static bool garmin_bin_initialize(void) { unsigned int i; #ifndef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE if(serial) { monitor_complain("Direct mode doesn't supported."); return false; } #endif miscwin = subwin(devicewin, 1, 80, 1, 0); mid51win = subwin(devicewin, 12, 18, 2, 0); mid114win = subwin(devicewin, GARMIN_CHANNELS + 3, 23, 2, 18); if (miscwin == NULL || mid51win == NULL || mid114win == NULL) return false; (void)syncok(miscwin, true); (void)syncok(mid51win, true); (void)syncok(mid114win, true); (void)wattrset(miscwin, A_BOLD); display(miscwin, 0, 0, "Time:"); (void)wattrset(miscwin, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid51win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid51win, A_BOLD); display(mid51win, 0, 4, " Position "); display(mid51win, 1, 2, "Fix:"); display(mid51win, 2, 2, "Lat:"); (void)mvwaddch(mid51win, 2, 16, ACS_DEGREE); display(mid51win, 3, 2, "Lon:"); (void)mvwaddch(mid51win, 3, 16, ACS_DEGREE); display(mid51win, 4, 2, "Alt: m"); display(mid51win, 5, 2, "Speed: m/s"); display(mid51win, 6, 2, "Climb: m/s"); display(mid51win, 7, 2, "Leap: sec"); display(mid51win, 8, 2, "epe: m"); display(mid51win, 9, 2, "eph: m"); display(mid51win, 10, 2, "epv: m"); display(mid51win, 11, 3, " ID 51 (0x33) "); (void)wattrset(mid51win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid114win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid114win, A_BOLD); display(mid114win, 1, 1, "Ch PRN Az El SNR ST"); for (i = 0; i < GARMIN_CHANNELS; i++) { display(mid114win, (int)i + 2, 1, "%2d", i); } display(mid114win, 0, 5, " Satellite "); display(mid114win, 14, 4, " ID 114 (0x72) "); (void)wattrset(mid114win, A_NORMAL); /* initialize the GPS context's time fields */ gpsd_time_init(session.context, time(NULL)); return true; }
static bool sirf_initialize(void) { unsigned int i; mid2win = subwin(devicewin, 6, 80, 1, 0); mid4win = subwin(devicewin, SIRF_CHANNELS + 3, 30, 7, 0); mid6win = subwin(devicewin, 3, 50, 7, 30); mid7win = subwin(devicewin, 4, 50, 13, 30); mid9win = subwin(devicewin, 3, 50, 10, 30); mid13win = subwin(devicewin, 3, 50, 17, 30); mid19win = newwin(16, 50, 7, 30); mid27win = subwin(devicewin, 3, 50, 20, 30); if (mid2win == NULL || mid4win == NULL || mid6win == NULL || mid9win == NULL || mid13win == NULL || mid19win == NULL || mid27win == NULL) return false; (void)syncok(mid2win, true); (void)syncok(mid4win, true); (void)syncok(mid6win, true); (void)syncok(mid7win, true); (void)syncok(mid9win, true); (void)syncok(mid13win, true); (void)syncok(mid27win, true); (void)wborder(mid2win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_BOLD); (void)wmove(mid2win, 0, 1); display(mid2win, 0, 12, " X "); display(mid2win, 0, 21, " Y "); display(mid2win, 0, 30, " Z "); display(mid2win, 0, 43, " North "); display(mid2win, 0, 54, " East "); display(mid2win, 0, 65, " Alt "); (void)wmove(mid2win, 1, 1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Pos: m m"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 2, 1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Vel: m/s climb m/s"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 3, 1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Time: Leap: Heading: speed m/s"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 4, 1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Fix: HDOP: M1: M2: "); display(mid2win, 5, 24, " Packet type 2 (0x02) "); (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid4win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid4win, A_BOLD); display(mid4win, 1, 1, "Ch PRN Az El Stat C/N ? SF"); for (i = 0; i < SIRF_CHANNELS; i++) { display(mid4win, (int)(i + 2), 1, "%2d", i); } display(mid4win, 0, 1, " Measured Tracker "); display(mid4win, 14, 4, " Packet Type 4 (0x04) "); (void)wattrset(mid4win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid19win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid19win, A_BOLD); display(mid19win, 1, 1, "Alt. hold mode:"); display(mid19win, 2, 1, "Alt. hold source:"); display(mid19win, 3, 1, "Alt. source input:"); display(mid19win, 4, 1, "Degraded timeout:"); display(mid19win, 5, 1, "DR timeout:"); display(mid19win, 6, 1, "Track smooth mode:"); display(mid19win, 7, 1, "Static Navigation:"); display(mid19win, 8, 1, "3SV Least Squares:"); display(mid19win, 9, 1, "DOP Mask mode:"); display(mid19win, 10, 1, "Nav. Elev. mask:"); display(mid19win, 11, 1, "Nav. Power mask:"); display(mid19win, 12, 1, "DGPS Source:"); display(mid19win, 13, 1, "DGPS Mode:"); display(mid19win, 14, 1, "DGPS Timeout:"); display(mid19win, 1, 26, "LP Push-to-Fix:"); display(mid19win, 2, 26, "LP On Time:"); display(mid19win, 3, 26, "LP Interval:"); display(mid19win, 4, 26, "U. Tasks Enab.:"); display(mid19win, 5, 26, "U. Task Inter.:"); display(mid19win, 6, 26, "LP Pwr Cyc En:"); display(mid19win, 7, 26, "LP Max Acq Srch:"); display(mid19win, 8, 26, "LP Max Off