int wrap_gsl_matrix_complex_scale(gsl_matrix_complex *a, pure_expr *x) { double d; gsl_complex z; if (pure_is_double(x, &d)) { z.dat[0] = d; z.dat[1] = 0.0; return gsl_matrix_complex_scale(a, z); } else if (pure_is_complex(x, z.dat)) return gsl_matrix_complex_scale(a, z); else return 0; }
static int _equalf(CMATRIX *a, double f) { bool result; if (COMPLEX(a)) { if (f == 0.0) return gsl_matrix_complex_isnull(CMAT(a)); gsl_matrix_complex *m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(WIDTH(a), HEIGHT(a)); gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(m); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(m, gsl_complex_rect(f, 0)); result = gsl_matrix_complex_equal(CMAT(a), m); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); } else { if (f == 0.0) return gsl_matrix_isnull(MAT(a)); gsl_matrix *m = gsl_matrix_alloc(WIDTH(a), HEIGHT(a)); gsl_matrix_set_identity(m); gsl_matrix_scale(m, f); result = gsl_matrix_equal(MAT(a), m); gsl_matrix_free(m); } return result; }
/* * Calculate the matrix exponent of A and store in eA. * Algorithm: Truncated Talyor series. * * WARNING: Large errors possible and it's slow. */ int gsl_ext_expm_complex(gsl_matrix_complex *A, gsl_matrix_complex *eA) { int i; gsl_complex alpha, beta, z; gsl_matrix_complex *I, *T; I = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(A->size1, A->size2); T = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(A->size1, A->size2); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&alpha, 1.0, 0.0); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&beta, 0.0, 0.0); gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(I); gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(eA); for (i = 50; i > 0; i--) { GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, 1.0 / i, 0.0); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(eA, z); gsl_blas_zgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, alpha, eA, A, beta, T); gsl_matrix_complex_add(T, I); gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(eA, T); } return 0; }
/* * FUNCTION * Name: entropy_of_state * Description: Calculate the Von Neumann entropy of state 'rho' * */ double entropy_of_state ( const gsl_vector* rho ) { double entr = 0 ; /* Finding the eigenvalues */ gsl_eigen_herm_workspace* rho_ei = gsl_eigen_herm_alloc(2); gsl_matrix_complex* dens = gsl_matrix_complex_calloc (2,2); gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens, 0, 0, gsl_complex_rect(1+VECTOR(rho, 3),0)); gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,0,1,gsl_complex_rect(VECTOR(rho,1),-VECTOR(rho,2))); gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,1,0,gsl_complex_rect(VECTOR(rho,1),VECTOR(rho,2))); gsl_matrix_complex_set (dens,1,1,gsl_complex_rect(1-VECTOR(rho,3),0)); gsl_matrix_complex_scale (dens, gsl_complex_rect(0.5,0)); gsl_vector* eigenvalues = gsl_vector_calloc(2) ; gsl_eigen_herm (dens, eigenvalues, rho_ei) ; /* Calculating entropy */ double norm = gsl_hypot3( VECTOR(rho,1), VECTOR(rho,2), VECTOR(rho,3) ) ; if ( gsl_fcmp(norm, 1, 1e-9) > 0 ) entr = 0 ; else entr = - (VECTOR(eigenvalues,0)*gsl_sf_log(VECTOR(eigenvalues,0)) + VECTOR(eigenvalues,1)*gsl_sf_log(VECTOR(eigenvalues,1))) ; return (entr); } /* ----- end of function entropy_of_state ----- */
void qdpack_matrix_scale(qdpack_matrix_t *op, qdpack_complex z) { if (op == NULL) return; gsl_matrix_complex_scale(op->data, z); }
static void matrix_complex_add_identity(gsl_matrix_complex *m, gsl_complex c) { gsl_matrix_complex *id = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(m->size1, m->size2); gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(id); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(id, c); gsl_matrix_complex_add(m, id); gsl_matrix_complex_free(id); }
static int do_ccmul(lua_State *L, mMatComplex *a, double b_re, double b_im) { mMatComplex *r = qlua_newMatComplex(L, a->l_size, a->r_size); gsl_complex z; gsl_matrix_complex_memcpy(r->m, a->m); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, b_re, b_im); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(r->m, z); return 1; }
