文件: gsl.c 项目: xushiwei/pure-lang
int wrap_gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(gsl_matrix* A, gsl_matrix* X,
				  gsl_matrix* V, gsl_matrix* S,
				  gsl_matrix* work)
  gsl_vector_view _S = gsl_matrix_diagonal(S);
  gsl_vector_view _work = gsl_matrix_row(work, 0);
  return gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(A, X, V, &_S.vector, &_work.vector);
CAMLprim value ml_gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(value A, value X, value V, 
					   value S, value WORK)
  gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(&m_A, &m_X, &m_V, &v_S, &v_WORK);
  return Val_unit;
 	void SVD_mod(
 		matrix& A,
 		matrix& X,
 		matrix& V,
 		vector& S,
 		vector& work) {
 		int ret = gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(
inline void SVD::solve(std::vector<std::vector<double> > &src){
	{ std::cerr << "invalid matrix" <<std::endl; return;}
	//---	matrix allocation	---
	Allocation(src[0].size(), src.size());
	//	copy into gsl_matrix* A
	for(size_t i=0; i<m; ++i) for(size_t j=0; j<n; ++j) gsl_matrix_set(A, i, j, src[j][i]);

	if(m<n)	{ std::cerr << "invalid matrix" <<std::endl; return;}

	//---	the condition of m >> n is assumed as m > 100*n
	if(m < 100*n)	//	Golub Reinsch method;
		gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(A, V, S, work);
	else	//	modified Golub Reinsch method; 
		gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(A, X, V, S, work);
int main (int argc, char** argv, char** env) {
  int i, j;
  const gsl_rng_type *T;
  gsl_rng *r;
  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (T); 
  gsl_matrix *x = gsl_matrix_alloc (SIZE1, SIZE2);

#ifdef DEBUG 
  printf ("Start allocating matrix...\n");

  for (i = 0; i < (x -> size1); i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < (x -> size2); j++) {
      gsl_matrix_set(x, i, j, gsl_ran_gaussian(r, 1.0));

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf ("matrix allocation finished\n"); 
  gsl_matrix *v = gsl_matrix_alloc (SIZE2, SIZE2);
  gsl_vector *s = gsl_vector_alloc (SIZE2);
  gsl_vector *work = gsl_vector_alloc (SIZE2);
  gsl_linalg_SV_decomp (x, v, s, work);

#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("%e\n", gsl_matrix_get(x, rand() % SIZE1 + 1, rand() % SIZE2 + 2));

#ifdef SVD_MOD
  gsl_matrix *mx = gsl_matrix_alloc (SIZE2, SIZE2);
  gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod (x, mx, v, s, work);

  return 0;
  * C++ version of gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod().
  * @param A A matrix
  * @param X A matrix
  * @param V A matrix (part of SVD)
  * @param S A vector
  * @param work A vector
  * @return Error code on failure
 inline int SV_decomp_mod( matrix& A, matrix& X, matrix& V, vector& S, vector& work ){
   return gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod( A.get(), X.get(), V.get(), S.get(), work.get() ); } 
文件: multiwlinear.c 项目: FMX/gsl
static int
multifit_wlinear_svd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                      const gsl_vector * w,
                      const gsl_vector * y,
                      double tol,
                      int balance,
                      size_t * rank,
                      gsl_vector * c,
                      gsl_matrix * cov,
                      double *chisq, gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work)
  if (X->size1 != y->size)
        ("number of observations in y does not match rows of matrix X",
  else if (X->size2 != c->size)
      GSL_ERROR ("number of parameters c does not match columns of matrix X",
  else if (w->size != y->size)
      GSL_ERROR ("number of weights does not match number of observations",
  else if (cov->size1 != cov->size2)
      GSL_ERROR ("covariance matrix is not square", GSL_ENOTSQR);
  else if (c->size != cov->size1)
        ("number of parameters does not match size of covariance matrix",
  else if (X->size1 != work->n || X->size2 != work->p)
        ("size of workspace does not match size of observation matrix",
      const size_t n = X->size1;
      const size_t p = X->size2;

      size_t i, j, p_eff;

      gsl_matrix *A = work->A;
      gsl_matrix *Q = work->Q;
      gsl_matrix *QSI = work->QSI;
      gsl_vector *S = work->S;
      gsl_vector *t = work->t;
      gsl_vector *xt = work->xt;
      gsl_vector *D = work->D;

