/* This routine determines if a player is editing or running an interactive
   command.  It does it by checking the frame pointer field of the player ---
   if the program counter is NULL, then the player is not running anything
   The reason we don't just check the pointer but check the pc too is because
   I plan to leave the frame always on to save the time required allocating
   space each time a program is run.
interactive(int descr, dbref player, const char *command)
	if (FLAGS(player) & READMODE) {
		 * process command, push onto stack, and return control to forth
		 * program
		handle_read_event(descr, player, command);
	} else {
		editor(descr, player, command);
	struct frame *tmpfr;
	int tmpbl, tmpfg;
	timequeue lastevent, event;
	int maxruns = 0;
	int forced_pid = 0;
	time_t rtime;


	lastevent = tqhead;
	while ((lastevent) && (rtime >= lastevent->when) && (maxruns < 10)) {
		lastevent = lastevent->next;

	while (tqhead && (tqhead != lastevent) && (maxruns--)) {
		if (tqhead->typ == TQ_MUF_TYP && tqhead->subtyp == TQ_MUF_READ) {
		event = tqhead;
		tqhead = tqhead->next;
		forced_pid = event->eventnum;
		event->eventnum = 0;
		if (event->typ == TQ_MPI_TYP) {
			char cbuf[BUFFER_LEN];
			int ival;

			strcpyn(match_args, sizeof(match_args), event->str3 ? event->str3 : "");
			strcpyn(match_cmdname, sizeof(match_cmdname), event->command ? event->command : "");
			ival = (event->subtyp & TQ_MPI_OMESG) ? MPI_ISPUBLIC : MPI_ISPRIVATE;
			if (event->subtyp & TQ_MPI_BLESSED) {
				ival |= MPI_ISBLESSED;
			if (event->subtyp & TQ_MPI_LISTEN) {
				ival |= MPI_ISLISTENER;
				do_parse_mesg(event->descr, event->uid, event->trig, event->called_data,
							  "(MPIlisten)", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), ival);
			} else if ((event->subtyp & TQ_MPI_SUBMASK) == TQ_MPI_DELAY) {
				do_parse_mesg(event->descr, event->uid, event->trig, event->called_data,
							  "(MPIdelay)", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), ival);
			} else {
				do_parse_mesg(event->descr, event->uid, event->trig, event->called_data,
							  "(MPIqueue)", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), ival);
			if (*cbuf) {
				if (!(event->subtyp & TQ_MPI_OMESG)) {
					notify_filtered(event->uid, event->uid, cbuf, 1);
				} else {
					char bbuf[BUFFER_LEN];
					dbref plyr;

					snprintf(bbuf, sizeof(bbuf), ">> %.4000s %.*s",
							(int)(4000 - strlen(NAME(event->uid))),
							pronoun_substitute(event->descr, event->uid, cbuf));
					plyr = DBFETCH(event->loc)->contents;
					for (; plyr != NOTHING; plyr = DBFETCH(plyr)->next) {
						if (Typeof(plyr) == TYPE_PLAYER && plyr != event->uid)
							notify_filtered(event->uid, plyr, bbuf, 0);
		} else if (event->typ == TQ_MUF_TYP) {
			if (Typeof(event->called_prog) == TYPE_PROGRAM) {
				if (event->subtyp == TQ_MUF_DELAY) {
					/* Uncomment when DBFETCH "does" something */
					/* FIXME: DBFETCH(event->uid); */
					tmpbl = PLAYER_BLOCK(event->uid);
					tmpfg = (event->fr->multitask != BACKGROUND);
					interp_loop(event->uid, event->called_prog, event->fr, 0);
					if (!tmpfg) {
						PLAYER_SET_BLOCK(event->uid, tmpbl);
				} else if (event->subtyp == TQ_MUF_TIMER) {
					struct inst temp;

					temp.type = PROG_INTEGER;
					temp.data.number = event->when;
					muf_event_add(event->fr, event->called_data, &temp, 0);
				} else if (event->subtyp == TQ_MUF_TREAD) {
					handle_read_event(event->descr, event->uid, NULL);
				} else {
					strcpyn(match_args, sizeof(match_args), event->called_data ? event->called_data : "");
					strcpyn(match_cmdname, sizeof(match_cmdname), event->command ? event->command : "");
					tmpfr = interp(event->descr, event->uid, event->loc, event->called_prog,
								   event->trig, BACKGROUND, STD_HARDUID, forced_pid);
					if (tmpfr) {
						interp_loop(event->uid, event->called_prog, tmpfr, 0);
		event->fr = NULL;