static CMATRIX *_divo(CMATRIX *a, void *b, bool invert) { bool complex = COMPLEX(a); CMATRIX *m; gsl_complex c; if (!GB.Is(b, CLASS_Complex)) return NULL; c = ((CCOMPLEX *)b)->number; if (invert) { void *inv = matrix_invert(MAT(a), complex); if (!inv) { GB.Error(GB_ERR_ZERO); return NULL; } m = MATRIX_create_from(inv, complex); } else { if (GSL_REAL(c) == 0 && GSL_IMAG(c) == 0) { GB.Error(GB_ERR_ZERO); return NULL; } c = gsl_complex_inverse(c); m = MATRIX_make(a); } MATRIX_ensure_complex(m); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(CMAT(m), c); return m; }
static int _equalo(CMATRIX *a, void *b) { bool result; CCOMPLEX *c; if (!GB.Is(b, CLASS_Complex)) return -1; c = (CCOMPLEX *)b; if (GSL_IMAG(c->number) == 0.0) return _equalf(a, GSL_REAL(c->number)); if (!COMPLEX(a)) return FALSE; gsl_matrix_complex *m = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(WIDTH(a), HEIGHT(a)); gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(m); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(m, c->number); result = gsl_matrix_complex_equal(CMAT(a), m); gsl_matrix_complex_free(m); return result; }
static CMATRIX *_divf(CMATRIX *a, double f, bool invert) { bool complex = COMPLEX(a); CMATRIX *m; if (invert) { void *inv = matrix_invert(MAT(a), complex); if (!inv) { GB.Error(GB_ERR_ZERO); return NULL; } m = MATRIX_create_from(inv, complex); } else { if (f == 0.0) { GB.Error(GB_ERR_ZERO); return NULL; } f = 1 / f; m = MATRIX_make(a); } if (complex) gsl_matrix_complex_scale(CMAT(m), gsl_complex_rect(f, 0)); else gsl_matrix_scale(MAT(m), f); return m; }
bool Matrix_Scale(gsl_matrix_complex *A, double _Complex s){ gsl_matrix_complex_scale(A, c2g(s)); return true; }
bool Matrix_Scale(gsl_matrix_complex *A, gsl_complex s){ gsl_matrix_complex_scale(A, s); return true; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int num,i,*states,num_e,j,k; double *entry, *dos_vec, *eval_vec; double coef; char tmpc; gsl_vector *eval; gsl_matrix_view m; gsl_eigen_symm_workspace *w; gsl_matrix_complex * matrix2; gsl_complex z; gsl_permutation * p; char name[25]; FILE *out; if ((out = fopen(argv[1],"r")) != NULL) { num = 0; printf("reading from file: %s....\n",argv[1]); while(fscanf(out,"%lf",&coef) != EOF) num++; if (modf(sqrt(num),&coef) != 0) { printf("not a square matrix!\n\n"); return 1; } //printf("%d\n",num); fseek(out,0,SEEK_SET); num = sqrt(num); entry = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * num * num); i = 0; while (i < (num * num)) { *(entry + i) = 0; i++; } i = 0; printf("loading matrix into memory...\n"); while(fscanf(out,"%lf",&coef) != EOF) { *(entry + i) = coef; printf("entry %d = %g\n",i + 1,coef); i++; } flags += NUMPRINT; flags += READFROMFILE; } if (argc < 6 && (flags & READFROMFILE) == 0) { printf("usage: no. of layers, slope of cone/no. of atoms per layer, on-site energy, hopping parameter, model, (option)\n"); printf("\n Models are:\n1: Nanotube, square lattice\n2: Nanotube, hex lattice (armchair)\n"); printf("3: Nanohorn, square lattice\n4: Nanohorn hex lattice\n5: Nanotube, hex lattice (zig-zag)\n"); printf("\nOptions are: p - print symbolically\n n - print numerically\n\n"); return 1; } else if ((flags & READFROMFILE) != 0) { } else { num = atoi(argv[1]); Epsilon = atol(argv[3]); Gamma = atol(argv[4]); switch(atoi(argv[5])) { case 1: flags = flags + CNT_SQUARE; Alpha = atoi(argv[2]); num *= Alpha; entry = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * num * num); break; case 2: flags = flags + CNT_HEX_ARM; Alpha = atoi(argv[2]); i = Alpha; if ((i % 2) != 0) { printf("no. of atoms per layer must be even, changing to %d\n",i + 1); Alpha += 1; } num *= (Alpha); entry = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * num * num); break; case 3: flags = flags + HORN_SQUARE; i = 1; num_e = 0; while (i <= num) { num_e += i; i++; } num = num_e; entry = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * num * num); break; case 4: flags = flags + HORN_HEX; num = 0; entry = NULL; break; case 5: flags = flags + CNT_HEX_ZIG; Alpha = atoi(argv[2]); i = Alpha; while ((i % 4) != 0) { i++; } Alpha = i; num *= Alpha; entry = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * num * num); break; default: printf("No valid model choice!