void _3dfx_DrawFlatShadedPoly( g3ds_tmap *Tmap1, unsigned long argb ) { GrVertex a, b, c; int i; float lowest_y = 10000, highest_y = 0; float lowest_x = 10000, highest_x = 0; for ( i = 0; i < Tmap1->nv; i++ ) { float x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].x2d ) * fix_to_float; float y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].y2d ) * fix_to_float; if ( x < lowest_x ) lowest_x = x; if ( x > highest_x ) highest_x = x; if ( y < lowest_y ) lowest_y = y; if ( y > highest_y ) highest_y = y; } if ( highest_x < 0 || highest_y < 0 || lowest_x > 639 || lowest_y > 479 ) { mprintf( ( 0, "3dfx - rejecting fspoly way off screen\n" ) ); return; } guColorCombineFunction( GR_COLORCOMBINE_CCRGB ); grConstantColorValue( argb ); a.x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[0].x2d ) * fix_to_float; a.y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[0].y2d ) * fix_to_float; for ( i = 1; i < Tmap1->nv - 1; i++ ) { b.x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].x2d ) * fix_to_float; b.y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].y2d ) * fix_to_float; c.x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i+1].x2d ) * fix_to_float; c.y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i+1].y2d ) * fix_to_float; grDrawTriangle( &a, &b, &c ); } }
void main(int argc, char **argv) { float wWidth, wHeight; GrScreenResolution_t screenRes; int numFrames = -1, frameCount = 0; int i; wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 480.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; if (argc > 1) { for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strstr(argv[i], "320x200")) { wWidth = 320.f; wHeight = 200.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_320x200; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "320x240")) { wWidth = 320.f; wHeight = 240.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_320x240; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "400x256")) { wWidth = 400.f; wHeight = 256.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_400x256; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "512x384")) { wWidth = 512.f; wHeight = 384.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_512x384; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x480")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 480.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "800x600")) { wWidth = 800.f; wHeight = 600.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_800x600; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x200")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 200.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x200; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x350")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 350.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x350; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x400")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 400.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x400; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "960x720")) { wWidth = 960.f; wHeight = 720.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_960x720; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-n")) { if(argc > i + 1) { numFrames = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: test09 {320x200|320x240|400x256|512x384|640x480|800x600|640x200|640x350|640x400|960x720} {-n numFrames}\n"); exit(-1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: test09 {320x200|320x240|400x256|512x384|640x480|800x600|640x200|640x350|640x400|960x720} {-n numFrames}\n"); exit(-1); } } } puts( "\nTEST09:" ); puts( "tests alpha blending" ); if(numFrames == -1) { puts( "Press any key to continue" ); getch(); } grGlideInit(); if ( !grSstQueryHardware( &hwconfig ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "main: grSstQueryHardware failed!\n" ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } /* ** Select SST 0 */ grSstSelect( 0 ); /* ** Open up the hardware */ if ( !grSstOpen( screenRes, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT, GR_SMOOTHING_ENABLE, 2 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "main: grSstOpen failed!\n" ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } /* ** Configure Glide to test alpha blending */ guAlphaSource( GR_ALPHASOURCE_CC_ALPHA ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE); while ( 1 ) { static GrVertex vtxlist[3]; int i; grBufferClear( 0, 0, 0 ); vtxlist[0].x = 160.f; vtxlist[0].y = 100.f; vtxlist[1].x = 480.f; vtxlist[1].y = 100.f; vtxlist[2].x = 320.f; vtxlist[2].y = 380.f; grConstantColorValue4(255.f, 0.f, 0.f, 255.f); grConstantColorValue( 0xFF0000FF ); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vtxlist[i].x = WINSCALEX(vtxlist[i].x); vtxlist[i].y = WINSCALEY(vtxlist[i].y); } grDrawTriangle( &vtxlist[0], &vtxlist[2], &vtxlist[1] ); vtxlist[0].x = 160.f; vtxlist[0].y = 380.f; vtxlist[1].x = 480.f; vtxlist[1].y = 380.f; vtxlist[2].x = 320.f; vtxlist[2].y = 100.f; grConstantColorValue4(128.f, 255.f, 0.f, 0.f); grConstantColorValue( 0x80FF0000 ); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vtxlist[i].x = WINSCALEX(vtxlist[i].x); vtxlist[i].y = WINSCALEY(vtxlist[i].y); } grDrawTriangle( &vtxlist[0], &vtxlist[1], &vtxlist[2] ); grBufferSwap( 0 ); if (kbhit()) { getch(); break; } frameCount++; if(frameCount < 0) frameCount = 0; if(frameCount == numFrames) break; } grGlideShutdown(); }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; FxU32 wrange[2]; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nrd", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; frames = 1; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); version = grGetString( GR_VERSION ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( hwconfig = tlVoodooType() ); grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen( 0, resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1 ) ); grGet(GR_WDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, wrange); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, 0, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 60, 30, 0xffffff ); /* Set up Render State - flat shading */ grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); grConstantColorValue( 0xFFFFFF ); tlConOutput( "Press a key to quit\n" ); while( frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { int i; GrVertex vtx; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear(0x00000000, 0, wrange[1]); for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { float pos = ((float)i)/100.0f; vtx.x = tlScaleX( pos ), vtx.y = tlScaleY( pos ); grDrawPoint( &vtx ); } tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( 1 ); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { if (!tlScreenDump(filename, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf( "Cannot open %s\n", filename); scrgrab = FXFALSE; } if ( tlKbHit() ) frames = 0; } grGlideShutdown(); return; }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nrd", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; frames = 1; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); grGlideGetVersion( version ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( grSstQueryHardware( &hwconfig ) ); grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen( 0, resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1 ) ); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 60, 15, 0xffffff ); /* Set up Render State - iterated alpha + constant color */ grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); #define RED 0x000000ff #define BLUE 0x00ff0000 tlConOutput( "Press any key to quit\n" ); while( frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC; if (hwconfig.SSTs[0].type == GR_SSTTYPE_SST96) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear( 0x00, 0, 0 ); vtxA.x = tlScaleX( 0.5f ), vtxA.y = tlScaleY( 0.1f ); vtxB.x = tlScaleX( 0.8f ), vtxB.y = tlScaleY( 0.9f ); vtxC.x = tlScaleX( 0.2f ), vtxC.y = tlScaleY( 0.9f ); vtxA.a = vtxB.a = vtxC.a = 255.0f; grConstantColorValue( RED ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxC ); grSstOrigin( GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT ); vtxA.a = 0.0f; grConstantColorValue( BLUE ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxC ); grSstOrigin( GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT ); tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( 1 ); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { if (!tlScreenDump(filename, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf( "Cannot open %s\n", filename); scrgrab = FXFALSE; } while( tlKbHit() ) { switch( tlGetCH() ) { default: frames = 0; break; } } } grGlideShutdown(); return; }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; float clipX, clipY, clipSize, clipSizeDelta, clipPosDelta; FxU32 zrange[2]; /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( hwconfig = tlVoodooType() ); /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nr", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); version = grGetString( GR_VERSION ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1 ) ); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 60, 15, 0xffffff ); /* Set up Render State - iterated alpha + z buffering */ grGet(GR_ZDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, zrange); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, 0, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); clipX = 0.2f; clipY = 0.5f; clipSize = 0.3f; clipSizeDelta = 0.005f; clipPosDelta = 0.01f; #define CLIPSIZE_MIN 0.05f #define CLIPSIZE_MAX 0.6f #define GRAY 0x00808080 #define BLACK 0x00000000 tlConOutput( "+/- - grow/shrink clip rectangle\n" ); tlConOutput( "a/d - clip window left/right \n" ); tlConOutput( "w/s - clip window up/down \n" ); tlConOutput( "Press any other key to quit\n" ); while( frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { int x, y; GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC; int