static void
gnc_main_window_cmd_actions_since_last_run (GtkAction *action, GncMainWindowActionData *data)
    GtkWindow *window;
    GncSxInstanceModel *sx_instances;
    GncSxSummary summary;
    GList *auto_created_txns = NULL;
    const char *nothing_to_do_msg =
        _( "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time." );

    g_return_if_fail (data != NULL);

    window = GTK_WINDOW (data->window);

    if (qof_book_is_readonly(gnc_get_current_book()))
        /* Is the book read-only? Then don't change anything here. */

    sx_instances = gnc_sx_get_current_instances();
    gnc_sx_instance_model_summarize(sx_instances, &summary);
    gnc_sx_instance_model_effect_change(sx_instances, TRUE, &auto_created_txns, NULL);
    if (summary.need_dialog)
        gnc_ui_sx_since_last_run_dialog (window, sx_instances, auto_created_txns);
        auto_created_txns = NULL;
        if (summary.num_auto_create_no_notify_instances == 0)
            gnc_info_dialog (window, "%s", nothing_to_do_msg);
            gnc_info_dialog(window, ngettext
                            /* Translators: %d is the number of transactions. This is a
                               ngettext(3) message. */
                            ("There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
                             "(%d transaction automatically created)",
                             "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
                             "(%d transactions automatically created)",
gnc_bi_import_gui_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
    BillImportGui *gui = data;
    gchar *filename = g_strdup( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(gui->entryFilename) ) );
    bi_import_stats stats;
    bi_import_result res;
    guint n_fixed, n_deleted, n_invoices_created, n_invoices_updated;
    GString *info;

    // import
    info = g_string_new("");

    gtk_list_store_clear (gui->store);
    res = gnc_bi_import_read_file (filename, gui->regexp->str, gui->store, 0, &stats);
    if (res == RESULT_OK)
        gnc_bi_import_fix_bis (gui->store, &n_fixed, &n_deleted, info, gui->type);
        if (info->len > 0)
            gnc_info_dialog (gui->dialog, "%s", info->str);
        g_string_free( info, TRUE );
        gnc_bi_import_create_bis (gui->store, gui->book, &n_invoices_created, &n_invoices_updated, gui->type, gui->open_mode);
        gnc_info_dialog (gui->dialog, _("Import results:\n%i lines were ignored\n%i lines imported:\n   %u fixes\n   %u ignored (not fixable)\n\n   %u created\n   %u updated (based on id)"), stats.n_ignored, stats.n_imported, n_fixed, n_deleted, n_invoices_created, n_invoices_updated);

        if (stats.n_ignored > 0)
            gnc_info2_dialog (gui->dialog, _("These lines were ignored during import"), stats.ignored_lines->str);

        g_string_free (stats.ignored_lines, TRUE);
        gnc_close_gui_component (gui->component_id);
    else if (res ==  RESULT_OPEN_FAILED)
        gnc_error_dialog (gui->dialog, _("The input file can not be opened."));
    else if (res ==  RESULT_ERROR_IN_REGEXP)
        //gnc_error_dialog (gui->dialog, "The regular expression is faulty:\n\n%s", stats.err->str);
    GList *auto_created_txns = NULL;
    GncSxInstanceModel *inst_model;
    GncSxSummary summary;

    if (!gnc_prefs_get_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_STARTUP, GNC_PREF_RUN_AT_FOPEN))

    if (qof_book_is_readonly(gnc_get_current_book()))
        /* Is the book read-only? Then don't change anything here. */

    inst_model = gnc_sx_get_current_instances();
    gnc_sx_instance_model_summarize(inst_model, &summary);
    gnc_sx_instance_model_effect_change(inst_model, TRUE, &auto_created_txns, NULL);

    if (summary.need_dialog)
        gnc_ui_sx_since_last_run_dialog(inst_model, auto_created_txns);
        auto_created_txns = NULL;
        if (summary.num_auto_create_no_notify_instances != 0)
            if (!gnc_prefs_get_bool(GNC_PREFS_GROUP_STARTUP, GNC_PREF_SHOW_AT_FOPEN))