\n"); return 1; break; } i = 0; while (i < (num * num)) { *(entry + i) = 0; i++; } printf("Alpha = %g\n",Alpha); } printf("%d atoms\n",num); if (argc > 6) { if (strcmp("p\0",argv[6]) == 0) { //printf("print"); flags = flags + PRINT; } if (strcmp("n\0", argv[6]) == 0) { flags = flags + NUMPRINT; } } eval = gsl_vector_alloc(num); //printf("flags %d\n",flags); //k = (flags & PRINT); //printf("print ? %d\n",k); //printf("%lf",Alpha); //printf("%d",num); if (entry == NULL) { printf("could not allocate memory\n"); return 1; } i = 0; if ((flags & READFROMFILE) == 0) { printf("Populating Matrix...\n"); PopulateMatrix(entry,num); out = fopen("matrix","w"); i = 0; while (i < (num * num)) { fprintf(out,"%3.5lf ",*(entry + i)); if (((i + 1) % num) == 0) fprintf(out,"\n"); i++; } fclose(out); } else { } printf("Printing Matrix\n"); PrintMatrix(entry,num); //CalcEigenvalues(entry,num,eval); //Eigenvalue Calculation m = gsl_matrix_view_array (entry,num,num); //printf("87\n"); w = gsl_eigen_symm_alloc (num); //printf("89\n"); printf("Solving Eigenvalue equation....\n"); if(gsl_eigen_symm (&m.matrix, eval, w)) { printf("an error occurred solving the eigenvalue equation\n"); return 1; } //printf("\nworkspace location = %#x",w); gsl_eigen_symm_free(w); printf("\n\n"); //if (flags & NUMPRINT != 0 || flags & PRINT != 0) printf("Eigenvalues found. "); eval_vec = malloc(sizeof(double) * num); i = 0; while (i < num) { *(eval_vec + i) = gsl_vector_get(eval,i); i++; } gsl_vector_free(eval); tmpc = 0; printf("Ordering Eigenvalues...\n"); qsort(eval_vec,num,sizeof(double),comparedouble); division = ((*(eval_vec + num - 1) - *eval_vec) / num) * 10 * INTERVAL; num_e = ((*(eval_vec + num - 1) - *eval_vec))/ division; num_e++; //just in case while ((flags & FINISHED) == 0) { if (tmpc != -1) printf("(s)ave in file, (q)uit and discard, (p)rint (!), (d)ensity of states: "); scanf("%c",&tmpc); if (tmpc == 'p' || tmpc == 'P') { i = 0; while (i < num) { printf("Eigenvalue %d\t: %g\n",(i + 1),*(eval_vec + i)); i++; } printf("\n"); tmpc = -1; } else if (tmpc == 'q' || tmpc == 'Q') { printf("\nexiting...\n\n"); flags += FINISHED; } else if (tmpc == 'd' || tmpc == 'D') { tmpc = 0; dos_vec = malloc(sizeof(double) * num_e); states = malloc(sizeof(int) * num_e); printf("\nCalculating density of states...\n"); Calculate(eval_vec,num,dos_vec,states); i = 0; printf("\n"); out = fopen("dostube","w"); while (i < num_e && *(states + i) >= 0) { printf("Energy: % .5lf\tNo. of states: %d\n",*(dos_vec + i),*(states + i)); fprintf(out,"% .5lf\t%d\n",*(dos_vec + i),*(states + i)); i++; } num_e = i; fclose(out); flags += FINISHED; flags += DOS; } else if (tmpc == -1) //WHY?!! { tmpc = 0; } else if (tmpc == 's' || tmpc == 'S') //broken for some reason { printf("\nchoose filename: "); scanf("%s",name); //printf("%s",name); out = fopen(name,"r"); if (out != NULL) { printf("File already exists!\n"); fclose(out); } else { fclose(out); out = fopen(name,"w"); printf("Writing to file: %s",name); i = 0; while (i < num) { fprintf(out,"Eigenvalue %d\t: %g\n",(i + 1),*(eval_vec + i)); i++; } fclose(out); tmpc = -1; } } else { printf("unrecognised option!\n"); } } if ((flags & DOS) != 0) { while (j < num_e) { matrix2 = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(sizeof(gsl_complex) * num,sizeof(gsl_complex) * num); i = 0; gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity(matrix2); z.dat[0] = *(dos_vec + j); z.dat[1] = 0.0001; gsl_matrix_complex_scale(matrix2,z); while (i < num) { k = 0; while(k < num) { z = gsl_matrix_complex_get(matrix2,i,k); z.dat[0] -= *(entry + i + (k * num)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(matrix2,i,k,z); k++; } i++; } out = fopen("matrix","w"); gsl_matrix_complex_fprintf(out,matrix2,"% 2.2lf"); fclose(out); free(entry); } } //printf("\neval location = %#x",eval); return 0; }
