void Correlation::output()
    // calculate the FFTs of the two functions
	if( gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( d_x, 1, d_n ) == 0 &&
        gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( d_y, 1, d_n ) == 0)
		for(int i=0; i<d_n/2; i++ ){// multiply the FFT by its complex conjugate
			if( i==0 || i==(d_n/2)-1 )
				d_x[i] *= d_x[i];
				int ni = d_n-i;
				double dReal = d_x[i] * d_y[i] + d_x[ni] * d_y[ni];
				double dImag = d_x[i] * d_y[ni] - d_x[ni] * d_y[i];
				d_x[i] = dReal;
				d_x[ni] = dImag;
	} else {
		QMessageBox::warning((ApplicationWindow *)parent(), tr("QtiPlot") + " - " + tr("Error"),
                             tr("Error in GSL forward FFT operation!"));

	gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse(d_x, 1, d_n );	//inverse FFT

    d_result_table = d_table;
void Convolution::convlv(double *sig, int n, double *dres, int m, int sign)
	double *res = new double[n];
	int i, m2 = m/2;
	for (i=0;i<m2;i++)
	{//store the response in wrap around order, see Numerical Recipes doc
		res[i] = dres[m2+i];
		res[n-m2+i] = dres[i];


	// calculate ffts

	double re, im, size;
	for (i=0;i<n/2;i++)
	{// multiply/divide both ffts
		if(i==0 || i==n/2-1)
			if(sign == 1)
				sig[i] = res[i]*sig[i];
				sig[i] = sig[i]/res[i];
			int ni = n-i;
			if(sign == 1)
				re = res[i]*sig[i]-res[ni]*sig[ni];
				im = res[i]*sig[ni]+res[ni]*sig[i];
				size = res[i]*res[i]+res[ni]*res[ni];
				re = res[i]*sig[i]+res[ni]*sig[ni];
				im = res[i]*sig[ni]-res[ni]*sig[i];
				re /= size;
				im /= size;

			sig[i] = re;
			sig[ni] = im;
	delete[] res;
	gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse(sig,1,n);// inverse fft
 * Perform a type-II DCT using GSL's FFT function.
 * Assumes len is a power of 2
void fDCT2_fft(const unsigned int input[], double output[], size_t len) {
 double *fft_data;
 int i;

  * David, please check this -- do you mean to call fDCT2 and then return?
  * ISO C forbids a return with expression in a void function.
 if (len <= 4) {
   fDCT2(input, output, len);

 /* Allocate the new vector and zero all of the elements.
  * The even elements will remain zero.
 fft_data = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 4 * len);
 memset(fft_data, 0, sizeof(double) * 4 * len);

 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fft_data[2*i + 1] = input[i];
 for (i = 1; i < 2*len; i++) fft_data[4*len - i] = fft_data[i];

 gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform(fft_data, 1, 4*len);
 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) output[i] = fft_data[i] / 2;


文件: fft.c 项目: rcortini/mylib
/* calculates the fast Fourier transform of signal data, stores it into fft_results */
int fft (size_t N, double *data, double *fft_results) {
  size_t i;
  double *fft_data = (double *) calloc (N, sizeof (double));
  int retcode;

  /* initialize the data for fft */
  for (i=0; i<N; i++) fft_data [i] = data [i];

  /* use the corresponding routine if N is power of 2 */
  if (is_power_of_n (N,2)) {
    /* perform the fft */
    retcode = gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform (fft_data, 1, N);
    gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_unpack (fft_data, fft_results, 1, N);
  else {
    /* alloc memory for real and half-complex wavetables, and workspace */
    gsl_fft_real_wavetable *real_wavetable = gsl_fft_real_wavetable_alloc (N);
    gsl_fft_real_workspace *ws = gsl_fft_real_workspace_alloc (N);

    /* perform the fft */
    retcode = gsl_fft_real_transform (fft_data, 1, N, real_wavetable, ws);
    gsl_fft_halfcomplex_unpack (fft_data, fft_results, 1, N);

    /* free memory */
    gsl_fft_real_wavetable_free (real_wavetable);
    gsl_fft_real_workspace_free (ws);
  free (fft_data);
  return retcode;
void TimeSeriesMotion::fft( const QVector<double>& in, QVector<std::complex<double> >& out ) const
    // The number of elements in the double array is 2 * n, but only the first
    // n are filled with data.  For the complex array, n/2 + 1 elements are
    // required.

