bool GradientPath::getPath (float* potential, double start_x, double start_y, double goal_x, double goal_y, std::vector<std::pair<float, float> >& path)
    std::pair<float, float> current;
    int stc = getIndex (goal_x, goal_y);

    // set up offset
    float dx = goal_x - (int) goal_x;
    float dy = goal_y - (int) goal_y;
    int ns = xs_ * ys_;
    memset (gradx_, 0, ns * sizeof (float));
    memset (grady_, 0, ns * sizeof (float));

    int c = 0;

    while (c++ < ns * 4)
        // check if near goal
        double nx = stc % xs_ + dx, ny = stc / xs_ + dy;

        if (fabs (nx - start_x) < .5 && fabs (ny - start_y) < .5)
            current.first = start_x;
            current.second = start_y;
            path.push_back (current);
            return true;

        if (stc < xs_ || stc > xs_ * ys_ - xs_) // would be out of bounds
            printf ("[PathCalc] Out of bounds\n");
            return false;

        current.first = nx;
        current.second = ny;

        //ROS_INFO("%d %d | %f %f ", stc%xs_, stc/xs_, dx, dy);

        path.push_back (current);

        bool oscillation_detected = false;
        int npath = path.size();

        if (npath > 2 && path[npath - 1].first == path[npath - 3].first
                && path[npath - 1].second == path[npath - 3].second)
            ROS_DEBUG ("[PathCalc] oscillation detected, attempting fix.");
            oscillation_detected = true;

        int stcnx = stc + xs_;
        int stcpx = stc - xs_;

        // check for potentials at eight positions near cell
        if (potential[stc] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stc + 1] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stc - 1] >= POT_HIGH
                || potential[stcnx] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stcnx + 1] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stcnx - 1] >= POT_HIGH
                || potential[stcpx] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stcpx + 1] >= POT_HIGH || potential[stcpx - 1] >= POT_HIGH
                || oscillation_detected)
            ROS_DEBUG ("[Path] Pot fn boundary, following grid (%0.1f/%d)", potential[stc], (int) path.size());
            // check eight neighbors to find the lowest
            int minc = stc;
            int minp = potential[stc];
            int st = stcpx - 1;

            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;


            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;


            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;

            st = stc - 1;

            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;

            st = stc + 1;

            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;

            st = stcnx - 1;

            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;


            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;


            if (potential[st] < minp)
                minp = potential[st];
                minc = st;

            stc = minc;
            dx = 0;
            dy = 0;

            //ROS_DEBUG("[Path] Pot: %0.1f  pos: %0.1f,%0.1f",
            //    potential[stc], path[npath-1].first, path[npath-1].second);

            if (potential[stc] >= POT_HIGH)
                ROS_DEBUG ("[PathCalc] No path found, high potential");
                return 0;

        // have a good gradient here

            // get grad at four positions near cell
            gradCell (potential, stc);
            gradCell (potential, stc + 1);
            gradCell (potential, stcnx);
            gradCell (potential, stcnx + 1);

            // get interpolated gradient
            float x1 = (1.0 - dx) * gradx_[stc] + dx * gradx_[stc + 1];
            float x2 = (1.0 - dx) * gradx_[stcnx] + dx * gradx_[stcnx + 1];
            float x = (1.0 - dy) * x1 + dy * x2; // interpolated x
            float y1 = (1.0 - dx) * grady_[stc] + dx * grady_[stc + 1];
            float y2 = (1.0 - dx) * grady_[stcnx] + dx * grady_[stcnx + 1];
            float y = (1.0 - dy) * y1 + dy * y2; // interpolated y

            // show gradients
            ROS_DEBUG (
                "[Path] %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f; final x=%.3f, y=%.3f\n", gradx_[stc], grady_[stc], gradx_[stc + 1], grady_[stc + 1], gradx_[stcnx], grady_[stcnx], gradx_[stcnx + 1], grady_[stcnx + 1], x, y);

            // check for zero gradient, failed
            if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
                ROS_DEBUG ("[PathCalc] Zero gradient");
                return 0;

            // move in the right direction
            float ss = pathStep_ / hypot (x, y);
            dx += x * ss;
            dy += y * ss;

            // check for overflow
            if (dx > 1.0)
                dx -= 1.0;

            if (dx < -1.0)
                dx += 1.0;

            if (dy > 1.0)
                stc += xs_;
                dy -= 1.0;

            if (dy < -1.0)
                stc -= xs_;
                dy += 1.0;