void Spectrometer::countDispersion_BS(Medium &Osrodek, QString DataName, QProgressBar *Progress, int factor) { //lsfgerhla double a=Osrodek.itsBasis.getLatticeConstant(); double thickness=Osrodek.itsStructure.getThickness(); int RecVec=itsRecVectors; int k_prec=itsK_Precision; double wi=itsFrequencies[0]; double w_prec=itsFrequencies[1]; double wf=itsFrequencies[2]; int half=3*(2*RecVec+1)*(2*RecVec+1); int dimension=6*(2*RecVec+1)*(2*RecVec+1); int EigValStrNumber=6*(2*RecVec+1)*(2*RecVec+1); int EigValNumber=9*(2*RecVec+1)*(2*RecVec+1); std::ofstream plik; DataName="results/"+ DataName + ".dat"; QByteArray bytes = DataName.toAscii(); const char * CDataName =;; //inicjalizacje wektorów i macierzy gsl_matrix *gammaA=gsl_matrix_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_matrix *gammaB=gsl_matrix_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_matrix *gammaC=gsl_matrix_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_matrix *gammaD=gsl_matrix_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_eigen_genv_workspace *wspce=gsl_eigen_genv_alloc(dimension); gsl_eigen_genv_workspace *wspce2=gsl_eigen_genv_alloc(dimension); gsl_vector_complex *StrAlpha =gsl_vector_complex_alloc(dimension); gsl_vector *StrBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(dimension); gsl_matrix_complex *StrEigenVec=gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_vector_complex *BAlpha =gsl_vector_complex_alloc(dimension); gsl_vector *BBeta = gsl_vector_alloc(dimension); gsl_matrix_complex *BasisEigenVec=gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(dimension, dimension); gsl_matrix_complex *ChosenVectors = gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(half, EigValNumber); gsl_vector_complex *ChosenValues = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(EigValNumber); gsl_matrix_complex *Boundaries=gsl_matrix_complex_calloc(EigValNumber, EigValNumber); double kx, ky, krokx, kroky, boundary_x, boundary_y; double k_zred, k_zred0; double krok = M_PI/(k_prec*a); for (int droga=0; droga<3; droga++) { //int droga = 1; if (droga==0) //droga M->Gamma { kx=-M_PI/a; krokx=krok; boundary_x=0; ky=-M_PI/a; kroky=krok; boundary_y=0; k_zred0=-1*sqrt(pow(kx/(2*M_PI/a), 2)+pow(ky/(2*M_PI/a), 2)); } else if (droga==1) { kx=0; //droga Gamma->X krokx=krok; boundary_x=M_PI/a; ky=0; kroky=0; boundary_y=0; k_zred0=sqrt(2)/2; //k_zred0=0; } else if (droga==2) { kx=M_PI/a; //Droga X->M krokx=0; boundary_x=M_PI/a; ky=0; kroky=krok; boundary_y=M_PI/a; k_zred0=sqrt(2)/2; } //petla dla wektorów falowych for (; kx <= boundary_x && ky <= boundary_y; kx=kx+krokx, ky=ky+kroky) { if (droga==0) { k_zred = abs(k_zred0 + sqrt( pow(kx/(2*M_PI/a), 2)+pow(ky/(2*M_PI/a), 2))); } else { k_zred = k_zred0 + kx/(2*M_PI/a) + ky/(2*M_PI/a); } int postep=int(100*k_zred/1.7); Progress->setValue(postep); Progress->update(); QApplication::processEvents(); //pętla dla częstości w for (double w=wi; w<wf; w=w+w_prec) { gsl_matrix_complex_set_all(Boundaries, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); //ustawienie wartosci wyznacznika na 0 gsl_matrix_set_all(gammaA, 0); gsl_matrix_set_all(gammaB, 0); gsl_matrix_set_all(gammaC, 0); gsl_matrix_set_all(gammaD, 0); gsl_vector_complex_set_all(StrAlpha, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); gsl_vector_set_all(BBeta, 0); gsl_vector_complex_set_all(BAlpha, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); gsl_vector_set_all(StrBeta, 0); gsl_matrix_complex_set_all(BasisEigenVec, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); gsl_matrix_complex_set_all(StrEigenVec, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); gsl_matrix_complex_set_all(ChosenVectors, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); gsl_vector_complex_set_all(ChosenValues, gsl_complex_rect (0,0)); //gammaA,B dla struktury //gammaA,B dla struktury /* S - numeruje transformaty tensora sprężystoci i gestosci i - numeruje wiersze macierzy j - numeruje kolumny macierzy half - druga polowa macierzy */ for(int Nx=-RecVec, i=0, S=0; Nx<=RecVec; Nx++) { for(int Ny=-RecVec; Ny<=RecVec; Ny++, i=i+3) { for(int Nx_prim=-RecVec, j=0; Nx_prim<=RecVec; Nx_prim++) { for(int Ny_prim=-RecVec; Ny_prim<=RecVec; Ny_prim++, j=j+3, S++) { double Elasticity[6][6]; itsRecStructureSubstance[S].getElasticity(Elasticity); double