SCM gfec_apply(SCM proc, SCM arglist, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:apply-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error; call_result = scm_call_2 (func, proc, arglist); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; }
SCM gfec_eval_string(const char *str, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:eval-string-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error = SCM_UNDEFINED; call_result = scm_call_1 (func, scm_from_utf8_string (str)); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; }
/******************************************************************** * update_report_list * * this procedure does the real work of displaying a sorted list of * available custom reports ********************************************************************/ static void update_report_list(GtkListStore *store, CustomReportDialog *crd) { SCM get_rpt_guids = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:custom-report-template-guids"); SCM template_menu_name = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid"); SCM rpt_guids; int i; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (store); gboolean valid_iter; gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(store), COL_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING); crd->reportlist = scm_call_0(get_rpt_guids); rpt_guids = crd->reportlist; /* Empty current liststore */ valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter); while (valid_iter) { GValue value = { 0, }; GncGUID *row_guid; g_value_init ( &value, G_TYPE_POINTER); gtk_tree_model_get_value (model, &iter, COL_NUM, &value); row_guid = (GncGUID *) g_value_get_pointer (&value); guid_free (row_guid); g_value_unset (&value); valid_iter = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter); } gtk_list_store_clear(store); if (scm_is_list(rpt_guids)) { /* for all the report guids in the list, store them, with a reference, in the gtkliststore */ for (i = 0; !scm_is_null(rpt_guids); i++) { GncGUID *guid = guid_malloc (); gchar *guid_str = scm_to_utf8_string (SCM_CAR(rpt_guids)); gchar *name = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (scm_call_2(template_menu_name, SCM_CAR(rpt_guids), SCM_BOOL_F)); if (string_to_guid (guid_str, guid)) { gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, COL_NAME, name, COL_NUM, guid, -1); } g_free (name); g_free (guid_str); rpt_guids = SCM_CDR(rpt_guids); } } }
KvpValue * gnc_scm_to_kvp_value_ptr(SCM val) { if (scm_is_rational(val)) { if (scm_is_exact(val) && (scm_is_signed_integer(val, INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX) || scm_is_unsigned_integer(val, INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX))) { return new KvpValue{scm_to_int64(val)}; } else if (scm_is_exact(val) && (scm_is_signed_integer(scm_numerator(val), INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX) || scm_is_unsigned_integer(scm_numerator(val), INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX)) && (scm_is_signed_integer(scm_denominator(val), INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX) || (scm_is_unsigned_integer(scm_denominator(val), INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX)))) { return new KvpValue{gnc_scm_to_numeric(val)}; } else { return new KvpValue{scm_to_double(val)}; } } else if (gnc_guid_p(val)) { auto guid = gnc_scm2guid(val); auto tmpguid = guid_copy(&guid); return new KvpValue{tmpguid}; } else if (gnc_timepair_p(val)) { Timespec ts = gnc_timepair2timespec(val); return new KvpValue{ts}; } else if (scm_is_string(val)) { return new KvpValue{gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(val)}; } else if (SWIG_IsPointerOfType(val, SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_KvpFrame"))) { #define FUNC_NAME G_STRFUNC auto vp_frame = SWIG_MustGetPtr(val, SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_KvpFrame"), 1, 0); KvpFrame *frame = static_cast<KvpFrame*>(vp_frame); #undef FUNC_NAME return new KvpValue{frame}; } /* FIXME: add list handler here */ return NULL; }
/**********************************************************************\ * gnc_split_scm_get_action * * return the newly allocated action of a scheme split, or NULL. * * * * Args: split_scm - the scheme split * * Returns: newly allocated action string, must be freed with g_free * \**********************************************************************/ char * gnc_split_scm_get_action(SCM split_scm) { SCM result; initialize_scm_functions(); if (!gnc_is_split_scm(split_scm)) return NULL; result = scm_call_1(getters.split_scm_action, split_scm); if (!scm_is_string(result)) return NULL; return gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(result); }
