"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
		wcscpy_s(starttime_str, 32, L"-");

	// uptime
	uint64 uptime = PerformanceCounter->GetUptime();
	wchar_t uptime_str[32];
	if (uptime != 0) {
		swprintf_s(uptime_str, 32, L"%I64dd %02I64d:%02I64d:%02I64d",
			uptime/86400, (uptime%86400)/3600, (uptime%3600)/60, uptime%60);
		wcscpy_s(uptime_str, 32, L"-");

	// uptime (累計)
	uint64 total_uptime = PerformanceCounter->GetTotalUptime() + uptime;
	wchar_t total_uptime_str[32];
	swprintf_s(total_uptime_str, 32, L"%I64dd %02I64d:%02I64d:%02I64d",
		total_uptime/86400, (total_uptime%86400)/3600, (total_uptime%3600)/60, total_uptime%60);

	wchar_t ptime_str[32];
	swprintf_s(ptime_str, 32, L"%.1f%% (%.1f%%)", ptime, ptimeavg);

	// 送受信バイト数 (現在のセッション)
	uint64 total_u = Server_P2P->GetSendByte()
		+ Client->GetSendByte();
	uint64 total_d = Server_P2P->GetRecvByte()
		+ Client->GetRecvByte();
	wchar_t traffic_u[32];
	swprintf_s(traffic_u, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)total_u/1024/uptime),
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)total_u/uptime*8));
	wchar_t traffic_d[32];
	swprintf_s(traffic_d, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)total_d/1024/uptime),
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)total_d/uptime*8));
	wchar_t traffic_ud[32];
	swprintf_s(traffic_ud, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)(total_u+total_d)/1024/uptime),
		(uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)(total_u+total_d)/uptime*8));

	// 送受信バイト数 (累計)
	uint64 accum_total_u =
		PerformanceCounter->GetTotalSend() + total_u;
	uint64 accum_total_d =
		PerformanceCounter->GetTotalRecv() + total_d;
	wchar_t a_traffic_u[32];
	swprintf_s(a_traffic_u, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)accum_total_u/1024/total_uptime),
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)accum_total_u/total_uptime*8));
	wchar_t a_traffic_d[32];
	swprintf_s(a_traffic_d, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)accum_total_d/1024/total_uptime),
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)accum_total_d/total_uptime*8));
	wchar_t a_traffic_ud[32];
	swprintf_s(a_traffic_ud, 32, L"%.1f(%.1f)",
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)(accum_total_u+accum_total_d)/1024/total_uptime),
		(total_uptime == 0 ? 0 : (double)(accum_total_u+accum_total_d)/total_uptime*8));

	uint64 datnum = 0;
	uint64 datsize = 0;
	uint64 pubnum = 0;
	DatDB->select_report(PUBLISH_ORIGINAL_TT, datnum, datsize, pubnum);
	wchar_t publishper[32];
	if (datnum == 0)
		wcscpy_s(publishper, 32, L"0.0%");
	else {
		swprintf(publishper, 32, L"%.1f%% (%I64u)", (double)pubnum/datnum*100.0, pubnum);

	wstring tmpstr;
	wstring xml;
	xml += L"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"";
	xml += L"\"?>"EOL;
	if (pub) xml += L"<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"/profile.xsl\"?>";
	xml += L"<report>"EOL;

	//	名前、コメント、閲覧履歴
	if (pub)
		makeCDATA(Profile->GetNodeNameW(), tmpstr);
		xml += L"<name>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</name>"EOL;
		xml += L"<category>"EOL;
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"ID");
		hashT hash;
		wstring hashstr;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"L\"", hashstr.c_str());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"コメント");
		makeCDATA(Profile->GetComment(), tmpstr);
		xml += L" <pre>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</pre>"EOL;
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		if (Profile->IsPublicRecentDat()) {
			xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"閲覧履歴");
			xml += L"<pre>";
			O2KeyList recent;
			for (O2KeyListIt it = recent.begin(); it != recent.end(); it++) {
				wchar_t timestr[TIMESTR_BUFF_SIZE];
				struct tm tm;
				localtime_s(&tm, &it->date);
				wcsftime(timestr, TIMESTR_BUFF_SIZE, L"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
				tmpstr += timestr;
				tmpstr += L" [ ";
				tmpstr += it->url;
				tmpstr += L" ] ";
				tmpstr += it->title;
				tmpstr += L"\r\n";
			makeCDATA(tmpstr, tmpstr);
			xml += tmpstr;
			xml += L"</pre>"EOL;
			xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"</category>"EOL;

