double evaluate_results(gsl_vector* test_data[],
		       gsl_vector* ys, gsl_vector* biases[],
			gsl_matrix* weights[], int nrow, int ncat, int num_layers,
			int * layer_sizes,  int transformation_type, double probs[],
			int predicted[])
  par p;
  par_c q;
  p.weights = weights;
  p.biases = biases;
  p.num_layers = num_layers;
  p.layer_sizes = layer_sizes;
  p.transformation_type = transformation_type;
  p.trans = sigmoid;
  p.trans_prime = sigmoid_prime;
  p.trans_final_prime = sigmoid_prime;
  if (transformation_type == 1){
    p.trans_final = softmax;
    p.cost = softmax_cost;
    p.cost_prime = softmax_prime;
    p.trans_final = sigmoid;
    p.cost = squared_error_cost;
    p.cost_prime = softmax_prime;
  p.total_cost = 0;
  q.total_cost = 0;
  gsl_vector* z[num_layers];
  gsl_vector* transf_x[num_layers];

  init_bias_object(z, layer_sizes, num_layers);
  init_bias_object(transf_x, layer_sizes, num_layers);

  q.z = z;
  q.transf_x = transf_x;

  double total = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++){
    q.x = test_data[i];
    q.y = (int) gsl_vector_get(ys,i);
    forward(&q, &p);
    predicted[i] = gsl_vector_max_index(q.transf_x[num_layers-1]);
    for (int j = 0; j < ncat; j++){
      probs[i * ncat + j] = gsl_vector_get(q.transf_x[num_layers-1],j);

    int y_fitted = gsl_vector_max_index(q.transf_x[num_layers-1]);
    total += (q.y==y_fitted);

  for (int i = 0; i < num_layers - 1; i++){
  return total / nrow;
文件: pcholesky.c 项目: ampl/gsl
static int
pcholesky_decomp (const int copy_uplo, gsl_matrix * A, gsl_permutation * p)
  const size_t N = A->size1;

  if (N != A->size2)
      GSL_ERROR("LDLT decomposition requires square matrix", GSL_ENOTSQR);
  else if (p->size != N)
      GSL_ERROR ("permutation length must match matrix size", GSL_EBADLEN);
      gsl_vector_view diag = gsl_matrix_diagonal(A);
      size_t k;

      if (copy_uplo)
          /* save a copy of A in upper triangle (for later rcond calculation) */
          gsl_matrix_transpose_tricpy('L', 0, A, A);


      for (k = 0; k < N; ++k)
          gsl_vector_view w;
          size_t j;

          /* compute j = max_idx { A_kk, ..., A_nn } */
          w = gsl_vector_subvector(&diag.vector, k, N - k);
          j = gsl_vector_max_index(&w.vector) + k;
          gsl_permutation_swap(p, k, j);

          cholesky_swap_rowcol(A, k, j);

          if (k < N - 1)
              double alpha = gsl_matrix_get(A, k, k);
              double alphainv = 1.0 / alpha;

              /* v = A(k+1:n, k) */
              gsl_vector_view v = gsl_matrix_subcolumn(A, k, k + 1, N - k - 1);

              /* m = A(k+1:n, k+1:n) */
              gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_submatrix(A, k + 1, k + 1, N - k - 1, N - k - 1);

              /* m = m - v v^T / alpha */
              gsl_blas_dsyr(CblasLower, -alphainv, &v.vector, &m.matrix);

              /* v = v / alpha */
              gsl_vector_scale(&v.vector, alphainv);

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
QString Integration::logInfo()
	ApplicationWindow *app = (ApplicationWindow *)parent();
    QLocale locale = app->locale();
    int prec = app->d_decimal_digits;

