Result writehax_sharedmem_physmem(u32 *linearaddr) { Result ret=0; u32 chunksize = 0x1000; u32 *tmpbuf; //Allocate memory for the sharedmem page, then copy the sharedmem physmem data into the buf. tmpbuf = linearAlloc(chunksize); if(tmpbuf==NULL) { printf("Failed to allocate mem for tmpbuf.\n"); return -1; } memset(tmpbuf, 0, chunksize); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(tmpbuf, chunksize); GX_TextureCopy(linearaddr, 0, tmpbuf, 0, chunksize, 0x8); gspWaitForPPF(); ret = init_hax_sharedmem(tmpbuf); if(ret) { linearFree(tmpbuf); return ret; } //Flush dcache for the modified sharedmem, then copy the data back into the sharedmem physmem. GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(tmpbuf, chunksize); GX_TextureCopy(tmpbuf, 0, linearaddr, 0, chunksize, 0x8); gspWaitForPPF(); linearFree(tmpbuf); return 0; }
void gfxLoadBorder(u8* imgData, int imgWidth, int imgHeight) { if(imgData == NULL || (borderInit && (borderWidth != imgWidth || borderHeight != imgHeight))) { if(borderInit) { C3D_TexDelete(&borderTexture); borderInit = false; } borderWidth = 0; borderHeight = 0; gpuBorderWidth = 0; gpuBorderHeight = 0; if(imgData == NULL) { return; } } // Adjust the texture to power-of-two dimensions. borderWidth = imgWidth; borderHeight = imgHeight; gpuBorderWidth = (int) pow(2, ceil(log(borderWidth) / log(2))); gpuBorderHeight = (int) pow(2, ceil(log(borderHeight) / log(2))); // Create the texture. if(!borderInit && !C3D_TexInit(&borderTexture, gpuBorderWidth, gpuBorderHeight, GPU_RGBA8)) { return; } C3D_TexSetFilter(&borderTexture, GPU_LINEAR, GPU_LINEAR); // Copy the texture to a power-of-two sized buffer. u32* imgBuffer = (u32*) imgData; u32* temp = (u32*) linearAlloc(gpuBorderWidth * gpuBorderHeight * sizeof(u32)); for(int x = 0; x < borderWidth; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < borderHeight; y++) { temp[y * gpuBorderWidth + x] = imgBuffer[y * borderWidth + x]; } } GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(temp, gpuBorderWidth * gpuBorderHeight * sizeof(u32)); if(R_SUCCEEDED(GX_DisplayTransfer(temp, (u32) GX_BUFFER_DIM(gpuBorderWidth, gpuBorderHeight), (u32*), (u32) GX_BUFFER_DIM(gpuBorderWidth, gpuBorderHeight), GX_TRANSFER_FLIP_VERT(1) | GX_TRANSFER_OUT_TILED(1) | GX_TRANSFER_RAW_COPY(0) | GX_TRANSFER_IN_FORMAT(GX_TRANSFER_FMT_RGBA8) | GX_TRANSFER_OUT_FORMAT(GX_TRANSFER_FMT_RGBA8) | GX_TRANSFER_SCALING(GX_TRANSFER_SCALE_NO)))) { gspWaitForPPF(); } linearFree(temp); GSPGPU_InvalidateDataCache(, borderTexture.size); borderInit = true; }
void Sprite::render() { if (dirtyPixels) { dirtyPixels = false; GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(pixels, w * h * format.bytesPerPixel); C3D_SafeDisplayTransfer((u32*)pixels, GX_BUFFER_DIM(w, h), (u32*), GX_BUFFER_DIM(w, h), TEXTURE_TRANSFER_FLAGS); gspWaitForPPF(); } C3D_TexBind(0, &texture); C3D_BufInfo *bufInfo = C3D_GetBufInfo(); BufInfo_Init(bufInfo); BufInfo_Add(bufInfo, vertices, sizeof(vertex), 2, 0x10); C3D_DrawArrays(GPU_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); }