Time:"); display(mid19win, 9, 26, "APM enabled:"); display(mid19win, 10, 26, "# of Fixes:"); display(mid19win, 11, 26, "Time btw Fixes:"); display(mid19win, 12, 26, "H/V Error Max:"); display(mid19win, 13, 26, "Rsp Time Max:"); display(mid19win, 14, 26, "Time/Accu:"); display(mid19win, 15, 8, " Packet type 19 (0x13) "); (void)wattrset(mid19win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid6win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid6win, A_BOLD); display(mid6win, 0, 1, " Firmware Version "); display(mid6win, 2, 8, " Packet Type 6 (0x06) "); (void)wattrset(mid6win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid7win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid7win, A_BOLD); display(mid7win, 0, 1, " Clock Status "); display(mid7win, 1, 1, "SVs: "); display(mid7win, 1, 9, "Drift: "); display(mid7win, 1, 23, "Bias: "); display(mid7win, 2, 1, "GPS Time: "); display(mid7win, 2, 23, "PPS: "); (void)syncok(mid7win, true); #ifndef PPS_ENABLE (void)mvwaddstr(mid7win, 2, 40, "N/A"); #endif /* PPS_ENABLE */ display(mid7win, 3, 8, " Packet type 7 (0x07) "); (void)wattrset(mid7win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid9win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid9win, A_BOLD); display(mid9win, 0, 1, " CPU Throughput "); display(mid9win, 1, 1, "Max: "); display(mid9win, 1, 13, "Lat: "); display(mid9win, 1, 25, "Time: "); display(mid9win, 1, 39, "MS: "); display(mid9win, 2, 8, " Packet type 9 (0x09) "); (void)wattrset(mid9win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid13win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid13win, A_BOLD); display(mid13win, 0, 1, " Visible List "); display(mid13win, 2, 8, " Packet type 13 (0x0D) "); (void)wattrset(mid13win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid27win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid27win, A_BOLD); display(mid27win, 0, 1, " DGPS Status "); display(mid27win, 2, 8, " Packet type 27 (0x1B) "); (void)wattrset(mid27win, A_NORMAL); #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE /* probe for version */ (void)monitor_control_send((unsigned char *)"\x84\x00", 2); #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ /* initialize the GPS context's time fields */ gpsd_time_init(session.context, time(NULL)); return true; }
static bool gps_query(/*@out@*/struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, gps_mask_t expect, const int timeout, const char *fmt, ... ) /* ship a command and wait on an expected response type */ { static fd_set rfds; char buf[BUFSIZ]; va_list ap; time_t starttime; #ifdef COMPAT_SELECT struct timeval tv; #else struct timespec tv; sigset_t oldset, blockset; (void)sigemptyset(&blockset); (void)sigaddset(&blockset, SIGHUP); (void)sigaddset(&blockset, SIGINT); (void)sigaddset(&blockset, SIGTERM); (void)sigaddset(&blockset, SIGQUIT); (void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blockset, &oldset); #endif /* COMPAT_SELECT */ va_start(ap, fmt); (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-2, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '\n') (void)strlcat(buf, "\n", BUFSIZ); /*@-usedef@*/ if (write(gpsdata->gps_fd, buf, strlen(buf)) <= 0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "gps_query(), write failed\n"); return false; } /*@+usedef@*/ gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "gps_query(), wrote, %s\n", buf); FD_ZERO(&rfds); starttime = time(NULL); for (;;) { FD_CLR(gpsdata->gps_fd, &rfds); gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "waiting...\n"); /*@ -usedef -type -nullpass -compdef @*/ tv.tv_sec = 2; #ifdef COMPAT_SELECT tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(gpsdata->gps_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1) { #else tv.tv_nsec = 0; if (pselect(gpsdata->gps_fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv, &oldset) == -1) { #endif if (errno == EINTR || !FD_ISSET(gpsdata->gps_fd, &rfds)) continue; gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "select %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /*@ +usedef +type +nullpass +compdef @*/ gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "reading...\n"); (void)gps_read(gpsdata); if (ERROR_SET & gpsdata->set) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "error '%s'\n", gpsdata->error); return false; } /*@ +ignorequals @*/ if ((expect == NON_ERROR) || (expect & gpsdata->set) != 0) return true; else if (timeout > 0 && (time(NULL) - starttime > timeout)) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "timed out after %d seconds\n", timeout); return false; } /*@ -ignorequals @*/ } return false; } static void onsig(int sig) { if (sig == SIGALRM) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "packet recognition timed out.