static gint
calculate_arrow_rect(GtkWidget* arrow, GdkRectangle* rect,
                     GdkRectangle* arrow_rect, GtkTextDirection direction)
    /* defined in gtkarrow.c */
    gfloat arrow_scaling = 0.7;
    gfloat xalign, xpad;
    gint extent;
    GtkMisc* misc = GTK_MISC(arrow);
    gfloat misc_xalign, misc_yalign;
    gint misc_xpad, misc_ypad;

    if (have_arrow_scaling)
        gtk_widget_style_get(arrow, "arrow_scaling", &arrow_scaling, NULL);

    gtk_misc_get_padding(misc, &misc_xpad, &misc_ypad);
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(misc, &misc_xalign, &misc_yalign);

    extent = MIN((rect->width - misc_xpad * 2),
                 (rect->height - misc_ypad * 2)) * arrow_scaling;

    xalign = direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR ? misc_xalign : 1.0 - misc_xalign;
    xpad = misc_xpad + (rect->width - extent) * xalign;

    arrow_rect->x = direction == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR ?
                        floor(rect->x + xpad) : ceil(rect->x + xpad);
    arrow_rect->y = floor(rect->y + misc_ypad +
                          ((rect->height - extent) * misc_yalign));

    arrow_rect->width = arrow_rect->height = extent;

    return MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS;
/* Hack to make the plugin-provided editor widget fit in better with
 * the control center by changing
 *     Foo:     [__________]
 *     Bar baz: [__________]
 * to
 *          Foo [__________]
 *      Bar baz [__________]
static void
vpn_gnome3ify_editor (GtkWidget *widget)
        if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget)) {
                GList *children, *iter;

                children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (widget));
                for (iter = children; iter; iter = iter->next)
                        vpn_gnome3ify_editor (iter->data);
                g_list_free (children);
        } else if (GTK_IS_LABEL (widget)) {
                const char *text;
                gfloat xalign, yalign;
                char *newtext;
                int len;

                gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), &xalign, &yalign);
                if (xalign != 0.0)
                text = gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (widget));
                len = strlen (text);
                if (len < 2 || text[len - 1] != ':')

                newtext = g_strndup (text, len - 1);
                gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (widget), newtext);
                g_free (newtext);
                gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 1.0, yalign);
文件: snd-gutils.c 项目: huangjs/cl
void sg_left_justify_label(GtkWidget *label)
  /* the label justify function in Gtk refers to the text of the lines after the 1st! */
  gfloat x, y;
  gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(GTK_LABEL(label)), &x, &y);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(GTK_LABEL(label)), 0.05, y);
static VALUE
misc_get_align(VALUE self)
    gfloat xalign, yalign;
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(_SELF(self), &xalign, &yalign);

    return rb_ary_new3(2, rb_float_new(xalign), rb_float_new(yalign));
void label_align_text(GtkLabel *label, gfloat xalign, gfloat yalign)
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap(label, TRUE);
	gtk_label_set_justify(label, GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
	if(xalign >= 0)
		gtk_label_set_xalign(label, xalign);
	if(yalign >= 0)
		gtk_label_set_xalign(label, yalign);
	/* deprecated at 3.14, but above only implemented at 3.16 */
	if(xalign < 0)
		gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), &xalign, NULL);
	if(yalign < 0)
		gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), NULL, &yalign);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), xalign, yalign);
文件: label.c 项目: Alexis-D/luakit
static gint
luaH_label_get_alignment(lua_State *L)
    widget_t *w = luaH_checkwidget(L, 1);
    gfloat xalign, yalign;
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(w->widget), &xalign, &yalign);
    lua_pushnumber(L, xalign);
    lua_pushnumber(L, yalign);
    return 2;
static gboolean
avatar_image_expose_event (GtkWidget      *widget,
			   GdkEventExpose *event)
	GiggleAvatarImagePriv *priv = GET_PRIV (widget);
	GtkAllocation          allocation;
	GtkRequisition         requisition;
	GtkStyle              *style;
	float                  xalign, yalign;
	double                 x, y;
	int                    w, h;
	cairo_t               *cr;

	gtk_widget_size_request (widget, &requisition);
	gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation);
	style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget);

	cr = gdk_cairo_create (event->window);
	gdk_cairo_region (cr, event->region);
	cairo_clip (cr);

	w = requisition.width;
	h = requisition.height;

	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), &xalign, &yalign);