	QString logInfo = "[" + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::LocalDate);
	if (d_integrand == AnalyticalFunction){
		logInfo += "\n" + tr("Numerical integration of") + " f(" + d_variable + ") = " + d_formula + " ";
		logInfo += tr("using a %1 order method").arg(d_method) + "\n";
		logInfo += tr("From") + " x = " + locale.toString(d_from, 'g', prec) + " ";
		logInfo += tr("to") + " x = " + locale.toString(d_to, 'g', prec) + "\n";
		logInfo += tr("Tolerance") + " = " + locale.toString(d_tolerance, 'g', prec) + "\n";
		logInfo += tr("Iterations") + ": " + QString::number(romberg()) + "\n";
	} else if (d_integrand == DataSet){
		if (d_graph)
			logInfo += tr("\tPlot")+ ": ''" + d_graph->multiLayer()->objectName() + "'']\n";
			logInfo += "\n";
		QString dataSet;
		if (d_curve)
			dataSet = d_curve->title().text();
			dataSet = d_y_col_name;
		logInfo += "\n" + tr("Numerical integration of") + ": " + dataSet + " ";
		logInfo += tr("using the Trapezoidal Rule") + "\n";
		logInfo += tr("Points") + ": " + QString::number(d_n) + " " + tr("from") + " x = " + locale.toString(d_from, 'g', prec) + " ";
    	logInfo += tr("to") + " x = " + locale.toString(d_to, 'g', prec) + "\n";

		// use GSL to find maximum value of data set
		gsl_vector *aux = gsl_vector_alloc(d_n);
		for(int i=0; i < d_n; i++)
			gsl_vector_set (aux, i, fabs(d_y[i]));
		int maxID = gsl_vector_max_index (aux);

    	logInfo += tr("Peak at") + " x = " + locale.toString(d_x[maxID], 'g', prec)+"\t";
		logInfo += "y = " + locale.toString(d_y[maxID], 'g', prec)+"\n";
		d_area = trapez();

	logInfo += tr("Area") + "=" + locale.toString(d_area, 'g', prec);
	logInfo += "\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n";
    return logInfo;
//MCMCMC algorithm
double MC3 (int N,
			gsl_matrix_short * Adj,
			int Steps,
			int nChains,
			gsl_vector_short * BestSolution,
			gsl_rng * r,
			gsl_vector * lgammaLookup,
			gsl_vector * logLookup){

	// create the chains
	gsl_vector_short * Chains[nChains];
	//create copies for use by Gibbs and marginal functions
	gsl_vector_short * ChainCopy = gsl_vector_short_calloc(N);
	gsl_vector_short * ChainCopy2 = gsl_vector_short_calloc(N);
	// create the fitness vector
	gsl_vector * Marginals = gsl_vector_calloc(nChains);
	//initialize swapping vector for RGF
	gsl_vector_short * RGFswap = gsl_vector_short_calloc(N+1);
	int i,j,k;
	double BestMarginal;
	BestMarginal = -1000000000.0;
	//initialize chains
	for(i=0; i<nChains; i++){
		// allocate memory
		Chains[i] = gsl_vector_short_calloc(N);
		// initialize the population
		Partition_Initialize(Chains[i], N, r);

	//generate temperatures assuming uniform spacing
	gsl_vector * Temps = gsl_vector_calloc(nChains);
	//step size for incrementing temperatures
	double StepSize;
	StepSize = (COLDTEMP - HOTTEMP)/((double)nChains - 1);
	gsl_vector_set(Temps, 0, HOTTEMP);
	for(i=1; i<(nChains-1); i++){
		gsl_vector_set(Temps, i, gsl_vector_get(Temps, i-1)+StepSize);
	gsl_vector_set(Temps, nChains-1, COLDTEMP);

	//for convenience, we want a copy of the Temps vector that doesn't
	//get swapped around
	gsl_vector * TempsCopy = gsl_vector_calloc(nChains);
	gsl_vector_memcpy(TempsCopy, Temps);
	//RGF all of the chains to start with
	for(i=0; i<nChains; i++){
		RGF(N, Chains[i], RGFswap);
	int chInd1, chInd2;
	double dtmp;
	int itmp;
	int swapFlag;

	for(i=0; i<Steps; i++){
		//print the best likelihood we've found so far every so often
		if(i % 1000 == 0){
			fprintf(stderr, "Step %d Best solution %1.4f\n", i, BestMarginal);