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "killed by signal %d\n", sig); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } static char /*@observer@*/ *gpsd_id( /*@in@ */ struct gps_device_t *session) /* full ID of the device for reports, including subtype */ { static char buf[128]; if ((session == NULL) || (session->device_type == NULL) || (session->device_type->type_name == NULL)) return "unknown,"; (void)strlcpy(buf, session->device_type->type_name, sizeof(buf)); if (session->subtype[0] != '\0') { (void)strlcat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf)); (void)strlcat(buf, session->subtype, sizeof(buf)); } return (buf); } static void ctlhook(struct gps_device_t *device UNUSED, gps_mask_t changed UNUSED) /* recognize when we've achieved sync */ { static int packet_counter = 0; /* * If it's NMEA, go back around enough times for the type probes to * reveal any secret identity (like SiRF or UBX) the chip might have. * If it's not, getting more packets might fetch subtype information. */ if (packet_counter++ >= REDIRECT_SNIFF) { hunting = false; (void) alarm(0); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int option, status; char *device = NULL, *devtype = NULL; char *speed = NULL, *control = NULL, *rate = NULL; bool to_binary = false, to_nmea = false, reset = false; bool lowlevel=false, echo=false; struct gps_data_t gpsdata; const struct gps_type_t *forcetype = NULL; const struct gps_type_t **dp; #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE char cooked[BUFSIZ]; ssize_t cooklen = 0; #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ context.errout.label = "gpsctl"; #define USAGE "usage: gpsctl [-l] [-b | -n | -r] [-D n] [-s speed] [-c rate] [-T timeout] [-V] [-t devtype] [-x control] [-e] <device>\n" while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "bec:fhlnrs:t:x:D:T:V")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'b': /* switch to vendor binary mode */ to_binary = true; break; case 'c': #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE rate = optarg; #else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "cycle-change capability has been conditioned out.\n"); #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ break; case 'x': /* ship specified control string */ #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE control = optarg; lowlevel = true; if ((cooklen = hex_escapes(cooked, control)) <= 0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "invalid escape string (error %d)\n", (int)cooklen); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "control_send capability has been conditioned out.\n"); #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ break; case 'e': /* echo specified control string with wrapper */ lowlevel = true; echo = true; break; case 'f': /* force direct access to the device */ lowlevel = true; break; case 'l': /* list known device types */ for (dp = gpsd_drivers; *dp; dp++) { #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE if ((*dp)->mode_switcher != NULL) (void)fputs("-[bn]\t", stdout); else (void)fputc('\t', stdout); if ((*dp)->speed_switcher != NULL) (void)fputs("-s\t", stdout); else (void)fputc('\t', stdout); if ((*dp)->rate_switcher != NULL) (void)fputs("-c\t", stdout); else (void)fputc('\t', stdout); #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE if ((*dp)->control_send != NULL) (void)fputs("-x\t", stdout); else (void)fputc('\t', stdout); #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ (void)puts((*dp)->type_name); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'n': /* switch to NMEA mode */ #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE to_nmea = true; #else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "speed-change capability has been conditioned out.\n"); #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ break; case 'r': /* force-switch to default mode */ #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE reset = true; lowlevel = false; /* so we'll abort if the daemon is running */ #else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "reset capability has been conditioned out.\n"); #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ break; case 's': /* change output baud rate */ #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE speed = optarg; #else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "speed-change capability has been conditioned out.\n"); #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ break; case 't': /* force the device type */ devtype = optarg; break; case 'T': /* set the timeout on packet recognition */ timeout = (unsigned)atoi(optarg); explicit_timeout = true; break; case 'D': /* set debugging level */ debuglevel = atoi(optarg); #ifdef CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE gps_enable_debug(debuglevel, stderr); #endif /* CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE */ break; case 'V': (void)fprintf(stderr, "version %s (revision %s)\n", VERSION, REVISION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'h': default: fprintf(stderr, USAGE); break; } } if (optind < argc) device = argv[optind]; if (devtype != NULL) { int matchcount = 0; for (dp = gpsd_drivers; *dp; dp++) { if (strstr((*dp)->type_name, devtype) != NULL) { forcetype = *dp; matchcount++; } } if (matchcount == 0) gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "no driver type name matches '%s'.