             ("There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
              "(One transaction automatically created)",
              "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
              "(%d transactions automatically created)",
static Split*
create_blank_split (Account *default_account, SRInfo *info)
    Transaction *new_trans;
    gboolean currency_from_account = TRUE;
    Split *blank_split = NULL;
    /* Determine the proper currency to use for this transaction.
     * if default_account != NULL and default_account->commodity is
     * a currency, then use that.  Otherwise use the default currency.
    gnc_commodity * currency = gnc_account_or_default_currency(default_account, &currency_from_account);

    if (default_account != NULL && !currency_from_account)
	/* If we don't have a currency then pop up a warning dialog */
	gnc_info_dialog(NULL, "%s",
			_("Could not determine the account currency. "
			  "Using the default currency provided by your system."));

    gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();

    new_trans = xaccMallocTransaction (gnc_get_current_book ());

    xaccTransBeginEdit (new_trans);
    xaccTransSetCurrency (new_trans, currency);
    xaccTransSetDatePostedSecsNormalized(new_trans, info->last_date_entered);
    blank_split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());
    xaccSplitSetParent(blank_split, new_trans);
    /* We don't want to commit this transaction yet, because the split
       doesn't even belong to an account yet.  But, we don't want to
       set this transaction as the pending transaction either, because
       we want to pretend that it hasn't been changed.  We depend on
       some other code (somewhere) to commit this transaction if we
       really edit it, even though it's not marked as the pending
       transaction. */

    info->blank_split_guid = *xaccSplitGetGUID (blank_split);
    info->blank_split_edited = FALSE;
    info->auto_complete = FALSE;
    DEBUG("created new blank_split=%p", blank_split);

    gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();
    return blank_split;
gnc_customer_import_gui_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
    CustomerImportGui *gui = data;
    gchar *filename = g_strdup( gtk_entry_get_text( GTK_ENTRY(gui->entryFilename) ) );
    customer_import_stats stats;
    customer_import_result res;
    guint n_fixed, n_deleted, n_customers_created, n_customers_updated;
    gchar *cv_type_text;

    // import
    if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (gui->type, "CUSTOMER") == 0) cv_type_text = _("customers");
    else cv_type_text = _("vendors");

    gtk_list_store_clear (gui->store);
    res = gnc_customer_import_read_file (filename, gui->regexp->str, gui->store, 0, &stats);
    if (res == CI_RESULT_OK)
        gnc_customer_import_fix_customers (gui->store, &n_fixed, &n_deleted, gui->type);
        gnc_customer_import_create_customers (gui->store, gui->book, &n_customers_created, &n_customers_updated, gui->type);
        gnc_info_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), _("Import results:\n%i lines were ignored\n%i lines imported:\n   %u %s fixed\n   %u %s ignored (not fixable)\n\n   %u %s created\n   %u %s updated (based on id)"), \
                         stats.n_ignored, stats.n_imported, n_fixed, cv_type_text, n_deleted, cv_type_text, n_customers_created, cv_type_text, n_customers_updated, cv_type_text);

        if (stats.n_ignored > 0)
            gnc_info2_dialog (gui->dialog, _("These lines were ignored during import"), stats.ignored_lines->str);

        g_string_free (stats.ignored_lines, TRUE);
        gnc_close_gui_component (gui->component_id);
    else if (res == CI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED)
        gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), _("The input file can not be opened."));
    else if (res == CI_RESULT_ERROR_IN_REGEXP)
        //gnc_error_dialog (GTK_WINDOW (gui->dialog), "The regular expression is faulty:\n\n%s", stats.err->str);
    GList *auto_created_txns = NULL;
    GncSxInstanceModel *inst_model;
    GncSxSummary summary;

    if (!gnc_gconf_get_bool(GCONF_SECTION, "show_at_file_open", NULL))