      /* Scale X,  A = sqrt(w) X */

      gsl_matrix_memcpy (A, X);

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
          double wi = gsl_vector_get (w, i);

          if (wi < 0)
            wi = 0;

            gsl_vector_view row = gsl_matrix_row (A, i);
            gsl_vector_scale (&row.vector, sqrt (wi));

      /* Balance the columns of the matrix A if requested */

      if (balance) 
          gsl_linalg_balance_columns (A, D);
          gsl_vector_set_all (D, 1.0);

      /* Decompose A into U S Q^T */

      gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod (A, QSI, Q, S, xt);

      /* Solve sqrt(w) y = A c for c, by first computing t = sqrt(w) y */

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
          double wi = gsl_vector_get (w, i);
          double yi = gsl_vector_get (y, i);
          if (wi < 0)
            wi = 0;
          gsl_vector_set (t, i, sqrt (wi) * yi);

      gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasTrans, 1.0, A, t, 0.0, xt);

      /* Scale the matrix Q,  Q' = Q S^-1 */

      gsl_matrix_memcpy (QSI, Q);

        double alpha0 = gsl_vector_get (S, 0);
        p_eff = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            gsl_vector_view column = gsl_matrix_column (QSI, j);
            double alpha = gsl_vector_get (S, j);

            if (alpha <= tol * alpha0) {
              alpha = 0.0;
            } else {
              alpha = 1.0 / alpha;

            gsl_vector_scale (&column.vector, alpha);

        *rank = p_eff;

      gsl_vector_set_zero (c);

      /* Solution */

      gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasNoTrans, 1.0, QSI, xt, 0.0, c);

      /* Unscale the balancing factors */

      gsl_vector_div (c, D);

      /* Compute chisq, from residual r = y - X c */

        double r2 = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            double yi = gsl_vector_get (y, i);
            double wi = gsl_vector_get (w, i);
            gsl_vector_const_view row = gsl_matrix_const_row (X, i);
            double y_est, ri;
            gsl_blas_ddot (&row.vector, c, &y_est);
            ri = yi - y_est;
            r2 += wi * ri * ri;

        *chisq = r2;

        /* Form covariance matrix cov = (X^T W X)^-1 = (Q S^-1) (Q S^-1)^T */

        for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
            gsl_vector_view row_i = gsl_matrix_row (QSI, i);
            double d_i = gsl_vector_get (D, i);

            for (j = i; j < p; j++)
                gsl_vector_view row_j = gsl_matrix_row (QSI, j);
                double d_j = gsl_vector_get (D, j);
                double s;

                gsl_blas_ddot (&row_i.vector, &row_j.vector, &s);

                gsl_matrix_set (cov, i, j, s / (d_i * d_j));
                gsl_matrix_set (cov, j, i, s / (d_i * d_j));

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
gsl_multifit_linear_svd (const gsl_matrix * X,
                         const gsl_vector * y,
                         double tol,
                         size_t * rank,
                         gsl_vector * c,
                         gsl_matrix * cov,
                         double *chisq, gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work)
  if (X->size1 != y->size)
        ("number of observations in y does not match rows of matrix X",
  else if (X->size2 != c->size)
      GSL_ERROR ("number of parameters c does not match columns of matrix X",
  else if (cov->size1 != cov->size2)
      GSL_ERROR ("covariance matrix is not square", GSL_ENOTSQR);
  else if (c->size != cov->size1)
        ("number of parameters does not match size of covariance matrix",
  else if (X->size1 != work->n || X->size2 != work->p)
        ("size of workspace does not match size of observation matrix",
  else if (tol <= 0)
      GSL_ERROR ("tolerance must be positive", GSL_EINVAL);
      const size_t n = X->size1;
      const size_t p = X->size2;

      size_t i, j, p_eff;

      gsl_matrix *A = work->A;
      gsl_matrix *Q = work->Q;
      gsl_matrix *QSI = work->QSI;
      gsl_vector *S = work->S;
      gsl_vector *xt = work->xt;
      gsl_vector *D = work->D;

      /* Copy X to workspace,  A <= X */

      gsl_matrix_memcpy (A, X);

      /* Balance the columns of the matrix A */

      gsl_linalg_balance_columns (A, D);

      /* Decompose A into U S Q^T */

      gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod (A, QSI, Q, S, xt);

      /* Solve y = A c for c */

      gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasTrans, 1.0, A, y, 0.0, xt);

