// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . see if other pages we've indexed have this same image url
bool Images::launchRequests ( ) {
	// loop over all images
	for ( long i = m_i ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
		// advance
		// assume no error
		m_errors[i] = 0;
		// make the keys. each term is a gbimage:<imageUrl> term
		// so we are searching for the image url to see how often
		// it is repeated on other pages.
		key144_t startKey ; 
		key144_t endKey   ;
		g_posdb.makeEndKey  (&endKey  ,m_termIds[i]);
		// get our residing groupid
		//unsigned long gid = g_indexdb.getNoSplitGroupId(&startKey);
		// no split is true for this one, so we do not split by docid
		//uint32_t gid = getGroupId(RDB_INDEXDB,&startKey,false);
		unsigned long shardNum;
		shardNum = getShardNum(RDB_POSDB,&startKey);
		// get the termlist
		if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1    , // hostid
					-1    , // ip
					-1    , // port
					0     , // maxAge
					false , // addToCache?
					m_collnum      ,
					&m_list     , // RdbList ptr
					(char *)&startKey    ,
					(char *)&endKey      ,
					1024        , // minRecSize
					this        ,
					gotTermListWrapper ,
					MAX_NICENESS       ,
					false , // err correction?
					true  , // inc tree?
					true  , // domergeobsolete
					-1    , // firstHostId
					0     , // start filenum
					-1    , // numFiles
					30    , // timeout
					-1    , // syncpoint
					-1    , // preferlocalreads
					NULL  , // msg5
					NULL  , // msg5b
					false , // isRealMerge?
					true  , // allow pg cache
					false , // focelocalindexdb
					false , // doIndexdbSplit?
					shardNum ))// force paritysplit
			return false;
		// process the msg36 response
		gotTermList ();
	// i guess we didn't block
	return downloadImages();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . see if other pages we've indexed have this same image url
bool Images::launchRequests ( ) {
	// loop over all images
	for ( int32_t i = m_i ; i < m_numImages ; i++ ) {
		// advance
		// assume no error
		m_errors[i] = 0;
		// make the keys. each term is a gbimage:<imageUrl> term
		// so we are searching for the image url to see how often
		// it is repeated on other pages.
		key144_t startKey ; 
		key144_t endKey   ;
		g_posdb.makeEndKey  (&endKey  ,m_termIds[i]);
		uint32_t shardNum;
		// assume to be for posdb here
		shardNum = g_hostdb.getShardNumByTermId ( &startKey );

		// debug msg
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugImage )
			log("image: image checking shardnum %" PRId32" (termid0=%" PRIu64")"
			    " for image url #%" PRId32,
			    shardNum ,m_termIds[i],i);

		// get the termlist
		if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1    , // hostid
					-1    , // ip
					-1    , // port
					0     , // maxAge
					false , // addToCache?
					m_collnum      ,
					&m_list     , // RdbList ptr
					(char *)&startKey    ,
					(char *)&endKey      ,
					1024        , // minRecSize
					this        ,
					gotTermListWrapper ,
					MAX_NICENESS       ,
					false , // err correction?
					true  , // inc tree?
					true  , // domergeobsolete
					-1    , // firstHostId
					0     , // start filenum
					-1    , // numFiles
					30000 , // timeout
					-1    , // syncpoint
					-1    , // preferlocalreads
					NULL  , // msg5
					false , // isRealMerge?
					true  , // allow pg cache
					false , // focelocalindexdb
					false , // doIndexdbSplit?
					shardNum ))// force paritysplit
			return false;
		// process the msg36 response
		gotTermList ();
	// i guess we didn't block
	return downloadImages();