    inst_model = gnc_sx_get_current_instances();
    gnc_sx_instance_model_summarize(inst_model, &summary);
    gnc_sx_instance_model_effect_change(inst_model, TRUE, &auto_created_txns, NULL);

    if (summary.need_dialog)
        gnc_ui_sx_since_last_run_dialog(inst_model, auto_created_txns);
        auto_created_txns = NULL;
        if (summary.num_auto_create_no_notify_instances != 0)
             ("There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
              "(%d transaction automatically created)",
              "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time. "
              "(%d transactions automatically created)",
gnc_split_register_load (SplitRegister *reg, GList * slist,
                         Account *default_account)
    SRInfo *info;
    Transaction *pending_trans;
    CursorBuffer *cursor_buffer;
    GHashTable *trans_table = NULL;
    CellBlock *cursor_header;
    CellBlock *lead_cursor;
    CellBlock *split_cursor;
    Transaction *blank_trans;
    Transaction *find_trans;
    Transaction *trans;
    CursorClass find_class;
    Split *find_trans_split;
    Split *blank_split;
    Split *find_split;
    Split *split;
    Table *table;
    GList *node;

    gboolean start_primary_color = TRUE;
    gboolean found_pending = FALSE;
    gboolean need_divider_upper = FALSE;
    gboolean found_divider_upper = FALSE;
    gboolean found_divider = FALSE;
    gboolean has_last_num = FALSE;
    gboolean multi_line;
    gboolean dynamic;
    gboolean we_own_slist = FALSE;
    gboolean use_autoreadonly = qof_book_uses_autoreadonly(gnc_get_current_book());

    VirtualCellLocation vcell_loc;
    VirtualLocation save_loc;

    int new_trans_split_row = -1;
    int new_trans_row = -1;
    int new_split_row = -1;
    time64 present, autoreadonly_time = 0;

    table = reg->table;
    info = gnc_split_register_get_info (reg);

    ENTER("reg=%p, slist=%p, default_account=%p", reg, slist, default_account);

    blank_split = xaccSplitLookup (&info->blank_split_guid,
                                   gnc_get_current_book ());

    pending_trans = xaccTransLookup (&info->pending_trans_guid,
                                     gnc_get_current_book ());

    /* make sure we have a blank split */
    if (blank_split == NULL)
        Transaction *new_trans;
        gboolean currency_from_account = TRUE;

        /* Determine the proper currency to use for this transaction.
         * if default_account != NULL and default_account->commodity is
         * a currency, then use that.  Otherwise use the default currency.
        gnc_commodity * currency = gnc_account_or_default_currency(default_account, &currency_from_account);

        if (default_account != NULL && !currency_from_account)
            /* If we don't have a currency then pop up a warning dialog */
            gnc_info_dialog(NULL, "%s",
                            _("Could not determine the account currency. "
                              "Using the default currency provided by your system."));

        gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();

        new_trans = xaccMallocTransaction (gnc_get_current_book ());

        xaccTransBeginEdit (new_trans);
        xaccTransSetCurrency (new_trans, currency);
        xaccTransSetDatePostedSecsNormalized(new_trans, info->last_date_entered);
        blank_split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());
        xaccSplitSetParent(blank_split, new_trans);
        /* We don't want to commit this transaction yet, because the split
           doesn't even belong to an account yet.  But, we don't want to
           set this transaction as the pending transaction either, because
           we want to pretend that it hasn't been changed.  We depend on
           some other code (somewhere) to commit this transaction if we
           really edit it, even though it's not marked as the pending
           transaction. */

        /* Wouldn't it be a bug to open this transaction if there was already a
           pending transaction? */
        g_assert(pending_trans == NULL);

        info->blank_split_guid = *xaccSplitGetGUID (blank_split);
        info->blank_split_edited = FALSE;
        info->auto_complete = FALSE;
        DEBUG("created new blank_split=%p", blank_split);

        gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();

    blank_trans = xaccSplitGetParent (blank_split);