        //printf("[Path] Pot: %0.1f  grad: %0.1f,%0.1f  pos: %0.1f,%0.1f\n",
        //         potential[stc], dx, dy, path[npath-1].first, path[npath-1].second);

    return false;
    NavFn::calcPath(int n, int *st)
      // test write

      // check path arrays
      if (npathbuf < n)
        if (pathx) delete [] pathx;
        if (pathy) delete [] pathy;
        pathx = new float[n];
        pathy = new float[n];
        npathbuf = n;

      // set up start position at cell
      // st is always upper left corner for 4-point bilinear interpolation 
      if (st == NULL) st = start;
      int stc = st[1]*nx + st[0];

      // set up offset
      float dx=0;
      float dy=0;
      npath = 0;

      // go for <n> cycles at most
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        // check if near goal
        int nearest_point=std::max(0,std::min(nx*ny-1,stc+(int)round(dx)+(int)(nx*round(dy))));
        if (potarr[nearest_point] < COST_NEUTRAL)
          pathx[npath] = (float)goal[0];
          pathy[npath] = (float)goal[1];
          return ++npath;	// done!

        if (stc < nx || stc > ns-nx) // would be out of bounds
          ROS_DEBUG("[PathCalc] Out of bounds");
          return 0;

        // add to path
        pathx[npath] = stc%nx + dx;
        pathy[npath] = stc/nx + dy;

        bool oscillation_detected = false;
        if( npath > 2 &&
            pathx[npath-1] == pathx[npath-3] &&
            pathy[npath-1] == pathy[npath-3] )
          ROS_DEBUG("[PathCalc] oscillation detected, attempting fix.");
          oscillation_detected = true;

        int stcnx = stc+nx;
        int stcpx = stc-nx;

        // check for potentials at eight positions near cell
        if (potarr[stc] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stc+1] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stc-1] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcnx] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcnx+1] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcnx-1] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcpx] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcpx+1] >= POT_HIGH ||
            potarr[stcpx-1] >= POT_HIGH ||
          ROS_DEBUG("[Path] Pot fn boundary, following grid (%0.1f/%d)", potarr[stc], npath);
          // check eight neighbors to find the lowest
          int minc = stc;
          int minp = potarr[stc];
          int st = stcpx - 1;
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          st = stc-1;
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          st = stc+1;
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          st = stcnx-1;
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          if (potarr[st] < minp) {minp = potarr[st]; minc = st; }
          stc = minc;
          dx = 0;
          dy = 0;

          ROS_DEBUG("[Path] Pot: %0.1f  pos: %0.1f,%0.1f",
              potarr[stc], pathx[npath-1], pathy[npath-1]);

          if (potarr[stc] >= POT_HIGH)
            ROS_DEBUG("[PathCalc] No path found, high potential");
            return 0;

        // have a good gradient here

          // get grad at four positions near cell

          // get interpolated gradient
          float x1 = (1.0-dx)*gradx[stc] + dx*gradx[stc+1];
          float x2 = (1.0-dx)*gradx[stcnx] + dx*gradx[stcnx+1];
          float x = (1.0-dy)*x1 + dy*x2; // interpolated x
          float y1 = (1.0-dx)*grady[stc] + dx*grady[stc+1];
          float y2 = (1.0-dx)*grady[stcnx] + dx*grady[stcnx+1];
          float y = (1.0-dy)*y1 + dy*y2; // interpolated y

          // show gradients
          ROS_DEBUG("[Path] %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f  %0.2f,%0.2f; final x=%.3f, y=%.3f\n",
                    gradx[stc], grady[stc], gradx[stc+1], grady[stc+1], 
                    gradx[stcnx], grady[stcnx], gradx[stcnx+1], grady[stcnx+1],
                    x, y);

          // check for zero gradient, failed
          if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
            ROS_DEBUG("[PathCalc] Zero gradient");	  
            return 0;

          // move in the right direction
          float ss = pathStep/sqrt(x*x+y*y);
          dx += x*ss;
          dy += y*ss;

          // check for overflow
          if (dx > 1.0) { stc++; dx -= 1.0; }
          if (dx < -1.0) { stc--; dx += 1.0; }
          if (dy > 1.0) { stc+=nx; dy -= 1.0; }
          if (dy < -1.0) { stc-=nx; dy += 1.0; }


        //      ROS_INFO("[Path] Pot: %0.1f  grad: %0.1f,%0.1f  pos: %0.1f,%0.1f\n",
        //	     potarr[stc], x, y, pathx[npath-1], pathy[npath-1]);

      //  return npath;			// out of cycles, return failure
      ROS_DEBUG("[PathCalc] No path found, path too long");
      return 0;			// out of cycles, return failure