      /* Scale the matrix Q,  Q' = Q S^-1 */

      gsl_matrix_memcpy (QSI, Q);

        double alpha0 = gsl_vector_get (S, 0);
        p_eff = 0;

        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            gsl_vector_view column = gsl_matrix_column (QSI, j);
            double alpha = gsl_vector_get (S, j);

            if (alpha <= tol * alpha0) {
              alpha = 0.0;
            } else {
              alpha = 1.0 / alpha;

            gsl_vector_scale (&column.vector, alpha);

        *rank = p_eff;

      gsl_vector_set_zero (c);

      gsl_blas_dgemv (CblasNoTrans, 1.0, QSI, xt, 0.0, c);

      /* Unscale the balancing factors */

      gsl_vector_div (c, D);

      /* Compute chisq, from residual r = y - X c */

        double s2 = 0, r2 = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            double yi = gsl_vector_get (y, i);
            gsl_vector_const_view row = gsl_matrix_const_row (X, i);
            double y_est, ri;
            gsl_blas_ddot (&row.vector, c, &y_est);
            ri = yi - y_est;
            r2 += ri * ri;

        s2 = r2 / (n - p_eff);   /* p_eff == rank */

        *chisq = r2;

        /* Form variance-covariance matrix cov = s2 * (Q S^-1) (Q S^-1)^T */

        for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
            gsl_vector_view row_i = gsl_matrix_row (QSI, i);
            double d_i = gsl_vector_get (D, i);

            for (j = i; j < p; j++)
                gsl_vector_view row_j = gsl_matrix_row (QSI, j);
                double d_j = gsl_vector_get (D, j);
                double s;

                gsl_blas_ddot (&row_i.vector, &row_j.vector, &s);

                gsl_matrix_set (cov, i, j, s * s2 / (d_i * d_j));
                gsl_matrix_set (cov, j, i, s * s2 / (d_i * d_j));

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
SaLSA::SaLSA(const Everything& e, const FluidSolverParams& fsp)
: PCM(e, fsp), siteShape(fsp.solvents[0]->molecule.sites.size())
	logPrintf("   Initializing non-local response weight functions:\n");
	const double dG = gInfo.dGradial, Gmax = gInfo.GmaxGrid;
	unsigned nGradial = unsigned(ceil(Gmax/dG))+5;