		(cr, (int) ((allocation.width - w) * xalign),
		 (int) ((allocation.height - h) * yalign));

	rounded_rectangle (cr, 0.5, 0.5, w - 1, h - 1, MIN (w, h) * 0.2);
	gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->base[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
	cairo_fill_preserve (cr);

	if (priv->pixbuf) {
		x = (w - gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf)) * 0.5;
		y = (h - gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf)) * 0.5;

		gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, priv->pixbuf, x, y);
		cairo_fill_preserve (cr);

	gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
	cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
	cairo_stroke (cr);

	cairo_destroy (cr);

	return TRUE;
static void
justify_element(GtkWidget *el, const xmlNode *justify)
    const xmlChar *s = children_content(justify);
    gfloat xalign, yalign;
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), &xalign, &yalign);

    if (xstrcmp(s, "Right") == 0)
        gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 1, yalign);
    if (xstrcmp(s, "Left") == 0)
        gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 0, yalign);
    if (xstrcmp(s, "Auto") == 0)
        gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(el), 0, yalign);

static gint
luaH_label_get_align(lua_State *L, widget_t *w)
    gfloat xalign, yalign;
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(w->widget), &xalign, &yalign);
    lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
    /* set align.x */
    lua_pushliteral(L, "x");
    lua_pushnumber(L, xalign);
    lua_rawset(L, -3);
    /* set align.y */
    lua_pushliteral(L, "y");
    lua_pushnumber(L, yalign);
    lua_rawset(L, -3);
    return 1;
static gboolean
avatar_image_draw (GtkWidget  *widget,
                   cairo_t    *cr)
	GiggleAvatarImagePriv *priv = GET_PRIV (widget);
	GtkRequisition         requisition;
	GtkStyleContext       *context;
	GdkRGBA                rgba;
	float                  xalign, yalign;
	double                 x, y;
	gint                   width, height;
	int                    w, h;

	gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (widget, &requisition, NULL);
	width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget);
	height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget);
	context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget);

	w = requisition.width;
	h = requisition.height;

	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), &xalign, &yalign);

	cairo_translate (cr,
	                 (int) ((width - w) * xalign),
	                 (int) ((height - h) * yalign));

	rounded_rectangle (cr, 0.5, 0.5, w - 1, h - 1, MIN (w, h) * 0.2);
	gtk_style_context_get_color (context, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &rgba);
	gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &rgba);
	cairo_fill_preserve (cr);

	if (priv->pixbuf) {
		x = (w - gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf)) * 0.5;
		y = (h - gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf)) * 0.5;

		gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, priv->pixbuf, x, y);
		cairo_fill_preserve (cr);

	gtk_style_context_get_background_color (context, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &rgba);
	gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &rgba);
	cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
	cairo_stroke (cr);

	return TRUE;
static gint
luaH_label_set_align(lua_State *L, widget_t *w)
    luaH_checktable(L, 3);
    /* get old alignment values */
    gfloat xalign, yalign;
    gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(w->widget), &xalign, &yalign);
    /* get align.x */
    if (luaH_rawfield(L, 3, "x")) {
        xalign = (gfloat) lua_tonumber(L, -1);
        lua_pop(L, 1);
    /* get align.y */
    if (luaH_rawfield(L, 3, "y")) {
        yalign = (gfloat) lua_tonumber(L, -1);
        lua_pop(L, 1);
    gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(w->widget), xalign, yalign);
    return 0;
/* TODO - Optimize this a bit */
static void 
calculate_pupil_xy (EyesApplet *eyes_applet,
		    gint x, gint y,
		    gint *pupil_x, gint *pupil_y, GtkWidget* widget)
        GtkAllocation allocation;
        double sina;
        double cosa;
        double h;
        double temp;
 	 double nx, ny;

	 gfloat xalign, yalign;
	 gint width, height;

	 gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET(widget), &allocation);
	 width = allocation.width;
	 height = allocation.height;
	 gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(widget),  &xalign, &yalign);

	 nx = x - MAX(width - eyes_applet->eye_width, 0) * xalign - eyes_applet->eye_width / 2;
	 ny = y - MAX(height- eyes_applet->eye_height, 0) * yalign - eyes_applet->eye_height / 2;
	 h = hypot (nx, ny);
        if (h < 0.5 || abs (h) 
            < (abs (hypot (eyes_applet->eye_height / 2, eyes_applet->eye_width / 2)) - eyes_applet->wall_thickness - eyes_applet->pupil_height)) {
                *pupil_x = nx + eyes_applet->eye_width / 2;
                *pupil_y = ny + eyes_applet->eye_height / 2;
	 sina = nx / h; 
	 cosa = ny / h;
        temp = hypot ((eyes_applet->eye_width / 2) * sina, (eyes_applet->eye_height / 2) * cosa);
        temp -= hypot ((eyes_applet->pupil_width / 2) * sina, (eyes_applet->pupil_height / 2) * cosa);
        temp -= hypot ((eyes_applet->wall_thickness / 2) * sina, (eyes_applet->wall_thickness / 2) * cosa);