void gpuFrameEnd(void) { // Finish rendering GPU_FinishDrawing(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_FlushAndRun(NULL); gspWaitForP3D(); // Wait for the rendering to complete // Transfer the GPU output to the framebuffer GX_SetDisplayTransfer(NULL, colorBuf, GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 400), (u32*)gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 400), DISPLAY_TRANSFER_FLAGS); gspWaitForPPF(); // Wait for the transfer to complete // Reset the command buffer GPUCMD_SetBufferOffset(0); };
void sf2d_end_frame() { GPU_FinishDrawing(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_FlushAndRun(); gspWaitForP3D(); //Copy the GPU rendered FB to the screen FB if (cur_screen == GFX_TOP) { GX_DisplayTransfer(gpu_fb_addr, GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 400), (u32 *)gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, cur_side, NULL, NULL), GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 400), 0x1000); } else { GX_DisplayTransfer(gpu_fb_addr, GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 320), (u32 *)gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), GX_BUFFER_DIM(240, 320), 0x1000); } gspWaitForPPF(); //Clear the screen GX_MemoryFill(gpu_fb_addr, clear_color, &gpu_fb_addr[0x2EE00], 0x201, gpu_depth_fb_addr, 0x00000000, &gpu_depth_fb_addr[0x2EE00], 0x201); gspWaitForPSC0(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void sceneInit(void) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i; // Load the vertex shader, create a shader program and bind it vshader_dvlb = DVLB_ParseFile((u32*)vshader_shbin, vshader_shbin_size); shaderProgramInit(&program); shaderProgramSetVsh(&program, &vshader_dvlb->DVLE[0]); C3D_BindProgram(&program); // Get the location of the uniforms uLoc_projection = shaderInstanceGetUniformLocation(program.vertexShader, "projection"); // Configure attributes for use with the vertex shader // Attribute format and element count are ignored in immediate mode C3D_AttrInfo* attrInfo = C3D_GetAttrInfo(); AttrInfo_Init(attrInfo); AttrInfo_AddLoader(attrInfo, 0, GPU_FLOAT, 3); // v0=position AttrInfo_AddLoader(attrInfo, 1, GPU_FLOAT, 2); // v2=texcoord // Compute the projection matrix // Note: we're setting top to 240 here so origin is at top left. Mtx_OrthoTilt(&projection, 0.0, 400.0, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Configure buffers C3D_BufInfo* bufInfo = C3D_GetBufInfo(); BufInfo_Init(bufInfo); unsigned char* image; unsigned width, height; lodepng_decode32(&image, &width, &height, ballsprites_png, ballsprites_png_size); u8 *gpusrc = linearAlloc(width*height*4); // GX_DisplayTransfer needs input buffer in linear RAM u8* src=image; u8 *dst=gpusrc; // lodepng outputs big endian rgba so we need to convert for(int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) { int r = *src++; int g = *src++; int b = *src++; int a = *src++; *dst++ = a; *dst++ = b; *dst++ = g; *dst++ = r; } // ensure data is in physical ram GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(gpusrc, width*height*4); // Load the texture and bind it to the first texture unit C3D_TexInit(&spritesheet_tex, width, height, GPU_RGBA8); // Convert image to 3DS tiled texture format C3D_SafeDisplayTransfer ((u32*)gpusrc, GX_BUFFER_DIM(width,height), (u32*), GX_BUFFER_DIM(width,height), TEXTURE_TRANSFER_FLAGS); gspWaitForPPF(); C3D_TexSetFilter(&spritesheet_tex, GPU_LINEAR, GPU_NEAREST); C3D_TexBind(0, &spritesheet_tex); free(image); linearFree(gpusrc); // Configure