    // Copy the input QVector into a double array
    double* inArray = (double*) fftw_malloc( sizeof(double) * 2 * in.size() );

    for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
        inArray[i] = in.at(i);

    // Allocate the space for the output
    int n = in.size() / 2 + 1;
    fftw_complex* outArray = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc( sizeof(fftw_complex) * n);

    // Create the plan and execute the FFT
    fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d( in.size(), inArray, outArray, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

    // Copy the data to the output QVector
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        out[i] = std::complex<double>(outArray[i][0], outArray[i][1]);

    // Free the memory
    // Load the buffer with the initial values
    const int n = in.size();
    double *d = new double[n];
    // Load the data
    memcpy(d, in.data(), n * sizeof(double));

#ifdef USE_FFTW
    fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(n, d, d, FFTW_R2HC, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
    // Execute FFT
    gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform(d, 1, n);

    // Load the data into out
    out.resize(1 + n / 2);
    out[0] = std::complex<double>(d[0], 0);
    for (int i = 1; i < (out.size() - 1); ++i) {
        out[i] = std::complex<double>(d[i], d[n - i]);
    out[out.size() - 1] = std::complex<double>(d[n - 1], 0);

    // Delete the buffer
    delete [] d;
//using namespace std;
double bandpass_filter(double data, double lp_cutoff, double hp_cutoff,double sample_rate, int num_samples)	{

	int fft_size = FFT_SIZE;
	double filtered_samples [num_samples];
	double zero_array [432] = {0};
	//std::fill( array, array+432, 0);
	double *buffer_data = new double[fft_size];
   	gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform (buffer_data,1,fft_size);
	int lc_index = (int)((lp_cutoff*num_samples/sample_rate)+0.5);
	int hc_index = (int)((hp_cutoff*num_samples/sample_rate)+0.5);
	for (int i = 0; i < fft_size; ++i)	{
		if ((i >= lc_index) && (i <= hc_index))	{
			filtered_samples[i] = buffer_data[i];
		else if ((i <= (fft_size-lc_index)) && (i >= (fft_size-hc_index)))	{
			filtered_samples[i] = buffer_data[i];
	 gsl_fft_real_radix2_inverse (filtered_samples,1,fft_size);
	 return filtered_samples;


int compute_itegral_r(const mu_data_fit *mu, const fit_params fp, gsl_vector *fftR_abs){
    size_t vsize= mu->k->size; 
    gsl_vector *mu_tmp=gsl_vector_alloc(vsize);
    size_t ikmin=search_min(mu->k, mu->kmin - 0.5*mu->dwk);
    size_t ikmax=search_min(mu->k, mu->kmax + 0.5*mu->dwk);
    gsl_vector_view kw  = gsl_vector_subvector(mu->k, ikmin-1, ikmax-ikmin-1);
    gsl_vector_view muw = gsl_vector_subvector(mu_tmp, ikmin-1, ikmax-ikmin-1);

    gsl_vector *ktmp=gsl_vector_alloc((&kw.vector)->size);
    gsl_vector_memcpy(ktmp, &kw.vector);
    gsl_vector_add_constant(ktmp, fp.kshift);
    compute_itegral(ktmp, &fp, &muw.vector);
    hanning(mu_tmp, mu->k, mu->kmin, mu->kmax, mu->dwk);

    //FFT transform
    double *data = (double *) malloc(vsize*sizeof(double)); 
    memcpy(data, mu_tmp->data, vsize*sizeof(double));
    gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform(data, 1, vsize);