KvpValue * gnc_scm_to_kvp_value_ptr(SCM val) { if (scm_is_number(val)) { /* in guile 1.8 (exact? ) only works on numbers */ if (scm_is_exact (val) && gnc_gh_gint64_p(val)) { return new KvpValue{scm_to_int64(val)}; } else { return new KvpValue{scm_to_double(val)}; } } else if (gnc_numeric_p(val)) { return new KvpValue{gnc_scm_to_numeric(val)}; } else if (gnc_guid_p(val)) { auto guid = gnc_scm2guid(val); auto tmpguid = guid_copy(&guid); return new KvpValue{tmpguid}; } else if (gnc_timepair_p(val)) { Timespec ts = gnc_timepair2timespec(val); return new KvpValue{ts}; } else if (scm_is_string(val)) { return new KvpValue{gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(val)}; } else if (SWIG_IsPointerOfType(val, SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_KvpFrame"))) { #define FUNC_NAME G_STRFUNC auto vp_frame = SWIG_MustGetPtr(val, SWIG_TypeQuery("_p_KvpFrame"), 1, 0); KvpFrame *frame = static_cast<KvpFrame*>(vp_frame); #undef FUNC_NAME return new KvpValue{frame}; } /* FIXME: add list handler here */ return NULL; }
static void test_query (Query *q, SCM val2str) { SCM scm_q; SCM str_q; SCM res_q; SCM args = SCM_EOL; Query *q2; gchar *str2 = NULL; scm_q = gnc_query2scm (q); args = scm_cons (scm_q, SCM_EOL); str_q = scm_apply (val2str, args, SCM_EOL); args = scm_cons (scm_from_utf8_string ("'"), scm_cons (str_q, SCM_EOL)); str_q = scm_string_append (args); str2 = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (str_q); if (str2) { res_q = scm_c_eval_string (str2); } else { res_q = SCM_BOOL_F; } q2 = gnc_scm2query (res_q); if (!qof_query_equal (q, q2)) { failure ("queries don't match"); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n\n", str2 ? str2 : "(null)"); scm_q = gnc_query2scm (q2); scm_display (scm_q, SCM_UNDEFINED); scm_newline (SCM_UNDEFINED); g_free(str2); exit (1); } else { success ("queries match"); } g_free(str2); if (q2) qof_query_destroy (q2); }
SCM gfec_eval_string(const char *str, gfec_error_handler error_handler) { SCM result = SCM_UNDEFINED; SCM func = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:eval-string-with-error-handling"); if (scm_is_procedure(func)) { char *err_msg = NULL; SCM call_result, error = SCM_UNDEFINED; /* Deal with the possibility that scm_from_utf8_string will * throw, falling back to scm_from_locale_string. If that fails, log a * warning and punt. */ SCM scm_string = scm_internal_catch(SCM_BOOL_T, gfec_string_from_utf8, (void*)str, gfec_string_inner_handler, (void*)str); if (!scm_string) { error_handler("Contents could not be interpreted as UTF-8 or the current locale/codepage."); return result; } call_result = scm_call_1 (func, scm_string); error = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (1)); if (scm_is_true (error)) err_msg = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (error); else result = scm_list_ref (call_result, scm_from_uint (0)); if (err_msg != NULL) { if (error_handler) error_handler (err_msg); free(err_msg); } } return result; }
/********************************************************************* * custom_report_delete * * this will delete the report, update the reports list and leave the * dialog active for additional usage. *********************************************************************/ static void custom_report_delete (SCM guid, CustomReportDialog *crd) { SCM template_menu_name = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid"); gchar *report_name; if (scm_is_null (guid)) return; report_name = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(scm_call_2(template_menu_name, guid, SCM_BOOL_F)); /* we must confirm the user wants to delete their precious custom report! */ if (gnc_verify_dialog( GTK_WINDOW (crd->dialog), FALSE, _("Are you sure you want to delete %s?"), report_name)) { SCM del_report = scm_c_eval_string("gnc:delete-report"); scm_call_1(del_report, guid); update_report_list(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(crd->reportview))), crd); } g_free (report_name); }
/************************************************************************\ * gnc_get_credit_string * * return a credit string for a given account type * * * * Args: account_type - type of account to get credit string for * * Return: g_malloc'd credit string or NULL, must be freed with g_free * \************************************************************************/ char * gnc_get_credit_string(GNCAccountType account_type) { SCM result; SCM arg; initialize_scm_functions(); if (gnc_prefs_get_bool(GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_ACCOUNTING_LABELS)) return g_strdup(_("Credit")); if ((account_type < ACCT_TYPE_NONE) || (account_type >= NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES)) account_type = ACCT_TYPE_NONE; arg = scm_from_long (account_type); result = scm_call_1(getters.credit_string, arg); if (!scm_is_string(result)) return NULL; return gnc_scm_to_utf8_string(result); }