minx, miny, maxx, maxy; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grClipWindow( (int)tlScaleX(0.0f),(int)tlScaleY(0.0f), (int)tlScaleX(1.0f),(int)tlScaleY(1.0f) ); grBufferClear( BLACK, 0, zrange[1] ); /* Set Clipping Rectangle */ minx = (int)tlScaleX(clipX); miny = (int)tlScaleY(clipY); if ( (clipX+clipSize)>1.0f ) maxx = (int)tlScaleX( 1.0f ); else maxx = (int)tlScaleX( clipX + clipSize ); if ( (clipY+clipSize)>1.0f ) maxy = (int)tlScaleY( 1.0f ); else maxy = (int)tlScaleY( clipY + clipSize ); grClipWindow( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ); /* Draw 10x10 grid of triangles */ for( y = 0; y < 10; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < 10; x++ ) { /* A |\ B-C */ vtxA.x = vtxB.x = tlScaleX( ((float)x)/10.0f ); vtxA.y = tlScaleY( ((float)y)/10.0f ); vtxB.y = vtxC.y = tlScaleY( (((float)y)/10.0f) + 0.1f ); vtxC.x = tlScaleX( (((float)x)/10.0f) + 0.1f ); grConstantColorValue( GRAY ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxC ); } } tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( 1 ); grFinish(); while( tlKbHit() ) { switch( tlGetCH() ) { case '+': if ( clipSize < CLIPSIZE_MAX ) clipSize += clipSizeDelta; break; case '-': if ( clipSize > CLIPSIZE_MIN ) clipSize -= clipSizeDelta; break; case 'a': case 'A': if ( clipX > 0.0f ) clipX -= clipPosDelta; if ( clipX < 0.0f ) clipX = 0.0f; break; case 'd': case 'D': if ( clipX < 1.0f ) clipX += clipPosDelta; break; case 'w': case 'W': if ( clipY > 0.0f ) clipY -= clipPosDelta; if ( clipY < 0.0f ) clipY = 0.0f; break; case 's': case 'S': if ( clipY < 1.0f ) clipY += clipPosDelta; break; default: frames = 0; break; } } } grGlideShutdown(); return; }
void main(int argc, char **argv) { float wWidth, wHeight; GrScreenResolution_t screenRes; int numFrames = -1, frameCount = 0; int i; wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 480.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; if (argc > 1) { for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strstr(argv[i], "320x200")) { wWidth = 320.f; wHeight = 200.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_320x200; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "320x240")) { wWidth = 320.f; wHeight = 240.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_320x240; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "400x256")) { wWidth = 400.f; wHeight = 256.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_400x256; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "512x384")) { wWidth = 512.f; wHeight = 384.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_512x384; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x480")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 480.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "800x600")) { wWidth = 800.f; wHeight = 600.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_800x600; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x200")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 200.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x200; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x350")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 350.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x350; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "640x400")) { wWidth = 640.f; wHeight = 400.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_640x400; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "960x720")) { wWidth = 960.f; wHeight = 720.f; screenRes = GR_RESOLUTION_960x720; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-n")) { if(argc > i + 1) { numFrames = atoi(argv[i + 1]); i++; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: test13 {320x200|320x240|400x256|512x384|640x480|800x600|640x200|640x350|640x400|960x720} {-n numFrames}\n"); exit(-1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: test13 {320x200|320x240|400x256|512x384|640x480|800x600} {-n numFrames}\n"); exit(-1); } } } puts( "\nTEST13:" ); puts( "backface culling test. Green triangle should be backface" ); puts( "culled, thus only a red triangle should be visible." ); if(numFrames == -1) { puts( "Press a key to continue" ); getch(); } grGlideInit(); if ( !grSstQueryHardware( &hwconfig ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "main: grSstQueryHardware failed!\n" ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } /* ** Select SST 0 */ grSstSelect( 0 ); /* ** Open up the hardware */ if ( !grSstOpen( screenRes, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT, GR_SMOOTHING_ENABLE, 2 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "main: grSstOpen failed!