the first fragment shading substage to just pass through the texture color // See for more insight C3D_TexEnv* env = C3D_GetTexEnv(0); C3D_TexEnvSrc(env, C3D_Both, GPU_TEXTURE0, 0, 0); C3D_TexEnvOp(env, C3D_Both, 0, 0, 0); C3D_TexEnvFunc(env, C3D_Both, GPU_REPLACE); srand(time(NULL)); for(i = 0; i < NUM_SPRITES; i++) { //random place and speed sprites[i].x = (rand() % (400 - 32 )) << 8; sprites[i].y = (rand() % (240 - 32 )) << 8 ; sprites[i].dx = (rand() & 0xFF) + 0x100; sprites[i].dy = (rand() & 0xFF) + 0x100; sprites[i].image = rand() & 3; if(rand() & 1) sprites[i].dx = -sprites[i].dx; if(rand() & 1) sprites[i].dy = -sprites[i].dy; } // Configure depth test to overwrite pixels with the same depth (needed to draw overlapping sprites) C3D_DepthTest(true, GPU_GEQUAL, GPU_WRITE_ALL); }
void gfxDrawScreen() { int screenTexSize = 256; u32* transferBuffer = screenBuffer; GPU_TEXTURE_FILTER_PARAM filter = GPU_NEAREST; if(scaleMode != 0 && scaleFilter != 0) { filter = GPU_LINEAR; if(scaleFilter == 2) { screenTexSize = 512; transferBuffer = scale2xBuffer; gfxScale2xRGBA8888(screenBuffer, 256, scale2xBuffer, 512, 256, 224); } } if(!screenInit || screenTexture.width != screenTexSize || screenTexture.height != screenTexSize) { if(screenInit) { C3D_TexDelete(&screenTexture); screenInit = false; } screenInit = C3D_TexInit(&screenTexture, screenTexSize, screenTexSize, GPU_RGBA8); } C3D_TexSetFilter(&screenTexture, filter, filter); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(transferBuffer, screenTexSize * screenTexSize * sizeof(u32)); if(R_SUCCEEDED(GX_DisplayTransfer(transferBuffer, (u32) GX_BUFFER_DIM(screenTexSize, screenTexSize), (u32*), (u32) GX_BUFFER_DIM(screenTexSize, screenTexSize), GX_TRANSFER_FLIP_VERT(1) | GX_TRANSFER_OUT_TILED(1) | GX_TRANSFER_RAW_COPY(0) | GX_TRANSFER_IN_FORMAT(GX_TRANSFER_FMT_RGBA8) | GX_TRANSFER_OUT_FORMAT(GX_TRANSFER_FMT_RGBA8) | GX_TRANSFER_SCALING(GX_TRANSFER_SCALE_NO)))) { gspWaitForPPF(); } GSPGPU_InvalidateDataCache(, screenTexture.size); if(!C3D_FrameBegin(0)) { return; } C3D_RenderTarget* target = gameScreen == 0 ? targetTop : targetBottom; C3D_FrameDrawOn(target); C3D_FVUnifMtx4x4(GPU_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderInstanceGetUniformLocation(program.vertexShader, "projection"), gameScreen == 0 ? &projectionTop : &projectionBottom); u16 viewportWidth = target->renderBuf.colorBuf.height; u16 viewportHeight = target->renderBuf.colorBuf.width; // Draw the screen. if(screenInit) { // Calculate the VBO dimensions. int screenWidth = 256; int screenHeight = 224; if(scaleMode == 1) { screenWidth *= 1.25f; screenHeight *= 1.25f; } else if(scaleMode == 2) { screenWidth *= 1.50f; screenHeight *= 1.50f; } else if(scaleMode == 3) { screenWidth *= viewportHeight / (float) screenHeight; screenHeight = viewportHeight; } else if(scaleMode == 4) { screenWidth = viewportWidth; screenHeight = viewportHeight; } // Calculate VBO points. const float x1 = ((int) viewportWidth - screenWidth) / 2.0f; const float y1 = ((int) viewportHeight - screenHeight) / 2.0f; const float x2 = x1 + screenWidth; const float y2 = y1 + screenHeight; static const float baseTX2 = 256.0f / 256.0f; static const float baseTY2 = 224.0f / 256.0f; static const float baseFilterMod = 0.25f / 256.0f; float tx2 = baseTX2; float ty2 = baseTY2; if(scaleMode != 0 && scaleFilter == 1) { tx2 -= baseFilterMod; ty2 -= baseFilterMod; } C3D_TexBind(0, &screenTexture); C3D_ImmDrawBegin(GPU_TRIANGLES); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmDrawEnd(); } // Draw the border. if(borderInit && scaleMode != 4) { // Calculate VBO points. int scaledBorderWidth = borderWidth; int scaledBorderHeight = borderHeight; if(borderScaleMode == 1) { if(scaleMode == 1) { scaledBorderWidth *= 1.25f; scaledBorderHeight *= 1.25f; } else if(scaleMode == 2) { scaledBorderWidth *= 1.50f; scaledBorderHeight *= 1.50f; } else if(scaleMode == 3) { scaledBorderWidth *= viewportHeight / 224.0f; scaledBorderHeight *= viewportHeight / 224.0f; } else if(scaleMode == 4) { scaledBorderWidth *= viewportWidth / 256.0f; scaledBorderHeight *= viewportHeight / 224.0f; } } const float x1 = ((int) viewportWidth - scaledBorderWidth) / 2.0f; const float y1 = ((int) viewportHeight - scaledBorderHeight) / 2.0f; const float x2 = x1 + scaledBorderWidth; const float y2 = y1 + scaledBorderHeight; float tx2 = (float) borderWidth / (float) gpuBorderWidth; float ty2 = (float) borderHeight / (float) gpuBorderHeight; C3D_TexBind(0, &borderTexture); C3D_ImmDrawBegin(GPU_TRIANGLES); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y1, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x1, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(0, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(x2, y2, 0.5f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmSendAttrib(tx2, ty2, 0.0f, 0.0f); C3D_ImmDrawEnd(); } C3D_FrameEnd(0); }
//This searches physmem for the page which starts with the data stored in cmpblock_bin. The first byte in cmpblock is XORed with 0x01 to avoid detecting the cmpblock in physmem. Result locate_sharedmem_linearaddr(u32 **linearaddr) { u8 *tmpbuf; u32 chunksize = 0x100000; u32 linearpos, bufpos, size; u32 i; u32 xorval; int found = 0; *linearaddr = NULL; tmpbuf = linearAlloc(chunksize); if(tmpbuf==NULL) { printf("Failed to allocate mem for tmpbuf.\n"); return -1; } size = osGetMemRegionSize(MEMREGION_APPLICATION); for(linearpos=0; linearpos<size; linearpos+= chunksize) { *linearaddr = (u32*)(0x30000000+linearpos); memset(tmpbuf, 0, chunksize); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(tmpbuf, chunksize); GX_TextureCopy(*linearaddr, 0, (u32*)tmpbuf, 0, chunksize, 0x8); gspWaitForPPF(); for(bufpos=0; bufpos<chunksize; bufpos+= 0x1000) { found = 1; for(i=0; i<cmpblock_bin_size; i++) { xorval = 0; if(i==0)xorval = 1; if(tmpbuf[bufpos + i] != (cmpblock_bin[i] ^ xorval)) { found = 0; break; } } if(found) { *linearaddr = (u32*)(0x30000000+linearpos+bufpos); break; } } if(found)break; } linearFree(tmpbuf); if(!found)return -1; return 0; }
