void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *c) { int cancel; grpc_call *parent = c->parent; grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("grpc_call_destroy", 0); GRPC_API_TRACE("grpc_call_destroy(c=%p)", 1, (c)); if (parent) { gpr_mu_lock(&parent->mu); if (c == parent->first_child) { parent->first_child = c->sibling_next; if (c == parent->first_child) { parent->first_child = NULL; } c->sibling_prev->sibling_next = c->sibling_next; c->sibling_next->sibling_prev = c->sibling_prev; } gpr_mu_unlock(&parent->mu); GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_UNREF(&exec_ctx, parent, "child"); } gpr_mu_lock(&c->mu); GPR_ASSERT(!c->destroy_called); c->destroy_called = 1; if (c->have_alarm) { grpc_timer_cancel(&exec_ctx, &c->alarm); } cancel = !c->received_final_op; gpr_mu_unlock(&c->mu); if (cancel) grpc_call_cancel(c, NULL); GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_UNREF(&exec_ctx, c, "destroy"); grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_call_destroy", 0); }
static void test_pending_calls(size_t concurrent_calls) { size_t i; grpc_call **calls; grpc_channel *client; request_data rdata; servers_fixture *f; test_spec *spec = test_spec_create(0, 4); rdata.call_details = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_call_details) * spec->num_servers); f = setup_servers("", &rdata, spec->num_servers); client = create_client(f); calls = perform_multirequest(f, client, concurrent_calls); grpc_call_cancel( calls[0], NULL); /* exercise the cancel pick path whilst there are pending picks */ gpr_free(rdata.call_details); grpc_channel_destroy(client); /* calls the LB's shutdown func */ /* destroy the calls after the channel so that they are still around for the * LB's shutdown func to process */ for (i = 0; i < concurrent_calls; i++) { grpc_call_destroy(calls[i]); } gpr_free(calls); teardown_servers(f); test_spec_destroy(spec); }
/* Called by clients to cancel an RPC on the server. Can be called multiple times, from any thread. */ static VALUE grpc_rb_call_cancel(VALUE self) { grpc_call *call = NULL; grpc_call_error err; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, grpc_call, &grpc_call_data_type, call); err = grpc_call_cancel(call); if (err != GRPC_CALL_OK) { rb_raise(grpc_rb_eCallError, "cancel failed: %s (code=%d)", grpc_call_error_detail_of(err), err); } return Qnil; }
static void call_alarm(void *arg, int success) { grpc_call *call = arg; if (success) { if (call->is_client) { grpc_call_cancel_with_status(call, GRPC_STATUS_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Deadline Exceeded"); } else { grpc_call_cancel(call); } } grpc_call_internal_unref(call, 1); }
grpc_call_error grpc_call_cancel_with_status(grpc_call *c, grpc_status_code status, const char *description) { grpc_mdstr *details = description ? grpc_mdstr_from_string(c->metadata_context, description) : NULL; lock(c); set_status_code(c, STATUS_FROM_API_OVERRIDE, status); set_status_details(c, STATUS_FROM_API_OVERRIDE, details); unlock(c); return grpc_call_cancel(c); }
void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *c) { int cancel; lock(c); if (c->have_alarm) { grpc_alarm_cancel(&c->alarm); c->have_alarm = 0; } cancel = c->read_state != READ_STATE_STREAM_CLOSED; unlock(c); if (cancel) grpc_call_cancel(c); grpc_call_internal_unref(c, 1); }
static void call_alarm(void *arg, int success) { grpc_call *call = arg; if (success) { if (call->is_client) { cancel_with_status(call, GRPC_STATUS_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Deadline Exceeded", 0); } else { grpc_call_cancel(call); } } GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_UNREF(call, "alarm", 1); }
void grpc_call_destroy(grpc_call *c) { int cancel; lock(c); if (c->have_alarm) { grpc_alarm_cancel(&c->alarm); c->have_alarm = 0; } cancel = c->read_state != READ_STATE_STREAM_CLOSED; unlock(c); if (cancel) grpc_call_cancel(c); GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_UNREF(c, "destroy", 1); }
/* Called by clients to cancel an RPC on the server. Can be called multiple times, from any thread. */ static VALUE grpc_rb_call_cancel(VALUE self) { grpc_rb_call *call = NULL; grpc_call_error err; if (RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self) == NULL) { // This call has been closed return Qnil; } TypedData_Get_Struct(self, grpc_rb_call, &grpc_call_data_type, call); err = grpc_call_cancel(call->wrapped, NULL); if (err != GRPC_CALL_OK) { rb_raise(grpc_rb_eCallError, "cancel failed: %s (code=%d)", grpc_call_error_detail_of(err), err); } return Qnil; }