        *pupil_x = temp * sina + (eyes_applet->eye_width / 2);
        *pupil_y = temp * cosa + (eyes_applet->eye_height / 2);
文件: snd-gutils.c 项目: huangjs/cl
void sg_left_justify_button(GtkWidget *button)
  gfloat x, y;
  gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(button)->child)), &x, &y);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(button)->child)), 0.05, y);
static void
egg_status_icon_update_image (EggStatusIcon *status_icon)
  if (status_icon->priv->blink_off)
      gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (status_icon->priv->image),
				 egg_status_icon_blank_icon (status_icon));

  switch (status_icon->priv->image_type)
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	pixbuf = status_icon->priv->image_data.pixbuf;

	if (pixbuf)
	    GdkPixbuf *scaled;
	    gint size;
	    gint width;
	    gint height;

	    size = status_icon->priv->size;

	    width  = gdk_pixbuf_get_width  (pixbuf);
	    height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);

	    if (width > size || height > size)
                scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pixbuf,
                                                        MIN (size, width),
                                                        MIN (size, height),
                scaled = g_object_ref (pixbuf);

	    gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (status_icon->priv->image), scaled);

            /* Sets the icon's transparency mask as the window's shape mask.
               Note: This doesn't handle translucency (partial transparency). */
            gint image_offset_x, image_offset_y;
            /* No way to know the image's real offset but by calculating ourselves. */
              GtkOrientation orientation;
              gfloat xalign, yalign;
              gint xpad, ypad;
              GtkWidget* image = status_icon->priv->image;
              gtk_misc_get_padding(GTK_MISC(image), &xpad, &ypad);
              gtk_misc_get_alignment(GTK_MISC(image), &xalign, &yalign);
              /* We're aligning either horizontally or vertically, depending
                 on the orientation. According to this, we'll assume either
                 width or height to be preallocated up to the panel's size. */
              orientation = egg_tray_icon_get_orientation (EGG_TRAY_ICON (status_icon->priv->tray_icon));
              /* We base on the code found in gtk_image_expose */
              image_offset_x = floor(image->allocation.x + xpad + ((status_icon->priv->alloc_width - image->requisition.width) * xalign) + 0.5);
              image_offset_y = floor(image->allocation.y + ypad + ((status_icon->priv->alloc_height - image->requisition.height) * yalign) + 0.5);
            GdkBitmap* scaled_mask = NULL;
            gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask(scaled, NULL, &scaled_mask, 0);
            if (scaled_mask)
               /* It's only possible to set shape masks on real windows, so we have to set an offseted shape mask. */
               gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask(GTK_WIDGET(status_icon->priv->tray_icon), scaled_mask, image_offset_x, image_offset_y);
	    g_object_unref (scaled);
	    gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (status_icon->priv->image), NULL);
      gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (status_icon->priv->image), NULL);
      g_assert_not_reached ();
 * filter_editor_new:
 * Returns: a new #GtkWidget
GtkWidget *
filter_editor_new (BrowserConnection *bcnc)
	FilterEditor *feditor;
	GtkWidget *grid, *label, *entry;
	GdaDataModel *model;
	GList *values;
	GValue *v1, *v2;
	gfloat ya;

	g_return_val_if_fail (BROWSER_IS_CONNECTION (bcnc), NULL);

	feditor = FILTER_EDITOR (g_object_new (FILTER_EDITOR_TYPE, NULL));
	feditor->priv->bcnc = g_object_ref ((GObject*) bcnc);

	grid = gtk_grid_new ();
	gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (grid), 5);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (feditor), grid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	label = gtk_label_new (_("Base DN:"));
	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), NULL, &ya);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0., ya);
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 0, 1, 1);
	label = gtk_label_new (_("Filter expression:"));
	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), NULL, &ya);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0., ya);
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 1, 1, 1);
	label = gtk_label_new (_("Attributes to fetch:"));
	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), NULL, &ya);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0., ya);
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 2, 1, 1);
	label = gtk_label_new (_("Search scope:"));
	gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), NULL, &ya);
	gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0., ya);
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), label, 0, 3, 1, 1);
	entry = gtk_entry_new ();
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), entry, 1, 0, 1, 1);
	feditor->priv->base_dn = entry;
	g_signal_connect (entry, "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (activated_cb), feditor);

	entry = gtk_entry_new ();
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), entry, 1, 1, 1, 1);
	feditor->priv->filter = entry;
	g_signal_connect (entry, "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (activated_cb), feditor);

	entry = gtk_entry_new ();
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), entry, 1, 2, 1, 1);
	feditor->priv->attributes = entry;
	g_signal_connect (entry, "activate",
			  G_CALLBACK (activated_cb), feditor);