    //Unpack complex vector
    gsl_vector_complex *fourier_data = gsl_vector_complex_alloc (vsize);
    gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_unpack(data, fourier_data->data, 1, vsize);
    gsl_vector *fftR_real = gsl_vector_alloc(vsize/2);
    gsl_vector *fftR_imag = gsl_vector_alloc(vsize/2);
    //gsl_vector *fftR_abs  = gsl_vector_alloc(vsize/2);
    complex_vector_parts(fourier_data, fftR_real, fftR_imag);
    complex_vector_abs(fftR_abs, fftR_real, fftR_imag);
    hanning(fftR_abs, mu->r, mu->rmin, mu->rmax, mu->dwr); 
    gsl_vector_free(fftR_real); gsl_vector_free(fftR_imag);
    gsl_vector_complex_free(fourier_data); gsl_vector_free(mu_tmp);  

bool CrossCorrelate::algorithm() {

  KstVectorPtr array_one    = inputVector(ARRAY_ONE);
  KstVectorPtr array_two    = inputVector(ARRAY_TWO);
  KstVectorPtr step_value   = outputVector(STEP_VALUE);
  KstVectorPtr correlated   = outputVector(CORRELATED);

  if (array_one->length() <= 0               ||
      array_two->length() <= 0               ||
      array_one->length() != array_two->length()) {
      return false;

  double* pdArrayOne;
  double* pdArrayTwo;
  double* pdResult[2];
  double  dReal;
  double  dImag;

  int iLength;
  int iLengthNew;

  bool iReturn = false;

  // zero-pad the array...
  iLength  = array_one->length();
  iLength *= 2;

  step_value->resize(array_one->length(), false);
  correlated->resize(array_two->length(), false);

  // round iLength up to the nearest power of two...
  iLengthNew = 64;
  while( iLengthNew < iLength && iLengthNew > 0) {
    iLengthNew *= 2;
  iLength = iLengthNew;

  if (iLength <= 0)
    return false;

  pdArrayOne = new double[iLength];
  pdArrayTwo = new double[iLength];
  if (pdArrayOne != NULL && pdArrayTwo != NULL) {
    // zero-pad the two arrays...
    memset( pdArrayOne, 0, iLength * sizeof( double ) );
    memcpy( pdArrayOne, array_one->value(), array_one->length() * sizeof( double ) );

    memset( pdArrayTwo, 0, iLength * sizeof( double ) );
    memcpy( pdArrayTwo, array_two->value(), array_two->length() * sizeof( double ) );

    // calculate the FFTs of the two functions...
    if (gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0) {
      if (gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( pdArrayTwo, 1, iLength ) == 0) {
        // multiply one FFT by the complex conjugate of the other...
        for (int i=0; i<iLength/2; i++) {
          if (i==0 || i==(iLength/2)-1) {
            pdArrayOne[i] = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[i];
          } else {
            dReal = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[i] + pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayTwo[iLength-i];
            dImag = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[iLength-i] - pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayTwo[i];

            pdArrayOne[i] = dReal;
            pdArrayOne[iLength-i] = dImag;

        // do the inverse FFT...
        if (gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0) {
          if (step_value->length() != array_one->length()) {
            pdResult[0] = (double*)realloc( step_value->value(), array_one->length() * sizeof( double ) );
          } else {
            pdResult[0] = step_value->value();

          if (correlated->length() != array_two->length()) {
            pdResult[1] = (double*)realloc( correlated->value(), array_two->length() * sizeof( double ) );
          } else {
            pdResult[1] = correlated->value();

          if (pdResult[0] != NULL && pdResult[1] != NULL) {
            for (int i = 0; i < array_one->length(); ++i) {
              step_value->value()[i] = pdResult[0][i];
            for (int i = 0; i < array_two->length(); ++i) {
              correlated->value()[i] = pdResult[1][i];

            for (int i = 0; i < array_one->length(); i++) {
                step_value->value()[i] = (double)( i - ( array_one->length() / 2 ) );

            memcpy( &(correlated->value()[array_one->length() / 2]),
                    ( ( array_one->length() + 1 ) / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

            memcpy( &(correlated->value()[0]),
                    &(pdArrayOne[iLength - (array_one->length() / 2)]),
                    ( array_one->length() / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

            iReturn = true;
  delete[] pdArrayOne;
  delete[] pdArrayTwo;

  return iReturn;
bool AutoCorrelate::algorithm() {

  KstVectorPtr array            = inputVector(ARRAY);
  KstVectorPtr step_value       = outputVector(STEP_VALUE);
  KstVectorPtr auto_correlated  = outputVector(AUTO_CORRELATED);

  if (array->length() <= 0) {
    return false;

  double* pdArrayOne;
  double* pdResult;
  double* pdCorrelate;
  double  dReal;
  double  dImag;
  double  sigmaSquared = 0.0;

  int iLength;
  int iLengthNew;

  bool iReturn = false;