		//if enough steps have passed, swap temperatures
		if(i % SWAPSTEPS == 0){
			//try to swap using "bucket brigade"
			for(j=0; j<(nChains-1); j++){
				//find which chains have adjacent temperatures
				chInd1 = -1;
				chInd2 = -1;
				for(k=0; k<nChains; k++){
					if(gsl_vector_get(TempsCopy, j) == gsl_vector_get(Temps, k)){
						chInd1 = k;
					if(gsl_vector_get(TempsCopy, j+1) == gsl_vector_get(Temps, k)){
						chInd2 = k;
					if(chInd1 >= 0 && chInd2 >=0){
				//try to swap them
				swapFlag = TrySwap(N, Adj,
								   Chains[chInd1], Chains[chInd2],
								   ChainCopy, RGFswap,
								   gsl_vector_get(Temps, chInd1),
								   gsl_vector_get(Temps, chInd2),
								   r, lgammaLookup, logLookup);
				if(swapFlag == 1){
					dtmp = gsl_vector_get(Temps, chInd1);
					gsl_vector_set(Temps, chInd1, gsl_vector_get(Temps, chInd2));
					gsl_vector_set(Temps, chInd2, dtmp);
		//take a step
		for(j=0; j<nChains; j++){
			dtmp = Gibbs(N, Chains[j], ChainCopy,
						 ChainCopy2, Adj,
						 gsl_vector_get(Temps, j), RGFswap,
						 r, lgammaLookup, logLookup);
			gsl_vector_set(Marginals, j, dtmp);
		//update the best solution, if appropriate
		if(gsl_vector_max(Marginals) > BestMarginal){
			itmp = gsl_vector_max_index(Marginals);
			BestMarginal = gsl_vector_get(Marginals, itmp);
			gsl_vector_short_memcpy(BestSolution, Chains[itmp]);
			fprintf(stderr, "Steps %d Best solution %.4f\n", i, BestMarginal);

	//free memory
	for(i=0; i<nChains; i++){
	return BestMarginal;		
void CrossVal(const gsl_matrix* XTrainData, const gsl_matrix* YTrainData, const gsl_matrix* XTestData,
              const gsl_matrix* YTestData, const int FOLD, const double* Lambda, const int sizelambda, const int* layer_sizes,  const int num_layers,
              const int num_iterations, const int core_size, const double step_size, const int trans_type, double* probs_test, int* predicted_test)
  int* layer_sizes_2 = layer_sizes;
  int ncat = layer_sizes_2[num_layers-1];
  //int layer_sizes_2[3]={784,20,10};
  int N_obs = XTrainData->size1;
  int YFeatures = YTrainData->size2;
  int XFeatures = XTrainData->size2;
  int GroupSize = N_obs/FOLD;
  int Nlambda = sizelambda;
  int N_obs_test = XTestData->size1;
  int* seq_fold;
  seq_fold = rand_fold(N_obs,FOLD);
  /*for (int i = 0; i < N_obs; i++){

  gsl_matrix* Xfolds[FOLD];
  for (int d = 0; d < FOLD; d++)
    Xfolds[d] = gsl_matrix_alloc(GroupSize,XFeatures);

  gsl_matrix* Yfolds[FOLD];
  for (int d = 0; d < FOLD; d++)
    Yfolds[d] = gsl_matrix_alloc(GroupSize,YFeatures);

  SplitFoldfunc(XTrainData, FOLD, seq_fold, Xfolds);
  SplitFoldfunc(YTrainData, FOLD, seq_fold, Yfolds);
  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold1 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[0],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[0],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold2 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[1],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[1],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold3 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[2],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[2],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold4 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[3],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[3],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold5 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[4],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(Xfolds[4],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold1 %G \n",gsl_matrix_get(Yfolds[0],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold2 %G \n",gsl_matrix_get(Yfolds[1],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold3 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(Yfolds[2],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold4 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(Yfolds[3],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Fold5 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(Yfolds[4],ss,0));
  gsl_matrix* CvTrainX[FOLD];
  for (int d = 0; d < FOLD; d++)
    CvTrainX[d] = gsl_matrix_calloc(GroupSize*(FOLD-1), XFeatures);

  gsl_matrix* CvTrainY[FOLD];
  for (int d = 0; d < FOLD; d++)
    CvTrainY[d] = gsl_matrix_calloc(GroupSize*(FOLD-1), YFeatures);

  combinefold(Xfolds, Yfolds, N_obs, FOLD, GroupSize, XFeatures, YFeatures, CvTrainX, CvTrainY);
  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "Group1 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[0],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[0],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "GG2 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[1],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[1],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "GG3 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[2],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[2],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "GG4 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[3],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[3],ss,1));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
    printf( "G5 %G, %G\n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[4],ss,0),gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainX[4],ss,1));
  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
  Rprintf( "Group1 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainY[0],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
  Rprintf( "GG2 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainY[1],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
  Rprintf( "GG3 %G \n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainY[2],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
  Rprintf( "GG4 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainY[3],ss,0));