	model = gda_data_model_array_new_with_g_types (2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING);
	g_value_set_string ((v1 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_STRING)), "Base (search the base DN only)");
	values = g_list_prepend (NULL, v1);
	g_value_set_int ((v2 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_INT)), GDA_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE);
	values = g_list_prepend (values, v2);
	g_assert (gda_data_model_append_values (model, values, NULL) >= 0);
	gda_value_free (v1);
	gda_value_free (v2);

	g_value_set_string ((v1 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_STRING)), "Onelevel (search immediate children of base DN only)");
	values = g_list_prepend (NULL, v1);
	g_value_set_int ((v2 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_INT)), GDA_LDAP_SEARCH_ONELEVEL);
	values = g_list_prepend (values, v2);
	g_assert (gda_data_model_append_values (model, values, NULL) >= 0);
	gda_value_free (v1);
	gda_value_free (v2);

	g_value_set_string ((v1 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_STRING)), "Subtree (search of the base DN and the entire subtree below)");
	values = g_list_prepend (NULL, v1);
	g_value_set_int ((v2 = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_INT)), GDA_LDAP_SEARCH_SUBTREE);
	values = g_list_prepend (values, v2);
	g_assert (gda_data_model_append_values (model, values, NULL) >= 0);
	gda_value_free (v1);
	gda_value_free (v2);

	gint cols[] = {1};
	entry = gdaui_combo_new_with_model (model, 1, cols);
	g_object_unref (model);
	gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (grid), entry, 1, 3, 1, 1);
	feditor->priv->scope = entry;
	filter_editor_clear (feditor);

	gtk_widget_show_all (grid);
	return (GtkWidget*) feditor;
 * gtk_ellipsis_set_label_widget:
 * @ellipsis: a #GtkEllipsis
 * @label: the new label widget
 * Set the label widget for the ellipsis. This is the widget
 * that will appear embedded alongside the ellipsis arrow.
 * Since: 2.4
gtk_ellipsis_set_label_widget (GtkEllipsis *ellipsis,
			       GtkWidget   *label)
  GtkEllipsisPrivate *priv;

  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ELLIPSIS (ellipsis));
  g_return_if_fail (label == NULL || GTK_IS_WIDGET (label));
  g_return_if_fail (label == NULL || label->parent == NULL);

  priv = ellipsis->priv;

  if (priv->label == label)

  if (priv->label)
      gtk_widget_set_state (priv->label, GTK_STATE_NORMAL);
      gtk_widget_unparent (priv->label);

  priv->label = label;

  if (label)
      gfloat xalign, yalign;
      gtk_misc_get_alignment (&GTK_LABEL (label)->misc, &xalign, &yalign);
      gtk_misc_set_alignment (&GTK_LABEL (label)->misc, 0.0, yalign);
      gtk_widget_set_parent (label, GTK_WIDGET (ellipsis));

      if (!priv->ellipsis_label)
	  GdkColor *link_color, active_bg_color;
	  GtkWidget *child;
          PangoAttrList *attrs;
          PangoAttribute *uline;
          child = gtk_label_new ("...");

	  /* Change the foreground color for all states but selected.  */
          gtk_widget_style_get (GTK_WIDGET (child),
                                "link-color", &link_color, NULL);
	  if (!link_color)
              GtkStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_style (child);
	      active_bg_color = style->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED];
	      link_color = &active_bg_color;
	  gtk_widget_modify_fg (child, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, link_color);
	  gtk_widget_modify_fg (child, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, link_color);
	  gtk_widget_modify_fg (child, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, link_color);
	  if (link_color != &active_bg_color)
	    gdk_color_free (link_color);

	  /* Add an underline.  */
          attrs = gtk_label_get_attributes (GTK_LABEL (label));
	  attrs = attrs ? pango_attr_list_copy (attrs) : pango_attr_list_new ();

          uline = pango_attr_underline_new (PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE);
          uline->start_index = 0;
          uline->end_index = G_MAXUINT;
	  pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, uline);
	  gtk_label_set_attributes (GTK_LABEL (child), attrs);
	  pango_attr_list_unref (attrs);

          gtk_widget_show (child);
          gtk_widget_set_parent (child, GTK_WIDGET (ellipsis));
	  priv->ellipsis_label = child;

      if (priv->prelight)
	  gtk_widget_set_state (label, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT);
	  gtk_widget_set_state (priv->ellipsis_label, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT);
      if (priv->ellipsis_label)
          gtk_widget_destroy (priv->ellipsis_label);
          priv->ellipsis_label = NULL;

  if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (ellipsis))
    gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (ellipsis));

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (ellipsis));
  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (ellipsis), "label-widget");
  g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (ellipsis), "label");
  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (ellipsis));