  // zero-pad the array...
  iLength  = array->length();
  iLength *= 2;

  step_value->resize(array->length(), false);
  auto_correlated->resize(array->length(), false);

  // round iLength up to the nearest power of two...
  iLengthNew = 64;
  while( iLengthNew < iLength && iLengthNew > 0) {
    iLengthNew *= 2;
  iLength = iLengthNew;

  if (iLength <= 0) {
    return false;

  pdArrayOne = new double[iLength];
  if (pdArrayOne != NULL) {
    // zero-pad the two arrays...
    memset( pdArrayOne, 0, iLength * sizeof( double ) );
    memcpy( pdArrayOne, array->value(), array->length() * sizeof( double ) );

    // calculate the FFTs of the two functions...
    if (gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0) {
      // multiply the FFT by its complex conjugate...
      for (int i=0; i<iLength/2; i++) {
        if (i==0 || i==(iLength/2)-1) {
          pdArrayOne[i] *= pdArrayOne[i];
        } else {
          dReal = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayOne[i] + pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayOne[iLength-i];
          dImag = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayOne[iLength-i] - pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayOne[i];

          pdArrayOne[i] = dReal;
          pdArrayOne[iLength-i] = dImag;

      // do the inverse FFT...
      if (gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0) {
        if (step_value->length() != array->length()) {
          pdResult = (double*)realloc( step_value->value(), array->length() * sizeof( double ) );
        } else {
          pdResult = step_value->value();

        if (auto_correlated->length() != array->length()) {
          pdCorrelate = (double*)realloc( auto_correlated->value(), array->length() * sizeof( double ) );
        } else {
          pdCorrelate = auto_correlated->value();

        if (pdResult != NULL && pdCorrelate != NULL) {
          sigmaSquared = pdArrayOne[0];

          memcpy( &(auto_correlated->value()[array->length() / 2]),
                  ( ( array->length() + 1 ) / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

          memcpy( &(auto_correlated->value()[0]),
                  &(pdArrayOne[iLength - (array->length() / 2)]),
                  ( array->length() / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

          for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
            auto_correlated->value()[i] /= sigmaSquared;
            step_value->value()[i] = (double)( i - ( array->length() / 2 ) );

          iReturn = true;
  delete[] pdArrayOne;

  return iReturn;
int crosscorrelate(const double *const inArrays[], const int inArrayLens[],
		const double inScalars[],
		double *outArrays[], int outArrayLens[],
		double outScalars[])
  double* pdArrayOne;
  double* pdArrayTwo;
  double* pdResult[2];
  double  dReal;
  double  dImag;
  int i = 0;
  int iLength;
  int iLengthNew;
  int iReturn = -1;

  if( inArrayLens[0] > 0               && 
      inArrayLens[1] > 0               &&
      inArrayLens[0] == inArrayLens[1] )
    // zero-pad the array...
    iLength  = inArrayLens[0];
    iLength *= 2;
    // round iLength up to the nearest power of two...
    iLengthNew = 64;
    while( iLengthNew < iLength && iLengthNew > 0 )
      iLengthNew *= 2;
    iLength = iLengthNew;

    if( iLength > 0 )
      pdArrayOne = new double[iLength];
      pdArrayTwo = new double[iLength];
      if( pdArrayOne != NULL && pdArrayTwo != NULL )
        // zero-pad the two arrays...
        memset( pdArrayOne, 0, iLength * sizeof( double ) );
        memcpy( pdArrayOne, inArrays[0], inArrayLens[0] * sizeof( double ) );

        memset( pdArrayTwo, 0, iLength * sizeof( double ) );
        memcpy( pdArrayTwo, inArrays[1], inArrayLens[1] * sizeof( double ) );