	//	概要
	if (!pub || Profile->IsPublicReport())
		xml += L"<category>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"caption", NULL, L"概要");
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"状態");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"CPU(平均)");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"ハンドル");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"スレッド");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"総dat数");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"総datサイズ");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"publish率");
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		if (PerformanceCounter->IsActive())
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"active\"", L"稼動中");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"deactive\"", L"停止中");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", ptime_str);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", handle_c);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", thread_c);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", datnum);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", datsize);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", publishper);
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		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"起動日時");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"グローバルIP");
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Ver");
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		wstring ipstr;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", starttime_str);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", ipstr.c_str());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Profile->GetP2PPort());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Profile->GetProxyPort());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Profile->GetAdminPort());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Profile->GetUserAgentW());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"稼働時間");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"上り");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"下り");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"合計");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"上りKB/s(bps)");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"下りKB/s(bps)");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"合計KB/s(bps)");
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"今回");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", uptime_str);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", total_u);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", total_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", total_u+total_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", traffic_u);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", traffic_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", traffic_ud);
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"累計");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", total_uptime_str);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", accum_total_u);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", accum_total_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", accum_total_u+accum_total_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", a_traffic_u);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", a_traffic_d);
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", a_traffic_ud);
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		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
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		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Key");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"SakuKey");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Query");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Saku");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"IM");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Broadcast");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"BCQueue");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Logger");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"IPFilter");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"DatRequest");
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"保持数");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", NodeDB->count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", FriendDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", KeyDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", SakuKeyDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", QueryDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", SakuDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", IMDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", BroadcastDB->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Job_Broadcast->GetQueueCount());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Logger->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", IPFilter_P2P->Count()+IPFilter_Proxy->Count()+IPFilter_Admin->Count());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Job_QueryDat->GetRequestQueueCount());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
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		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"findvalue");
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"?");
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Proxy");
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		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionCountByPath("collection"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionCountByPath("im"));
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionCountByPath("ERROR"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionCountByPath("?"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionCountByPath(NULL));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Proxy->GetTotalSessionCount());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Admin->GetTotalSessionCount());
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		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("collection"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("im"));
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("?"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath(NULL));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Admin->GetSendByte());
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		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("collection"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("im"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("broadcast"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("profile"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("ping"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("store"));
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("ERROR"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("?"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath(NULL));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Proxy->GetRecvByte());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Admin->GetRecvByte());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("dat")			+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("dat"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("collection")	+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("collection"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("im")			+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("im"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("broadcast")	+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("broadcast"));
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("ping")		+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("ping"));
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("ERROR")		+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("ERROR"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath("UNKNOWN")		+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath("UNKNOWN"));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSendByteByPath(NULL)			+ Server_P2P->GetRecvByteByPath(NULL));
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Proxy->GetSendByte() + Server_Proxy->GetRecvByte());
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_Admin->GetRecvByte() + Server_Admin->GetRecvByte());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"同時接続数ピーク");
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Server_P2P->GetSessionPeak());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"</category>"EOL;
		//	Agent
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"caption", NULL, L"Agent");
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
		size_t i;
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\" class=\"active\"", Jobs[i]->GetName());
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\" class=\"deactive\"", Jobs[i]->GetName());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"実行");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", L"-");
			else if (Jobs[i]->IsWorking())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"active\"", L"実行中");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"wait\"", L"待機");
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"間隔(s)");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Jobs[i]->GetInterval());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"起動まで");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive() || Jobs[i]->IsWorking())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", Jobs[i]->GetRemain());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"接続回数");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Jobs[i]->GetTotalSessionCount());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"up");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Jobs[i]->GetSendByte());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"down");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Jobs[i]->GetRecvByte());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"up+down");
		for (i = 0; i < Jobs.size(); i++) {
			if (!Jobs[i]->IsActive())
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", L"-");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Jobs[i]->GetSendByte()+Jobs[i]->GetRecvByte());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<table>"EOL;
		xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
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		xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", Client->GetSessionPeak());
		xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
		xml += L"</table>"EOL;
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			//	Connections
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			xml += L"<table>"EOL;
			xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"IP");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"Port");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"接続時間(s)");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"recv");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"send");
			xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"type=\"h\"", L"rbuff");
			xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
			O2SocketSessionPList lst;
			time_t now = time(NULL);
			for (O2SocketSessionPListIt it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) {
				O2SocketSession *ss = *it;
				wstring e_ip;
				ip2e(ss->ip, e_ip);
				xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", L"Server");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", e_ip.c_str());
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", ss->port);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", now - ss->connect_t);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", ss->rbuffoffset);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", ss->sbuffoffset);
				wstring rbuff;
				ascii2unicode(ss->rbuff, rbuff);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"L\"", rbuff.c_str(), true);
				xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
				delete *it;
			for (O2SocketSessionPListIt it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) {
				O2SocketSession *ss = *it;
				wstring e_ip;
				ip2e(ss->ip, e_ip);
				xml += L"<tr>"EOL;
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", L"Agent");
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", e_ip.c_str());
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"C\"", ss->port);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"R\"", now - ss->connect_t);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", ss->rbuffoffset);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"N\"", ss->sbuffoffset);
				wstring rbuff;
				ascii2unicode(ss->rbuff, rbuff);
				xml_AddElement(xml, L"td", L"class=\"L\"", rbuff.c_str(), true);
				xml += L"</tr>"EOL;
				delete *it;
			xml += L"</table>"EOL;
			xml += L"</category>"EOL;
	xml += L"</report>"EOL;

