static uint8_t* create_half_plane_profile(int profileWidth) {
    SkASSERT(!(profileWidth & 0x1));
    // The full kernel is 6 sigmas wide.
    float sigma = profileWidth / 6.f;
    int halfKernelSize = profileWidth / 2;

    SkAutoTArray<float> halfKernel(halfKernelSize);
    uint8_t* profile = new uint8_t[profileWidth];

    // The half kernel should sum to 0.5.
    const float tot = 2.f * make_unnormalized_half_kernel(halfKernel.get(), halfKernelSize, sigma);
    float sum = 0.f;
    // Populate the profile from the right edge to the middle.
    for (int i = 0; i < halfKernelSize; ++i) {
        halfKernel[halfKernelSize - i - 1] /= tot;
        sum += halfKernel[halfKernelSize - i - 1];
        profile[profileWidth - i - 1] = SkUnitScalarClampToByte(sum);
    // Populate the profile from the middle to the left edge (by flipping the half kernel and
    // continuing the summation).
    for (int i = 0; i < halfKernelSize; ++i) {
        sum += halfKernel[i];
        profile[halfKernelSize - i - 1] = SkUnitScalarClampToByte(sum);
    // Ensure tail goes to 0.
    profile[profileWidth - 1] = 0;
    return profile;
static uint8_t* create_profile(float halfWH, float sigma) {

    int kernelWH = SkScalarCeilToInt(6.0f*sigma);
    kernelWH = (kernelWH + 1) & ~1; // make it the next even number up

    SkAutoTArray<float> halfKernel(kernelWH*kernelWH/2);

    make_half_kernel(halfKernel.get(), kernelWH, sigma);

    float offset;
    int numSteps;

    compute_profile_offset_and_size(halfWH, sigma, &offset, &numSteps);

    uint8_t* weights = new uint8_t[numSteps];
    for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; ++i) {
        weights[i] = eval_at(offset+i, halfWH, halfKernel.get(), kernelWH);

    return weights;