    DEBUG("blank_split=%p, blank_trans=%p, pending_trans=%p",
          blank_split, blank_trans, pending_trans);

    info->default_account = *xaccAccountGetGUID (default_account);

    // gnc_table_leave_update (table, table->current_cursor_loc);

    multi_line = (reg->style == REG_STYLE_JOURNAL);
    dynamic    = (reg->style == REG_STYLE_AUTO_LEDGER);

    lead_cursor = gnc_split_register_get_passive_cursor (reg);
    split_cursor = gnc_table_layout_get_cursor (table->layout, CURSOR_SPLIT);

    /* figure out where we are going to. */
    if (info->traverse_to_new)
        find_trans = blank_trans;
        find_split = NULL;
        find_trans_split = blank_split;
        find_class = CURSOR_CLASS_SPLIT;
        find_trans = info->cursor_hint_trans;
        find_split = info->cursor_hint_split;
        find_trans_split = info->cursor_hint_trans_split;
        find_class = info->cursor_hint_cursor_class;

    save_loc = table->current_cursor_loc;

    /* If the current cursor has changed we save the values for later
     * possible restoration. */
    if (gnc_table_current_cursor_changed (table, TRUE) &&
            (find_split == gnc_split_register_get_current_split (reg)))
        cursor_buffer = gnc_cursor_buffer_new ();
        gnc_table_save_current_cursor (table, cursor_buffer);
        cursor_buffer = NULL;

    /* disable move callback -- we don't want the cascade of
     * callbacks while we are fiddling with loading the register */
    gnc_table_control_allow_move (table->control, FALSE);

    /* invalidate the cursor */
        VirtualLocation virt_loc;

        gnc_table_move_cursor_gui (table, virt_loc);

    /* make sure that the header is loaded */
    vcell_loc.virt_row = 0;
    vcell_loc.virt_col = 0;
    cursor_header = gnc_table_layout_get_cursor (table->layout, CURSOR_HEADER);
    gnc_table_set_vcell (table, cursor_header, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, vcell_loc);

    /* get the current time and reset the dividing row */
    present = gnc_time64_get_today_end ();
    if (use_autoreadonly)
        GDate *d = qof_book_get_autoreadonly_gdate(gnc_get_current_book());
        // "d" is NULL if use_autoreadonly is FALSE
        autoreadonly_time = d ? timespecToTime64(gdate_to_timespec(*d)) : 0;

    if (info->first_pass)
        if (default_account)
            const char *last_num = xaccAccountGetLastNum (default_account);

            if (last_num)
                NumCell *cell;

                cell = (NumCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell(table->layout, NUM_CELL);
                gnc_num_cell_set_last_num (cell, last_num);
                has_last_num = TRUE;

        /* load up account names into the transfer combobox menus */
        gnc_split_register_load_xfer_cells (reg, default_account);
        gnc_split_register_load_recn_cells (reg);
        gnc_split_register_load_type_cells (reg);

    if (info->separator_changed)
        info->separator_changed = FALSE;

        /* set the completion character for the xfer cells */
            (ComboCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell(table->layout, MXFRM_CELL),

            (ComboCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell(table->layout, XFRM_CELL),

        /* set the confirmation callback for the reconcile cell */
            (RecnCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell(table->layout, RECN_CELL),
            gnc_split_register_recn_cell_confirm, reg);

    table->model->dividing_row_upper = -1;
    table->model->dividing_row = -1;

    // Ensure that the transaction and splits being edited are in the split
    // list we're about to load.
    if (pending_trans != NULL)
        for (node = xaccTransGetSplitList(pending_trans); node; node = node->next)
            Split *pending_split = (Split*)node->data;
            if (!xaccTransStillHasSplit(pending_trans, pending_split)) continue;
            if (g_list_find(slist, pending_split) != NULL)

            if (g_list_find_custom(slist, pending_trans,
                                   _find_split_with_parent_txn) != NULL)

            if (!we_own_slist)
                // lazy-copy
                slist = g_list_copy(slist);
                we_own_slist = TRUE;
            slist = g_list_append(slist, pending_split);

    if (multi_line)
        trans_table = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);