int main() { int i, x, y; touchPosition lastTouch; u32 repeatkeys = 0; int repeatstate = 0; int repeatcount = 0; running = 0; pause = 0; exitemu = 0; PPU_Init(); srvInit(); aptInit(); aptOpenSession(); APT_SetAppCpuTimeLimit(NULL, 30); // enables syscore usage aptCloseSession(); gfxInit(); hidInit(NULL); fsInit(); GPU_Init(NULL); gpuCmdSize = 0x40000; gpuCmd = (u32*)linearAlloc(gpuCmdSize*4); GPU_Reset(gxCmdBuf, gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize); shader = SHDR_ParseSHBIN((u32*)blarg_shbin, blarg_shbin_size); GX_SetMemoryFill(gxCmdBuf, (u32*)gpuOut, 0x404040FF, (u32*)&gpuOut[0x2EE00], 0x201, (u32*)gpuDOut, 0x00000000, (u32*)&gpuDOut[0x2EE00], 0x201); gfxSwapBuffersGpu(); UI_SetFramebuffer(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); BorderTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); MainScreenTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); SubScreenTex = (u32*)linearAlloc(512*256*4); BrightnessTex = (u8*)linearAlloc(8*256); borderVertices = (float*)linearAlloc(5*3 * 2 * sizeof(float)); screenVertices = (float*)linearAlloc(7*3 * 2 * sizeof(float)); float* fptr = &vertexList[0]; for (i = 0; i < 5*3*2; i++) borderVertices[i] = *fptr++; for (i = 0; i < 7*3*2; i++) screenVertices[i] = *fptr++; sdmcArchive = (FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FSUSER_OpenArchive(NULL, &sdmcArchive); if (!LoadBorder("/blargSnesBorder.bmp")) CopyBitmapToTexture(defaultborder, BorderTex, 400, 240, 0xFF, 0, 64, true); CopyBitmapToTexture(screenfill, PPU_MainBuffer, 256, 224, 0, 16, 64, false); memset(PPU_SubBuffer, 0, 256*256*4); memset(PPU_Brightness, 0xFF, 224); UI_Switch(&UI_ROMMenu); svcCreateEvent(&SPCSync, 0); aptSetupEventHandler(); APP_STATUS status; while((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { if(status == APP_RUNNING) { svcSignalEvent(SPCSync); hidScanInput(); u32 press = hidKeysDown(); u32 held = hidKeysHeld(); u32 release = hidKeysUp(); GPUCMD_SetBuffer(gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize, 0); RenderTopScreen(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_Run(gxCmdBuf); if (running) { // emulate CPU_Run(); // runs the SNES for one frame. Handles PPU rendering. // SRAM autosave check // TODO: also save SRAM under certain circumstances (pausing, returning to home menu, etc) framecount++; if (!(framecount & 7)) SNES_SaveSRAM(); } else { // update UI if (held & KEY_TOUCH) { hidTouchRead(&lastTouch); UI_Touch(true, lastTouch.px,; held &= ~KEY_TOUCH; } else if (release & KEY_TOUCH) { UI_Touch(false, lastTouch.px,; release &= ~KEY_TOUCH; } if (press) { UI_ButtonPress(press); // key repeat repeatkeys = press & (KEY_UP|KEY_DOWN|KEY_LEFT|KEY_RIGHT); repeatstate = 1; repeatcount = 15; } else if (held == repeatkeys) { repeatcount--; if (!repeatcount) { repeatcount = 7; if (repeatstate == 2) UI_ButtonPress(repeatkeys); else repeatstate = 2; } } } UI_SetFramebuffer(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL)); UI_Render(); /*GPUCMD_SetBuffer(gpuCmd, gpuCmdSize, 0); RenderTopScreen(); GPUCMD_Finalize(); GPUCMD_Run(gxCmdBuf);*/ // flush the bottomscreen cache while the PICA200 is busy rendering GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(NULL, gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), 0x38400); // wait for the PICA200 to finish drawing gspWaitForP3D(); // copy new screen textures // SetDisplayTransfer with flags=2 converts linear graphics to the tiled format used for textures GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, PPU_MainBuffer, 