        // calculate the FFTs of the two functions...
        if( gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0 )
          if( gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform( pdArrayTwo, 1, iLength ) == 0 )
            // multiply one FFT by the complex conjugate of the other...
            for( i=0; i<iLength/2; i++ )
              if( i==0 || i==(iLength/2)-1 )
                pdArrayOne[i] = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[i];
                dReal = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[i] + pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayTwo[iLength-i];
                dImag = pdArrayOne[i] * pdArrayTwo[iLength-i] - pdArrayOne[iLength-i] * pdArrayTwo[i];

                pdArrayOne[i] = dReal;
                pdArrayOne[iLength-i] = dImag;

            // do the inverse FFT...
            if( gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_inverse( pdArrayOne, 1, iLength ) == 0 )
              if( outArrayLens[0] != inArrayLens[0] )
                pdResult[0] = (double*)realloc( outArrays[0], inArrayLens[0] * sizeof( double ) );
                pdResult[0] = outArrays[0];

              if( outArrayLens[1] != inArrayLens[1] )
                pdResult[1] = (double*)realloc( outArrays[1], inArrayLens[1] * sizeof( double ) );
                pdResult[1] = outArrays[1];

              if( pdResult[0] != NULL && pdResult[1] != NULL )
                outArrays[0] = pdResult[0];
                outArrayLens[0] = inArrayLens[0];

                outArrays[1] = pdResult[1];
                outArrayLens[1] = inArrayLens[1];
                for( i=0; i<inArrayLens[0]; i++ )
                    outArrays[0][i] = (double)( i - ( inArrayLens[0] / 2 ) );

                memcpy( &(outArrays[1][inArrayLens[0] / 2]),
                        ( ( inArrayLens[0] + 1 ) / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

                memcpy( &(outArrays[1][0]),
                        &(pdArrayOne[iLength - (inArrayLens[0] / 2)]),
                        ( inArrayLens[0] / 2 ) * sizeof( double ) );

                iReturn = 0;
        delete[] pdArrayOne;
        delete[] pdArrayTwo;
  return iReturn;
int main(){
    const int max_mu_size=601;
    const int zero_pad_size=pow(2,15);
    FILE *in;
    in= fopen("mean.chi", "r");
    gsl_matrix *e = gsl_matrix_alloc(max_mu_size, 4);
    gsl_vector * kvar=gsl_vector_alloc(max_mu_size);
    gsl_vector * muvar=gsl_vector_alloc(max_mu_size);
    gsl_vector * mu_0pad=gsl_vector_alloc(zero_pad_size);
    gsl_vector * r_0pad=gsl_vector_alloc(zero_pad_size/2); //half of lenght 
    gsl_vector * kvar_0pad=gsl_vector_alloc(zero_pad_size);

    gsl_matrix_fscanf(in, e);


    double dk=gsl_vector_get (kvar, 1)-gsl_vector_get (kvar, 0);
    double dr=M_PI/float(zero_pad_size-1)/dk;

    for (int i = 0; i < zero_pad_size; i++)
      gsl_vector_set (kvar_0pad, i, dk*i);
    for (int i = 0; i < zero_pad_size/2; i++)
      gsl_vector_set (r_0pad, i, dr*i);
    for (int i = 0; i < max_mu_size; i++)
      gsl_vector_set (mu_0pad, i, gsl_vector_get (muvar, i));

    gsl_vector *mu_widowed=gsl_vector_alloc(zero_pad_size);
    gsl_vector_memcpy (mu_widowed, mu_0pad);
    double kmin=4.0, kmax=17.0, dwk=0.8;
    hanning(mu_widowed, kvar_0pad, kmin, kmax, dwk);

    //FFT transform
    double *data = (double *) malloc(zero_pad_size*sizeof(double)); 
    //new double [zero_pad_size] ;
    memcpy(data, mu_widowed->data, zero_pad_size*sizeof(double));
    gsl_fft_real_radix2_transform(data, 1, zero_pad_size);