    /* populate the table */
    for (node = slist; node; node = node->next)
        split = node->data;
        trans = xaccSplitGetParent (split);

        if (!xaccTransStillHasSplit(trans, split))

        if (pending_trans == trans)
            found_pending = TRUE;
	/* If the transaction has only one split, and it's not our
	 * pending_trans, then it's another register's blank split and
	 * we don't want to see it.
	else if (xaccTransCountSplits (trans) < 2)

        /* Do not load splits from the blank transaction. */
        if (trans == blank_trans)

        if (multi_line)
            /* Skip this split if its transaction has already been loaded. */
            if (g_hash_table_lookup (trans_table, trans))

            g_hash_table_insert (trans_table, trans, trans);

        if (info->show_present_divider &&
                use_autoreadonly &&
            if (xaccTransGetDate (trans) >= autoreadonly_time)
                table->model->dividing_row_upper = vcell_loc.virt_row;
                found_divider_upper = TRUE;
                need_divider_upper = TRUE;

        if (info->show_present_divider &&
                !found_divider &&
                (xaccTransGetDate (trans) > present))
            table->model->dividing_row = vcell_loc.virt_row;
            found_divider = TRUE;

        /* If this is the first load of the register,
         * fill up the quickfill cells. */
        if (info->first_pass)
            add_quickfill_completions(reg->table->layout, trans, split, has_last_num);

        if (trans == find_trans)
            new_trans_row = vcell_loc.virt_row;

        if (split == find_trans_split)
            new_trans_split_row = vcell_loc.virt_row;

        gnc_split_register_add_transaction (reg, trans, split,
                                            lead_cursor, split_cursor,
                                            multi_line, start_primary_color,
                                            find_trans, find_split, find_class,
                                            &new_split_row, &vcell_loc);

        if (!multi_line)
            start_primary_color = !start_primary_color;

    if (multi_line)
        g_hash_table_destroy (trans_table);

    /* add the blank split at the end. */
    if (pending_trans == blank_trans)
        found_pending = TRUE;

    /* No upper divider yet? Store it now */
    if (info->show_present_divider &&
            use_autoreadonly &&
            !found_divider_upper && need_divider_upper)
        table->model->dividing_row_upper = vcell_loc.virt_row;
        found_divider_upper = TRUE;

    if (blank_trans == find_trans)
        new_trans_row = vcell_loc.virt_row;

    if (blank_split == find_trans_split)
        new_trans_split_row = vcell_loc.virt_row;

    /* If we didn't find the pending transaction, it was removed
     * from the account. */
    if (!found_pending)
        info->pending_trans_guid = *guid_null ();
        if (xaccTransIsOpen (pending_trans))
            xaccTransCommitEdit (pending_trans);
        else if (pending_trans)

        pending_trans = NULL;

    /* go to blank on first pass */
    if (info->first_pass)
        new_split_row = -1;
        new_trans_split_row = -1;
        new_trans_row = -1;

        save_loc.vcell_loc = vcell_loc;
        save_loc.phys_row_offset = 0;
        save_loc.phys_col_offset = 0;

    gnc_split_register_add_transaction (reg, blank_trans, blank_split,
                                        lead_cursor, split_cursor,
                                        multi_line, start_primary_color,
                                        info->blank_split_edited, find_trans,
                                        find_split, find_class, &new_split_row,

    /* resize the table to the sizes we just counted above */
    /* num_virt_cols is always one. */
    gnc_table_set_size (table, vcell_loc.virt_row, 1);