\n", devtype); else if (matchcount == 1) { assert(forcetype != NULL); gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s driver selected.\n", forcetype->type_name); } else { forcetype = NULL; gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%d driver type names match '%s'.\n", matchcount, devtype); } } if (((int)to_nmea + (int)to_binary + (int)reset) > 1) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "make up your mind, would you?\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } (void) signal(SIGINT, onsig); (void) signal(SIGTERM, onsig); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, onsig); /*@-nullpass@*/ /* someday, add null annotation to the gpsopen() params */ if (!lowlevel) { /* Try to open the stream to gpsd. */ if (gps_open(NULL, NULL, &gpsdata) != 0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "no gpsd running or network error: %s.\n", gps_errstr(errno)); lowlevel = true; } } /*@-nullpass@*/ if (!lowlevel) { int i, devcount; if (!explicit_timeout) timeout = HIGH_LEVEL_TIMEOUT; /* what devices have we available? */ if (!gps_query(&gpsdata, DEVICELIST_SET, (int)timeout, "?DEVICES;\n")) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "no DEVICES response received.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (gpsdata.devices.ndevices == 0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "no devices connected.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (gpsdata.devices.ndevices > 1 && device == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "multiple devices and no device specified.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%d device(s) found.\n",gpsdata.devices.ndevices); /* try to mine the devicelist return for the data we want */ if (gpsdata.devices.ndevices == 1 && device == NULL) { device =; i = 0; } else { assert(device != NULL); for (i = 0; i < gpsdata.devices.ndevices; i++) if (strcmp(device, gpsdata.devices.list[i].path) == 0) { goto devicelist_entry_matches; } gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "specified device not found in device list.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); devicelist_entry_matches:; } (void)memcpy(&, &gpsdata.devices.list[i], sizeof(struct devconfig_t)); devcount = gpsdata.devices.ndevices; /* if the device has not identified, watch it until it does so */ if ([0] == '\0') { if (gps_stream(&gpsdata, WATCH_ENABLE|WATCH_JSON, NULL) == -1) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "stream set failed.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (devcount > 0) { errno = 0; if (gps_read(&gpsdata) == -1) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "data read failed.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (gpsdata.set & DEVICE_SET) { --devcount; assert([0]!='\0' &&[0]!='\0'); if (strcmp(, device) == 0) { goto matching_device_seen; } } } gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "data read failed.\n"); (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); matching_device_seen:; } /* sanity check */ if ([0] == '\0') { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_SHOUT, "%s can't be identified.\n",; (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* if no control operation was specified, just ID the device */ if (speed==NULL && rate == NULL && !to_nmea && !to_binary && !reset) { (void)printf("%s identified as a %s",,; if ([0] != '\0') { (void)fputc(' ', stdout); (void)fputs(, stdout); } if ( > 0) (void)printf(" at %u baud",; (void)fputc('.', stdout); (void)fputc('\n', stdout); } status = 0; #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE if (reset) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "cannot reset with gpsd running.\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /*@-boolops@*/ /* * We used to wait on DEVICE_SET here. That doesn't work * anymore because when the demon generates its response it * sets the mode bit in the response from the current packet * type, which may not have changed (probably will not have * changed) even though the command to switch modes has been * sent and will shortly take effect. */ if (to_nmea) { if (!gps_query(&gpsdata, NON_ERROR, (int)timeout, "?DEVICE={\"path\":\"%s\",\"native\":0}\r\n", device)) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s mode change to NMEA failed\n",; status = 1; } else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s mode change succeeded\n",; } else if (to_binary) { if (!gps_query(&gpsdata, NON_ERROR, (int)timeout, "?DEVICE={\"path\":\"%s\",\"native\":1}\r\n", device)) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s mode change to native mode failed\n",; status = 1; } else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s mode change succeeded\n",; } /*@+boolops@*/ if (speed != NULL) { char parity = 'N'; char stopbits = '1'; if (strchr(speed, ':') == NULL) (void)gps_query(&gpsdata, DEVICE_SET, (int)timeout, "?DEVICE={\"path\":\"%s\",\"bps\":%s}\r\n", device, speed); else { char *modespec = strchr(speed, ':'); /*@ +charint @*/ status = 0; if (modespec!