    //Unpack complex vector
    gsl_vector_complex *fourier_data = gsl_vector_complex_alloc (zero_pad_size);
    gsl_fft_halfcomplex_radix2_unpack(data, fourier_data->data, 1, zero_pad_size);
    gsl_vector *fftR_real = gsl_vector_alloc(fourier_data->size/2);
    gsl_vector *fftR_imag = gsl_vector_alloc(fourier_data->size/2);
    gsl_vector *fftR_abs  = gsl_vector_alloc(fourier_data->size/2);
    complex_vector_parts(fourier_data, fftR_real, fftR_imag);
    complex_vector_abs(fftR_abs, fftR_real, fftR_imag);
    gsl_vector *first_shell=gsl_vector_alloc(fftR_abs->size);
    gsl_vector_memcpy (first_shell, fftR_abs);
    double rmin=0.2, rmax=3.0, dwr=0.1;
    hanning(first_shell, r_0pad, rmin, rmax, dwr);

    const int path_lines=68; 
    e = gsl_matrix_alloc(path_lines, 7); 
    gsl_vector * k_p  =gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    gsl_vector * phc_p=gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    gsl_vector * mag_p=gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    gsl_vector * pha_p=gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    gsl_vector * lam_p=gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    in= fopen("feff0001.dat", "r");
    gsl_matrix_fscanf(in, e);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(k_p  ,e,0);

    gsl_interp_accel *acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc ();
    gsl_spline *k_spline   = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, path_lines);
    gsl_spline *phc_spline = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, path_lines);
    gsl_spline *mag_spline = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, path_lines);
    gsl_spline *pha_spline = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, path_lines);
    gsl_spline *lam_spline = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, path_lines);

    gsl_spline_init (k_spline  , k_p->data, k_p->data  , path_lines);
    gsl_spline_init (phc_spline, k_p->data, phc_p->data, path_lines);
    gsl_spline_init (mag_spline, k_p->data, mag_p->data, path_lines);
    gsl_spline_init (pha_spline, k_p->data, pha_p->data, path_lines);
    gsl_spline_init (lam_spline, k_p->data, lam_p->data, path_lines);

    gsl_vector * mu_p  =gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);

    //struct fit_params { student_params t; double kshift; double S02; double N; inter_path splines; };
    //student_params t   = {2.45681867, 0.02776907, -21.28920008, 9.44741797, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    splines.acc=acc; splines.phc_spline=phc_spline; splines.mag_spline=mag_spline;
    splines.pha_spline=pha_spline; splines.lam_spline=lam_spline;
    fit_params fp = { 2.45681867, 0.02776907, -21.28920008, 9.44741797, 1.0, 0.0};
    compute_itegral(k_p, &fp, mu_p);

    //mu_data_fit params = { k_p, mu_p};
    mu_data.k  = kvar_0pad;
    mu_data.mu = mu_0pad;
    mu_data.mu_ft = first_shell;
    mu_data.r = r_0pad;
    mu_data.kmin = kmin;
    mu_data.kmax = kmax;
    mu_data.rmin = rmin;
    mu_data.rmax = rmax;
    mu_data.dwk = dwk;
    mu_data.dwr = dwr;

    // initialize the solver
    size_t Nparams=6;
    gsl_vector *guess0 = gsl_vector_alloc(Nparams);

    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 0, 2.4307);
    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 1, 0.040969);
    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 2, 0.001314);
    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 3, 7835);
    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 4,  1.0);
    gsl_vector_set(guess0, 5,  0.0);

    gsl_vector *fit_r = gsl_vector_alloc(r_0pad->size);

    compute_itegral_r(&mu_data, fp, fit_r);
    gsl_matrix *plotting = gsl_matrix_calloc(r_0pad->size, 3);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 0,  r_0pad);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 1,  first_shell);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 2,  fit_r);
    gsl_matrix_free (plotting);

    gsl_multifit_function_fdf fit_mu_k;
    fit_mu_k.f = &resudial_itegral_r;
    fit_mu_k.n = MAX_FIT_POINTS;
    fit_mu_k.p = Nparams;
    fit_mu_k.params = &mu_data;
    fit_mu_k.df = NULL;
    fit_mu_k.fdf = NULL;

    gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *solver = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder, MAX_FIT_POINTS, Nparams);
    gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(solver, &fit_mu_k, guess0);

    size_t iter=0, status;
        //cout << solver->x->data[0] << " " << solver->x->data[1] <<endl;
        status = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate (solver);
        //printf("%12.4f %12.4f %12.4f\n", solver->J->data[0,0], solver->J->data[1,1], solver->J->data[2,2] );
        //gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_dif_df  (k_p, &fit_mu_k, mu_p, solver->J);
        //gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_dif_fdf (k_p, &fit_mu_k, mu_p, solver->J);
        for (int i =0; i< solver->x->size; i++){
            printf("%14.5f", gsl_vector_get (solver->x, i)) ;
        printf("\n") ;

        if (status) break;
        status = gsl_multifit_test_delta (solver->dx, solver->x, 1e-4, 1e-4);
    }while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 100);

    gsl_vector * mu_fit  =gsl_vector_alloc(path_lines);
    fit_params fitp = { solver->x->data[0], solver->x->data[1],\
                        solver->x->data[2], solver->x->data[3],\
                        solver->x->data[4], solver->x->data[5]};
    compute_itegral(k_p, &fitp, mu_fit);

        fp.mu=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 0);
        fp.sig=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 1);
        fp.skew=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 2);
        fp.nu=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 3);
        fp.S02=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 4);
        fp.kshift=gsl_vector_get (solver->x, 5);
        compute_itegral_r(&mu_data, fp, fit_r);
        //gsl_matrix *plotting = gsl_matrix_calloc(r_0pad->size, 3);
        gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 0,  r_0pad);
        gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 1,  first_shell);
        gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 2,  fit_r);
        int min_r=search_max(r_0pad, 0.);
        int max_r=search_max(r_0pad, 4.);
        gsl_matrix_view plotting_lim = gsl_matrix_submatrix (plotting, min_r, 0, max_r-min_r, plotting->size2);
        gsl_matrix_free (plotting);

    //cout << gsl_spline_eval (k_spline, 1.333, acc) << endl;
    //cout << gsl_spline_eval (phc_spline, 1.333, acc) << endl;

    //cout << data[0] << "\t" << data[1] << "\t" << data[2] << "\t" << endl;
    //cout << fourier_data->data[0] << "\t" << fourier_data->data[1] << "\t" << fourier_data->data[2] << "\t" << endl;

    gsl_matrix *plotting = gsl_matrix_calloc(zero_pad_size, 3);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 0, kvar_0pad);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 1, mu_0pad);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 2, mu_widowed);
    int max_k=search_max(kvar_0pad, 35.);
    int min_k=search_max(kvar_0pad, 1.0);
    gsl_matrix_view plotting_lim = gsl_matrix_submatrix (plotting, min_k, 0, max_k-min_k, 3);
    gsl_matrix_free (plotting);

    gsl_matrix *plotting = gsl_matrix_calloc(zero_pad_size, 2);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 0, r_0pad);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 1, mu_0pad);
    int max_k=search_max(kvar_0pad, 35.);
    int min_k=search_max(kvar_0pad, 1.0);
    gsl_matrix_view plotting_lim = gsl_matrix_submatrix (plotting, min_k, 0, max_k-min_k, 3);
    gsl_matrix_free (plotting);
    gsl_matrix *plotting = gsl_matrix_calloc(r_0pad->size, 5);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 0,  r_0pad);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 1,  fftR_abs);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 2,  fftR_real);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 3,  fftR_imag);
    gsl_matrix_set_col (plotting, 4,  first_shell);
    int min_r=search_max(r_0pad, 0.);
    int max_r=search_max(r_0pad, 5.);
    gsl_matrix_view plotting_lim = gsl_matrix_submatrix (plotting, min_r, 0, max_r-min_r, plotting->size2);
    gsl_matrix_free (plotting);

    //cout << "Done" << endl;
    //cout << data[1] <<"\t" << data[2] << endl;
    //for (int i = 0; i < kvar->size; i++)
    //    cout << gsl_vector_get (kvar, i) <<"\t" << gsl_vector_get (muvar, i) << endl;