    /* restore the cursor to its rightful position */
        VirtualLocation trans_split_loc;

        if (new_split_row > 0)
            save_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row = new_split_row;
        else if (new_trans_split_row > 0)
            save_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row = new_trans_split_row;
        else if (new_trans_row > 0)
            save_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row = new_trans_row;

        trans_split_loc = save_loc;

	gnc_split_register_get_trans_split (reg, save_loc.vcell_loc,

        if (dynamic || multi_line || info->trans_expanded)
                table, trans_split_loc.vcell_loc,
                gnc_split_register_get_active_cursor (reg));
            gnc_split_register_set_trans_visible (reg, trans_split_loc.vcell_loc,
                                                  TRUE, multi_line);

            info->trans_expanded = (reg->style == REG_STYLE_LEDGER);
            save_loc = trans_split_loc;
            info->trans_expanded = FALSE;

        if (gnc_table_find_close_valid_cell (table, &save_loc, FALSE))
            gnc_table_move_cursor_gui (table, save_loc);
            new_split_row = save_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row;

            if (find_split == gnc_split_register_get_current_split (reg))
                gnc_table_restore_current_cursor (table, cursor_buffer);

        gnc_cursor_buffer_destroy (cursor_buffer);
        cursor_buffer = NULL;

    /* Set up the hint transaction, split, transaction split, and column. */
    info->cursor_hint_trans = gnc_split_register_get_current_trans (reg);
    info->cursor_hint_split = gnc_split_register_get_current_split (reg);
    info->cursor_hint_trans_split =
        gnc_split_register_get_current_trans_split (reg, NULL);
    info->cursor_hint_cursor_class =
        gnc_split_register_get_current_cursor_class (reg);
    info->hint_set_by_traverse = FALSE;
    info->traverse_to_new = FALSE;
    info->exact_traversal = FALSE;
    info->first_pass = FALSE;
    info->reg_loaded = TRUE;

        reg, gnc_split_register_get_current_split (reg));

    gnc_table_refresh_gui (table, TRUE);

    gnc_split_register_show_trans (reg, table->current_cursor_loc.vcell_loc);

    /* enable callback for cursor user-driven moves */
    gnc_table_control_allow_move (table->control, TRUE);

    if (we_own_slist)

    LEAVE(" ");
gnc_payment_ok_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
    PaymentWindow *pw = data;
    const char *text = NULL;

    if (!pw)

    /* The gnc_payment_window_check_payment function
     * ensures we have valid owner, post account, transfer account
     * and amount so we can proceed with the payment.
     * Note: make sure it's called before all entry points to this function !
    gnc_suspend_gui_refresh ();
        const char *memo, *num;
        Timespec date;
        gnc_numeric exch = gnc_numeric_create(1, 1); //default to "one to one" rate
        GList *selected_lots = NULL;
        GtkTreeSelection *selection;
        gboolean auto_pay;

        /* Obtain all our ancillary information */
        memo = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (pw->memo_entry));
        num = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (pw->num_entry));
        date = gnc_date_edit_get_date_ts (GNC_DATE_EDIT (pw->date_edit));

        /* Obtain the list of selected lots (documents/payments) from the dialog */
        selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view));
        gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach (selection, get_selected_lots, &selected_lots);

        /* When the payment amount is 0, the selected documents cancel each other out
         * so no money is actually transferred.
         * For non-zero payments money will be transferred between the post account
         * and the transfer account. In that case if these two accounts don't have
         * the same currency the user is asked to enter the exchange rate.
        if (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (pw->amount_tot) &&
            !gnc_commodity_equal(xaccAccountGetCommodity(pw->xfer_acct), xaccAccountGetCommodity(pw->post_acct)))
            XferDialog* xfer;

            text = _("The transfer and post accounts are associated with different currencies. Please specify the conversion rate.");

            xfer = gnc_xfer_dialog(pw->dialog, pw->xfer_acct);
            gnc_info_dialog(pw->dialog, "%s", text);

            gnc_xfer_dialog_select_to_account(xfer, pw->post_acct);
            gnc_xfer_dialog_set_amount(xfer, pw->amount_tot);