\n" ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } /* ** Configure Glide to test backface culling */ guColorCombineFunction( GR_COLORCOMBINE_CCRGB ); grCullMode( GR_CULL_NEGATIVE ); /* ** Render a green triangle on a red triangle. The green triangle ** is clockwise and thus should not be rendered. The red triangle ** is counterclockwise and should be rendered. */ while ( 1 ) { int i; GrVertex vtxlist[3]; grBufferClear( 0, 0, 0 ); vtxlist[0].x = 160.f; vtxlist[0].y = 100.f; vtxlist[1].x = 320.f; vtxlist[1].y = 380.f; vtxlist[2].x = 480.f; vtxlist[2].y = 100.f; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vtxlist[i].x = WINSCALEX(vtxlist[i].x); vtxlist[i].y = WINSCALEY(vtxlist[i].y); } /* ** Red triangle (counterclockwise, should be visible) */ grConstantColorValue( 0x000000FF ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxlist[0], &vtxlist[2], &vtxlist[1] ); /* ** Green triangle (clockwise, should be rejected) */ grConstantColorValue( 0x0000FF00 ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxlist[0], &vtxlist[1], &vtxlist[2] ); grBufferSwap( 1 ); if (kbhit()) { getch(); break; } frameCount++; if(frameCount < 0) frameCount = 0; if(frameCount == numFrames) break; } grGlideShutdown(); }
void main(int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; FxU8 subframe = 0; TlTexture texture; FxU32 zrange[2]; GrContext_t gc = 0; FxU32 pixelformat = 0x0003; /* 16 bit 565 */ static FxBool useCCExt = 1; char textureFile[256]; int bigTex = 0; FxBool needToLoadNewTexture = FXFALSE; FxBool umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; float xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while(rv = tlGetOpt(argc, argv, "nrdxp", &match, &remArgs)) { if (rv == -1) { printf("Unrecognized command line argument\n"); printf("%s %s\n", name, usage); printf("Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList()); return; } switch(match) { case 'n': frames = atoi(remArgs[0]); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant(remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight); break; case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; frames = 5; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); break; case 'p': pixelformat = tlGetPixelFormat( remArgs[0] ); break; } } tlSetScreen(scrWidth, scrHeight); version = grGetString(GR_VERSION); printf("%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose); printf("%s\n", version); printf("Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString(resolution)); if (frames == -1) { printf("Press A Key To Begin Test.\n"); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert(hwconfig = tlVoodooType()); grGet(GR_ZDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, (FxI32 *)zrange); grSstSelect(0); tlInitGlideExt(&glideext); if (!glideext.combineext) { printf("Could not use COMBINE extension.\n"); useCCExt = 0; } if (glideext.canDo32BitTexture) { printf("Using TEXFMT 32-bit extension.\n"); strcpy(textureFile, "t256x32.3df"); /* 32 bits deep */ } else { printf("Could not use TEXFMT 32-bit extension.\n"); strcpy(textureFile, "miro.3df"); /* 16 bits deep */ } if (glideext.umaExt) { printf("Using TEXUMA extension.\n"); grEnable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); umaIsEnabled = FXTRUE; } else { printf("Could not use TEXUMA extension.\n"); grDisable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; } if (glideext.grSstWinOpen) { gc = glideext.grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, pixelformat, 2, 1); } else { gc = grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1); } if (!gc) { printf("Could not allocate glide fullscreen context.\n"); goto __errExit; } tlVertexLayout(); tlConSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 60, 15, 0xffffff); /* Load texture data into system ram */ assert(tlLoadTexture(textureFile, &texture.info, &texture.tableType, &texture.tableData)); /* Download texture data to TMU */ grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture.info); if (texture.tableType != NO_TABLE) { grTexDownloadTable(texture.tableType, &texture.tableData); } /* Select Texture As Source of all texturing operations */ grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture.info); /* Enable Bilinear Filtering + Mipmapping */ grTexFilterMode(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR); grTexMipMapMode(GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE); xLeft = tlScaleX( 0.2f ); xRight = tlScaleX( 0.8f ); yTop = tlScaleY( 0.2f ); yBottom = tlScaleY( 0.8f ); while(frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC, vtxD; static TextureMode textureMode; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear(0x00, 0, zrange[1]); tlConOutput( "m : change lighting mode\n"); tlConOutput( "e : toggle combine extension\n"); tlConOutput( "b : big textures (if TEXFMT extension is available)\n"); tlConOutput( "u : toggle UMA (if TEXUMA extension is available)\n"); tlConOutput("Press any other key to quit\n"); tlConOutput("Current Texture Mode: %s\n", textureModeNames[textureMode]); tlConOutput("COMBINE extension %s\n", cmodeName[useCCExt]); if (needToLoadNewTexture) { /* * This is only true if TEXFMT extension is available, which * implies 2k texture capability. Also, this is only true if * the user has just hit 'b' for big texture testing. */ assert(bigTex <= TEX_MAX); strcpy(textureFile, texFileNames[bigTex]); /* Redo all