static void
on_param_changed( GtkuParamWidget *pw, const char *name, void *user_data )
    if( ! strcmp( name, "Integer 1" ) ) {
        printf("int1: %d\n", gtku_param_widget_get_int( pw, name ) );
    } else if ( ! strcmp( name, "Integer Slider" ) ) {
        printf("int slider: %d\n", gtku_param_widget_get_int( pw, name ) );
    } else if ( ! strcmp( name, "Double Slider" ) ) {
        printf("double slider: %f\n", gtku_param_widget_get_double( pw, name ) );
    } else if ( ! strcmp( name, "check1" ) ||
                ! strcmp( name, "check2" ) ||
                ! strcmp( name, "check3" ) ) {
        printf("%s: %s\n", name, 
                gtku_param_widget_get_bool( pw, name ) ? "True" : "False" );
    } else if( ! strcmp( name, "Menu" ) ) {
        printf("menu: %s / %d\n", 
                gtku_param_widget_get_enum_str( pw, name ),
                gtku_param_widget_get_enum( pw, name ) );
static void my_draw( Viewer *viewer, Renderer *renderer )
    RendererRrtDebug *self = (RendererRrtDebug*) renderer->user;

    if (!self->data) return;

    double min0 = gtku_param_widget_get_double(self->pw, PARAM_MIN0);
    double max0 = gtku_param_widget_get_double(self->pw, PARAM_MAX0);
    int id_min = gtku_param_widget_get_int(self->pw, PARAM_MIN_PLOT);
    int id_max = gtku_param_widget_get_int(self->pw, PARAM_MAX_PLOT);
    if (max0 == MAX_ID_TO_PLOT) { // Plot everything
        max0 = INT_MAX;
    int64_t min_id_plot = self->min_node_id + min0 + id_min;
    int64_t max_id_plot = self->min_node_id + max0 + id_max;

    double p_local[3], z;
    ctrans_local_pos (self->ctrans, p_local);
    z = p_local[2] - 0.06;
    // Controller input
    if (self->plot_ctrl) {
        glLineWidth (0.1);
        // Forward and Reverse
        for (int forward = 0; forward < 2; forward++) {
            if (forward == 1)
                glColor3f (0.439, 0.439, 0.439);    // silver for forward
                glColor3f (0.6, 0.4, 0.0);     // gold for reverse
            for( int i = 0; i < self->data->num_nodes_plot; i++ ) {
                lcmtypes_rrt_debug_node_t *node = &self->data->node[i];
                 // skip out of range, other direction
                if ((node->npt_input <= 1) || (node->is_forward != forward) ||
                    (node->id < min_id_plot) || (node->id > max_id_plot)) {
                glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP);
                glVertex3f (node->input[0].x, node->input[0].y, z);
                glVertex3f (node->input[1].x, node->input[1].y, z);
                glEnd ();
    // Predicted states
    if (self->plot_state) {
        glLineWidth (0.1);
        double best_total_cost = DBL_MAX;
        for( int i = 0; i < self->data->num_nodes_plot; i++ ) {
            double UB_cost = self->data->node[i].UB_cost;
            if (UB_cost > 0)
                best_total_cost = MIN (best_total_cost, 
                            UB_cost + self->data->node[i].cumulative_cost);
        glEnable (GL_BLEND);
        for( int i = 0; i < self->data->num_nodes_plot; i++ ) {
            lcmtypes_rrt_debug_node_t *node = &self->data->node[i];
             // skip out of range
            if ((node->npt_state <= 1) ||
                (node->id < min_id_plot) || (node->id > max_id_plot)) {
            float alpha;
            if (node->UB_cost < 0) {    // Not reaching the target
                alpha = 0.3;
                if (node->is_forward) 
                    glColor4f (0.75, 0.60, 0.50, alpha);  // Khaki
                    glColor4f (0.13, 0.67, 0.66, alpha);  // Sea green
            else {
                double ratio = best_total_cost / 
                             (node->UB_cost + node->cumulative_cost);
                alpha = MIN (MAX (0.2, ratio*ratio*ratio*ratio), 0.9);
                if (node->is_forward) 
                    glColor4f (0.5, 0.5, 1.0, alpha);  // Purple
                    glColor4f (0.0, 0.4, 0.0, alpha);  // Dark green
                // Change color for the best ones    
                if (node->UB_cost + node->cumulative_cost < best_total_cost + 1) {
                    glColor4f(1, 1, 0, 0.9);
            if (node->is_safe == 0) {    // Unsafe node
                glColor4f (0.9, 0.0, 0.0, alpha);   // Red
            glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP);
            for (int j = 0; j < node->npt_state; j++) {
                glVertex3f (node->state[j].x, node->state[j].y, z);
            glEnd ();        
        glDisable (GL_BLEND);