  for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs-GroupSize; ss++)
  Rprintf( "G5 %G, \n",gsl_matrix_get(CvTrainY[4],ss,0));
  gsl_vector* results_lambda;
  results_lambda = gsl_vector_alloc((size_t) Nlambda);
  double results[Nlambda][FOLD];
  //private(i, j, vec_cv_trainX, vec_cv_trainY, output_weights, output_biases, vec_cv_valX, vec_cv_valY) collapse(2)
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
  for (int i = 0; i < Nlambda; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < FOLD; j++){
      gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainX[N_obs-GroupSize];
      gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainY;
      gsl_matrix* output_weights[num_layers-1];
      gsl_vector* output_biases[num_layers-1];
      gsl_vector* vec_cv_valX[GroupSize];
      gsl_vector* vec_cv_valY;
      // Rprintf("Lambda=%G\n", Lambda[i]);
      // Rprintf("fold not included = %d\n", j);
      //gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainX[N_obs-GroupSize];
      for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs-GroupSize); u++ ){
        vec_cv_trainX[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);

      for (int c = 0; c < (N_obs-GroupSize); c++){
        gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_trainX[c], CvTrainX[j], c);

      //for (int a = 0; a < (N_obs-GroupSize); a++){
      //printf("%G %G\n",gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_trainX[a],0), gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_trainX[a],1));
      //printf("%d\n", a);

      //gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainY;
      vec_cv_trainY = gsl_vector_alloc(N_obs-GroupSize);
      gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_trainY, CvTrainY[j], 0);

      //for (int y = 0; y < (N_obs-GroupSize); y++){
      //Note that always Y will be 1 column, so well defined.

      //gsl_matrix* output_weights[num_layers-1];
      //gsl_vector* output_biases[num_layers-1];
      init_bias_object(output_biases, (layer_sizes_2+1), num_layers-1);
      init_weight_object(output_weights, layer_sizes_2, num_layers);
      //printf(" Lambda = %G\n",Lambda[i]);
      double cost_hist[num_iterations];
      NeuralNets(layer_sizes_2, num_layers, vec_cv_trainX, vec_cv_trainY, num_iterations, 1,
                  step_size, output_weights, output_biases, (N_obs-GroupSize), XFeatures, Lambda[i], cost_hist, trans_type);
      //gsl_vector* vec_cv_valX[GroupSize];
      for (int u = 0; u < (GroupSize); u++){
        vec_cv_valX[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);
      for (int c = 0; c < GroupSize; c++){
        gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_valX[c], Xfolds[j], c);
      //  for (int s = 0; s < (N_obs-GroupSize); s++){
        //  if((gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_valX[c],1))==(gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_trainX[s],1))){
        //    printf("ERROR!!!!\n%G",gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_valX[c],1));
        //  }
       // }
      //gsl_vector* vec_cv_valY;
      vec_cv_valY = gsl_vector_alloc(GroupSize);
      gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_valY, Yfolds[j], 0);

      double probs[(GroupSize*ncat)];
      int predicted_val[GroupSize];

      for (int d = 0; d < (GroupSize*ncat); d++)
      probs[d] = 0;

      for (int s = 0; s < GroupSize; s++)
      predicted_val[s] = 0;

      results[i][j] = evaluate_results(vec_cv_valX, vec_cv_valY, output_biases, output_weights, GroupSize,ncat, num_layers, layer_sizes_2, trans_type, probs, predicted_val);
      gsl_vector* vec_cv_testX[N_obs_test];
      for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs_test); u++){
        vec_cv_testX[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);
      for (int c = 0; c < N_obs_test; c++){
        gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_testX[c], XTestData, c);
      //gsl_vector* vec_cv_testY;
      //vec_cv_testY = gsl_vector_alloc(N_obs_test);
      //gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_testY, YTestData, 0);

      //for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs_test; ss++)
      //  Rprintf( "GG3 %G\n",gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_testY, ss));