the texture loading stuff. */ /* Load texture data into system ram */ assert(tlLoadTexture(textureFile, &texture.info, &texture.tableType, &texture.tableData)); /* Download texture data to TMU */ grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture.info); if (texture.tableType != NO_TABLE) { grTexDownloadTable(texture.tableType, &texture.tableData); } /* Select Texture As Source of all texturing operations */ grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture.info); needToLoadNewTexture = FXFALSE; } if (useCCExt) { #ifdef FX_GLIDE_NAPALM glideext.grTexColorCombineExt(GR_TMU0, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_LOCAL_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); switch(textureMode) { case DECAL: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case FLATLIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_CONSTANT_COLOR, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case RGBLIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITRGB, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case WHITELIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_ZERO, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); glideext.grAlphaCombineExt(GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ALOCAL, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case SPECALPHA: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_ZERO, GR_CMBX_ITRGB, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); glideext.grAlphaCombineExt(GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ALOCAL, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; } #endif } else { /* Set up Render State - Decal Texture - color combine set in render loop */ grTexCombine(GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); switch(textureMode) { case DECAL: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case FLATLIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case RGBLIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case WHITELIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL_ALPHA, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grAlphaCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case SPECALPHA: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL_ALPHA, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grAlphaCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; } } /*---- A-B |\| C-D -----*/ vtxA.oow = 1.0f; vtxB = vtxC = vtxD = vtxA; vtxA.x = vtxC.x = xLeft; vtxB.x = vtxD.x = xRight; vtxA.y = vtxB.y = yTop; vtxC.y = vtxD.y = yBottom; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].sow = vtxC.tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.0f; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].sow = vtxD.tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.0f; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].tow = vtxB.tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.0f; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].tow = vtxD.tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.0f; vtxA.r = 255.0f, vtxA.g = 0.0f, vtxA.b = 0.0f, vtxA.a = 255.0f; vtxB.r = 0.0f, vtxB.g = 255.0f, vtxB.b = 0.0f, vtxB.a = 128.0f; vtxC.r = 0.0f, vtxC.g = 0.0f, vtxC.b = 255.0f, vtxC.a = 128.0f; vtxD.r = 0.0f, vtxD.g = 0.0f, vtxD.b = 0.0f, vtxD.a = 0.0f; grConstantColorValue(0xFF0000FFUL); grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture.info); grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC); grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD); tlConRender(); tlConClear(); grBufferSwap(1); grFinish(); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { char fname[256], tmp[32]; FxU16 cnt; cnt = strcspn(filename, "."); strncpy(fname, filename, cnt); fname[cnt] = 0; sprintf(tmp,"_%d\0", subframe); strcat(fname, tmp); strcat(fname, filename+cnt); if (!tlScreenDump(fname, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf("Cannot open %s\n", filename); /* cycle through all mode */ textureMode++; if (textureMode > SPECALPHA) textureMode = DECAL; subframe++; } while(tlKbHit()) { const char curKey = tlGetCH(); switch(curKey) { case 'e': case 'E': useCCExt = (!useCCExt); if (!glideext.combineext) useCCExt = 0; break; case 'm': case 'M': textureMode++; if (textureMode > SPECALPHA) textureMode = DECAL; break; case 'b': case 'B': /* Cycle through some texture sizes */ if (glideext.canDo2kTexture) { needToLoadNewTexture = FXTRUE; bigTex = (bigTex + 1) % (TEX_MAX + 1); /* [0,...,TEX_MAX] */ printf ("%s", texWidthString[bigTex]); } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (glideext.umaExt) { /* Toggle UMA on/off */ if (umaIsEnabled) { grDisable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); printf ("UMA extension is disabled.\n"); umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; } else { grEnable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); printf ("UMA extension is enabled.\n"); umaIsEnabled = FXTRUE; } } break; default: frames = 0; break; } } } __errExit: grGlideShutdown(); }