	FromUnicode(_T(DEFAULT_XML_CHARSET), xml, out);
struct tm * mailcore::win32_gmtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
    gmtime_s(result, clock);
	return result;
int VtFile_rescanHash(struct VtFile *file_scan,
                      const char *hash,
                      time_t rescan_date, int period, int repeat,
                      const char *notify_url, bool notify_changes_only) {

  CURL *curl;
  CURLcode res;
  int ret = 0;
  struct curl_httppost *formpost=NULL;
  struct curl_httppost *lastptr=NULL;
  struct curl_slist *headerlist=NULL;
  char buff[32];
  struct tm time_result;
  static const char header_buf[] = "Expect:";
  long http_response_code = 0;

  VtApiPage_resetBuffer((struct VtApiPage *) file_scan);

  curl = curl_easy_init();
  if (!curl) {
    VT_ERROR("init curl\n");
    goto cleanup;
  // initialize custom header list (stating that Expect: 100-continue is not wanted
  headerlist = curl_slist_append(headerlist, header_buf);

  DBG(1, "hash to rescan'%s'\n", hash);
  DBG(1, "Api Key =  '%s'\n", file_scan->api_key);

  ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                     CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "resource",
                     CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  hash,
  if (ret)
    VT_ERROR("Adding hash %s\n", hash);

  if (rescan_date) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
    if (!gmtime_s(&time_result, &rescan_date)) {
      VT_ERROR("Converting time\n");
      goto cleanup;
    if (!gmtime_r(&rescan_date, &time_result)) {
      VT_ERROR("Converting time\n");
      goto cleanup;

    ret = strftime(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &time_result);
    ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                       CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "date",
                       CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  buff,
    if (ret)
      VT_ERROR("Adding date %s\n", buff);

  if (period) {
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff) -1, "%d", period);
    ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                       CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "period",
                       CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  buff,
    if (ret)
      VT_ERROR("Adding period %s\n", buff);

  if (repeat) {
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1 , "%d", repeat);
    ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                       CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "repeat",
                       CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  buff,
    if (ret)
      VT_ERROR("Adding repeat %s\n", buff);

  if (notify_url) {
    ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                       CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "notify_url",
                       CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  notify_url,
    if (ret)
      VT_ERROR("Adding notify_url %s\n", notify_url);

    if (notify_changes_only) {
      ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                         CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "notify_changes_only",
                         CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS,  "1",

  ret = curl_formadd(&formpost,
                     CURLFORM_COPYNAME, "apikey",
                     CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, file_scan->api_key,

  if (ret)
    VT_ERROR("Adding key\n");

  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, VT_API_BASE_URL "file/rescan");

  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headerlist);
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, formpost); // set form

  set_std_curl_data(file_scan, curl);

  /* Perform the request, res will get the return code */
  res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
  DBG(1, "Perform done\n");
  /* Check for errors */
  if(res != CURLE_OK) {
    VT_ERROR("curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));
    ret = res;
    goto cleanup;
  } else {
    curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_response_code);
    if (http_response_code != 200) {
      VT_ERROR("HTTP Response code: %ld\n", http_response_code);
      ret = http_response_code;
      goto cleanup;