	//Initialize fluid molecule's spherically-averaged electron density kernel:
	const auto& solvent = fsp.solvents[0];
	std::vector<double> nFluidSamples(nGradial);
	for(unsigned i=0; i<nGradial; i++)
	{	double G = i*dG;
		nFluidSamples[i] = 0.;
		for(const auto& site: solvent->molecule.sites)
		{	double nTilde = site->elecKernel(G);
			for(const vector3<>& r: site->positions)
				nFluidSamples[i] += nTilde * bessel_jl(0, G*r.length());
	nFluid.init(0, nFluidSamples, dG);
	//Determine dipole correlation factors:
	double chiRot = 0., chiPol = 0.;
	for(const auto& c: fsp.components)
	{	chiRot += c->Nbulk * c->molecule.getDipole().length_squared()/(3.*fsp.T);
		chiPol += c->Nbulk * c->molecule.getAlphaTot();
	double sqrtCrot = (epsBulk>epsInf && chiRot) ? sqrt((epsBulk-epsInf)/(4.*M_PI*chiRot)) : 1.;
	double epsInfEff = chiRot ? epsInf : epsBulk; //constrain to epsBulk for molecules with no rotational susceptibility
	double sqrtCpol = (epsInfEff>1. && chiPol) ? sqrt((epsInfEff-1.)/(4.*M_PI*chiPol)) : 1.;
	//Rotational and translational response (includes ionic response):
	const double bessel_jl_by_Gl_zero[4] = {1., 1./3, 1./15, 1./105}; //G->0 limit of j_l(G)/G^l
	for(const auto& c: fsp.components)
		for(int l=0; l<=fsp.lMax; l++)
		{	//Calculate radial densities for all m:
			gsl_matrix* V = gsl_matrix_calloc(nGradial, 2*l+1); //allocate and set to zero
			double prefac = sqrt(4.*M_PI*c->Nbulk/fsp.T);
			for(unsigned iG=0; iG<nGradial; iG++)
			{	double G = iG*dG;
				for(const auto& site: c->molecule.sites)
				{	double Vsite = prefac * site->chargeKernel(G);
					for(const vector3<>& r: site->positions)
					{	double rLength = r.length();
						double bessel_jl_by_Gl = G ? bessel_jl(l,G*rLength)/pow(G,l) : bessel_jl_by_Gl_zero[l]*pow(rLength,l);
						vector3<> rHat = (rLength ? 1./rLength : 0.) * r;
						for(int m=-l; m<=+l; m++)
							*gsl_matrix_ptr(V,iG,l+m) += Vsite * bessel_jl_by_Gl * Ylm(l,m, rHat);
			//Scale dipole active modes:
			for(int lm=0; lm<2l+1; lm++)
				if(l==1 && fabs(gsl_matrix_get(V,0,lm))>1e-6)
					for(unsigned iG=0; iG<nGradial; iG++)
						*gsl_matrix_ptr(V,iG,lm) *= sqrtCrot;
			//Get linearly-independent non-zero modes by performing an SVD:
			gsl_vector* S = gsl_vector_alloc(2*l+1);
			gsl_matrix* U = gsl_matrix_alloc(2*l+1, 2*l+1);
			gsl_matrix* tmpMat = gsl_matrix_alloc(2*l+1, 2*l+1);
			gsl_vector* tmpVec = gsl_vector_alloc(2*l+1);
			gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_mod(V, tmpMat, U, S, tmpVec);
			//Add response functions for non-singular modes:
			for(int mode=0; mode<2*l+1; mode++)
			{	double Smode = gsl_vector_get(S, mode);
				if(Smode*Smode < 1e-3) break;
				std::vector<double> Vsamples(nGradial);
				for(unsigned iG=0; iG<nGradial; iG++)
					Vsamples[iG] = Smode * gsl_matrix_get(V, iG, mode);
				response.push_back(std::make_shared<MultipoleResponse>(l, -1, 1, Vsamples, dG));
	//Polarizability response:
	for(unsigned iSite=0; iSite<solvent->molecule.sites.size(); iSite++)
	{	const Molecule::Site& site = *(solvent->molecule.sites[iSite]);
		{	std::vector<double> Vsamples(nGradial);
			double prefac = sqrtCpol * sqrt(solvent->Nbulk * site.alpha);
			for(unsigned iG=0; iG<nGradial; iG++)
				Vsamples[iG] = prefac * site.polKernel(iG*dG);
			response.push_back(std::make_shared<MultipoleResponse>(1, iSite, site.positions.size(), Vsamples, dG));
	const double GzeroTol = 1e-12;
	//Compute bulk properties and print summary:
	double epsBulk = 1.; double k2factor = 0.; std::map<int,int> lCount;
	for(const std::shared_ptr<MultipoleResponse>& resp: response)
	{	lCount[resp->l]++;
		double respGzero = (4*M_PI) * pow(resp->V(0), 2) * resp->siteMultiplicity;
		if(resp->l==0) k2factor += respGzero;
		if(resp->l==1) epsBulk += respGzero;
	for(auto lInfo: lCount)
		logPrintf("      l: %d  #weight-functions: %d\n", lInfo.first, lInfo.second);
	logPrintf("   Bulk dielectric-constant: %lg", epsBulk);
	if(k2factor > GzeroTol) logPrintf("   screening-length: %lg bohrs.\n", sqrt(epsBulk/k2factor));
	else logPrintf("\n");
	if(fsp.lMax >= 1) myassert(fabs(epsBulk-this->epsBulk) < 1e-3); //verify consistency of correlation factors
	myassert(fabs(k2factor-this->k2factor) < 1e-3); //verify consistency of site charges
	//Initialize preconditioner kernel:
	std::vector<double> KkernelSamples(nGradial);
	for(unsigned i=0; i<nGradial; i++)
	{	double G = i*dG, G2=G*G;
		//Compute diagonal part of the hessian ( 4pi(Vc^-1 + chi) ):
		double diagH = G2;
		for(const auto& resp: response)
			diagH += pow(G2,resp->l) * pow(resp->V(G), 2);
		//Set its inverse square-root as the preconditioner:
		KkernelSamples[i] = (diagH>GzeroTol) ? 1./sqrt(diagH) : 0.;
	Kkernel.init(0, KkernelSamples, dG);
	//MPI division:
	TaskDivision(response.size(), mpiUtil).myRange(rStart, rStop);