/** Returns connection sequence (server indices), which must be freed */ static int *perform_request(servers_fixture *f, grpc_channel *client, request_data *rdata, const test_spec *spec) { grpc_call *c; int s_idx; int *s_valid; grpc_op ops[6]; grpc_op *op; int was_cancelled; size_t i, iter_num; grpc_event ev; int read_tag; int *connection_sequence; int completed_client; s_valid = gpr_malloc(sizeof(int) * f->num_servers); connection_sequence = gpr_malloc(sizeof(int) * spec->num_iters); for (iter_num = 0; iter_num < spec->num_iters; iter_num++) { cq_verifier *cqv = cq_verifier_create(f->cq); rdata->details = NULL; rdata->details_capacity = 0; was_cancelled = 2; for (i = 0; i < f->num_servers; i++) { if (spec->kill_at[iter_num][i] != 0) { kill_server(f, i); } else if (spec->revive_at[iter_num][i] != 0) { /* killing takes precedence */ revive_server(f, rdata, i); } } connection_sequence[iter_num] = -1; grpc_metadata_array_init(&rdata->initial_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_init(&rdata->trailing_metadata_recv); for (i = 0; i < f->num_servers; i++) { grpc_call_details_init(&rdata->call_details[i]); } memset(s_valid, 0, f->num_servers * sizeof(int)); c = grpc_channel_create_call(client, NULL, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, f->cq, "/foo", "foo.test.google.fr", gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); GPR_ASSERT(c); completed_client = 0; op = ops; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.recv_initial_metadata = &rdata->initial_metadata_recv; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT; op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &rdata->trailing_metadata_recv; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &rdata->status; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &rdata->details; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details_capacity = &rdata->details_capacity; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_start_batch(c, ops, (size_t)(op - ops), tag(1), NULL)); s_idx = -1; while ((ev = grpc_completion_queue_next( f->cq, GRPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_TO_DEADLINE(1), NULL)) .type != GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) { GPR_ASSERT(ev.type == GRPC_OP_COMPLETE); read_tag = ((int)(gpr_intptr)ev.tag); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "EVENT: success:%d, type:%d, tag:%d iter:%d", ev.success, ev.type, read_tag, iter_num); if (ev.success && read_tag >= 1000) { GPR_ASSERT(s_idx == -1); /* only one server must reply */ /* only server notifications for non-shutdown events */ s_idx = read_tag - 1000; s_valid[s_idx] = 1; connection_sequence[iter_num] = s_idx; break; } else if (read_tag == 1) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "client timed out"); GPR_ASSERT(ev.success); completed_client = 1; } } if (s_idx >= 0) { op = ops; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER; op->data.send_status_from_server.trailing_metadata_count = 0; op->data.send_status_from_server.status = GRPC_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED; op->data.send_status_from_server.status_details = "xyz"; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER; op->data.recv_close_on_server.cancelled = &was_cancelled; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_start_batch(f->server_calls[s_idx], ops, (size_t)(op - ops), tag(102), NULL)); cq_expect_completion(cqv, tag(102), 1); if (!completed_client) { cq_expect_completion(cqv, tag(1), 1); } cq_verify(cqv); gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "status=%d; %s", rdata->status, rdata->details); GPR_ASSERT(rdata->status == GRPC_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED); GPR_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(rdata->details, "xyz")); GPR_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(rdata->call_details[s_idx].method, "/foo")); GPR_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(rdata->call_details[s_idx].host, "foo.test.google.fr")); GPR_ASSERT(was_cancelled == 1); grpc_call_destroy(f->server_calls[s_idx]); /* ask for the next request on this server */ GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_server_request_call( f->servers[s_idx], &f->server_calls[s_idx], &rdata->call_details[s_idx], &f->request_metadata_recv[s_idx], f->cq, f->cq, tag(1000 + (int)s_idx))); } else { /* no response from server */ grpc_call_cancel(c, NULL); if (!completed_client) { cq_expect_completion(cqv, tag(1), 1); cq_verify(cqv); } } GPR_ASSERT(grpc_completion_queue_next( f->cq, GRPC_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_TO_DEADLINE(200), NULL).type == GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&rdata->initial_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&rdata->trailing_metadata_recv); cq_verifier_destroy(cqv); grpc_call_destroy(c); for (i = 0; i < f->num_servers; i++) { grpc_call_details_destroy(&rdata->call_details[i]); } gpr_free(rdata->details); } gpr_free(s_valid); return connection_sequence; }
GPR_EXPORT grpc_call_error GPR_CALLTYPE grpcsharp_call_cancel(grpc_call *call) { return grpc_call_cancel(call, NULL); }