  DBG(1, "Page:\n%s\n",file_scan->buffer);
  if (file_scan->response)

  file_scan->response = VtResponse_new();
  ret = VtResponse_fromJSONstr(file_scan->response, file_scan->buffer);
  if (ret) {
    VT_ERROR("Parsing JSON\n");
    goto cleanup;

  /* always cleanup */

  if (formpost)
    curl_formfree(formpost);  // cleanup the formpost chain

  if (headerlist)
    curl_slist_free_all (headerlist); // free headers

  return ret;
文件: rfc822.cpp 项目: 10jschen/acl
void rfc822::mkdate_cst(time_t t, char *buf, size_t size)
	struct tm *p;
	int offset = 0;

#ifdef	WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
	struct tm tm_buf;
	long s;
	p = &tm_buf;
	if (localtime_s(p, &t) != 0)
		p = NULL;
# else
	p = localtime(&t);
# endif
	struct tm tm_buf;
	p = localtime_r(&t, &tm_buf);

	buf[0] = 0;
	if (p == NULL)


	offset = -_timezone;

	if (p->tm_isdst > 0)
		offset = -altzone;

	if (offset % 60)
		offset = 0;
#ifdef	WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
		p = &tm_buf;
		if (gmtime_s(p, &t) != 0)
			p = NULL;
# else
		p = gmtime(&t);
# endif
		p = gmtime_r(&t, &tm_buf);
	offset /= 60;

#ifdef WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
	if ( _get_timezone(&s) != 0)
		s = 0;
	offset =- s;
# else
	offset = - _timezone;
# endif
#elif !defined(ACL_FREEBSD)  // XXX -zsx
	offset = - timezone;

	if (p == NULL)

	if (p->tm_isdst > 0)
		offset += 60 * 60;
	if (offset % 60) {
		offset = 0;
#ifdef	WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
		p = &tm_buf;
		if (gmtime_s(p, &t) != 0)
			p = NULL;
# else
		p = gmtime(&t);
# endif
		p = gmtime_r(&t, &tm_buf);
	offset /= 60;
	offset = p->tm_gmtoff;

	if (offset % 60) {
		offset = 0;
#ifdef	WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
		p = &tm_buf;
		if (gmtime_s(p, &t) != 0)
			p = NULL;
# else
		p = gmtime(&t);
# endif
		p = gmtime_r(&t, &tm_buf);
	offset /= 60;
#ifdef	WIN32
# if _MSC_VER >= 1500
	p = &tm_buf;
	if (gmtime_s(p, &t) != 0)
		p = NULL;
# else
	p = gmtime(&t);
# endif
	p = gmtime_r(&t, &tm_buf);
	offset = 0;

	offset = (offset % 60) + offset / 60 * 100;

#if defined(WIN32) && _MSC_VER >= 1500
	_snprintf_s(buf, size, size, "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %+05d (CST)",
		p->tm_year + 1900,
	snprintf(buf, size, "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %+05d (CST)",
		p->tm_year + 1900,
文件: Time.cpp 项目: charsyam/folly
tm* gmtime_r(const time_t* t, tm* res) {
  if (!gmtime_s(res, t)) {
    return res;
  return nullptr;
MakeIMElement(O2IMessage &im, O2IMSelectCondition &cond, wstring &xml)
	wchar_t tmp[16];
	wstring tmpstr;

	xml += L"<message>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_IP) {
		ip2e(im.ip, tmpstr);
		xml += L" <ip>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</ip>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_PORT) {
		swprintf_s(tmp, 16, L"%d", im.port);
		xml += L" <port>";
		xml += tmp;
		xml += L"</port>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_ID) {
		xml += L" <id>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</id>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_PUBKEY) {
		xml += L" <pubkey>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</pubkey>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_NAME) {
		xml += L" <name>";
		xml += im.name;
		xml += L"</name>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_DATE) {
		if (im.date == 0)
			xml += L" <date></date>" EOL;
		else {

			long tzoffset;