=NULL) { *modespec = '\0'; if (strchr("78", *++modespec) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "No support for that word length.\n"); status = 1; } parity = *++modespec; if (strchr("NOE", parity) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "What parity is '%c'?\n", parity); status = 1; } stopbits = *++modespec; if (strchr("12", stopbits) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "Stop bits must be 1 or 2.\n"); status = 1; } } if (status == 0) (void)gps_query(&gpsdata, DEVICE_SET, (int)timeout, "?DEVICE={\"path\":\"%s\",\"bps\":%s,\"parity\":\"%c\",\"stopbits\":%c}\r\n", device, speed, parity, stopbits); } if (atoi(speed) != (int) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s driver won't support %s%c%c\n",, speed, parity, stopbits); status = 1; } else gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s change to %s%c%c succeeded\n",, speed, parity, stopbits); } if (rate != NULL) { (void)gps_query(&gpsdata, DEVICE_SET, (int)timeout, "?DEVICE={\"path\":\"%s\",\"cycle\":%s}\n", device, rate); } #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ (void)gps_close(&gpsdata); exit(status); #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE } else if (reset) { /* hard reset will go through lower-level operations */ const int speeds[] = {2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200}; static struct gps_device_t session; /* zero this too */ int i; if (device == NULL || forcetype == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "device and type must be specified for the reset operation.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /*@ -mustfreeonly -immediatetrans @*/ gps_context_init(&context, "gpsctl"); context.errout.debug = debuglevel; session.context = &context; gpsd_tty_init(&session); (void)strlcpy(, device, sizeof(; session.device_type = forcetype; (void)gpsd_open(&session); (void)gpsd_set_raw(&session); (void)session.device_type->speed_switcher(&session, 4800, 'N', 1); (void)tcdrain(session.gpsdata.gps_fd); for(i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(speeds) / sizeof(speeds[0])); i++) { (void)gpsd_set_speed(&session, speeds[i], 'N', 1); (void)session.device_type->speed_switcher(&session, 4800, 'N', 1); (void)tcdrain(session.gpsdata.gps_fd); } gpsd_set_speed(&session, 4800, 'N', 1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (session.device_type->mode_switcher) session.device_type->mode_switcher(&session, MODE_NMEA); gpsd_wrap(&session); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /*@ +mustfreeonly +immediatetrans @*/ #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ } else { /* access to the daemon failed, use the low-level facilities */ static struct gps_device_t session; /* zero this too */ fd_set all_fds; fd_set rfds; /* * Unless the user explicitly requested it, always run to end of * hunt rather than timing out. Otherwise we can easily get messages * that spuriously look like failure at high baud rates. */ /*@ -mustfreeonly -immediatetrans @*/ gps_context_init(&context, "gpsctl"); context.errout.debug = debuglevel; session.context = &context; /* in case gps_init isn't called */ if (echo) context.readonly = true; if (timeout > 0) { (void) alarm(timeout); (void) signal(SIGALRM, onsig); } /* * Unless the user has forced a type and only wants to see the * string (not send it) we now need to try to open the device * and find out what is actually there. */ if (!(forcetype != NULL && echo)) { int maxfd = 0; if (device == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "device must be specified for low-level access.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gpsd_init(&session, &context, device); if (gpsd_activate(&session, O_PROBEONLY) < 0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "initial GPS device %s open failed\n", device); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_INF, "device %s activated\n",; /*@i1@*/FD_SET(session.gpsdata.gps_fd, &all_fds); if (session.gpsdata.gps_fd > maxfd) maxfd = session.gpsdata.gps_fd; /* initialize the GPS context's time fields */ gpsd_time_init(&context, time(NULL)); /*@-compdef@*/ /* grab packets until we time out, get sync, or fail sync */ for (hunting = true; hunting; ) { fd_set efds; switch(gpsd_await_data(&rfds, &efds, maxfd, &all_fds, &context.errout)) { case AWAIT_GOT_INPUT: break; case AWAIT_NOT_READY: /* no recovery from bad fd is possible */ if (FD_ISSET(session.gpsdata.gps_fd, &efds)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); continue; case AWAIT_FAILED: exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch(gpsd_multipoll(FD_ISSET(session.gpsdata.gps_fd, &rfds), &session, ctlhook, 0)) { case DEVICE_READY: FD_SET(session.gpsdata.gps_fd, &all_fds); break; case DEVICE_UNREADY: FD_CLR(session.gpsdata.gps_fd, &all_fds); break; case DEVICE_ERROR: /* this is where a failure to sync lands */ gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_WARN, "device error, bailing out.