/* Cancel before invoke */ static void test_cancel_before_invoke(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int test_ops) { grpc_op ops[6]; grpc_op *op; grpc_call *c; grpc_end2end_test_fixture f = begin_test(config, "cancel_before_invoke", NULL, NULL); gpr_timespec deadline = five_seconds_time(); cq_verifier *cqv = cq_verifier_create(f.cq); grpc_metadata_array initial_metadata_recv; grpc_metadata_array trailing_metadata_recv; grpc_metadata_array request_metadata_recv; grpc_call_details call_details; grpc_status_code status; grpc_call_error error; char *details = NULL; size_t details_capacity = 0; grpc_byte_buffer *response_payload_recv = NULL; gpr_slice request_payload_slice = gpr_slice_from_copied_string("hello world"); grpc_byte_buffer *request_payload = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&request_payload_slice, 1); c = grpc_channel_create_call(f.client, NULL, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, f.cq, "/foo", "foo.test.google.fr", deadline, NULL); GPR_ASSERT(c); GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_cancel(c, NULL)); grpc_metadata_array_init(&initial_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_init(&trailing_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_init(&request_metadata_recv); grpc_call_details_init(&call_details); op = ops; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT; op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &trailing_metadata_recv; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &details; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details_capacity = &details_capacity; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE; op->data.send_message = request_payload; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.recv_initial_metadata = &initial_metadata_recv; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE; op->data.recv_message = &response_payload_recv; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; error = grpc_call_start_batch(c, ops, test_ops, tag(1), NULL); GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == error); cq_expect_completion(cqv, tag(1), 1); cq_verify(cqv); GPR_ASSERT(status == GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&initial_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&trailing_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&request_metadata_recv); grpc_call_details_destroy(&call_details); grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(request_payload); grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(response_payload_recv); gpr_free(details); grpc_call_destroy(c); cq_verifier_destroy(cqv); end_test(&f); config.tear_down_data(&f); }
/** * Cancel the call. This will cause the call to end with STATUS_CANCELLED if it * has not already ended with another status. */ PHP_METHOD(Call, cancel) { wrapped_grpc_call *call = Z_WRAPPED_GRPC_CALL_P(getThis()); grpc_call_cancel(call->wrapped, NULL); }
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { grpc_test_only_set_metadata_hash_seed(0); struct grpc_memory_counters counters; if (squelch) gpr_set_log_function(dont_log); grpc_memory_counters_init(); grpc_init(); grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; grpc_endpoint *mock_endpoint = grpc_mock_endpoint_create(discard_write); grpc_completion_queue *cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(NULL); grpc_transport *transport = grpc_create_chttp2_transport(&exec_ctx, NULL, mock_endpoint, 1); grpc_chttp2_transport_start_reading(&exec_ctx, transport, NULL, 0); grpc_channel *channel = grpc_channel_create( &exec_ctx, "test-target", NULL, GRPC_CLIENT_DIRECT_CHANNEL, transport); grpc_call *call = grpc_channel_create_call(channel, NULL, 0, cq, "/foo", "localhost", gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); grpc_metadata_array initial_metadata_recv; grpc_metadata_array_init(&initial_metadata_recv); grpc_byte_buffer *response_payload_recv = NULL; grpc_metadata_array trailing_metadata_recv; grpc_metadata_array_init(&trailing_metadata_recv); grpc_status_code status; char *details = NULL; size_t details_capacity = 0; grpc_op ops[6]; memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); grpc_op *op = ops; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.recv_initial_metadata = &initial_metadata_recv; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE; op->data.recv_message = &response_payload_recv; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT; op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &trailing_metadata_recv; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &details; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details_capacity = &details_capacity; op->flags = 0; op->reserved = NULL; op++; grpc_call_error error = grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, (size_t)(op - ops), tag(1), NULL); int requested_calls = 1; GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == error); grpc_mock_endpoint_put_read( &exec_ctx, mock_endpoint, gpr_slice_from_copied_buffer((const char *)data, size)); grpc_event ev; while (1) { grpc_exec_ctx_flush(&exec_ctx); ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); switch (ev.type) { case GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT: goto done; case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: break; case GRPC_OP_COMPLETE: requested_calls--; break; } } done: if (requested_calls) { grpc_call_cancel(call, NULL); } for (int i = 0; i < requested_calls; i++) { ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); GPR_ASSERT(ev.type == GRPC_OP_COMPLETE); } grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq); for (int i = 0; i < requested_calls; i++) { ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); GPR_ASSERT(ev.type == GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN); } grpc_call_destroy(call); grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&initial_metadata_recv); grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&trailing_metadata_recv); gpr_free(details); grpc_channel_destroy(channel); if (response_payload_recv != NULL) { grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(response_payload_recv); } grpc_shutdown(); counters = grpc_memory_counters_snapshot(); grpc_memory_counters_destroy(); GPR_ASSERT(counters.total_size_relative == 0); return 0; }
static void finish_batch(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *bctlp, int success) { batch_control *bctl = bctlp; grpc_call *call = bctl->call; grpc_call *child_call; grpc_call *next_child_call; gpr_mu_lock(&call->mu); if (bctl->send_initial_metadata) { grpc_metadata_batch_destroy( &call->metadata_batch[0 /* is_receiving */][0 /* is_trailing */]); } if (bctl->send_message) { call->sending_message = 0; } if (bctl->send_final_op) { grpc_metadata_batch_destroy( &call->metadata_batch[0 /* is_receiving */][1 /* is_trailing */]); } if (bctl->recv_initial_metadata) { grpc_metadata_batch *md = &call->metadata_batch[1 /* is_receiving */][0 /* is_trailing */]; grpc_metadata_batch_filter(md, recv_initial_filter, call); if (gpr_time_cmp(md->deadline, gpr_inf_future(md->deadline.clock_type)) != 0 && !call->is_client) { GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("set_deadline_alarm", 0); set_deadline_alarm(exec_ctx, call, md->deadline); GPR_TIMER_END("set_deadline_alarm", 0); } } if (bctl->recv_final_op) { grpc_metadata_batch *md = &call->metadata_batch[1 /* is_receiving */][1 /* is_trailing */]; grpc_metadata_batch_filter(md, recv_trailing_filter, call); if (call->have_alarm) { grpc_timer_cancel(exec_ctx, &call->alarm); } /* propagate cancellation to any interested children */ child_call = call->first_child; if (child_call != NULL) { do { next_child_call = child_call->sibling_next; if (child_call->cancellation_is_inherited) { GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_REF(child_call, "propagate_cancel"); grpc_call_cancel(child_call, NULL); GRPC_CALL_INTERNAL_UNREF(exec_ctx, child_call, "propagate_cancel"); } child_call = next_child_call; } while (child_call != call->first_child); } if (call->is_client) { get_final_status(call, set_status_value_directly, call->final_op.client.status); get_final_details(call, call->final_op.client.status_details, call->final_op.client.status_details_capacity); } else { get_final_status(call, set_cancelled_value, call->final_op.server.cancelled); } success = 1; } bctl->success = success != 0; gpr_mu_unlock(&call->mu); if (gpr_unref(&bctl->steps_to_complete)) { post_batch_completion(exec_ctx, bctl); } }
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { grpc_test_only_set_metadata_hash_seed(0); if (squelch) gpr_set_log_function(dont_log); input_stream inp = {data, data + size}; grpc_resolve_address = my_resolve_address; grpc_tcp_client_connect_impl = my_tcp_client_connect; gpr_now_impl = now_impl; grpc_init(); GPR_ASSERT(g_channel == NULL); GPR_ASSERT(g_server == NULL); bool server_shutdown = false; int pending_server_shutdowns = 0; int pending_channel_watches = 0; int pending_pings = 0; g_active_call = new_call(NULL, ROOT); grpc_completion_queue *cq = grpc_completion_queue_create(NULL); while (!is_eof(&inp) || g_channel != NULL || g_server != NULL || pending_channel_watches > 0 || pending_pings > 0 || g_active_call->type != ROOT || g_active_call->next != g_active_call) { if (is_eof(&inp)) { if (g_channel != NULL) { grpc_channel_destroy(g_channel); g_channel = NULL; } if (g_server != NULL) { if (!server_shutdown) { grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify( g_server, cq, create_validator(assert_success_and_decrement, &pending_server_shutdowns)); server_shutdown = true; pending_server_shutdowns++; } else if (pending_server_shutdowns == 0) { grpc_server_destroy(g_server); g_server = NULL; } } call_state *s = g_active_call; do { if (s->type != PENDING_SERVER && s->call != NULL) { s = destroy_call(s); } else { s = s->next; } } while (s != g_active_call); g_now = gpr_time_add(g_now, gpr_time_from_seconds(1, GPR_TIMESPAN)); } switch (next_byte(&inp)) { // terminate on bad bytes default: end(&inp); break; // tickle completion queue case 0: { grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next( cq, gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL); switch (ev.type) { case GRPC_OP_COMPLETE: { validator *v = ev.tag; v->validate(v->arg, ev.success); gpr_free(v); break; } case GRPC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT: break; case GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN: abort(); break; } break; } // increment global time case 1: { g_now = gpr_time_add( g_now, gpr_time_from_micros(read_uint32(&inp), GPR_TIMESPAN)); break; } // create an insecure channel case 2: { if (g_channel == NULL) { char *target = read_string(&inp); char *target_uri; gpr_asprintf(&target_uri, "dns:%s", target); grpc_channel_args *args = read_args(&inp); g_channel = grpc_insecure_channel_create(target_uri, args, NULL); GPR_ASSERT(g_channel != NULL); grpc_channel_args_destroy(args); gpr_free(target_uri); gpr_free(target); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // destroy a channel case 3: { if (g_channel != NULL) { grpc_channel_destroy(g_channel); g_channel = NULL; } else { end(&inp); } break; } // bring up a server case 4: { if (g_server == NULL) { grpc_channel_args *args = read_args(&inp); g_server = grpc_server_create(args, NULL); GPR_ASSERT(g_server != NULL); grpc_channel_args_destroy(args); grpc_server_register_completion_queue(g_server, cq, NULL); grpc_server_start(g_server); server_shutdown = false; GPR_ASSERT(pending_server_shutdowns == 0); } else { end(&inp); } } // begin server shutdown case 5: { if (g_server != NULL) { grpc_server_shutdown_and_notify( g_server, cq, create_validator(assert_success_and_decrement, &pending_server_shutdowns)); pending_server_shutdowns++; server_shutdown = true; } else { end(&inp); } break; } // cancel all calls if shutdown case 6: { if (g_server != NULL && server_shutdown) { grpc_server_cancel_all_calls(g_server); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // destroy server case 7: { if (g_server != NULL && server_shutdown && pending_server_shutdowns == 0) { grpc_server_destroy(g_server); g_server = NULL; } else { end(&inp); } break; } // check connectivity case 8: { if (g_channel != NULL) { uint8_t try_to_connect = next_byte(&inp); if (try_to_connect == 0 || try_to_connect == 1) { grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(g_channel, try_to_connect); } else { end(&inp); } } else { end(&inp); } break; } // watch connectivity case 9: { if (g_channel != NULL) { grpc_connectivity_state st = grpc_channel_check_connectivity_state(g_channel, 0); if (st != GRPC_CHANNEL_FATAL_FAILURE) { gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_time_add( gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), gpr_time_from_micros(read_uint32(&inp), GPR_TIMESPAN)); grpc_channel_watch_connectivity_state( g_channel, st, deadline, cq, create_validator(validate_connectivity_watch, make_connectivity_watch( deadline, &pending_channel_watches))); pending_channel_watches++; } } else { end(&inp); } break; } // create a call case 10: { bool ok = true; if (g_channel == NULL) ok = false; grpc_call *parent_call = NULL; if (g_active_call->type != ROOT) { if (g_active_call->call == NULL || g_active_call->type == CLIENT) { end(&inp); break; } parent_call = g_active_call->call; } uint32_t propagation_mask = read_uint32(&inp); char *method = read_string(&inp); char *host = read_string(&inp); gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), gpr_time_from_micros(read_uint32(&inp), GPR_TIMESPAN)); if (ok) { call_state *cs = new_call(g_active_call, CLIENT); cs->call = grpc_channel_create_call(g_channel, parent_call, propagation_mask, cq, method, host, deadline, NULL); } else { end(&inp); } gpr_free(method); gpr_free(host); break; } // switch the 'current' call case 11: { g_active_call = g_active_call->next; break; } // queue some ops on a call case 12: { if (g_active_call->type == PENDING_SERVER || g_active_call->type == ROOT || g_active_call->call == NULL) { end(&inp); break; } size_t num_ops = next_byte(&inp); if (num_ops > 6) { end(&inp); break; } grpc_op *ops = gpr_malloc(sizeof(grpc_op) * num_ops); bool ok = true; size_t i; grpc_op *op; for (i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) { op = &ops[i]; switch (next_byte(&inp)) { default: /* invalid value */ op->op = (grpc_op_type)-1; ok = false; break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA: op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA; read_metadata(&inp, &op->data.send_initial_metadata.count, &op->data.send_initial_metadata.metadata, g_active_call); break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE: op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE; op->data.send_message = read_message(&inp); break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT: op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT; break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER: op->op = GRPC_OP_SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER; read_metadata( &inp, &op->data.send_status_from_server.trailing_metadata_count, &op->data.send_status_from_server.trailing_metadata, g_active_call); op->data.send_status_from_server.status = next_byte(&inp); op->data.send_status_from_server.status_details = read_string(&inp); break; case GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA: op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA; op->data.recv_initial_metadata = &g_active_call->recv_initial_metadata; break; case GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE: op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE; op->data.recv_message = &g_active_call->recv_message; break; case GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT: op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &g_active_call->status; op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &g_active_call->recv_trailing_metadata; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &g_active_call->recv_status_details; op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details_capacity = &g_active_call->recv_status_details_capacity; break; case GRPC_OP_RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER: op->op = GRPC_OP_RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER; op->data.recv_close_on_server.cancelled = &g_active_call->cancelled; break; } op->reserved = NULL; op->flags = read_uint32(&inp); } if (ok) { validator *v = create_validator(finished_batch, g_active_call); g_active_call->pending_ops++; grpc_call_error error = grpc_call_start_batch(g_active_call->call, ops, num_ops, v, NULL); if (error != GRPC_CALL_OK) { v->validate(v->arg, false); gpr_free(v); } } else { end(&inp); } for (i = 0; i < num_ops; i++) { op = &ops[i]; switch (op->op) { case GRPC_OP_SEND_INITIAL_METADATA: break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE: grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(op->data.send_message); break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_STATUS_FROM_SERVER: gpr_free((void *)op->data.send_status_from_server.status_details); break; case GRPC_OP_SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT: case GRPC_OP_RECV_INITIAL_METADATA: case GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE: case GRPC_OP_RECV_STATUS_ON_CLIENT: case GRPC_OP_RECV_CLOSE_ON_SERVER: break; } } gpr_free(ops); break; } // cancel current call case 13: { if (g_active_call->type != ROOT && g_active_call->call != NULL) { grpc_call_cancel(g_active_call->call, NULL); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // get a calls peer case 14: { if (g_active_call->type != ROOT && g_active_call->call != NULL) { free_non_null(grpc_call_get_peer(g_active_call->call)); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // get a channels target case 15: { if (g_channel != NULL) { free_non_null(grpc_channel_get_target(g_channel)); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // send a ping on a channel case 16: { if (g_channel != NULL) { pending_pings++; grpc_channel_ping(g_channel, cq, create_validator(decrement, &pending_pings), NULL); } else { end(&inp); } break; } // enable a tracer case 17: { char *tracer = read_string(&inp); grpc_tracer_set_enabled(tracer, 1); gpr_free(tracer); break; } // disable a tracer case 18: { char *tracer = read_string(&inp); grpc_tracer_set_enabled(tracer, 0); gpr_free(tracer); break; } // request a server call case 19: { if (g_server == NULL) { end(&inp); break; } call_state *cs = new_call(g_active_call, PENDING_SERVER); cs->pending_ops++; validator *v = create_validator(finished_request_call, cs); grpc_call_error error = grpc_server_request_call(g_server, &cs->call, &cs->call_details, &cs->recv_initial_metadata, cq, cq, v); if (error != GRPC_CALL_OK) { v->validate(v->arg, false); gpr_free(v); } break; } // destroy a call case 20: { if (g_active_call->type != ROOT && g_active_call->type != PENDING_SERVER && g_active_call->call != NULL) { destroy_call(g_active_call); } else { end(&inp); } break; } } } GPR_ASSERT(g_channel == NULL); GPR_ASSERT(g_server == NULL); GPR_ASSERT(g_active_call->type == ROOT); GPR_ASSERT(g_active_call->next == g_active_call); gpr_free(g_active_call); grpc_completion_queue_shutdown(cq); GPR_ASSERT( grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, gpr_inf_past(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), NULL) .type == GRPC_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN); grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq); grpc_shutdown(); return 0; }