Density=itsRecStructureSubstance[S].getDensity(); double gx=2*M_PI*Nx/a; double gy=2*M_PI*Ny/a; double gx_prim=2*M_PI*Nx_prim/a; double gy_prim=2*M_PI*Ny_prim/a; gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i, j, Elasticity[3][3]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i+1, j+1, Elasticity[3][3]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i+2, j+2, Elasticity[0][0]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+2, j, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+2, j+1, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i, j+2, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+1, j+2, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i, j+half, -Elasticity[0][0]*(kx+gx)*(kx+gx_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy)*(ky+gy_prim)+Density*w*w); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+1, j+half, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)*(kx+gx)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i, j+half+1, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy_prim)*(kx+gx)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(ky+gy)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+1, j+half+1, -Elasticity[0][0]*(ky+gy_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(kx+gx)+Density*w*w); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+2, j+half+2, -Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(kx+gx)+Density*w*w); if (i==j) { gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i+half, j+half, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i+half+1, j+half+1, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaA, i+half+2, j+half+2, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+half, j, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+half+1, j+1, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaB, i+half+2, j+2, 1); } } } } } //rozwiazanie zagadnienienia własnego gsl_eigen_genv(gammaB, gammaA, StrAlpha, StrBeta, StrEigenVec, wspce); //gammaC,D dla Podłoża for(int Nx=-RecVec, i=0, S=0; Nx<=RecVec; Nx++) { for(int Ny=-RecVec; Ny<=RecVec; Ny++, i=i+3) { for(int Nx_prim=-RecVec, j=0; Nx_prim<=RecVec; Nx_prim++) { for(int Ny_prim=-RecVec; Ny_prim<=RecVec; Ny_prim++, j=j+3, S++) { double Elasticity[6][6]; itsRecBasisSubstance[S].getElasticity(Elasticity); double Density=itsRecBasisSubstance[S].getDensity(); double gx=2*M_PI*Nx/a; double gy=2*M_PI*Ny/a; double gx_prim=2*M_PI*Nx_prim/a; double gy_prim=2*M_PI*Ny_prim/a; gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i, j, Elasticity[3][3]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i+1, j+1, Elasticity[3][3]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i+2, j+2, Elasticity[0][0]); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+2, j, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+2, j+1, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i, j+2, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+1, j+2, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i, j+half, -Elasticity[0][0]*(kx+gx)*(kx+gx_prim)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy)*(ky+gy_prim)+Density*w*w); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+1, j+half, -Elasticity[0][1]*(kx+gx_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)*(kx+gx)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i, j+half+1, -Elasticity[0][1]*(ky+gy_prim)*(kx+gx)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(ky+gy)); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+1, j+half+1, -Elasticity[0][0]*(ky+gy_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(kx+gx)+Density*w*w); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+2, j+half+2, -Elasticity[3][3]*(ky+gy_prim)*(ky+gy)-Elasticity[3][3]*(kx+gx_prim)*(kx+gx)+Density*w*w); if (i==j) { gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i+half, j+half, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i+half+1, j+half+1, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaC, i+half+2, j+half+2, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+half, j, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+half+1, j+1, 