            /* All we want is the exchange rate so prevent the user from thinking
               it makes sense to mess with other stuff */
            gnc_xfer_dialog_set_from_show_button_active(xfer, FALSE);
            gnc_xfer_dialog_set_to_show_button_active(xfer, FALSE);
            gnc_xfer_dialog_is_exchange_dialog(xfer, &exch);

        /* Perform the payment */
        if (gncOwnerGetType (&(pw->owner)) == GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER)
            auto_pay = gnc_prefs_get_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_INVOICE, GNC_PREF_AUTO_PAY);
            auto_pay = gnc_prefs_get_bool (GNC_PREFS_GROUP_BILL, GNC_PREF_AUTO_PAY);

        gncOwnerApplyPayment (&pw->owner, pw->pre_existing_txn, selected_lots,
                              pw->post_acct, pw->xfer_acct, pw->amount_tot,
                              exch, date, memo, num, auto_pay);
    gnc_resume_gui_refresh ();

    /* Save the transfer account, xfer_acct */
    gnc_payment_dialog_remember_account(pw, pw->xfer_acct);

    gnc_ui_payment_window_destroy (pw);
void gnc_file_log_replay (void)
    char *selected_filename;
    char *default_dir;
    char read_buf[256];
    char *read_retval;
    GtkFileFilter *filter;
    FILE *log_file;
    char * record_start_str = "===== START";
    /* NOTE: This string must match src/engine/TransLog.cpp (sans newline) */
    char * expected_header_orig = "mod\ttrans_guid\tsplit_guid\ttime_now\t"
    static char *expected_header = NULL;

    /* Use g_strdup_printf so we don't get accidental tab -> space conversion */
    if (!expected_header)
        expected_header = g_strdup(expected_header_orig);

    qof_log_set_level(GNC_MOD_IMPORT, QOF_LOG_DEBUG);
    ENTER(" ");

    /* Don't log the log replay. This would only result in redundant logs */

    default_dir = gnc_get_default_directory(GCONF_SECTION);

    filter = gtk_file_filter_new();
    gtk_file_filter_set_name(filter, "*.log");
    gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(filter, "*.[Ll][Oo][Gg]");
    selected_filename = gnc_file_dialog(_("Select a .log file to replay"),
                                        g_list_prepend(NULL, filter),

    if (selected_filename != NULL)
        /* Remember the directory as the default. */
        default_dir = g_path_get_dirname(selected_filename);
        gnc_set_default_directory(GCONF_SECTION, default_dir);

        /*strncpy(file,selected_filename, 255);*/
        DEBUG("Filename found: %s", selected_filename);
        if (xaccFileIsCurrentLog(selected_filename))
            g_warning("Cannot open the current log file: %s", selected_filename);
                             /* Translators: %s is the file name. */
                             _("Cannot open the current log file: %s"),
            DEBUG("Opening selected file");
            log_file = g_fopen(selected_filename, "r");
            if (!log_file || ferror(log_file) != 0)
                int err = errno;
                perror("File open failed");
                                 /* Translation note:
                                  * First argument is the filename,
                                  * second argument is the error.
                                 _("Failed to open log file: %s: %s"),
                if ((read_retval = fgets(read_buf, sizeof(read_buf), log_file)) == NULL)
                    DEBUG("Read error or EOF");
                    gnc_info_dialog(NULL, "%s",
                                    _("The log file you selected was empty."));
                    if (strncmp(expected_header, read_buf, strlen(expected_header)) != 0)
                        PERR("File header not recognised:\n%s", read_buf);
                        PERR("Expected:\n%s", expected_header);
                        gnc_error_dialog(NULL, "%s",
                                         _("The log file you selected cannot be read.  "
                                           "The file header was not recognized."));
                            read_retval = fgets(read_buf, sizeof(read_buf), log_file);
                            /*DEBUG("Chunk read: %s",read_retval);*/
                            if (strncmp(record_start_str, read_buf, strlen(record_start_str)) == 0) /* If a record started */
                        while (feof(log_file) == 0);
    /* Start logging again */