/**************************************************************** * acct_tree_add_accts * * Given a Scheme list of accounts, this function populates a * GtkTreeStore from them. If the search_name and reference * parameters are provided, and an account is found whose full * name matches search_name, then a GtkTreeRowReference* will be * returned in the reference parameter. ****************************************************************/ static void acct_tree_add_accts(SCM accts, GtkTreeStore *store, GtkTreeIter *parent, const char *base_name, const char *search_name, GtkTreeRowReference **reference) { GtkTreeIter iter; char * compname; char * acctname; gboolean leafnode; SCM current; gboolean checked; while (!scm_is_null(accts)) { current = SCM_CAR(accts); if (scm_is_null(current)) { g_critical("QIF import: BUG DETECTED in acct_tree_add_accts!"); accts = SCM_CDR(accts); continue; } if (scm_is_string(SCM_CAR(current))) compname = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (SCM_CAR(current)); else compname = g_strdup(""); if (!scm_is_null(SCM_CADDR(current))) { leafnode = FALSE; } else { leafnode = TRUE; } /* compute full name */ if (base_name && *base_name) { acctname = g_strjoin(gnc_get_account_separator_string(), base_name, compname, (char *)NULL); } else { acctname = g_strdup(compname); } checked = (SCM_CADR(current) == SCM_BOOL_T); gtk_tree_store_append(store, &iter, parent); gtk_tree_store_set(store, &iter, ACCOUNT_COL_NAME, compname, ACCOUNT_COL_FULLNAME, acctname, ACCOUNT_COL_CHECK, checked, -1); if (reference && !*reference && search_name && (g_utf8_collate(search_name, acctname) == 0)) { GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter); *reference = gtk_tree_row_reference_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), path); gtk_tree_path_free(path); } if (!leafnode) { acct_tree_add_accts(SCM_CADDR(current), store, &iter, acctname, search_name, reference); } g_free(acctname); g_free(compname); accts = SCM_CDR(accts); } }
/**************************************************************** * qif_account_picker_dialog * * Select an account from the ones that the engine knows about, * plus those that will be created by the QIF import. If the * user clicks OK, map_entry is changed and TRUE is returned. * If the clicks Cancel instead, FALSE is returned. Modal. ****************************************************************/ gboolean qif_account_picker_dialog(QIFImportWindow * qif_wind, SCM map_entry) { QIFAccountPickerDialog * wind; SCM gnc_name = scm_c_eval_string("qif-map-entry:gnc-name"); SCM set_gnc_name = scm_c_eval_string("qif-map-entry:set-gnc-name!"); SCM orig_acct = scm_call_1(gnc_name, map_entry); int response; GtkBuilder *builder; GtkWidget *button; wind = g_new0(QIFAccountPickerDialog, 1); /* Save the map entry. */ wind->map_entry = map_entry; scm_gc_protect_object(wind->map_entry); /* Set the initial account to be selected. */ if (scm_is_string(orig_acct)) wind->selected_name = gnc_scm_to_utf8_string (orig_acct); builder = gtk_builder_new(); gnc_builder_add_from_file (builder, "", "QIF Import Account Picker"); /* Connect all the signals */ gtk_builder_connect_signals (builder, wind); wind->dialog = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "QIF Import Account Picker")); wind->treeview = GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "account_tree")); wind->qif_wind = qif_wind; { GtkTreeStore *store; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; GtkTreeViewColumn *column; GtkTreeSelection *selection; store = gtk_tree_store_new(NUM_ACCOUNT_COLS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); gtk_tree_view_set_model(wind->treeview, GTK_TREE_MODEL(store)); g_object_unref(store); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(_("Account"), renderer, "text", ACCOUNT_COL_NAME, NULL); g_object_set(column, "expand", TRUE, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column(wind->treeview, column); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new(); g_object_set(renderer, "activatable", FALSE, NULL); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes(_("New?"), renderer, "active", ACCOUNT_COL_CHECK, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column(wind->treeview, column); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(wind->treeview); g_signal_connect(selection, "changed", G_CALLBACK(gnc_ui_qif_account_picker_changed_cb), wind); g_signal_connect(wind->treeview, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK(gnc_ui_qif_account_picker_row_activated_cb), wind); } g_signal_connect_after(wind->dialog, "map", G_CALLBACK(gnc_ui_qif_account_picker_map_cb), wind); button = GTK_WIDGET(gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "newbutton")); gtk_button_set_use_stock(GTK_BUTTON(button), TRUE); /* this is to get the checkmarks set up right.. it will get called * again after the window is mapped. */ build_acct_tree(wind, wind->qif_wind); do { response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(wind->dialog)); } while (response == GNC_RESPONSE_NEW); gtk_widget_destroy(wind->dialog); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(builder)); scm_gc_unprotect_object(wind->map_entry); g_free(wind->selected_name); g_free(wind); if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) return TRUE; /* Restore the original mapping. */ scm_call_2(set_gnc_name, map_entry, orig_acct); return FALSE; }