1); gsl_matrix_set(gammaD, i+half+2, j+2, 1); } } } } } //rozwiazanie zagadnienienia własnego gsl_eigen_genv(gammaD, gammaC, BAlpha, BBeta, BasisEigenVec, wspce2); double imagL, realL; //części Re i Im wartości własnych int n=0; for (int i = 0; i<dimension; i++) { //przepisanie wartości i wektorów własnych struktury do macierzy Chosen* gsl_complex StrValue; StrValue= gsl_complex_div_real(gsl_vector_complex_get(StrAlpha, i), gsl_vector_get(StrBeta,i)); gsl_vector_complex_set(ChosenValues, i, StrValue); for (int j = half, m=0; j < dimension; j++, m++) { gsl_matrix_complex_set(ChosenVectors, m, i, gsl_matrix_complex_get(StrEigenVec, j, i)); } //wybieranie odpowiednich wartości i wektorów własnych dla podłoża i przepisanie do macierzy Chosen* gsl_complex BValue; BValue= gsl_complex_div_real(gsl_vector_complex_get(BAlpha, i), gsl_vector_get(BBeta,i)); imagL=GSL_IMAG(BValue); realL=GSL_REAL(BValue); if (imagL > 0.00001 && n+EigValStrNumber<EigValNumber) //warunek na wartości własne && żeby nie było ich więcej niż połowa { gsl_vector_complex_set(ChosenValues, n+EigValStrNumber, BValue); //wybranie wartości własnej for (int j = half, m=0; j < dimension; j++, m++) { gsl_matrix_complex_set(ChosenVectors, m, n+EigValStrNumber, gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(BasisEigenVec, j, i), -1)); //wybranie drugiej połowy wektora własnego } n++; } } if (n+EigValStrNumber<EigValNumber) { for (int i = 0; i<dimension; i++) { gsl_complex BValue; BValue= gsl_complex_div_real(gsl_vector_complex_get(BAlpha, i), gsl_vector_get(BBeta,i)); imagL=GSL_IMAG(BValue); realL=GSL_REAL(BValue); if (imagL < 0.00001 && imagL > -0.00001 && realL < -0.00001 && n+EigValStrNumber<EigValNumber) //warunek na wartości własne && żeby nie było ich więcej niż połowa { gsl_vector_complex_set(ChosenValues, n+EigValStrNumber, BValue); //wybranie wartości własnej for (int j = half, m=0; j < dimension; j++, m++) { gsl_matrix_complex_set(ChosenVectors, m, n+EigValStrNumber, gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(BasisEigenVec, j, i), -1)); //wybranie drugiej połowy wektora własnego } n++; } } } //wyznacznik warunków brzegowych - konstrukcja /* S, S' - numerujš transformaty tensora sprężystoci i - numeruje wektory własne A w pętli dla G j - numeruje warunki brzegowe dla kolejnych wektorow odwrotnych G k - numeruje wektory własne A w pętli dla G' L - numeruje wartoci własne */ for (int Nx=-RecVec, S=0, S_prim=0, i=0, j=0; Nx <= RecVec; Nx++) { for (int Ny=-RecVec; Ny <= RecVec; Ny++, j=j+9, i=i+3) { for (int L=0; L < EigValNumber; L++) { S_prim = S; for (int Nx_prim=-RecVec, k=0; Nx_prim <= RecVec; Nx_prim++) { for (int Ny_prim=-RecVec; Ny_prim <= RecVec; Ny_prim++, S_prim++, k=k+3) { double StrElasticity[6][6]; itsRecStructureSubstance[S_prim].getElasticity(StrElasticity); double BasisElasticity[6][6]; itsRecBasisSubstance[S_prim].getElasticity(BasisElasticity); double gx_prim=2*M_PI*Nx_prim/a; double gy_prim=2*M_PI*Ny_prim/a; if (L < EigValStrNumber) { //eksponens gsl_complex exponent = gsl_complex_polar(exp(GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L))*thickness), -1*GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L))*thickness); //warunki zerowania się naprężenia na powierzchni gsl_complex w1 = gsl_complex_mul_real(exponent, StrElasticity[3][3]); gsl_complex w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (kx+gx_prim)); gsl_complex w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L)); gsl_complex BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), w1), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j, L, BCjL); w1 = gsl_complex_mul_real(exponent, StrElasticity[3][3]); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L)); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), w1), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+1, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+1, L, BCjL); w1 = gsl_complex_mul_real(exponent, StrElasticity[0][0]); gsl_complex w11 = gsl_complex_mul_real(exponent, StrElasticity[0][1]); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L), (kx+gx_prim)); gsl_complex w22 