0x01000200, MainScreenTex, 0x01000200, 0x2); gspWaitForPPF(); GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, PPU_SubBuffer, 0x01000200, SubScreenTex, 0x01000200, 0x2); gspWaitForPPF(); // copy brightness. // TODO do better u8* bptr = BrightnessTex; for (i = 0; i < 224;) { u32 pixels = *(u32*)&PPU_Brightness[i]; i += 4; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 2; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 6; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 2; *bptr = (u8)pixels; pixels >>= 8; bptr += 22; } // transfer the final color buffer to the LCD and clear it // we can mostly overlap those two operations GX_SetDisplayTransfer(gxCmdBuf, gpuOut, 0x019001E0, (u32*)gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL), 0x019001E0, 0x01001000); svcSleepThread(20000); GX_SetMemoryFill(gxCmdBuf, gpuOut, 0x404040FF, &gpuOut[0x2EE00], 0x201, gpuDOut, 0x00000000, &gpuDOut[0x2EE00], 0x201); gspWaitForPPF(); gspWaitForPSC0(); gspWaitForEvent(GSPEVENT_VBlank0, false); gfxSwapBuffersGpu(); } else if(status == APP_SUSPENDING)
static void _setup(struct GBAGUIRunner* runner) { struct GBAOptions opts = { .useBios = true, .logLevel = 0, .idleOptimization = IDLE_LOOP_DETECT }; GBAConfigLoadDefaults(&runner->context.config, &opts); runner->context.gba->logHandler = GBA3DSLog; runner->context.gba->rotationSource = &rotation.d; if (hasSound) { runner->context.gba->stream = &stream; } GBAVideoSoftwareRendererCreate(&renderer); renderer.outputBuffer = linearAlloc(256 * VIDEO_VERTICAL_PIXELS * 2); renderer.outputBufferStride = 256; runner->context.renderer = &renderer.d; GBAAudioResizeBuffer(&runner->context.gba->audio, AUDIO_SAMPLES); } static void _gameLoaded(struct GBAGUIRunner* runner) { if (runner->context.gba->memory.hw.devices & HW_TILT) { HIDUSER_EnableAccelerometer(); } if (runner->context.gba->memory.hw.devices & HW_GYRO) { HIDUSER_EnableGyroscope(); } #if RESAMPLE_LIBRARY == RESAMPLE_BLIP_BUF double ratio = GBAAudioCalculateRatio(1, 60, 1); blip_set_rates(runner->context.gba->audio.left, GBA_ARM7TDMI_FREQUENCY, 0x8000 * ratio); blip_set_rates(runner->context.gba->audio.right, GBA_ARM7TDMI_FREQUENCY, 0x8000 * ratio); #endif if (hasSound) { memset(audioLeft, 0, AUDIO_SAMPLES * sizeof(int16_t)); memset(audioRight, 0, AUDIO_SAMPLES * sizeof(int16_t)); } } static void _gameUnloaded(struct GBAGUIRunner* runner) { if (hasSound) { CSND_SetPlayState(8, 0); CSND_SetPlayState(9, 0); csndExecCmds(false); } if (runner->context.gba->memory.hw.devices & HW_TILT) { HIDUSER_DisableAccelerometer(); } if (runner->context.gba->memory.hw.devices & HW_GYRO) { HIDUSER_DisableGyroscope(); } } static void _drawFrame(struct GBAGUIRunner* runner, bool faded) { GX_SetDisplayTransfer(0, renderer.outputBuffer, GX_BUFFER_DIM(256, VIDEO_VERTICAL_PIXELS), tex->data, GX_BUFFER_DIM(256, VIDEO_VERTICAL_PIXELS), 0x000002202); GSPGPU_FlushDataCache(0, tex->data, 256 * VIDEO_VERTICAL_PIXELS * 2); #if RESAMPLE_LIBRARY == RESAMPLE_BLIP_BUF if (!hasSound) { blip_clear(runner->context.gba->audio.left); blip_clear(runner->context.gba->audio.right); } #endif gspWaitForPPF(); _drawStart(); sf2d_draw_texture_scale_blend(tex, 40, 296, 1, -1, 0xFFFFFF3F | (faded ? 0 : 0xC0)); _drawEnd(); }