#ifdef _WIN32           /** windows */
#else                   /** unix */
			tzoffset = getGmtOffset();
			if (!cond.timeformat.empty()) {
				time_t t = im.date - tzoffset;

				wchar_t timestr[TIMESTR_BUFF_SIZE];
				struct tm tm;
#ifdef _WIN32                   /** windows */
				gmtime_s(&tm, &t);
#else                           /** unix */
				gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
				wcsftime(timestr, TIMESTR_BUFF_SIZE, cond.timeformat.c_str(), &tm);
				xml += L" <date>";
				xml += timestr;
				xml += L"</date>" EOL;
			else {
				time_t2datetime(im.date, - tzoffset, tmpstr);
				xml += L" <date>";
				xml += tmpstr;
				xml += L"</date>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_MSG) {
		makeCDATA(im.msg, tmpstr);
		xml += L" <msg>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</msg>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_KEY) {
		xml += L" <key>";
		xml += tmpstr;
		xml += L"</key>" EOL;

	if (cond.mask & IM_XMLELM_MINE) {
		xml += L" <mine>";
		xml += im.mine ? L"1" : L"0";
		xml += L"</mine>" EOL;

	xml += L"</message>" EOL;
// converts the supplied string into a 64-bit time object (UTC)
uint64_t CTimeSupport::ConvertStringToTime(const string& timeString) {

	char buffer[26];
	struct tm time_tm;
	char* end_ptr = NULL;

	// reset the structure
	time_t convertTimeT = time(NULL);
	gmtime_s(&time_tm, &convertTimeT);

	char* pTime           = (char*)timeString.c_str();
	unsigned char timeLen = (unsigned char)timeString.size();

	// establish the month
	bool foundMonth = false;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
		if(strncmp(pTime + 4, MONTHS[i], 3) == 0) {
			time_tm.tm_mon = i;
			foundMonth     = true;

	if(!foundMonth) {
		cout << "ERROR: Unable to convert the month when parsing the timestamp." << endl;

	// establish the day of the month
	unsigned char startPos = 8;
	while(pTime[startPos] == ' ') startPos++;

	unsigned char endPos = startPos;
	while(pTime[endPos] != ' ') endPos++;
	unsigned char monthDayLen = endPos - startPos;

	//bool hasLeadingZero = false;
	//if((buffer[startPos] == '0') && (monthDayLen > 1)) hasLeadingZero = true;

	memcpy(buffer, pTime + startPos, monthDayLen);
	buffer[monthDayLen] = 0;

	time_tm.tm_mday = (int)strtol(buffer, &end_ptr, 10);
	if(end_ptr == buffer) {
		cout << "ERROR: Could not convert the day of the month string to an integer." << endl;

	// establish the hour
	startPos = endPos + 1;
	endPos = startPos;
	while(pTime[endPos] != ':') endPos++;
	unsigned int hourLen = endPos - startPos;

	memcpy(buffer, pTime + startPos, hourLen);
	buffer[hourLen] = 0;

	time_tm.tm_hour = (int)strtol(buffer, &end_ptr, 10);
	if(end_ptr == buffer) {
		cout << "ERROR: Could not convert the hour string to an integer." << endl;

	// establish the minutes
	memcpy(buffer, pTime + startPos + hourLen + 1, 2);
	buffer[2] = 0;

	time_tm.tm_min = (int)strtol(buffer, &end_ptr, 10);
	if(end_ptr == buffer) {
		cout << "ERROR: Could not convert the minute string to an integer." << endl;

	// establish the seconds
	memcpy(buffer, pTime + startPos + hourLen + 4, 2);
	buffer[2] = 0;

	time_tm.tm_sec = (int)strtol(buffer, &end_ptr, 10);
	if(end_ptr == buffer) {
		cout << "ERROR: Could not convert the second string to an integer." << endl;

	// establish the year
	memcpy(buffer, pTime + timeLen - 4, 4);
	buffer[4] = 0;

	time_tm.tm_year = (int)strtol(buffer, &end_ptr, 10) - 1900;
	if(end_ptr == buffer) {
		cout << "ERROR: Could not convert the year string to an integer." << endl;

	// UTC has no DST
	time_tm.tm_isdst = 0;

	// automatically guess the rest
	time_tm.tm_yday  = -1;
	time_tm.tm_wday  = -1;

	// convert the tm structure into epoch time
	return ConvertTimeT(mktime(&time_tm) - GetUtcOffset());
/* Catches calls to the POSIX gmtime_r and converts them to a related WIN32 version. */
struct tm *gmtime_r (time_t *t, struct tm *gmt)
	gmtime_s (gmt, t);

	return gmt;