      //Note that always Y will be 1 column, so well defined.
      //double success_test_check = correct_guesses(vec_cv_testX, vec_cv_testY, output_biases, output_weights, N_obs_test, num_layers, layer_sizes_2);
      //printf("Check = %G\n", success_test_check);
      //  gsl_vector* vec_cv_valX[GroupSize];
      //printf("\n-------------------------------\n Lambda = %G \n i = %d, j = %d \n", Lambda[i] ,i , j);
      //printf("Result = %G \n Thread = %d\n--------------------------------\n",results[i][j],omp_get_thread_num());
      for (int u = 0; u < (GroupSize); u++){
      for (int u = 0; u < (GroupSize); u++){

  //gsl_vector* results_lambda;
  //results_lambda = gsl_vector_alloc((size_t) Nlambda);
  double results_mean_fold[Nlambda];
  for (int w = 0; w < Nlambda; w++)
    results_mean_fold[w] = 0;

  for (int s = 0; s < Nlambda ; s++){
    for (int m = 0; m < FOLD ; m++){
      printf("Lambda = %G, Result = %G\n",Lambda[s], results[s][m]);

  for (int s = 0; s < Nlambda ; s++){
    for (int m = 0; m < FOLD ; m++){
      results_mean_fold[s] = results[s][m]+ results_mean_fold[s];
    gsl_vector_set(results_lambda, s, results_mean_fold[s]/(FOLD));

  for (int s = 0; s < Nlambda ; s++){
    printf("Lambda = %G, Success = %G\n", Lambda[s], gsl_vector_get(results_lambda, s));
  int OptimalLambda_index = gsl_vector_max_index(results_lambda);
  double Optimal_lambda = Lambda[OptimalLambda_index];
  gsl_matrix* output_weights_all[num_layers-1];
  gsl_vector* output_biases_all[num_layers-1];
  init_bias_object(output_biases_all, (layer_sizes_2+1), num_layers-1);
  init_weight_object(output_weights_all, layer_sizes_2, num_layers);

  gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainX_all[N_obs];
  for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs); u++){
    vec_cv_trainX_all[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);

  for (int c = 0; c < N_obs; c++){
    gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_trainX_all[c], XTrainData, c);

  gsl_vector* vec_cv_trainY_all;
  vec_cv_trainY_all = gsl_vector_alloc(N_obs);
  gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_trainY_all, YTrainData, 0);

 // for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs; ss++)
  //  printf( "GG3 %G\n",gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_trainY_all,ss));

  printf("Optimal Lambda = %G\n", Optimal_lambda);

  double cost_hist_test[num_iterations];
  NeuralNets(layer_sizes_2, num_layers, vec_cv_trainX_all, vec_cv_trainY_all, num_iterations, core_size,
              step_size, output_weights_all, output_biases_all, N_obs, XFeatures, Optimal_lambda, cost_hist_test, trans_type);
  for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs); u++){
  //printf("Optimal Lambda = %G\n", Optimal_lambda);

  gsl_vector* vec_cv_testX[N_obs_test];
  for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs_test); u++){
    vec_cv_testX[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);
  for (int c = 0; c < N_obs_test; c++){
    gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_testX[c], XTestData, c);

  gsl_vector* vec_cv_testY;
  vec_cv_testY = gsl_vector_alloc(N_obs_test);
  gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_testY, YTestData, 0);

 // for (int ss = 0; ss < N_obs_test; ss++)
  //  printf( "GG %G\n",gsl_vector_get(vec_cv_testY, ss));

  //Note that always Y will be 1 column, so well defined.

  double success_test = evaluate_results(vec_cv_testX, vec_cv_testY, output_biases_all, output_weights_all, N_obs_test,ncat, num_layers, layer_sizes_2, trans_type, probs_test, predicted_test);
  for (int u = 0; u < (N_obs_test); u++){
  /*gsl_vector* vec_cv_valX[GroupSize];
   for (int u = 0; u < (GroupSize); u++){
   vec_cv_valX[u] = gsl_vector_alloc(XFeatures);
   for (int c = 0; c < GroupSize; c++){
   gsl_matrix_get_row(vec_cv_valX[c], Xfolds[0], c);
   gsl_vector* vec_cv_valY;
   vec_cv_valY = gsl_vector_alloc(GroupSize);
   gsl_matrix_get_col(vec_cv_valY, Yfolds[0], 0);
   double success_test = correct_guesses(vec_cv_valX, vec_cv_valY, output_biases_all, output_weights_all, GroupSize, num_layers, layer_sizes);
  printf("Test Success = %G \n",success_test);