static GstFlowReturn
gst_video_mark_yuv (GstSimpleVideoMark * simplevideomark, GstVideoFrame * frame)
  gint i, pw, ph, row_stride, pixel_stride;
  gint width, height, offset_calc, x, y;
  guint8 *d;
  guint64 pattern_shift;
  guint8 color;
  gint total_pattern;

  width = frame->info.width;
  height = frame->info.height;

  pw = simplevideomark->pattern_width;
  ph = simplevideomark->pattern_height;
  row_stride = GST_VIDEO_FRAME_COMP_STRIDE (frame, 0);
  pixel_stride = GST_VIDEO_FRAME_COMP_PSTRIDE (frame, 0);

  d = GST_VIDEO_FRAME_COMP_DATA (frame, 0);
  offset_calc =
      row_stride * (height - ph - simplevideomark->bottom_offset) +
      pixel_stride * simplevideomark->left_offset;
  x = simplevideomark->left_offset;
  y = height - ph - simplevideomark->bottom_offset;

  total_pattern =
      simplevideomark->pattern_count + simplevideomark->pattern_data_count;
  /* If x and y offset values are outside the video, no need to draw */
  if ((x + (pw * total_pattern)) < 0 || x > width || (y + height) < 0
      || y > height) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (simplevideomark,
        "simplevideomark pattern is outside the video. Not drawing.");
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  /* Offset calculation less than 0, then reset to 0 */
  if (offset_calc < 0)
    offset_calc = 0;
  /* Y position of mark is negative or pattern exceeds the video height,
     then recalculate pattern height for partial display */
  if (y < 0)
    ph += y;
  else if ((y + ph) > height)
    ph = height - y;
  /* If pattern height is less than 0, need not draw anything */
  if (ph < 0)
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  /* move to start of bottom left */
  d += offset_calc;

  /* draw the bottom left pixels */
  for (i = 0; i < simplevideomark->pattern_count; i++) {
    gint draw_pw;

    if (i & 1)
      /* odd pixels must be white */
      color = 255;
      color = 0;

    /* X position of mark is negative or pattern exceeds the video width,
       then recalculate pattern width for partial display */
    draw_pw = calculate_pw (pw, x, width);
    /* If pattern width is less than 0, continue with the next pattern */
    if (draw_pw < 0)

    /* draw box of width * height */
    gst_video_mark_draw_box (simplevideomark, d, draw_pw, ph, row_stride,
        pixel_stride, color);

    /* move to i-th pattern */
    d += pixel_stride * draw_pw;
    x += draw_pw;

    if ((x + (pw * (total_pattern - i - 1))) < 0 || x >= width)
      return GST_FLOW_OK;

  pattern_shift =
      G_GUINT64_CONSTANT (1) << (simplevideomark->pattern_data_count - 1);

  /* get the data of the pattern */
  for (i = 0; i < simplevideomark->pattern_data_count; i++) {
    gint draw_pw;
    if (simplevideomark->pattern_data & pattern_shift)
      color = 255;
      color = 0;

    /* X position of mark is negative or pattern exceeds the video width,
       then recalculate pattern width for partial display */
    draw_pw = calculate_pw (pw, x, width);
    /* If pattern width is less than 0, continue with the next pattern */
    if (draw_pw < 0)

    gst_video_mark_draw_box (simplevideomark, d, draw_pw, ph, row_stride,
        pixel_stride, color);

    pattern_shift >>= 1;

    /* move to i-th pattern data */
    d += pixel_stride * draw_pw;
    x += draw_pw;

    if ((x + (pw * (simplevideomark->pattern_data_count - i - 1))) < 0
        || x >= width)
      return GST_FLOW_OK;

  return GST_FLOW_OK;
static GstFlowReturn
gst_video_mark_yuv (GstVideoMark * videomark, GstBuffer * buffer)
  GstVideoFormat format;
  gint i, pw, ph, row_stride, pixel_stride, offset;
  gint width, height, req_width, req_height;
  guint8 *d, *data;
  guint64 pattern_shift;
  guint8 color;

  data = GST_BUFFER_DATA (buffer);

  format = videomark->format;
  width = videomark->width;
  height = videomark->height;

  pw = videomark->pattern_width;
  ph = videomark->pattern_height;
  row_stride = gst_video_format_get_row_stride (format, 0, width);
  pixel_stride = gst_video_format_get_pixel_stride (format, 0);
  offset = gst_video_format_get_component_offset (format, 0, width, height);

  req_width =
      (videomark->pattern_count + videomark->pattern_data_count) * pw +
  req_height = videomark->bottom_offset + ph;
  if (req_width > width || req_height > height) {
        ("videomark pattern doesn't fit video, need at least %ix%i (stream has %ix%i)",
            req_width, req_height, width, height));
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

  /* draw the bottom left pixels */
  for (i = 0; i < videomark->pattern_count; i++) {
    d = data + offset;
    /* move to start of bottom left */
    d += row_stride * (height - ph - videomark->bottom_offset) +
        pixel_stride * videomark->left_offset;
    /* move to i-th pattern */
    d += pixel_stride * pw * i;

    if (i & 1)
      /* odd pixels must be white */
      color = 255;
      color = 0;

    /* draw box of width * height */
    gst_video_mark_draw_box (videomark, d, pw, ph, row_stride, pixel_stride,

  pattern_shift = G_GUINT64_CONSTANT (1) << (videomark->pattern_data_count - 1);

  /* get the data of the pattern */
  for (i = 0; i < videomark->pattern_data_count; i++) {
    d = data + offset;
    /* move to start of bottom left, adjust for offsets */
    d += row_stride * (height - ph - videomark->bottom_offset) +
        pixel_stride * videomark->left_offset;
    /* move after the fixed pattern */
    d += pixel_stride * videomark->pattern_count * pw;
    /* move to i-th pattern data */
    d += pixel_stride * pw * i;

    if (videomark->pattern_data & pattern_shift)
      color = 255;
      color = 0;

    gst_video_mark_draw_box (videomark, d, pw, ph, row_stride, pixel_stride,

    pattern_shift >>= 1;

  return GST_FLOW_OK;