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case DEVICE_EOF: gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_WARN, "device signed off, bailing out.\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: break; } } /*@+compdef@*/ gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s looks like a %s at %d.\n", device, gpsd_id(&session),; if (forcetype!=NULL && strcmp("NMEA0183", session.device_type->type_name) !=0 && strcmp(forcetype->type_name, session.device_type->type_name)!=0) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "'%s' doesn't match non-generic type '%s' of selected device.\n", forcetype->type_name, session.device_type->type_name); } } (void)printf("%s identified as a %s at %u baud.\n", device, gpsd_id(&session),; /* if no control operation was specified, we're done */ if (speed==NULL && !to_nmea && !to_binary && control==NULL) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* maybe user wants to see the packet rather than send it */ if (echo) session.gpsdata.gps_fd = fileno(stdout); /* control op specified; maybe we forced the type */ if (forcetype != NULL) (void)gpsd_switch_driver(&session, forcetype->type_name); /* now perform the actual control function */ status = 0; #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE /*@ -nullderef @*/ if (to_nmea || to_binary) { bool write_enable = context.readonly; context.readonly = false; if (session.device_type->mode_switcher == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_SHOUT, "%s devices have no mode switch.\n", session.device_type->type_name); status = 1; } else { int target_mode = to_nmea ? MODE_NMEA : MODE_BINARY; gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_SHOUT, "switching to mode %s.\n", to_nmea ? "NMEA" : "BINARY"); session.device_type->mode_switcher(&session, target_mode); settle(&session); } context.readonly = write_enable; } if (speed) { char parity = echo ? 'N':; int stopbits = echo ? 1 :; char *modespec; modespec = strchr(speed, ':'); /*@ +charint @*/ status = 0; if (modespec!=NULL) { *modespec = '\0'; if (strchr("78", *++modespec) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "No support for that word lengths.\n"); status = 1; } parity = *++modespec; if (strchr("NOE", parity) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "What parity is '%c'?\n", parity); status = 1; } stopbits = *++modespec; if (strchr("12", parity) == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "Stop bits must be 1 or 2.\n"); status = 1; } stopbits = (int)(stopbits-'0'); } if (status == 0) { if (session.device_type->speed_switcher == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s devices have no speed switch.\n", session.device_type->type_name); status = 1; } else if (session.device_type->speed_switcher(&session, (speed_t)atoi(speed), parity, stopbits)) { settle(&session); gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_PROG, "%s change to %s%c%d succeeded\n",, speed, parity, stopbits); } else { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s driver won't support %s%c%d.\n",, speed, parity, stopbits); status = 1; } } } if (rate) { bool write_enable = context.readonly; context.readonly = false; if (session.device_type->rate_switcher == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s devices have no rate switcher.\n", session.device_type->type_name); status = 1; } else { double rate_dbl = strtod(rate, NULL); if (!session.device_type->rate_switcher(&session, rate_dbl)) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "rate switch failed.\n"); status = 1; } settle(&session); } context.readonly = write_enable; } #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE /*@ -compdef @*/ if (control) { bool write_enable = context.readonly; context.readonly = false; if (session.device_type->control_send == NULL) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "%s devices have no control sender.\n", session.device_type->type_name); status = 1; } else { if (session.device_type->control_send(&session, cooked, (size_t)cooklen) == -1) { gpsd_report(&context.errout, LOG_ERROR, "control transmission failed.\n"); status = 1; } settle(&session); } context.readonly = write_enable; } /*@ +compdef @*/ #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ exit(status); /*@ +nullderef @*/ /*@ +mustfreeonly +immediatetrans @*/ } }