main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int err, fake_argc = 1;
    char * fake_argv[] = {"hello", 0};
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    char *bufp;
    int rc, sz;

    /* intitialize the engine */
    gnc_engine_init (fake_argc, fake_argv);

    /* contact the database, which is a flat file for this demo */
    book = qof_book_new ();

    rc = gnc_book_begin (book, "file:/tmp/demo.gnucash", FALSE);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    rc = gnc_book_load (book);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    /* the root pointer points to our local cache of the data */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);

    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* done with initialization, go into event loop */

    while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0)
        GList *split_list;
        Query *q = NULL;
        char *request_method;
        int read_len = 0;

        /* get the request method */
        request_method = getenv ("REQUEST_METHOD");

        /* Lets pretend that method=get means user has logged
         * in.  Send the user the accounts and currencies,
         * but not the transactions/splits. */
        if (!strcmp ("GET", request_method))
            gncxml_write_account_tree_to_buf(root, &bufp, &sz);

            /* print the HTTP header */
            printf("Content-type: text/gnc-xml\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                   "\r\n", sz);

            /* send the xml to the client */
            printf ("%s", bufp);
            free (bufp);

            /* wait for the next request */

        if (!strcmp ("POST", request_method))
            char * content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
            read_len = atoi (content_length);

            /* read 'read_len' bytes from stdin ... */
            bufp = (char *) malloc (read_len);
            fread (bufp, read_len, 1, stdin);

            /* conver the xml input into a gnucash query structure... */
            q = gncxml_read_query (bufp, read_len);
            xaccQuerySetGroup (q, root);

            /* hack -- limit to 30 splits ... */
            xaccQuerySetMaxSplits (q, 30);
            split_list = xaccQueryGetSplits (q);

            xaccFreeQuery (q);

            /* wait for the next request */

        /* if we got to here, an error -- unknown method */
        printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
               "unknown request type \n");



    err = gnc_book_get_error (book);

    /* 500 Server Error */
    FCGI_SetExitStatus (500);

    printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
           "error was %s\n", strerror (err));


    /* close the book */
    qof_book_destroy (book);

    /* shut down the engine */
    gnc_engine_shutdown ();

    sleep (1);

    return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int err, fake_argc = 1;
    char * fake_argv[] = {"hello", 0};
    QofBook *book;
    Account *root;
    char *request_bufp, *reply_bufp;
    int rc, sz;

    /* intitialize the engine */
    gnc_engine_init (fake_argc, fake_argv);

    /* contact the database, which is a flat file for this demo */
    /* this should really be an SQL server */
    book = qof_book_new ();

    rc = gnc_book_begin (book, "file:/tmp/demo.xac", FALSE);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    rc = gnc_book_load (book);
    if (!rc) goto bookerrexit;

    /* the root pointer points to our local cache of the data */
    root = gnc_book_get_root_account (book);

    /* --------------------------------------------------- */
    /* done with initialization, go into event loop */

    while (FCGI_Accept() >= 0)
        GList *split_list;
        Query *q = NULL;
        const char *request_method;
        const char *user_agent;
        const char *auth_string;
        const char *content_length;
        int read_len = 0;
        int send_accts = 0;

        /* get the user agent; reject if wrong agent */
        user_agent = getenv ("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
        if (strncmp ("gnucash", user_agent, 7))
            reject_user_agent (user_agent);

        /* get the request method */
        request_method = getenv ("REQUEST_METHOD");
        if (strcmp ("POST", request_method))
            /* method=post is the only spported method*/

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* look for an authentication cookie */
        auth_string = find_cookie ("gnc-server");

        /* found the cookie, lets make sure that it is valid */
        if (auth_string)
            gboolean valid_session;
            valid_session = have_session (auth_string);
            if (!valid_session)

                /* XXX invalid sessions are a sign of hacking;
                 * this event should be noted in a security log
                 * and the server admin contacted.
                reject_session (auth_string);

        /* go ahead and read the message body.
         * we'll need this soon enough */
        content_length = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
        read_len = atoi (content_length);

        /* read 'read_len' bytes from stdin ... */
        request_bufp = (char *) g_malloc (read_len);
        fread (request_bufp, read_len, 1, stdin);

        /* if no previously authenticated session,
         * authenticate now */
        if (!auth_string)
            char *name = NULL, *passwd = NULL;
            parse_for_login (request_bufp, &name, &passwd);

            auth_string = auth_user (name, passwd);
            if (!auth_string)
                g_free (request_bufp);
            send_accts = 1;

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* send only the accounts to the user */
        if (send_accts)
            /* print the HTTP header */
            printf("Content-type: text/gnc-xml\r\n"
                   "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                   auth_string, sz);

            /* since this is the first time the user is logging
             * in, send them the full set of accounts.
             * (Do not send them any transactions yet).
            gncxml_write_account_tree_to_buf(root, &reply_bufp, &sz);

            /* send the xml to the client */
            printf ("%s", reply_bufp);
            g_free (request_bufp);

            /* wait for the next request */

        /* ----------------------------------------------- */
        /* If we got to here, then the ser should be sending
         * us a query xml.
         * we should somehow error check that what we got
         * is really a valid query

        /* conver the xml input into a gnucash query structure... */
        q = gncxml_read_query (request_bufp, read_len);
        xaccQuerySetGroup (q, root);

        /* hack -- limit to 30 splits ... */
        xaccQuerySetMaxSplits (q, 30);
        split_list = xaccQueryGetSplits (q);

        /* poke those splits into an ccount group structure */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        /* send the account group structure back to the user */
        /* XXX not implemented */

        xaccFreeQuery (q);
        g_free (request_bufp);



    err = gnc_book_get_error (book);

    /* 500 Server Error */
    FCGI_SetExitStatus (500);

    printf("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
           "error was %s\n", strerror (err));


    /* close the book */
    qof_book_destroy (book);

    /* shut down the engine */
    gnc_engine_shutdown ();

    sleep (1);

    /* must return a non-zero error code, otherwise fastcgi
     * attempts to respawn this daemon. */
    return 500;