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L)); gsl_complex w4 = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul(gsl_complex_add(w2, w22), w11), gsl_complex_mul(w3, w1)); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(w4, gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+2, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+2, L, BCjL); //warunki równości naprężeń na granicy ośrodków - część dla struktury w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (kx+gx_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L)); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), StrElasticity[3][3]), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+3, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+3, L, BCjL); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L)); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), StrElasticity[3][3]), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+4, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+4, L, BCjL); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L), (kx+gx_prim)); w22 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L)); w4 = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w22), StrElasticity[0][1]), gsl_complex_mul_real(w3, StrElasticity[0][0])); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(w4, gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+5, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+5, L, BCjL); } else { //warunki równości naprężeń na granicy ośrodków - część dla podłoża gsl_complex w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (kx+gx_prim)); gsl_complex w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L)); gsl_complex BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), BasisElasticity[3][3]), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+3, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+3, L, BCjL); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L)); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w3), BasisElasticity[3][3]), gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+4, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+4, L, BCjL); w2 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k, L), (kx+gx_prim)); gsl_complex w22 = gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+1, L), (ky+gy_prim)); w3 = gsl_complex_mul(gsl_vector_complex_get(ChosenValues, L), gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, k+2, L)); gsl_complex w4 = gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex_mul_real(gsl_complex_add(w2, w22), BasisElasticity[0][1]), gsl_complex_mul_real(w3, BasisElasticity[0][0])); BCjL = gsl_complex_add(w4, gsl_matrix_complex_get(Boundaries, j+5, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+5, L, BCjL); } } } // warunek równości wychyleń na granicy ośrodków gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+6, L, gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, i, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+7, L, gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, i+1, L)); gsl_matrix_complex_set(Boundaries, j+8, L, gsl_matrix_complex_get(ChosenVectors, i+2, L)); } S=S_prim; } } //skalowanie macierzy Boundaries gsl_complex scale=gsl_complex_rect(pow(10, factor), 0); gsl_matrix_complex_scale(Boundaries, scale); //obliczenie wyznacznika z Boundaries gsl_permutation *Bpermutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(EigValNumber); int Bsignum; gsl_linalg_complex_LU_decomp(Boundaries, Bpermutation, &Bsignum); double DetVal = gsl_linalg_complex_LU_lndet(Boundaries); //usuwanie NaN if(DetVal != DetVal) DetVal = 0; //zapisanie wartości do pliku plik << k_zred << "\t" << w << "\t" << DetVal << "\n"; } plik << "\n"; } } plik.close(); gsl_matrix_free(gammaA); gsl_matrix_free(gammaB); gsl_vector_free(BBeta); gsl_vector_free(StrBeta); gsl_matrix_free(gammaC); gsl_matrix_free(gammaD); gsl_vector_complex_free(StrAlpha); gsl_vector_complex_free(BAlpha); gsl_eigen_genv_free(wspce); gsl_eigen_genv_free(wspce2); gsl_matrix_complex_free(Boundaries); gsl_matrix_complex_free(ChosenVectors); gsl_vector_complex_free(ChosenValues); }